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/lit/ - Literature

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6191391 No.6191391 [Reply] [Original]

Screenwriting is wayyyy harder than any other form of writing--trust me.

>> No.6191405

why should we trust you?

what evidence do you have to back up your statement?

>> No.6191407

>not being able to write good dialogue
being this autistic

>> No.6191410



>> No.6191429
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You're just gonna have to take my word. It's all I've got--it's all I've ever had of any worth.

>> No.6191434

The way you use the semi-colon is revealing.

>> No.6191458



>> No.6191559


>> No.6191677

bump for more discussion.

>> No.6191709


Poetry's harder, I think, but wrting plays, screenplays, sketches and the like is hard. Writing a novel is a piece of piss, because you can just ramble on and obfuscate your lack of content with obscurantist prose and half-understood philosophy expounded at length.

Anything where you have to be concise and deliver your ideas efficiently is much harder. That's why poetry and plays stand the test of time and are read thousands of years after they're written, and novels go into the pulp.

>> No.6191842


>Worst trip on 4chan/10

>> No.6191978

I'm a poet and playwright, and never have I ever encountered such a wall as I have with screenwriting.

Screenwriting makes you so much more self-conscious, because you write a screenplay with definite hopes of it getting produced, so you have to purposefully make it palatable to some jew hollywood producer.

That being said, you also have to take in consideration whether or not your screenplay will make you look weird in the eyes of your family.

I have a very interesting screenplay idea, but I can't write it as my debut piece because it's kinda risque, despite weirder movies getting made.

>> No.6191988

>but I can't write it as my debut piece because it's kinda risque, despite weirder movies getting made.

One of the things that you have to accept as a screenwriter is that you don't get to write what you want to.

On the other hand, there's freedom in the fact that you can write absolute shite and it will eventually get cleaned up in the pre-production process.

Look at the first draft of the script for Alien, or The Matrix or Star Wars.

>> No.6191996

>One of the things that you have to accept as a screenwriter is that you don't get to write what you want to.
It's not that m8...it's something else...

The subject matter of the screenplay I'm turning over in my head is really...weird.

I don't want to tell you because you'll steal it and make millions and I'll hang myself.

Ugh. Caught in such a weird spot. I better just think up something else, but still, thinking up a debut screenplay that will be low cost and original is hard.

>> No.6192003

>The subject matter of the screenplay I'm turning over in my head is really...weird.

Doesn't matter. That's not how the business works. Your amazing vanity project will only ever be viewed as a spec script so you may as well write it and send it to agents, then you'll get a job on the next transformers or whatever if you're lucky.

Just write what you want to write and stop being a twat and making excuses.

>> No.6192009

I am writing a screenplay. Yes it's hard, but I started training myself years ago. It takes a while to get into the mindset of the form and be able to shortcut into quality. For about two years I floundered badly. For every 8 things I wrote, 1 may have been usable.

One of the issues is I don't like writing conflict. Its so overdone, but you have to do it.

>> No.6192011
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>the matrix took ten years to write

>> No.6192078

>Just write what you want to write and stop being a twat and making excuses.
Writing a screenplay takes a lot of time, and that time could be wasted if nobody wants to give me moola for muh script.

Also, I would hate for my script to get taken up and be poorly made without my consulting or supervision.

>> No.6192082

>and that time could be wasted if nobody wants to give me moola for muh script.

No matter what you write, your spec script will never be made into a movie.

I'm beginning to suspect troll now because you don't seem to know a lot about screenwriting.

>> No.6192087

Being John Malkovich was

So are all the pilots of all the recent cool tv shows

>> No.6192097

>Being John Malkovich was

Yeah, OK, but that's such an exception that it's literally held up as the only exception, and Charlie Kaufman was already a professional writer with connections and shit, he wasn't some dude writing alone in his bedroom.

I honestly can't think of any other spec scripts that got made, but there are bound to be some more.

>> No.6192101


Oh yeah, Good Will Hunting. That was a spec script wasn't it?

>> No.6192111

>Yes it's hard, but I started training myself years ago.
How did you do this? What are the key aspects to consider?

>> No.6192144

I read everything. Classics, non fiction, contemporary novels, screenplays. Read every how to write a screenplay book I could find. The best one is Story by Robert Mckee.

But importantly you have to analyse stuff. Why is something good? There are many basic principles, show don't tell, if an aspect can be told visually, (as opposed to dialogue) do that, every scene has to show change, characters have to want something in every scene.

Now the internet has progressed, you can find anything out via google / forums.

Also, screenwriters do interviews about their processes and they're all on youtube.

>> No.6192160

thanks, that was really useful

>> No.6192162

I'll also add that there are times when you're stuck. But every time I've managed to find a way out.

>> No.6192213

>times when you suck
Now would you say giving oral sex is a necessary part of the screenwriting process?

>> No.6192232
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sure is

>> No.6192234


not him, but one among probably tens of thousands that were turned down and declined that year

>> No.6192240
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>> No.6192242

OP here, I'm gonna fuck it and pump out my weirdo script.

It's just too good in my mind to not put it to paper--I keep thinking up amazing shit for it.

>> No.6192247


Well technically it's not hard to write a script.

Is it hard to sell a script? That's the problem, I don't know why anybody would even care to try these days. I know MUH NEPOTISM is somewhat overstated, but it's still a big enough issue that if you're just some random midwestern chump who wrote a screenplay and wants to send it off to make big bux . . . nah, it's aint happening. Buy a powerball ticket instead.

>> No.6192255

lol no it wasn't--it was the advice of a loser idiot.

>> No.6192260

>My city, new york city

Literally the worse thing I've ever read.

>> No.6192272
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lmao you moron

>> No.6192273
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Is the nepotism really that bad?

>> No.6192276

Jesus christ lol! Worse than r/poetry.

>> No.6192279
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>> No.6192287

lol who the fuck wrote this insanely bad shit?

>> No.6192291

I swear lit is populated by the most stupid people on 4chan. Everyone on tv is able to tell that these scripts are a joke. I post some poetry on mu (not mine, I mean famous poetry) and get a better response there than here.

>> No.6192295


You fucking monster. I was kinda liking Daddy Bling and then you just fucking kill him? You're worse than Martin. Stop getting me invested in characters then just offing them

RIP in piece Chin Bong

>> No.6192299

>I gave up on myself, others should follow suit

>> No.6192303

It's obvious parody, you retards.

>> No.6192304
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yeah, writing dialog and having no ear for prose is soooooo difficult.

>> No.6192307

Why not try to independently produce and film your movie? I had a friend who wanted a good horror movie because the genre has stagnated recently (save for some great ones like Taking of Deborah Logan), so they made their own.

>> No.6192309
File: 44 KB, 144x216, john_core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's autobiography, you fucking tard, as any moron can see.

Pic related: It's John Core, and he ain't got time for all kinds of shit.


>> No.6192333

>hey kid, bring some more bears

pffffft, he just brought beers, there aren't even any bears in this scene. dropped.

>> No.6192343


Probably a deliberate example of his imcompetence which foreshadows some future development in the script. He's a Chekhov's Cunt.

Let's give it a chance, see where it goes. I'm already enjoying it more than Interstellar.

>> No.6192344

> Core has broad research interests in executive compensation and executive stock and option incentives

>> No.6192354

find more here

>> No.6192394

>executive compensation

That's the title of the movie. Boys, we're going to make a billion squillion dollars.


Nah, you're alright. We've got the basic gist and now we're going to get M. Knight Shamalangathingy to rewrite it. Maybe make it into a boxing movie about a girl who has time-travelling boxing gloves and trains with all the greats of history, but she has to fight them all first to earn their respect. Get the guys from Life of Pi to do the FX like Forrest Gump and we're away.

Also, Focus Groups don't like the title "Executive Compensation" so we're changing it to "Lovestruck".

>> No.6192409
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>Detail camera shots

>> No.6192417

Actually, screen-writing is easier because it reduces everything to what's necessary, i.e. you don't write purple-prose to describe a scene: it's just bare-bones.

Though, if you have trouble picturing scenes in your head -- and how you think they should be shot -- I could see how it'd be a problem.

>> No.6192420


It's even harder when you're writing a comic book, because you've got some cunt artist who's always sticking his fucking oar in and also he's always fucking late with the artwork and then you get it and it's all wrong and you can't fit the dialogue in the frame properly. Fucking Glen Fabry destroys people's careers doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.6192435
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I've mocked up the poster, assuming we can get Emma Stone on board.

Also the title is now "Time Puncher" and it's about a police woman who can travel through time to solve historical crimes but can't find love in an increasingly alienating world. She's also struggling to balance her career in the Time Punching corps with her internet start up cup cake company.

We're calling it "Fondant Heart".

>> No.6192495

This thread is now about writing terrible loglines and titles.

Logline: Restaurant manager (played by Sylvester Stallone) struggles with his foreign staff to keep his restaurant afloat. His last chance is to win the annual best italian spaghetti bistro cook-off competition in the city of Newark.
Title: Rocky 8

>> No.6192691

Jesus christ /lit/ has no creative gumption what so ever.

>> No.6192713

>what so ever
Go kill yourself to literal death.

>> No.6192857

OP presses "Post" and waits for his captcha. "huGe FagGot" appears in the box. Reluctantly, he types it. He remarks through the microphone on his headset to his online friends, his only friends, how the captcha system is strange and suspicious.

OP: For example, I am a huge faggot, and the captcha predicted this quite accurately.

>> No.6193371
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In a world where children are the new adults and adults are the new slaves, Emma Stone must deal with the ups and downs of life with an 8 year old pimp in Prostitute Mom, a heartwarming family comedy, coming this fall.

>> No.6193533

only because you don't understand the medium

>> No.6193572

This. Selling a script is ridiculously difficult because its a massive investment to make a movie while a book, or an e-book, is practically nothing in comparison. That doesn't really make the writing harder though. Its like asking if running a marathon or crawling a mile is harder.

>> No.6193941
File: 478 KB, 960x1280, emma_stone_hammered_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Primary school teacher Emma and happy-go-lucky immigrant Ryan had a green card wedding, until the honeymoon in Haiti made this marriage anything but convenient. Now he wants her heart, and she wants to eat his brains. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling in Til Undeath Do Us Part, coming this fall.

>> No.6194030

hahaha *groans*

A philosopgy grad student played by Shea Laboeuf must make his way in the world despite his crippling social anxiety--that is, until his colleague played by emma stone tries arduously to break him out of his shell. What starts as a professional platonic relationship becomes much more profound.

>> No.6195676
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>tfw dialogue is about the only thing that comes esay to you
>tfw sometimes even it doesn't

>> No.6195748

>you also have to take in consideration whether or not your screenplay will make you look weird in the eyes of your family.
4chan is a 18+ site, underageb& is not welcome.

>> No.6196302
File: 23 KB, 300x300, emma-stone_wolverine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Created as a weapon by Canadas most ambitious scientists, Emma Stone must discover who was behind the radical surgery which altered her, and what they intended beforebeauty is destroyed by the beast within.

Emma Stone is Wolverine, coming this fall.

>> No.6197435
File: 1.33 MB, 1048x784, emtage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a world gone Emma Stone, Emma Stone IS Emma Stone in The Emma Stone, coming this fall. Also starring Matthew fucking McConaghey for some fucking reason.

>> No.6197480

After a mix-up in cabin lodgings at camp, Ted Danson falls for both of his new bunk mates-- and their twins! Now torn between the two, played by Emma Stone, he must choose between the hot, smart bookworm and the sexy fun loving party-girl. That is, until he hatches a crazy scheme to change the US marriage laws on bigamy.

Coming this summer, Between a Stone and a Hard-Place is a fun movie about fun, growing-up, and political involvement the whole family can enjoy!

>> No.6197563


Camera shots are by and large decided by the director and Director of Photography. Thoughts are the bailiwick of the actors delivering the lines. All the screenwriter does is get the dialogue on the page and get the hell out of the way.

>> No.6197722

A typical small town girl played by emma stone stumbles upon a satanic sacrificing ritual in the forest. She struggles to get her beer guzzling father, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to believe her amid all the press release of a victim found allegedly "torn apart by wolves" in the forest. Before she knows it, the satanic cult targets her, but will her father see before it's too late?

Title: Pentagramer

>> No.6197750

>Thoughts are the bailiwick of the actors delivering the lines
>in charge of thinking

>> No.6197766
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it seems easier than working all my ideas into prose when all the shit i write down is barely intelligible as is

>> No.6198290

What are the best books to read on writing?

>> No.6200136

everyone raves about mckee's story but i found it really basic: three act structure, rising conflict, etc.

>> No.6201571

> writing for the jews