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/lit/ - Literature

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6186972 No.6186972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

let's talk coffee, /lit/

i think we can all agree that soy macchiatos are the superior drink

>> No.6186976


drinking anything but espressos/ristrettos/french presses

i shiggidy

>> No.6186975

Another Starbucks loon. Just what /lit/ needs.

>> No.6186978

drip coffee, black.

if you do anything other than this you are a cock sucking turbo faggot.

>> No.6186980

>not drinking tiny espresso's
>with your pinky extended
>while reading Portrait of a Young Man by Joyce
>in a cafe staffed entirely by qt.314 ~25 year old women
>with soft 1950's French music playing in the background

>> No.6186983

drip coffee, black

if you drink anything besides this you are a cock sucking turbo faggot.

>> No.6186984

nigga do you even oils?

>> No.6186989

So insecure it had to be posted twice

>> No.6186990
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Why drink coffee?

>> No.6186993

when has a little cappuccino ever hurt anyone?

>> No.6187001

>Although very rare today, milk sickness claimed thousands of lives among European-American migrants to the Midwest in the early 19th century in the United States

>> No.6187007

>drinking anything besides black sugary instant in a cracked porcelain mug

Get on my level plebs, I've achieved a state of realness you will never understand.

>> No.6187014

jeez.. rip

>> No.6187020

decaf coffee, coffee whitener

if you drink anything besides this you are a cock sucking turbo faggot meme spouter

>> No.6187032

i spent last night sleeping on a park bench with only a $2 cup of mcdonalds black to keep me warm. i'm making this post from a 2009 flip phone using a public wifi hotspot with a fifteen minute time limit before 24 hours of lockout. you're still living a fantasy, son.

>> No.6187036

>Drip coffee

I bet you think strippers like you too.

>> No.6187040

>Not living in a shell crater in an active warzone and drinking only scavenged instant from dead soldier's ration packs out of an old leather boot.

>> No.6187045
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Damn why is this thread here, but my contemporary art thread was removed for being off topic.

Interestingly, in 16th century England coffee was heavily associated with trade and cultural encounters with the Arab world and there was a worry that if you drank too much you would 'turn Turk.'

I for one await ice coffee season.

>> No.6187052
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>ice coffee

>> No.6187059

How dare you misuse Sherlock Holmes / Jeremy Brett in this way.

>> No.6187071

It's already happened lad.

They aren't moving here, coffee drinkers just turn into Arabs.

>> No.6187105

It's straight black when I need to be awake and Caramel latte with extra shot when I want my awakened state to taste good.

Anything in between is for people who are in denial about their all-encompassing and perpetually flaming faggotry and depravity.

>> No.6187123

Latté, hot or over ice in the summer. Coffee is too bitter for me.
(Non-Starbuck. Their product sucks)

To warm you in the early morning air.
Because some places get quite hot.

>> No.6187125

Vietnamese coffee is the greatest kind I've ever had. But then again I'm Vietnamese so maybe I'm biased.

Use coffee to down your uppers, of course.

>> No.6187140

i drink iced coffee year round even when it's in the single digits out because i cant stand hot drinks in the morning

>> No.6187168

At home, dark roast drip coffee, black. Used to use a french press and several types of pots but I always come back to dripping.

In a cafe espresso is often the safest. Corretto is great but I gave up on alcohol. Sometimes in the summer I'll have a frappe.

>> No.6187179
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>> No.6187202

add good drip and turkish to this and i agree

>> No.6187217
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>> No.6187233

anyone use an aeropress? I love mine, it's like a cross between drip and French press

currently drinking some black French coffee with this really strong chocolate taste

>> No.6187254

it's okay but i prefer my french press, it just makes tastier coffee

>> No.6187261

Was thinking of getting one. You recommend?

>> No.6187279

>implying you can taste the difference

>> No.6187280

>Not drinking black sambuca & black espresso

Ultimate plebs.

>> No.6187284
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Actually, a cleverdrip is a cross between drip and French press, since it has the exposure time of the French press and the paper filter of the drip.

The aeropress is too quick to be compared to French press as far as brewing goes.

>> No.6187288

>not grappa

cute little girl detected

>> No.6187292


>> No.6187298

/lit/ talking about booze, coffee and tobacco is like /fit/ talking about proteine powder, it's very on topic.

>> No.6187313

Well, /fa/ talking about tobacco and drugs and coffee is on-topic. The /lit/ equivalent would be fountain pens and moleskines.

But on the other hand it does indeed fall under the wider "literary lifestyle" umbrella. I wouldn't delete it myself.

>> No.6187321


>> No.6187359



I think I found out where white machismo went. You're probably half female by now. The heat makes the phytoestrogens more active you fucking tranny.

>> No.6187373

Cafe corretto only choice.

>> No.6187377

Listen here, you fags. The only valid coffee is brewed coffee without milk or sugar.

>> No.6187379

me mum: "anon since you love coffee so much I got a keurig for us!"
"t-thanks mom"

>> No.6187380
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french press with cream, bourbon, cannabis tincture, cinnamon

garnish with ketamine and yoga

>> No.6187382

bretty gud

>> No.6187391
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>> No.6187392
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only low test males can metabolise lactose

>> No.6187403
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>still buying overpriced barely coffee shit from Starbucks
If you get caramel vanilla frappiatos from Starbucks, you both

A. Don't actually like coffee
B. Are blinded by ideology

>> No.6187409


yeah, I really love mine. it's really handy and pretty cheap

if you do get one look up the inverted method, it's a lifesaver

takes about five minutes to make coffee in the morning

also they come with filters already so you don't need to buy separate filters and end up with 500 like I did

>> No.6187423

Turkish coffee is the bomb, but usually I just have french pressed coffee. And how is this about literature?

>> No.6187448
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This guy gets it

>> No.6187455

Man, I was almost there when I lived in Paris.
>reading In Search of Lost Time and books by other writers I know
>waiter comes and shoots the shit about Proust with me
>my life was so good
Now I'm in the fucking midwest US. Kill me please.
On topic:
I really love black coffee when I'm at home, but I occasionally make espresso.

>> No.6187476

... all coffee is brewed coffee

>> No.6187483

Colombian. From time to time, I'll get a craving for an Ethiopian; I normally take that as an indication of scurvy.

>> No.6187505

Chocalate milk, really.

>> No.6187530
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>> No.6187551

helps the chicken skins and butterbiscuits go down, smooth-jazz-smooth

>> No.6187580

Just coffee. Black as midnight on a moonless night.

>> No.6187582

>not rakia

I hope you enjoy all the anal sex, little Greek boy

>> No.6187599

I actually agree. I had some Albanian moonshine rakia that seemed like about 60 to 70% alcohol but it was absolutely GOAT and the best digestif I've had.

>> No.6187622

I'm going to start shitposting this idea on /pol/

>> No.6187638

viet coffee is top tier

>> No.6187642

What if I enjoy the actual taste enough to spend money on it, but I recognize and loathe it as an ideological entity?

>> No.6187815

>and books by other writers I know


>> No.6187817


>> No.6187833

They are not exclusive activities. My favorite mix is to take a sudafed, drink 4 cups of black coffee, and then go for an hour long bike ride. The quick absorption due to exercise plus the two stimulants pretty much gets you a very focused/creative high.

Completely legal and extraordinarily useful.

>> No.6187837

Based anon. We're all rooting for you.

>> No.6187875

Then you're both weak willed and have shit taste (these 'qualities' often go with each other)

>> No.6187887

My ideal way to energize my morning is good'ol fosters

>> No.6187900

>can't tell the difference between french press and drip coffee
confirmed for shit palate

>> No.6188023

I upgraded from black instant coffee to just several caffeine pills a day

>> No.6188029


>drinking coffee for the energy instead of the taste

God I hope I'm never this pleb

>> No.6188034

Our mods are the most useless faggots. Is there a board with worse moderation?
Do we even have a janitor?

>> No.6188044

Downgraded. No taste and less healthy stuff, same dehydration but without compensatory liquid.

You done goofed.

>> No.6188049

He does it for free.

>> No.6188050

It helps me being alive?
It's really hard for me here to get other drugs

>> No.6188065

>Is there a board with worse moderation?

the moderation on /tv/ and /mu/, both of which i use more than /lit/, has been terrible recently

>> No.6188075

No, I drink several glasses after swallowing them

>> No.6188085

/lit/'s janitor has better things to read than /lit/, why do you think we elected him?

>> No.6188111

Still downgraded baby, you're missing out on all the good stuff in coffee and singling out the bad.

>> No.6188115

>yfw everyone who posts on this board works at a coffee shop or is a neet

>> No.6188121

Anyone who doesn't drink just plain black coffee is a fucking pleb and should end his pathetic existence.

>> No.6188128

Maybe you should switch to decaf, Camus.

>> No.6188139

>shitposting on pol
what a tautology

>> No.6188253

Black, light to medium roast. Drip. Sometimes I'll have a bianco though (drip coffee with steamed milk).

I've mostly moved on to tea though. Greater variety, cheaper for quality, and easier to brew.

>> No.6188418

I never in my life drank coffee.

>> No.6188507

Starbucks' coffee is terrible. How do they have a near-monopoly on the industry? Is it because of all of their overly sweetened milkshake-type drinks? How can coffee be this huge cultural thing, yet no one understands what it should taste like--or how it should be prepared.

>> No.6188520


>> No.6188550

it's the cheapest coffee place out there. most people hit it for their jitter quota, some like the disgusting unfrozen sugarpastries and sugarfraps and sugarshit

>> No.6188570

wait I'm not from the US, but isn't starbucks considered relatively expensive?

>> No.6188575
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>cheapest coffee place ever

>> No.6188584

I just drink like ten cups of strong black instant coffee a day

>> No.6188590

Uh, no it's fucking not, Starbucks is expensive as shit. You realize you can get coffee for $1 a cup in a lot of places, right?

>> No.6188621

As a Cuban who makes Cuban espresso every morning I'd have to say Cuban espresso is number one for me.

Though i like making them at home, I think getting one (I live in Miami) at a cafe window makes it better just because of the experience; old Cuban guys are fun. Anyone who comes to Miami and stops at Cuban cafeteria or any Hispanic cafeteria should order a colada or a cortadito (Cuban espresso with a tiny bit of milk in it).

>> No.6189023

Macchiato > Flat White > Americano (black) > Espresso > Cappuccino > Filter (black) > Latte

No sugar or other silly additives.

>> No.6189057

I like this but with bourbon or brandy added

Am I still a cocksucking turbo faggot?

>> No.6189075

>flat white

Just order a latte without foam you Aussie faggot
Macchiato>Espresso>.Americano>Latte>Cappucino>drinks made up in Australia

>> No.6189085

>there are people who have never had Turkish Coffee
>Year of our Lord 2015

Seriously, if you can find a good cafe, this stuff is amazing.

>> No.6189289

Flat whites are the best cup of coffee closely followed by a black coffee so bitter your lips pucker, if you disagree you are wrong and I won't be your friend

>> No.6189351

it's more akin to a double macchiato with 2-3x the milk m8.