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6181518 No.6181518 [Reply] [Original]

If you could choose any writer, alive or dead, and have coffee with them in a very hipster-esque restaurant, who would it be?

>> No.6181522


>> No.6181523


>> No.6181524

Alive would be McCarthy dead Cervantes

>> No.6181527

Stirner of course

>> No.6181533

Vargas Llosa

>> No.6181535

Shakespeare, to find out what he was like as a person.

>> No.6181542

Nietzsche, Henry Miller, or Milton

>tfw Milton clutches to your arm so you can lead him to his seat and after reading him the menu he asks you if you wouldn't mind also reading a few chapters of The Bible aloud

>> No.6181548

yung leo

>> No.6181549

Gertrude Stein or Voltaire

maybe Steinbeck, but later I'd feel like I should have picked Shakespeare or Dante

>> No.6181559
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>> No.6181560

Daddy Salinger

>> No.6181563

probably like keats or something

>> No.6181565

I like the man (no homo) what else there's to say?

>> No.6181567

George R. R. Martin

>> No.6181569


>> No.6181571

why are you even alive

>> No.6181576

>tfw you pick someone cool who died young and they turn out unsurprising and underwhelming

>> No.6181781

I'd want to be with Shakespeare. We'd pretend to hit on all the girls with bad haircuts and piercings. Plus we'd be drinking tea.

I'd rather get pisspants drunk with Hemingway in a semi-crowded bar.

>> No.6181937

Anne Frank
don't ask why

>> No.6181993

Hemingway. I don't even like his work that much, I just think it'd be fun to get in a fist fight with some wimpy coffee shop faggots with Hemingway at my side. I would pay infinite amounts of money to see Ernie knock some limp wristed cappucino drinkers out.

Wilde perhaps, and we'd make fun of the rest of the shitters at the shop.

Marlowe maybe to watch him go batshit, fight three people at once, stab someone, and ultimately take a knife to the eye from some sissy.

Man I just really hate the Starbucks crowd.

>> No.6181994

anne frank

>> No.6182013


>> No.6182016


>> No.6182029
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seaman stains the mountain top

>> No.6182036

John Green

>> No.6182099

Jonathan Galassi, the president of FSG.

>> No.6182116

Wilde if I want to go back there, Hemingway if I want to be banned for life.

>> No.6182120

Steinbeck so I'm cool like him, smoking and talking about consumerism.

>> No.6182169

Carson McCullers, first date

>> No.6182198
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Hunter S. Thompson, the pre Fear and Loathing one..

>> No.6182200

have you even read his poetry?

>> No.6182203
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>implying milton didnt memorize the whole shit

>> No.6182204

cursorily in class, but not on my own time

I was considering asking the three Brontes how they felt about dying before 30, so

>> No.6182208
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Boris Pasternak or Robert Musil

>> No.6182212

He'd actually have one of his daughters (only daughter?) read various parts of it to him each morning before he began composing verse.

>> No.6182213

maybe someone like ts eliot would be boring as shit but Keats or shelley or byron? no way

>> No.6182217
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that sounds cute

>> No.6182247
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oh no, forgot the cool steinbeck pic

>> No.6182251

Nietzsche, hands down.

I would fucking LOVE to see what that guy was like up close and personal.

>> No.6182260

Plato or Hegel.

>> No.6182625

Hume or J.S Mill

>> No.6182627

I'd gamble with Dostoevsky.

>> No.6182637

Neil Gaiman. Just to find out if he's really a lucky hack like his books make him look, or if he's actually got something interesting to say.

>> No.6182641

If you can't tell after reading him books then I'm afraid you're far too stupid to be able to tell just by meeting him IRL.

>> No.6182648


I'm willing to give people a chance. You can write good books and be a total braindead egomaniac IRL, so why can't the opposite be true?

>> No.6182649

writers just can't be judged by their character, there are so many psychological factors to deal with that it's not even worth attempting

unless you know a good story about them in college or something

>> No.6182653

You truly are confused. Both Hemingway and Wilde would be a part of that starbucks crowd, talking about whatever they are working on with their friends and how they could be better., You really need to find a community of like-minded individuals and embrace it whole-heartedly if you ever want to succeed in your endeavors. Sometimes that means hanging around pretensious nwankers who will never write anything great, because they might introduce you to someone who will or is at least brilliant. The average often hang on coattails, why not see where they lead? Those thatrefuse to take part in society are instantly forgotten by it

>> No.6182657

hemingway and wilde INVENTED the starbucks crowd. especially hemingway, and more credit to him for it

>> No.6183026 [DELETED] 

I'd like to smoke a nice joint with Steinbeck before entering the coffeeshop.

>> No.6183038

i'd love to see Wittgenstein irl. was his speech just as brilliant as his writing?

>> No.6183158

Heraclitus, to see if any interpretations of his wok even vaguely represent his ideas.

>> No.6183182


Wittgenstein would, according to Ray Monk's biography, have exhaustively long and focused discussions on philosophy with anybody he thought was intellectually worthy - most of these people being Oxford dons.

Anybody he considered a student he would actively dissuade from pursuing philosophy - he considered it a sham practice - and instead entering something "honest" like a trade. So you'd probably end up with him arguing you should become a welder or a doctor or something and just give up intellectual life.

>> No.6183186

Sorry, Cambridge, not Oxford.

>> No.6183189

>Wittgenstein would, according to Ray Monk's biography, have exhaustively long and focused discussions on philosophy with anybody he thought was intellectually worthy - most of these people being Oxford dons.
>Anybody he considered a student he would actively dissuade from pursuing philosophy - he considered it a sham practice - and instead entering something "honest" like a trade. So you'd probably end up with him arguing you should become a welder or a doctor or something and just give up intellectual life.

changed my mind. i guess Russell would be cooler to talk with

>> No.6183192

Pynchon just to see what he looks like.

>> No.6183199

I dreamed I was visiting the US and Pynchon sat a row below me at a baseball game

I have no interest in baseball, and I don't care how Pynchon looks like in real life, and I don't want to go to the US

It's the weirdest thing

>> No.6183373
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>What is justice, Anon?

>> No.6183572

Diogenes. We'd be looking for humans.

>> No.6183597

>dude sprawls out across the table
>dumps the plate of spaghetti onto his stomach
>and eats with his bare hands
>all while calling out the misgivings of the other diners
dinner with diogenes?

>> No.6183611

My Dinner with Diogenes. Should be a movie.

>> No.6183615

This is the gorillianth time we've had this thead, and there is only one right answer.

>> No.6183618

Wilde maybe, but Hemingway is definitely not the Starbucks crowd. (although they're both revered by that crowd for whatever fucking reason)
There are plenty of writers that didn't partake in society. And the problem with finding a likeminded group to associate with in Starbucks is that those people are hardly ever worth any salt, just a bunch of tumblr-going losers that romanticize being a writer. If you feel belonging in a group of Starbucks "writers" then I feel for you.

>> No.6183635

I've heard the argument somewhere online that there really isn't an art scene as in bars and whatnot where artists hang out. Because usually artists hate each others guts, according to the guy. Makes sense.

Personally I'm starting to think if you want to be writer don't call yourself as such, just be one. If you do write people probably will start calling you a writer if you want it or not. If you have to remind them what you are, well. Bad news I guess.

>> No.6183651
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Sounds fantastic

>> No.6183674

Deleuze obvs.

We'd chat in French about immanent materialism, the BwO of capitalism, only to disagree on his point about the purpose of desiring production bringing out novel forms of embodied vitality rather than cosmic schizophrenia death

>>TFW he would hate me at first, but wed meet up again on the other side

>> No.6184486

Always surprised that Kafka is so rarely mentioned in such threads.

>> No.6184505
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>> No.6184525

Probably because Kafka gives off the impression of being autistic and socially awkward, though I've read he was actually rather socially aware and enjoyable.

>> No.6184531

C.S Lewis or Camus

>> No.6186506
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Arthur Ransome

>> No.6186689

Sylvia Plath.

>> No.6186704

Bertrand Russell.

>> No.6186706

A spook, m8.

>> No.6186709


"artists" who try to hang out are the worst most leech teir lazy fucks.

If an artist wants to hang out with you while you create he basically thinks he could be your idea guy and take half the credit.
Sitting down to mutually edit is a different story, but "hanging out" is pure cancer.

>> No.6186710 [DELETED] 
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Is there any reason for anybody that doesn't live in or aspire to live in a communist country to read Marx?

>> No.6186714

You're doing it wrong, white boy.

>> No.6186728

gimmy a sec. trying to decode that fucking sentence.

Yea, you could learn it to see if you give a fuck about it or not. Also gives some insight into the foundation for certain world powers today. Otherwise no, you will probably just lol at leftist movement and how fragmentary they have become with special interests.

>> No.6186732


I'm Irish so we'd go on the piss afterwards through Dublin, him spouting uninteligeble nonesense the whole time while I pretend I get what he's saying.
Becket would probably be trailing along behind trying to make sure we don't fuck anything up, or not, I don't know what sort of guy he was or would be when drinking.

>> No.6187028

Socially aware enough to keep a conversation - broken enough to make it interesting.

>> No.6187068

Timothy Leary, because he's probably carrying.

>> No.6187093

Or you know... Just follow him on social media.