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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 258 KB, 976x1000, Faulkner-Sound-and-Fury-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6188370 No.6188370 [Reply] [Original]

You have exactly 10 seconds to prove why isn't the greatest novel of all-time.

>> No.6188396


Because it's not Moby-Dick.

It's still one of my favorite novels though

>> No.6188400

'Cause it's not The Story of the Stone.

>> No.6188402

I haven't read it, yet.

>> No.6188406

Because it's American.

>> No.6188407

Because it's not Huckleberry Finn

>> No.6188410

Moby Dick is garbage. It was panned on release like it should be now.

>> No.6188427

Shit my 10 seconds are up!
I can't anon.

>> No.6188460

You have exactly 10 seconds to give me a link to a free Kindle version of this book.

>> No.6188502

because novels don't deserve to be called literature

>> No.6188511

But OP, it is.

>> No.6188517


Nice b8 bro.

Moby-Dick is one of the only novels which all of /lit/ agrees is based as fuck.

>> No.6188524

I'm a lit veteran and I don't agree

>> No.6188536

well i think that the novel, while certainly a great piece of americ

>> No.6188548


you're in the minority then dude.

>> No.6190349

you're a fucking faggot, stop appealing to popularity

you're also a fucking faggot

>> No.6190357

because of that hemmingway quote about $10 words.

>> No.6190363

Dream of the Red Chamber or the one by Barry?

>> No.6190372

You have exactly 10 seconds to lick these nuts

>> No.6190480

Dream of the Red Chamber

>> No.6190501

It's not Ulysses

>> No.6190539

>/lit/'s opinion

>> No.6190569

explain to me how it is better than The Confidence Man

>> No.6190746

Because there are others that are better.

>> No.6191042



Melville made chapters about cleaning whale blubber and guts off of the upper deck of the Pequod actually interesting and poignant.

Moby-Dick has the beauty of Hemingway and the world-building of Faulkner. It's the only Melville work I really consider transcendent.

>> No.6191104


>> No.6191117

Where should i start with faulkner? I dont want to start a new thread for this, anyone help me out here?

>> No.6191119

with the greeks.

>> No.6191121


>> No.6191122

PLEAASE kill yourself

>> No.6191139

Because Melville would beat him in a fight.

>> No.6191152

i ask again
>explain to me how it is better than The Confidence Man

>> No.6191162

mfw half of Faulkner's output is Greek family tragedies relocated to Mississippi

>> No.6191701

The big four: Light in august -> As I Lay Dying -> Then sound and the fury -> Absalom, Absalom!
It's that simple

>> No.6191740
File: 246 KB, 1480x690, corncobby-chronicles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6191769


Hemmingway would probably knack both of them to be fair. The competition for greatest nvelist of the 20th century would probably come down to a Battle Royale between Hem, Brendan Behan, maybe Bukowski (although he wouldn't last long) and Genet.

>> No.6191786


>> No.6191802

Didn't Wallace Stevens floor Hemmmingway with a single impeccably modernist punch? Or was it the other way around?

>> No.6191803

because james franco made a movie of it

>> No.6191815


Other way around. In Papa's own words:

February, 1936
“Nice Mr. Stevens. This year he came again pleasant like the cholera and first I knew of it my nice sister Ura was coming into the house crying because she had been at a cocktail party at which Mr. Stevens had made her cry by telling her forcefully what a sap I was, no man, etc. So I said, this was a week ago, ‘All right, that’s the third time we’ve had enough of Mr. Stevens.’ So headed out into the rainy past twilight and met Mr. Stevens who was just issuing from the door haveing just said, I learned later, ‘By God I wish I had that Hemingway here now I’d knock him out with a single punch.’

“So who should show up but poor old Papa and Mr. Stevens swung that same fabled punch but fertunatly missed and I knocked all of him down several times and gave him a good beating. Only trouble was that first three times put him down I still had my glasses on. Then took them off at the insistence of the judge who wanted to see a good clean fight without glasses in it and after I took them off Mr. Stevens hit me flush on the jaw with his Sunday punch bam like that. And this is very funny. Broke his hand in two places. Didn’t harm my jaw at all and so put him down again and then fixed him good so he was in his room for five days with a nurse and Dr. working on him. But you mustn’t tell this to anybody.”

>> No.6191821


I also like Hem's description of Stevens as

"I think he is really one of those mirror fighters who swells his muscles and practices lethal punches in the bathroom while he hates his betters.”

Sounds like a cmbination of /fit/ and /lit/. I think you have your new king.

>> No.6191995
File: 37 KB, 417x428, behan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've thought about this in depth while I was out walking the dog, and I've reached the conclusion that Behan would take it.

I just think he wants it more.

Brendan Behan confirmed for the greatest writer of the 20th century, bring me your feeble challengers.

>> No.6192004

Borstal Boy was a great autobiography.
The Quare Fellow was a great play.

Too bad about the rest.

>> No.6192020


I'm talking about fighting ability you stupid fucking gobshite.

Behan would have kicked your fucking arse without ever spilling his pint.

>> No.6192040

He was manlet and a diabetic alchy to boot.

>> No.6192045

but it is

>> No.6192057


Hahah, you have no idea what you're talking about do you boy?

Come on, name me one twentieth century writer who could take Behan in a fair fight.

PROTIP: you can't, you fucking shithouse.

>> No.6192216

what's a good version of Moby Dick? I'm looking to get a big hardcover with nice illustartions.

>> No.6192233


Fuck off you stupid fucking pleb, this is a serious reading board for people with an education.

>> No.6192289

J. P. Donleavy. Behan chickened out of fighting him.
Behan was a tough guy in Dublin where everybody else was drunk and starving. It wasn't that he had great knockout power, his opponents were just so malnourished a mere clout would knock them down. When he had to face an American over 6 feet tall he shrunk right back down to manlet status and offered a humble apology.

>> No.6192313

>J. P. Donleavy. Behan chickened out of fighting him.

Nah m8 - they famously brawled (in a friendly sort of way) in Fleet Street. Behan knocked him on his arse then bought him a drink and offered to introduce him to his publisher.

That's how you get a fucking book deal you faglords.

>> No.6192316

haha. nice.

>> No.6192331
File: 86 KB, 428x612, 1422562763384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americuntclapfat sux BTW xD LOL like if u agree

>> No.6192352

#rekt. Still a great poet, though.

>> No.6192372
File: 140 KB, 582x518, stevens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Never really read much of him tbh, but I've just been looking at some of his work and it seems a bit pretentious tbh. I'm not surprised he punched like a girl. Pic related reads like something one of the goths out of South Park would write on his gap year.

>> No.6192407
File: 133 KB, 742x848, stevens_the_fuck_is_this_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread is now about how fucking shit Wallace Stevens is.

Honestly, is this garbage taught in American schools or something because there's no literary merit in it at all so how else would his name still be known?

>> No.6192487

Pretty sure you're reading some very minor stuff by him. Try Sunday Morning or The Idea of Order At Key West.

>> No.6192498

Wallace Stevens is fucking amazing, Actually

sorry you're an idiot

>> No.6193395
File: 66 KB, 529x380, stevens_lol_wat_u_doin_m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dudes, m8s, this is total pants innit.

>> No.6193435

Spoken like a true philistine.

>> No.6193436

>based as fuck

>> No.6193476

Since no one else seems to know the correct answer, I will contribute.

It is because The Sound and the Fury is not written by Dostoevski and so falls among the other mediocrities not written by God's instrument.

>> No.6193479 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 1000x1000, 1424899742138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he read dostoevsky in translation and now he thinks he has an opinion

>> No.6193498

Are you implying that his genius is lost in translation because if so then the original texts would be used instead of The Bible.

>> No.6193679

Thank you very much!

>> No.6194059

Because it's not Absalom, Absalom.