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6195729 No.6195729 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see a Dune thread in the catalog.

Was Paul going to have been married to this guy had he been born a woman like they planned?

Also is the David Lynch movie worth watching or is it as bad as they say it is?

>> No.6195868


>Was Paul going to have been married to this guy had he been born a woman like they planned?

Yes, they straight out say so in the book

>Also is the David Lynch movie worth watching or is it as bad as they say it is?

Herbert liked it. I think it captures the gist and atmosphere of the first book as well as a film adaptation ever could. Certainly better than the ungodly clusterfuck Jodorowsky would have done.

>> No.6196017
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let's condense this, shall we?

1: the dune prequels are shit. don't bother.

2: "The Jesus Incident" was a sequel to "Destination:Void"

3: another good read by Frank Herbert is "The Dosadi Experiment", set in the same universe as "Whipping Star" and "The Tactful Saboteur".

>> No.6196990

>Yes, they straight out say so in the book
Definitely adds an air of tragic irony to the ending.

> Certainly better than the ungodly clusterfuck Jodorowsky would have done.
You can go drown in an open sewer.

>> No.6197226

Look for a documentary called "jorizoski's dune" or something. It's fairly new and its fucking amazing. It shows what Dune could have been in the theaters. Freaking amazing.

Ok here it is. If you like dune like I do and wonder what could have been then watch this. It'll blow your testes off.

>> No.6197393


Why do you think he never got it done? Because it was impossible, plus it diverted so much from Dune he might as well have called it something else.

>> No.6197406


Reminder that Princess Irulan was waifu tier and Paul chose a sandape over her because MUH RELIGION. Not all Harkonnens were bad just the odd few who abused the spice shit that gave others a terrible image.


Jodorowsky not only did a good Dune documentary but his films are rather good too, I recommend looking into The Holy Mountain and El Topo.

>> No.6197412

>10 hour film
>Leto is an ennuch
>Paying an actor 100k/minute
>Not an utter trainwreck

>> No.6197415


>choosing a Bene Gesserit witch who only served her order over a loyal, bro-tier Fremen who's actually competent because MUH RACISM


>> No.6198664
File: 105 KB, 500x431, fremen-cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember reading an interview with Frank Herbert about jodo's script. he tactfully said "it was.. a little anti-catholic. he did everything except horse-whip the pope."

i lost it when jodorowsky said he wanted to rape the book. fine. jodo, i'm going to take the story you did with Giraud, "The Madwoman of the Sacred Heart" and i am going to drill a hole in it and FUCK IT. without lube.and then mail it to you.

see how he responds to someone treating one of his properties with no respect.

>> No.6198808

Judge for yourself http://youtu.be/SpEyluHxD6o?t=48s

>> No.6198824

Reminder that Jodo's Dune would have been a trainwreck.

Reminder that it belongs relegated to the realm of imagination, where it cannot be tainted.

>> No.6198943

I think Jobo's dune wouldn't have been an interesting take on Frank Herbert's story, as opposed to Lynch's version which was just the book only lamer.

And I want to see an anti-catholic space opera. Even if it does end with Paul getting killed by living on as the collective mind of Arakis as the planet obtains sentience and flies through space to deliver the gift of consciousness, and possibly Jhad.

We just need to convince the relevant copyright holders to let Jordo make an animated feature or graphic novel based on the storyboard.

>> No.6200017

>And I want to see an anti-catholic space opera.

then wait for them to make Hyperion.