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/lit/ - Literature

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6183799 No.6183799 [Reply] [Original]

Girls who read hard literature in public must have the easiest time with dating. I'm sitting in a cafe on campus of a fairly good university. In the past hour, three men have approached her and asked about her book. And these are well dressed academic types, not just shmucks scouring the world for a date.

Why is public reading so enticing? Do girls know that this will happen when they go to cafes to read?

>> No.6183808

seems difficult to imagine they wouldn't

>> No.6183816

All non-ugly women have an easy time dating, it's part of female privilege.

>> No.6183825

All non-ugly, outgoing people have an easy time dating.

>> No.6183826

Are you an American? I can't see this happening in Britain.
Which is good because people should be left in peace most of the time.

>> No.6183843

Yes, they do. I'm a girl who reads at cafes, mostly because getting my daily reading in is easier when in an environment free of distractions. It's the only way I don't procrastinate. I do all my schoolwork at cafes as well. Probably spend upwards of 4 hours a day in campus cafes.

In my experience, not everyone who approaches me even wants to hit on me. Some people are just excited to see others who like to read. When I was reading a nonfic about Carthage I had an older man chat with me for an hour about ancient history. He didn't so much as ask for my name and simply smiled and told me to have a nice day when he left.

Have definitely gotten some numbers from English majors when I've read lit-tier fiction, though. Especially from new grad students. They're not used to seeing women read the books they studied for 4 years and cream their pants upon discovering that the demographic of bookish grad students includes a good number of females.

>> No.6183845

Girls have an easier time dating in general because men are generally expected to initiate and progress romantic relationships. Her reading is just something that can be interrupted, unlike, say, headphones, and which can also serve as a basis for conversation that isn't baldly self-interested.

I don't think this "will happen" so much as it's not totally improbable. Did you notice how she dealt with the men who approached her? Most girls probably go out hoping, just like you or I, to enjoy a relaxing few hours spent in a cafe with a book.

>> No.6183854

proven wrong again

>> No.6183877
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>girls who do things that attract me must have the easiest time with dating
yeah they have the easiest time dating people like you, and who would want that

>> No.6183927

There was a qt today reading Inherent Vice at the table across from me in Starbucks and nobody said anything to her all the time she was there. I would have liked to say something but I don't know how in situations like that.

>> No.6183937

...how did she looked like?

>> No.6183948

You don't. It's rude to interrupt people who are reading.

>> No.6183955


>> No.6183964

I wish I had the ability to not give a fuck in social situations. Approaching anybody for no reason is bound to annoy them, which is fine if you're handsome or charming and can quickly turn that around, but I'm not so lucky.

>> No.6183965

>lit majors
Oh boy.

>> No.6183972

>tfw I life in a fucking campus and I have yet to see a grrl reading something that isn't fucking PAOLO COELHO
>be me
>go to a cafe because well I also don't procastinate there
>see a girl reading
>wow maybe it's something good

>> No.6183978

It's really easy, you move to her and say
>hey I'm a big Pynchon fan, but I haven't read that one, what's it like?
If she responds in a way that seems interested proceed, if not leave her be
Btw this is advice from someone who never got past that point

>> No.6183980
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Im a guy and I've been approached by women like 80% more often when im reading. Which is weird because why would you distract someone reading? Also its distracting as fuck, I get all flustered and can't get back into the book for a while after.

>> No.6183986

my girlfriend and I read together on the train and make everybody jealous, and I wish it didn't have to be so because everyone deserves to be happy regardless whether by coincidence some decent-looking people were happily reading intimidating books near them

I pity the single /lit/izens because I do not understand what they keep doing wrong, as apparently we do not share that curse.

>> No.6183989
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>be male
>have hairy dick and balls
>be reading Otto Skorzeny's memoirs on the subway
>other dick-having cockswinger starts leaning noticeably to check the cover
>chats me up for entire 25 minute trip about WW2 memoirs and

>> No.6183992


>reading together on the train

that's some next level autism

>implying the story is true in any way anyways

>> No.6183994

I've done this a couple times, and the discrepancy in which person finishes the page is highly annoying, but there is something sort of comfy about it

>> No.6183995

in Chicago, one looks nowhere but down if they're on a busy subway car and they are all busy subway cars. the solution is to read and if I am with my other, she will likely have a book with her as well. it's really very simple math

>> No.6184001

>posted up on a bench nearish classroom
>scribbling in the margins of lacan's second seminar with my headphones in
>a girl from my anthro class sits next to me and says something
>pull phone out
>pull headphone cable out of phone
>plug said cable back in (pausing the music)
>take out earbuds and sling them over my neck
>lay pencil down in book to hold place
>set book down
>turn and look at her
>her: "I said what are you reading?"

>> No.6184010

>that's some next level autism
Have you ever ridden in a subway train? There's literally nothing else there to do except read. (That or play Bejeweled on your tablet, but playing three-dots-in-a-row for two hours a day erryday will surely drive one to insanity.)

>> No.6184015

Talk. I always do that when I have company.

>> No.6184040
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>talking to random people on the subway
confirmed for crazy person

>> No.6184044

>when I have company

>> No.6184051


I also take public transit regularly. You clearly don't. Transit is noisy, especially if it's crowded, and people on it can be quite nosy, if not intrusive. It's also not "autism" to have long silences with your significant other. You have the time to wait for a better, more private and pleasant, setting for conversation, and you also mutually understand the desire to read.

If anything, it's autism to insist that you preform certain kinds of activities - you need a social script to preform from - instead of what seems comfortable and natural.

>> No.6184053

excuse me, when

>> No.6184062


Yes but there's that extra required metric for men. Women can be non-outgoing and get dates easily.


>> No.6184064

It's not worth being the only people in the car speaking if reading is an option at all. Especially because of the fact that a train ride both comes before and after different things and traveling with company means having their acquaintance both before and after the ride; it doesn't feel like lost time nor autism. I would surely have an anxiety attack looking around a train car in silence and/or watching people overhear my conversations

exceptions: weekend, if alcohol is involved, possibly the purple line[citation needed].

>> No.6184065

>pure autism

Especially considering it's PAULO Coelho

>> No.6184068


yes I read on the metro alone but if I'm with someone I chat with them

and I've done this on the train stations in London, Toronto, and Hong Kong autismofo

>> No.6184069


>Purple line

Do you live in LA?

>> No.6184073

This. It's always dudes who ask me about what I'm reading. It's surprising because girls come up to me in cafes when I have nothing to do except stare
at the wall.

>> No.6184076

>If anything, it's autism to insist that you preform certain kinds of activities - you need a social script to preform from - instead of what seems comfortable and natural.
Talking to the wrong anon. You asked what to do in public transport, and I told you what I used to do when I went to highschool. I talked with a friend. The rides weren't 2 hours long tho, they were an hour and 10-15 minutes/day.

>> No.6184082

Chiberia, sorry

>> No.6184084


fun fact Paulo cello has a net worth of FIVE HUNDRED MOTION DOLLARS MAN what a fucking hack

>> No.6184092
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being with somebody you know very well is different from being with other people. when with a significant other, you should be able to sit comfortably and enjoy each other in silence and pick up on little signs without needing verbal confirmation. having to talk all the time is a sign that you don't understand each other

>> No.6184094


Sorry dude, though it was a continuation. I often chat with people on the train/bus too, but it really isn't weird for friends to whip out phones, or even books if they're uni people, if the ride is anything but super quick.

>> No.6184096

Well, yeah, it's the perfect excuse to talk to someone, isn't it?
>Hey, what are you reading?
is a lot easier than having to come up with a reason to talk to a stranger.

>> No.6184098

>Girls who read hard literature in public must have the easiest time with dating
They also must have the hardest time reading, then. So much for life on easy mode.

>> No.6184101


no if it's cramped you can just stand there in silence

like imagine if this was something other than books

how autismo would it be if you both just started listening to separate music

>> No.6184103

True, but he said
>All non-ugly women have an easy time dating
which is quite different from non-ugly and outgoing

>> No.6184123

non-idiots have an easy time dating. the trick is to stop trying to force it and just make friends with people that actually match you. things will arise naturally if you match really well; if you don't match really well, it's not worth bothering.

>> No.6184203

Yeah, I met my ex by approaching her while she was reading Fichte. She was really brainy and cute, too bad she turned out to be a psycho. I left her when she (inspired by the story of Van Gogh) gave a piece of her ear to me. I've kept out of contact with her as well.

>> No.6184247

>I left her when she (inspired by the story of Van Gogh) gave a piece of her ear to me

How big of a piece we talking?

>> No.6184277

The lobe was about half of it.

>> No.6184286

Jesus Christ that is insane even for insane chicks

>> No.6184308

I usually say 'Hey, I don't really have an excuse to talk to you but I really wanted to." and that gets a conversation started. But I'm at least mildly attractive. I can imagine it being creepy if an uggo walked up and said that.

>> No.6184318

>female privilege
You sure have never read a single line of feminist theory, did you?

>> No.6184321
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>you will never be as handsome as Bruno Bauer

>> No.6184322

Is that Will Self?

>> No.6184325

lol because they're objectified for their beauty, this is not privilege. even if it was it would be at the expense of the other 70% of women

>> No.6184351

are you implying men aren't objectified for being beautiful, either?

Personally I'm approached and hit on by ugly women all the time, and I'm absolutely tired of the mess. Of course, I don't mind so much when attractive women do it but that is much more rare because men approach them, they don't have to take initiative, whereas with uggos they must make the first move because attractive men will never come to them.

So as you can see, the problem isn't about gender, the problem is ugly people.

Kill all uggos.

>> No.6184355

Yeah, like I said, she was a psycho. She wasn't sadistic or manipulative, just...insane. There is such a thing as being *too* devoted.

>> No.6184364


People are throwing around the word autismo in this thread but was Marx actually an autist?

>> No.6184370

>Do girls know that this will happen when they go to cafes to read?
This happens when they go everywhere, not just when they're reading a book. Women are prized members of society for being attractive

>> No.6184373

>Of course, I don't mind so much when attractive women do it but that is much more rare because men approach them

I'm sure that's why. Keep telling yourself that.

If you want to kill the uggos, why don't you start with yourself.

>> No.6184379


Well, he was basically a NEET. There is not one doubt in my mind that if Marx was living today he would be shitposting on 4chan. He did the whole "saint" thing with Max Stirner too.

>> No.6184380

no he was a relatively cool drunkard. stirner was cool, but possible autist.

>> No.6184383

This is the crippling difference. As a female you can be an insufferable twat in an innumerable multitude of ways and still hook up with people if you're attractive. No such privilege if you're male and socially unaware

>> No.6184392

Envy is an ugly shade of sin, anon.

>> No.6184397

I don't think anyone who has read The False Principle of Our Education can possibly think Stirner autistic

>> No.6184402
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>Some people are just excited to see others who like to read

>being this dense
>thinking they don't want to fuck you
The older man in question knew he didn't have a chance because was an older man

>They're not used to seeing women read the books they studied for 4 years and cream their pants upon discovering that the demographic of bookish grad students includes a good number of females.
Most of those females are butt-ugly or insufferable SJW's, I go to a good university and it's probably 20:1 attractive/fun women to hambeasts in lit courses

>> No.6184409

Women love assholes. Just be assertive

>> No.6184416

it's not a privilege for women. they are incompatible with and do not want dates with all of the socially retarded males of the world, of whom you should try not to become one

>> No.6184426
File: 180 KB, 1280x1280, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F55a19a868e09fcf2be5770ecf4c6d188%2Ftumblr_ni57h6IiWx1sed2t3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See cute girl reading a book at Starfucks
>Hmm, ask her about her book. That'd be a good opener.
>W-what are you reading.
>Fuck off creep.

There's a basic play by play op. Your welcome.

>> No.6184437

Probably depends on setting and person, there are some who want to talk, others that don't. Personally, I don't like putting myself out there towards women anyways, I feel like just another bloke trying to get some, even though I'm not even necessarily trying to get some, hell, I'd settle for a sincere cuddle for once.

Although I suppose I only made up the excuse of not wanting to be ''one of those guys'' because I think im inherently repulsive, who knows.

>> No.6184444

>tfw live in sweden
>relatively high ratio of attractive to ugly people
>fairly attractive myself
>everyone is socially awkward
>no-one would ever think to engage with someone reading in public
>everyone's too focused on not sticking out or looking stupid
>seminars at my uni also suck due to this

A-at least I've got welfare.

>> No.6184459

>oxytocin, orgasms and hormonal and spiritual fulfillment
>implying this is unwanted

I have, it's a bunch of bullshit

>objectified for their beauty
Give.Me.A.Fucking.Break. Attention and love at one's command is a bad thing? Women can't live without it, that's why instagram thrives. I'm sure those selfies you and your friends post are liked by strange dudes on instagram, giving you an internet-induced dopamine hit because you have such sweet personalities

>> No.6184460

>tfw I'v never been approached while reading besides some dude trying to get me to sign some marijuana petition and some environmental activist bugging me about polar bears.
I just read in a secluded corner in the uni library now.


>> No.6184464

Sounds like she needs professional help

>> No.6184468

you're talking about your wants and your needs and imagining that women have them too

it's not about teams, it's about friendship, trust, and finally love

you silly virgin

>> No.6184474

wow four four's, that is very inauspicious anon. that is the worst possible in chinese numerology. don't go near any chinks for awhile is what i'm saying, swedebro

>> No.6184480

don't know how the wires got crossed there but I never said that exclusively sperg males were hitting on them. It is a privilege because even though they brush off whatever percentage of men hit on them they will inevitably have a much easier time, with the opposite sex doing all of the work, finding true love and fulfillment

>> No.6184482

>all this heteronormative unreasoned cissie bullshit
you are the faggot

>> No.6184490


All memes aside when you see how much he actually wrote about stirner you almost have to assume he was touched by something.
maybe not pure autism, but definitely on the autism spectrum.

>> No.6184495

>going to star fucks

>> No.6184504
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>> No.6184509

>implying it's not a universal need for love, belonging, and fulfilment

>> No.6184514

>mostly because getting my daily reading in is easier when in an environment free of distractions. It's the only way I don't procrastinate. I do all my schoolwork at cafes as well. Probably spend upwards of 4 hours a day in campus cafes.
why don't you just go to the library?

>> No.6184517

>tfw post holds no value above the digits in the post#
>tfw those numbers apparently mean I have chink curse on me now


>> No.6184521

no one would accept your fuck even if you were equipped to give one

what's it like knowing you're living a lie?

what's your insecurity that eats you, then? unexplainable fetish? someone read your diary and found out your boy crush? perhaps you blew the captain of your football team?

>> No.6184524

It's your fault for standing out, Swedish scum!

I'm just kidding, anon. You're a nice person and I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to share with us.

>> No.6184534

You're pathetic and not funny.

>> No.6184536

>I don't like my elevated social position because ugly people talk to me

>> No.6184544

what do you want, backslaps and handjobs? you live in a nordic paradise, do you really want God to hand you everything on a silver plate?

>> No.6184558

sorry, I should have mentioned I'm a male and that I haven't been single in the past five years.

>> No.6184571 [DELETED] 

Lel. This post gets me in the gumblies.

I live in a residence building (3rd year) with a bar across the street. I've been to that bar on maybe fifteen occasions this year. Do you know how many douchey engineers with backwards baseball caps go home with girls each night? They have social itineraries consisting of "girl is hot, tell girl she is hot, get laid" and "dude is bro, compliment dude on game, get brofist" and each goes home with a girl every night. It's clinically disabled the shit that I see. The deciding factor in this culture is attractiveness, especially if you are young and drunk and horny. Dating doesn't fucking exist.

>> No.6184572

Yes and yes. But God ain't given me nuffin'. This is why atheism is so rampant in Sweden.

Love you too, Anon <3

>> No.6184581

when the norse are brought silver plates by the gods, it attracts the attention of the giants and this is altogether considered undesireable

>> No.6184589

I'm gonna be at University in a few months guys. I don't have problems talking to girls but is there any hope that I'll find one who's a total patrician?

>> No.6184591
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>all this ad hominem
Wowza she mad.
I'm not living a lie, I openly debate feminism with my SJW female friends on a because I'm not an insecure cuck. I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin, you're projecting hard here by asking me what my insecurities are. Also a bit surprising (but maybe not) that you're trying to insult me by calling me gay, since you're into feminism and all that

>> No.6184592
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no, but fuck if it doesn't look like him

>> No.6184615

On a board full of writers I can never believe anything I see here. Post pics.

>> No.6184617
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>going to the undergrad bar on your campus university
Here you're conflating 'socially unaware' with 'fearless bro'. By SU I meant introverted or shy with a relative lack of people skills. You don't stand a chance landing a quality mate, even if you're good looking.

>The deciding factor in this culture is attractiveness
Not for men. Never has been, never will be

>> No.6184630

If you want a smart mate, why do you claim to be heterosexual?

>> No.6184644

Good luck. A lot of it depends on what school you go to.

I'm done with university now but in my time there I probably met a grand total of 4 patrician girls. I tried to date one, but she blew me off. Two others were already dating guys who were also friends of mine. The other one I've been seeing for 2 years now.

Patrician girls are diamonds in the rough, when you find one make sure to pursue it if you can.

>> No.6184646
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>> No.6184651

Go back to tumblr.

>> No.6184655

Now that's my kind of woman. You got contact info?

>> No.6184657

>but was Marx actually an autist?
no. both engels and marx were total normies and they both fucked a lot of women and socialized a lot

>> No.6184667

how can I project if I am a happily self-aware non-binary male in another stable, fulfilling relationship? ad hominem has a place in thought, and I decided to employ it after you professed your /goal-based/ view of heterosexual mating; as if it is necessarily a mercantile exchange when a male and female become close, and that they are guided by pre-existing motices as opposed trust and intercourse breeding an entirely separate new thing (we call this 'love') which one absolutely knows when they experience it and which the most upright, learned, unfalsifiable men and women of thought throughout history have almost unanimously agreed exists in a meaningful, impactful

love is not trading; love is sharing and making

>> No.6184670

>Dating a girl for her hobbies
That's what friends are for. Find a woman who's nurturing and loving.

>> No.6184676

and fuck all of these food-based captchas, they are absolutely distracting in composing even the shittiest of posts

>> No.6184681

Trading, sharing, semantics.

>goal-based view
If you don't have any goals in life, where do your decisions come from?
Do you believe in souls, spirits controlling your bodies?

>> No.6184684

>tfw i will never come a across a girl reading fichte
>tfw we will never have post-coital conversations about the evolution of german idealism

>> No.6184695

I want to see the ear.

>> No.6184697

She's pretty qt. Shame about the insanity.

>> No.6184704
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>> No.6184707

>Do girls know that this will happen when they go to cafes to read?
No, they think they will simply comfortably read somewhere nice with nice food, comfortable seating, coffee or tea, a bathroom and the security of a stablishment inside which they will not me robbed.


>> No.6184714

i hate it when people talk to me
i mean why the fuck motivates them to do that?
i dont care about you, stop talking to me

>> No.6184718

None of that was heteronormative. Normative maybe, but most people don't strive to be sociopaths you sad fuck.

>> No.6184733

It works as a guy too, at least for the first step of attracting attention and prompting interest. You'll still have to actually initiate conversation more often than women do but it helps with the confidence if you know they're already interested and you have a topic to hand. I met my gf while stuck on the metro trying to read.

>> No.6184735

You can be projecting because you attacked a post with an image macro and no text and assaulted someone's life with zero knowledge of that person, without cause. He posted an image, you posted a paragraph of anger. Clearly he is the relaxed person in this case. Also you are brainwashed by an insane philosophy that won't last half a century.

>> No.6184746

Are you in a fulfilling relationship with a couch?

>> No.6184761


>> No.6184768

As a guy who used to read in public all the time, I can't think of a single instance where a woman came up to me and tried to start a conversation. Occasionally men would, but never women.

>> No.6184773

my romantic goals are not based upon any goals, they come and they go and they stay and they happen or they don't happen. while I am not a theist or a materialist or a philosophy scholar, I believe there is quite something to the accumulation of surprising subconscious feelings as a form of emotional reality

this is /lit/
artistic works of fiction. how can I know an anonymous person? I wish only to engage with their disembodied ideas

with a grill but i am impartial to the various genders

>> No.6184780

not based upon any egoistic goals*

>> No.6184794

>how can I know an anonymous person?

Are you actually a woman?
Not even /pol/ here, but i have noticed that for whatever social reason women need some sort of superficial traction in order to get closer to a person.

>> No.6184804

LOL, any time I even suggest anything like OP I get shouted down by /lit/izens who go to r9k.

BRAVO /lit/, you've managed to deduce the fact that women might just possibly have life on easy mode in the dating game... You're now at a pre 2012 level of r9k wisdom...

Now extrapolate this to everything else in society and you might learn a thing or two.

Now look at the below link.


>> No.6184808

gb2/r9k/ manchild

>> No.6184810


*I meant: shouted down by /lit/izens who tell me to go to r9k

>> No.6184816

>my romantic goals are not based upon any goals, they come and they go and they stay and they happen or they don't happen.

While you may not be aware of your inner drives, there are millions of scholars who have devoted their lives to understanding them in the past.
Some of that work belongs to the theory of evolution.
You are merely but an animal.
Unlike otherkins, you are not a special snowflake for thinking you are not an animal.
Your seemingly random and nonsensical behaviors can actually be explained on the rational basis of biological mechanisms.

>> No.6184818

male by birth, whatever by definition

I don't think any sort of "superficial traction" is important in a basis of need to female sexuality. could you explain what you meant by that, though?

I feel like as if any emotionally mature person, regardless the circumstances of their birth, has free reign of their sexuality bar the obvious neurological obstacles which affect every person in a fairly random pattern

>> No.6184821

Yeah, but I don't think she'd appreciate me giving it to you over 4chan, I don't think she is automatically that devoted to anyone who hits on her, and I don't think you would ultimately enjoy it except as a fantasy.

>> No.6184827

ITT: great art reduced to a signaling mechanism for mating.

What a fucking species we are.

>> No.6184828

millions of scholars devoted their lives to it and yet you still failed to distinguish your loaded concept of 'animal' nature to humankind's capacity of reason

I am not a special snowflake, I merely didn't agree to enjoy the color blue upon my birth and I treat my identity with much consideration from year to year

>> No.6184830

Did she think you'd appreciate receiving a piece of her ear?
Clearly you two have different outlooks on what other people might appreciate, so don't worry about that.

>> No.6184838

>and yet you still failed to distinguish your loaded concept of 'animal' nature to humankind's capacity of reason
There is no distinction to make.
The human brain is only different of the non-human brain in shape, size, structure, not metaphysically or whatever else you'd like to imagine.

>loaded concept of 'animal' nature
That's just modern science m8.

>I am not a special snowflake
>but...but I'm not like every other human ever, I swear, I'm not into people because of my brain telling me to mash my genitals with theirs

>> No.6184849

>oh cool, I loved that movie. I bet the book fucking sucks in comparison, amirite? lol

>> No.6184851

Yeah, that's how it sounds. How it actually played out is her getting insomnia, then going to read, then getting exciting over some new comprehension or idea, and then shoving coffee in my face at two in the morning and waking me up to talk with her about it.

>> No.6184855

>not metaphysically or whatever else you'd like to imagine
things change when a being has the capacity to realize a memory and alter their course with a guided effort observable by the laws of mathematics and logic to be ordered in thought. no, 'animals' are not somehow different from homo sapiens sapiens, but they don't have very clear ideas about gender or volition

>modern science
aka modern physiology

>but...but I'm not like every other human ever, I swear, I'm not into people because of my brain telling me to mash my genitals with theirs
It is the other humans' faults for thoughtlessly accepting aesthetic values from outside themselves

but continue to fit humans into scientific grids and see how futile the effort becomes to truly understand their differentiations in behavior and emotional constitution

>> No.6184857

She thought I'd be fucking thrilled with such a serious sign of her devotion, and that I'd appreciate the allusion to van Gogh (although she knew how it actually went, but he was one of her favorite painters).

>> No.6184887

>things change when a being has the capacity to realize a memory and alter their course with a guided effort observable by the laws of mathematics and logic to be ordered in thought.
Many non-humans are capable of that.

>no, 'animals' are not somehow different from homo sapiens sapiens, but they don't have very clear ideas about gender or volition
Most humans don't have very clear ideas about gender or volition either.

>It is the other humans' faults for thoughtlessly accepting aesthetic values from outside themselves
You're acting like your thinking is more valid than others', but which scale are you using?

>but continue to fit humans into scientific grids
If the scientific scale doesn't fit you, which scale do you propose?
Should we just remain ignorant instead?

>see how futile the effort becomes
>this is too hard for me, therefore no one else should try!
What a big baby.

>> No.6184892

Maybe she'd be thrilled if some random person contacted her from 4chan also.

>> No.6184893

So then you do fit a binary.

>> No.6184901

That is one beautiful girl.

>> No.6184910

I don't think so, she's very nervous socializing with people she doesn't know well, especially guys, and she practically jumps every time her phone rings. I can't see how giving her info out to someone she doesn't know without her permission would be anything but extremely distressing for her.

>> No.6184923

Maybe make her read Tao Lin so she gets excited about meeting people from 4chan.

>> No.6184941

I try not to talk to her. She didn't take our breakup very well, she went pale as fuck and begged me please don't a couple of times and then just started sobbing. I haven't talk to her since and I'd rather not because it might give her false hope of rejuvenating our relationship.

>> No.6184944

>Many non-humans are capable of that.
and they make such lovely works

>Most humans don't have very clear ideas about gender or volition either.
oh really

>You're acting like your thinking is more valid than others', but which scale are you using?
my own; no more valid than others, it works on a basis of acceptance and self-critique and I don't force my ideology upon any binary views, I just don't agree or relate with them in any emotional way

>which scale do you propose?
well viewing sexuality as a continuum instead of a line is a start. it gets muddy beyond there philosophically but I feel that this idea is grounded in sufficient reason

>What a big baby.
thanks matey; but you must realize that science evolves at a certain delay to the rate at which humanity and thought can change. they are the secondary cause, in their own terms, for the chain of causation, in your very own philosophical parlance

also, you're being slightly pedantic but it's not unusual behavior as is easily learned from a cursory viewing of the /lit/ catalogue

>> No.6184954

a binary of gender identity between points A and B, male and female? not feeling it

>> No.6184958

Life isnt DD's alignments

>> No.6184963

I'm posting your history to r/thathappened

>> No.6184973

>dat fixated, absent gaze

I don't know if she's the girl anon talked about, but she sure is crazy.

>> No.6184976

You might not be able to appreciate non-human works, but others can.

>and I don't force my ideology upon any binary views, I just don't agree or relate with them in any emotional way
Yes you're entirely emotionally-removed from your own ideology.
I too enjoy tipping my fedora.

>well viewing sexuality as a continuum instead of a line is a start.
You can view a continuum of transactions or discrete transactions, it doesn't change anything about the problem.

>they are the secondary cause, in their own terms, for the chain of causation, in your very own philosophical parlance
Not really.
Thought is simply the product of an activity of the brain. Thought is a behavior, an aftermath of what happens in the brain.
There's no evidence of thought causing anything in itself.

Science is a product of the brain and it evolves much faster than the brain itself, especially if you subscribe to the most egalitarian views out there for which most human groups are roughly mentally equal despite an history of living in isolation for thousands of years.

>> No.6185001

A great species, judging from your comment. Any species that uses art as a way of selecting mates must be a species that greatly values art.

>> No.6185030

lol so you post her pic and lifestory to be immortalized forever in the archives? you're a nice guy

>> No.6185037

You don't have any clue as to her lifestory, friend, and I would never post it here.

>> No.6185040

>she practically jumps every time her phone rings
who dont ><

>> No.6185044

non-human works are noteable for their repetition in direct antagonism to how human works are noteable for their variety. is this not necessary to consider?

>Yes you're entirely emotionally-removed from your own ideology.
how can I be emotionally removed if the entire ideology is centered around removing myself from preconceived feelings from outside sources? it's basically just good personal shopkeeping to undertake

>You can view a continuum of transactions or discrete transactions, it doesn't change anything about the problem.
or there is no transaction, and one's sexuality can exist without a specific, objectified ideal
in the observable world

>Thought is a behavior, an aftermath of what happens in the brain.
thought is a 'behavior' insofar as it surely occurs within an organism, but no farther
if every thought is merely aftermath to uncontrollable brainwaves, tell me about the nature of brain activity -- for this to be true, cognition would have to be an unchanging absolute unaffected by experience, which it isn't. evidence of this: anxiety attacks, listlessness

>..science is a product of the brain and it evolves much faster than the brain itself, especially if you subscribe to the most egalitarian views out there for which most human groups are roughly mentally equal despite an history of living in isolation for thousands of years.
and then someone must write them down for your post to have any basis in fact, and I have not been shown a convincing passage or idea the contrary.

as for science out-pacing the evolution of the physical human brain -- well, of course. we have been the same species throughout scientific history. however, no part of an unchanged human physiology has very little to do with sexuality

so you are either saying I am repressing my 'real sexuality,' which I am not, or that I am not possessive of an identity, in which case this is a symposium which I will not be attenting

and, finally, what's it to you?

>> No.6185065


as if you thought i wouldn't find this but you just knew knew knew I'd be here and you watned to torment me why? We were great and now you're just throwing it all across the internet am I just a joke a cruel joke a stupid stupid little girl to be toyed with and heartsnatched heartstomped am I? I thought you were into me I thought we were it the it everyone looks for the it that is the one complete and only it why did you have to hate my gift it was for you from me a part of me I gave you me and now everyone knows and they want a part of me too but I only have so much to give and I only wanted to give to you why why do you not want me

>> No.6185081

Epic. Or should I say interesting as fuck?

>> No.6185112


>> No.6185119

>they're objectified

I don't think that word means what you think it does.

>> No.6185126

God I fucking love this new meme.

>> No.6185132

A... very normal, healthy one with a very normal, healthy mating behavior? It's like you've never watched animal planet.

>> No.6185135

If you were to describe this new meme with three words, how would you describe it?

>> No.6185145

exciting as hell.

>> No.6185184

don't mad at us for playing just cuz you ain't got game

>> No.6185194

ay yo girl you still got one ear left, yeah?
skype me

>> No.6185195

Every trope is in Shakespeare or the Greeks and so on.

>> No.6185218

EVERY trope? How about the bookseller's dipshit children? I just thought of that. Which part of the literary tradition answers to it so as to render the idea unoriginal?

>> No.6185227

literally heaven

>> No.6185391

>viewing sexuality as a continuum
lol. Human history has not gotten this far from 'gender ambiguous' people. There's a "binary" for a reason

>> No.6185402

>there is a binary for a reason and therefore i need to reconcile my feelings to this idea

no, never

>> No.6185403

Maybe if you wear fedoras less you'll realize it's about the same.

>> No.6185405

please go brush up on your debating skills for a few months and then come back. I never mentioned my feelings, I mentioned the FACT that the history of the human species has evolved because of heterosexual men and women fucking each other

>> No.6185643

rofl. stay delusional

>> No.6185766

>they're objectified for their beauty

Is this even a cognitively meaningful statement?

>> No.6185778

okay, I'm only going to give this piece of information to you once and then trust it to you to understand:

sexual dimorphism and its results are not explicity relevant to gender identity; not at all, and if you haven't read judith butler you have no right to call yourself a scholar of any sort of contemporary philosophy. gender roles are the big idea under consideration in the first half of this century, with multiculturalism in europe and right behind it.

>> No.6185802

Am I the only one too autistic to actually get a hardcover book with an actual cover and title? I much prefer reading on my phone, there's less 'mental baggage'

>> No.6185814

>there's less 'mental baggage'
what does this even mean?

>> No.6185819

he clearly has OCD

>> No.6185829
File: 56 KB, 440x661, Nietzsche187c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The perfect woman indulges in literature just as she indulges in a small sin: as an experiment, in passing, looking around to see if anybody notices it — and to make sure that somebody does.

>> No.6185835

>sexual dimorphism and its results are not explicity relevant to gender identity

Do you know anything at all about the science explanations for human sexual differentiation?

>> No.6185848

its a lot lighter on your mind if you know what I mean.

>> No.6185937

I've never been approached while reading before, except when I was reading Atlas Shrugged, then it was a daily occurrence.

>> No.6187859

>regular customer at a cafe
>always bring a book, hoping the qt cashier will ask about it
>she never does

>> No.6187891

>try to read before class since there is nothing to do
>"Oh what are you reading? Have you read this? Do you like reading? What's you're favorite book?"

Why do people do this? Don't even care if it's autistic of me, I just want to read.

>> No.6187963


That's pretty fedora, even for Kneechee

>> No.6187968

>going to a cafe

Drink your coffee at home, faggots.

I hate city people who just want to be seen. You're half the reason living in the city sucks dick.

>> No.6187983

books attract betas like moths to a flame

>> No.6188011


>> No.6189836


Fuck you you heteronormative queer.

>> No.6189996

you are a retard or have too high standards if you cant have sex with women regularly

>> No.6190004

chad pls

>> No.6190078

im sorry you're a disgusting slob & are too proud to have sex with other disgusting slobs

>> No.6190114


Nobody cares about the language of gender politics beside feminists and anti-feminists. After you finish explaining how men and women are treated differently in society, perhaps you could treat us to a dissertation on the color of the sky in midday.

>> No.6190168

not reading this thread but
I've never been approached by someone who comments on what i'm reading
I also don't hold the book up like a weirdo
might also be ugly :(
also never see dudes or girls reading lit anywhere, only books for class or trash

>> No.6190179

university cafes are usually in the library and you don't run the chance that someone will yell at you for having coffee/food

>> No.6190186

>thinks sleep deprivation is heaven

>> No.6190199

most people seem to be studying or to be discussing their studies in my university. you should try the playgrounds or the high school cafés. rumor has it people there are not quite as serious yet.

>> No.6191593
File: 7 KB, 128x166, content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find a lot of plebeians, specially girls, that love this book and they say it's their favorite one. I do like it, but i would rank it among my favorite books. You think this piece is a masterwork?

>> No.6191705

>And these are well dressed academic types, not just shmucks scouring the world for a date.

top kek

The only "hard literature" a girl could ever impress me with is maths & physics.

>> No.6191713

if you've only read like harry potter, maybe twilight, and maybe half of your assigned reading in hs, like most americans, then yeah

>> No.6191716

I have a basic understanding of french and read this on the metro sometimes just for the looks I get reading a kids story

>> No.6191755

Really? That would be a huge turn-off for me.

>> No.6191763
File: 43 KB, 242x310, 1390806382521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women don't have social privileges by virtue of being a woman

>> No.6191823


This. I never understood why people do this. If I read out in public I much rather prefer to go to the liberary.

>> No.6191855

Male britfag here. Girls dont talk to boys about literature and especially hard literature by authors they're unaware of.

>> No.6191926

>qt sits near you with a book
>you are more interested in the book than her

>> No.6191930

It's because many city people live in depressing little apartments and being outdoors and around people is much cosier than drinking and reading at home alone. I honestly just enjoy the ambiance of a cafe or pub even if I'm not talking to anyone.

>> No.6191963

>being around people is much cosier than drinking and reading at home alone

That's objectively incorrect.

>> No.6192235

>not putting on headphones and snuggling

>> No.6192246

Sometimes I want to be out of the house when I read. I either go to a park or a library, sometimes a cafe. fite me faggots.

>> No.6192265

Maybe it's my serious personality disorder talking, but I would love for an object of my affections to send me a piece of her ear.

>> No.6192281
File: 42 KB, 337x472, spooky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading 2666 on the train
>some ghetto dude asks me what the next stop is and i tell him
>notices the book
>"damn das a phat ass book"
>has a look on his face of confusion and disgust
>walks away


>> No.6192283

bahhahah faggot

>> No.6192294
File: 42 KB, 296x355, quality post girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly chick reads book
>nobody asks her shit
>I guess people who read books aren't so interesting after all

>> No.6192305
File: 67 KB, 585x585, fuck books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in nigger schools of thought, reading books makes you a faggot. it's not gangsta. only pussy white people read books.

>> No.6192311
File: 615 KB, 1280x889, 1387259063094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other girls like to read with their feet on the table?

>> No.6192312


why is kanye so based?

>> No.6192315
File: 284 KB, 1278x902, 1413574937367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey anon, do you mind if I rest my feet on the table?

wat do

>> No.6192329

Say "No, go ahead, I'm just about to leave anyway" and fuck off because I don't want to share my table but I know if I tell an attractive girl to go exist somewhere else I'm suddenly the bad guy. I really just wanted my own table, man.

>> No.6192335
File: 99 KB, 640x855, 1416186875157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she follows you to the next table and does the same thing

wat do

>> No.6192342

cum inside her

>> No.6192347


>smoking inside the bathroom

Absolutely haram

>> No.6192348

I'm a footfriend myself actually, I just don't think this is a realistic scenario.

But in this world where she's being pushy and REALLY wants me to pay attention to her feet, then I attempt to finagle a situation where we're in a hotel bedroom on the bed while I'm licking her feet and jerking off.

You asked.

>> No.6192351
File: 546 KB, 1600x1200, 1394417573006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not aloud tho

>> No.6192359

cum inside her quietly

>> No.6192361

Ugly girls get asked too. They just don't get asked by hot guys.

Any girl can easily get a guy. The problem is that women are not satisfied with average guys the way men are satisfied with average girls, women want only the very best self-made billionaire, bodybuilder, s&m sex gods, as proved by 50 shades of grey.
Yet women complain about men having to high standards.

>> No.6192367

The fuck is that.. Who even took this picture, and then decided to upload it?

>> No.6192386

It certainly is a mystery. Guess you'll have to post more pictures like it, so that we can investigate further.

>> No.6192393

I'm not willing to tip my fedora any further down this rabbit hole after this post because it's ultimately pointless, but I will say there is some truth in this. I used to slam pigs on craigslist on a regular basis and jesus christ even the fattest, ugliest single moms on that site have retarded standards until you bring them back to earth. It's almost hard to comprehend how these wastes of biomass can be THIS entitled, holy shit since when did a 200kg black woman with a neck cyst and 3 kids from different fathers deserve a self-made entrepreneur bodybuilder who listens to her favorite genre of music?

>> No.6192396 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 1024x753, 1414645865402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh hey little bro, I farted on your bed a little while you were gone. I hope you don't mind

wat do

>> No.6192418

I was at a chinese airport several years ago. it was during a 5 hour layover and there was only me and one other girl at the terminal sitting several rows across from me.

it was the day after Deathly Hallows came out and we both had the book open. pretty sure she was reading the english edition

I think I saw her throw furtive glances at me from the periphery of my vision but I didn't dare look.

the entire time I was fantasizing about approaching her

>> No.6192425

not in public like that unless its some kind of proper legrest

>> No.6192433

are you a grill then? post feet pls

>> No.6192434

I get the idea of the picture and everything, but it just doesn't work for books. What is it supposed to imply? She was reading all of those books and fell asleep? (seems unlikely given her pose, but alright) It would take you at least a week or two of solid reading to finish all those books, it's just so fake.

>> No.6192436

that day 7 years ago was the most important of your life

>> No.6192443

we're actually married now, so yeah you're right

>> No.6192444


Was she a qt East Aryan?


>> No.6192448
File: 12 KB, 250x250, beatnik_doctor_george_costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's probablying going to say something like
>claims to be a big Pynchon fan
>hasn't read Inherent Vice
and make this face.

>> No.6192460

Why is being a faggot so enticing?

>> No.6192474

Let's make a check list of all kinds of stick up ass this is.
>more than 1% of girls reading more than YA shit
>Reading a book, not an ebook
>Reading a book in public. Might as well just say "look at me. I'm intellectlel XDXDXDXD" or wear a Chomsky shirt.
>cute guys reading not getting the same attention
>Attractive people doing anything not getting hit on.
>Well dressed academic types
You've been watching a girl for an hour? Wtf are you doing in a cafe for an hour?

Yes op, they know what they're doing, they probably are just using the book as a thing to pass the time in between guys. Cause they're socially awkward and want the guy to start the conversation or some other bullocks, but not so socially awkward that they don't want to talk to people.

>> No.6192486
File: 436 KB, 639x2029, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the level of witty banter two well read people are expected to have irl

can you come up with this on the spot and hold up this kind of conversation with a female stranger without stuttering /lit/?

Because if not, you're doomed to be single for the rest of your life

>> No.6192514


>> No.6192519

God I hate flirting. Nothing but hot air; a most dishonest type of interaction. I prefer ball-busting banter over this shit.

Pick one.

>> No.6192543
File: 153 KB, 823x663, 1373319435489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this method on her.

>> No.6192630

Do you really have this problem? I have about 3 friends, none of them female, and strangers don't engage with me regardless of what I'm doing. I'm pretty sure I'm not hideous either.

>> No.6192632

you are objectively retarded

>> No.6192636

objectively =/= literally

so no you're wrong

>> No.6192638



>> No.6192645

I literally turned off the film and deleted it after that conversation. It makes my stomach churn.

>> No.6192648

"Where the fuck are your socks and shoes? How could that position be possibly any more comfortable than normal sitting? Why are you sitting in front of me when there are numerous empty tables right there? . . . Yeah, okay, go for it."

>> No.6192654

Flirting only sounds like that in terrible Hollywood movies.

>> No.6192667

It sounds even worse in real life. Such pretentiousness.

It's like two people passive-aggressively insulting each other occasionally throwing in a few sarcastic jokes.

Basically, women pretend to be disinterested and use the conversation to test the guy to make sure he is man enough to break through her wall of bitchiness.

>> No.6192669

Go outside. People-watch in a busy area for a while. Notice how the male member of most relationships you encounter falls comfortably within the boundaries of 'average'. Realise that it is not your appearance that makes you repellent to women, but your attitude . . . or perhaps, in an utterly unsurprising twist of fate, it is in fact you who has overly high physical standards when it comes to the opposite sex.

>> No.6192675

That's not really how it seems to happen for me. I have a lot of fun flirting. But then I sincerely enjoy interacting with people in general.

>> No.6192680

>Yeah, I met my ex by approaching her while she was reading Fichte
Why would you be interested in someone who reads garbage metaphysicians?

>> No.6192683

Women are constantly in relationships where they are not really attracted to the guy. That's why they constantly break up.
Also, I never said that women care only about looks. But you are right that other qualities are more important.

>> No.6192698


They were supposed to sound like douchebags in that scene. All rehearsed and like automatons.

Jesus /lit/, you're supposed to be smarter than this.

>> No.6192702

This. On the rare occasion I go out with my friends, it's usually me who attracts girls initially because I'm the only one vain enough to dress nicely, work out, and style my hair, but within a minute my friends take over and all of the attention is on them because I am a laconic, limp-wristed loser and they're boisterous men who are confident enough to entertain these girls. They'll end up hooking up with the girls while I end up going home alone. You guys completely over-estimate appearances. Girls may say what kind of guy they want hypothetically but if you know how to socialize well, if you're confident and can make them laugh, you can completely bypass their restrictions. What they say they want and what they actually like are very different.

>> No.6192703

Its either that or super excited need gushing and sperglording.

Or upfront sleezy, might as well be saying "I want to fuck, I'll buy you drinks and call your pretty"

>> No.6192708

Same, I've had girls tell me I'm good looking, never had any girl talk to me about reading, even though I read practically everywhere I go (read: everywhere I have to wait for at least 10 minutes or more)
This whole thread seems weird to me, I've never seen a girl reading being approached either.

>> No.6192715

motion dollars are so great. much better than static dollars imho

>> No.6192716

Girls aren't only attracted to look, who said that?
Sounds like you are debating a strawman.

>> No.6192722

What book should I flagrantly read in public to attract hot dudes who are not like you /lit/ psychos /smart?

>> No.6192731

What retarded b8 should I flagrantly post on /lit/ in an attempt to get one reply

>> No.6192734

i'm really asking

>> No.6192746

I am too though

>> No.6192750

Nothing attracts hot dudes. Read young adult, get filthy spergs. Read a real deep shit, get /lit/. Read 50 shades teir books, get creepy people. Read science or technology books get neck beards. Read patrition in the middle books, get hipsters.

>> No.6192754


Try being attractive.

>> No.6192757

Interrupting someones reading is rude, who would do that?

>> No.6192780

the hot dudes part was kind of a joke-how do i make irl friends to talk /lit/ with so I never feel compelled to come here

>> No.6192789

You guys need to read faster.

I get looks from attractive women all the time when I read in public, because I fucking devour the book I'm reading. I don't scan it, I just give it all my focused attention and read it at a high speed.

It makes you infinitely more interesting to women, because of course the first principle of dating/hooking up is that everyone wants someone better than they are, and looking intelligent is a huge plus.

You should see me some days. Sometimes I'm whipping those pages so fast I get a refreshing breeze on my face.

You can tell women are interested because they throw glances and are more likely to point their legs/feet at you.

>> No.6192802


You don't actually like "average girls" just as girls don't like average guys. You think they're average, but it's confirmation bias; you only really notice women who are attractive - 7 - 10 range - or who are conspicuously ugly 1 - 3 range. The rest, the mass of women, you might notice if you're looking around for women, and think, oh, her nose is ugly, etc. The "average girl" you're talking about is probably a dressed down 7+ in no makeup.

Girls are also way better than most men at grooming and dressing themselves. They can easily change 1 - 3 points with makeup, hair, more formal or trendy clothes in better cuts.

Most of my friends are women and I've taken time to interview them about this stuff.

>> No.6192813


>Most of my friends are women

confirmed cuck

>> No.6192835

????????????? literally have never taken note of how fast someone is reading, good for you if it makes you feel attractive but????????????

it's a well acknowledged truth that, walking around a college campus or something, you'll see way more pretty to stunning girls than even kind of attractive guys

>> No.6192858

>????????????? literally have never taken note of how fast someone is reading, good for you if it makes you feel attractive but????????????

Why did you write this like a 13 year old girl

>> No.6192859


You'll "see way more" attractive girls because that's what you're inclined to see. You don't go out saying, LET ME SEE ALL OF WOMANKIND AND MANKIND AND COMPARE, you go out and look at nice things. You just notice girls who are attractive, by the fact that they are attractive, and you don't have a female or a fag's sexual attraction to males and the years of discerning that comes with that. You only notice conspicuously good looking or well dressed men because you can't discern when it comes to men. I've spent a lot of time with women, my friends are women, and they are attracted to way more guys than I'd say are "kind of attractive."

>> No.6192878

i do have "a female or a fag's sexual attraction to males and the years of discerning that comes with that" though
I am a woman.

girls put more effort into how they look even if they're in sweat pants and a lot of guys don't grow into their looks until later in their twenties and older, that's why I specified college
idk, I would say most of my attraction to men has to do with their personalities/being funny/smart/vibe (so I'm not attracted to many men)

>> No.6192895

he wasnt black

>> No.6192924


I think we're talking past each other. The point I really want to get across is that men have no fucking idea what average women look like. They're mostly attracted to hotter women in various stages of put-togetherness, and the best stylists among the genuinely average.

>> No.6192959

Yeah, and by the time she lets you catch her without make-up you've already grown fond of her personality and you're stuck. Devious, devious wenches.

>> No.6192965

yeah that's true I think, a lot of girls also notice things like oh that outfit is really nice or that eyeliner is really well applied or whatever stuff dudes don't care about

>> No.6192986


I don't actually give a shit about this. My personal preferences don't enter into my discussion. I'm arguing against the men who bitch and moan about how they like average girls but average girls only like hot men. These men don't understand that it's easy for girls to seem less attractive by simply not styling themselves like every girl does.

I suppose I should introduce a distinction that I've left implicit: base physical attractiveness, such as facial shape and body shape, apart from style, tend to trump style that comes from shape. Women are very good at the second kind of attractiveness, so the average for that is inflated. These kind of men look at dressed down, fairly physically shapely people, and go, I LIKE AVERAGE GIRLS.

The truth is everyone tends to like the three to four most attractive people out of ten.

>> No.6193004

>tend to...

I mean here that your body and your face tend to have more weight than your clothes and your makeup.

Men don't notice this stuff but it does have an effect on them. Eyeliner, blush, concealer, lip-stick and gloss, all change a woman's face a lot. Her sense of color and cut effect your sense of her complexion and her body shape. The cohesion of her outfit also has a subtly effect.

>> No.6193053

Most women are highly fashion concious by the time they're in university or college and can signify a sense of style and convey their 'put-gether/hip' personality with clothing choices to potential buyers. On top of that most women drastically alter their appearance with makeup, so females who would otherwise go completely unnoticed are thought of as average or hot.
A high percentage of guys dress like shitbags, even with the fashion revolution of the 2000's, which is why it's easy to think the male population is 'less attractive' than the female population

>> No.6193077
File: 502 KB, 960x1280, DSC0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask a shy nerdy girl who did her Masters thesis on Proust anything

>> No.6193085
File: 137 KB, 803x688, 1424621432703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you click on the /soc/ link for me?


>> No.6193090

Away with thee tumblr

>> No.6193116

>obviously not even the /lit/ catalog
Proust was a good pick though, as he's to intimidating for people on /lit/ to actually read him, so he can't become a meme, not bad bro.

>> No.6193117

hmm, would only question that most girls radically alter their appearance with makeup, a lot of girls don't wear makeup or only wear mascara/sloppy eyeliner (like the type that goes all around the eyes and imo doesn't work for most girls, popular among sorority girls), wearing obvious lipstick during the day gets weird looks at my college so idk

I mean it depends on where you are, but most girls aren't getting up and doing heavy contouring with fake eyelashes and all that on a day to day basis (like in here http://www.buzzfeed.com/awesomer/makeup-before-and-afters#.qb9ZJZNm0
and besides covering up bad skin, the girls who are my type of pretty look just as/prettier in the before pics)
I mean I can go on about how fellow girls underutilize make up or think they're too good for bronzer or don't need to drown their waterline with kohl but that goes into my own neurosis/judgmentalness/desire to fix up everyone a bit.

>> No.6193158

>all this buttblasted feminism

It's easier for girls to date/get laid than guys. Get over it. Stop all the intellectualizing bullshit. It's a fact.

>> No.6193393

eyeliner and a little bit of coverup goes a LONG way, especially for any women that aren't fully white

>> No.6193709

oh you're so proud of yourself

>> No.6193761

It's easier for girls to get dates with shitty guys, yes. Non-shitty men actually respect other people's boundaries. It's just as awkward and weird for girls to ask men out.

>> No.6193771

>introverted girls want outgoing extroverts
>extroverted girls want outgoing extroverts
Why won't girls ever want a gloomy social mute...

>> No.6193783

girls want boys with confidence you dick nut

>> No.6193802

I'm confident in my inability to form meaningful relationships with other humans.

>> No.6193926

How do I approach a girl on the internet?

Or better yet, how do I get a girl to approach me in a 4chan thread? Do I just put myself out there and say that I'm looking for a qt /lit/ girl to scoff at my pathetic reading experience, a girl who will then laugh at me and shame me into reading more because she wants to see me realize my full potential?

A girl who will like me even though I have a small benis?

>> No.6193988

Cute as fuck

>> No.6194090

>Non-shitty men actually respect other people's boundaries
Yeah, guys that are intelligent, social, confident and attractive just don't approach women. At all. Because they all fall into your category of "respectful" human beings, who wouldn't engage in such vile, based acts. Seems legit.

Take your head out of your ass

>> No.6194116

see, girls approach you all the time on 4chan. You just don't know they are girls


>> No.6194144

Don't tease me :(

>> No.6196452

Are you single? I'm a Proust scholar too.

>> No.6196725


>> No.6196831


guess a Masters doesn't count for much these days

>> No.6197060

Read the post again.

>> No.6197458

How did you not detect that psycho look ?

Crazy eyes is a real thing and it's are not only the wide gaze look.