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6174734 No.6174734 [Reply] [Original]

It seems Dune's influence has struck nearly every creative creative mind that has touched fantasy or sci-fi in the past

Anyways, I heard they start to suck at some point. I'm almost done with Messiah, when should I call it quits?

>> No.6174879


Don't be a quitter. Finish all of Herbert's Dune and continue with The Jesus Incident.

>> No.6174902
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Children of Dune is similar to dune messiah, so if you enjoyed it keep going. Then you owe it to yourself to read God Emperor, because its basically what children of dune was setting. I personally enjoyed heretics and chapterhouse, but they're the instalments that people love to hate

>> No.6174943
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>> No.6175006
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>and continue with The Jesus Incident.

>> No.6175015

>People getting their panties in a wad because of "genre fiction"


What's the point?

Seriously, can someone explain to me why genre fiction is supposedly, so clearly, trash?

>> No.6175056
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i think you mean "continue with Destination: Void". jesus incident was a sequel.

>> No.6175308

Does Dune get better as it goes along? I just started and so far it's a bore to read, every second word is some sci-fi nonsense that hasn't been defined or political shit about locations and people that don't seem to matter

>> No.6175537

Starts slow but it picks up pretty fast in the second half

>> No.6175549

>every second word is some sci-fi nonsense that hasn't been defined

I prefer it when sci-fi leaves you to work things out from context rather than over-explaining.

>> No.6175641

It's fucking amazing and as you read you'll be going, "Hey Star Wars did... and Halo did... and ___ did..." and on and on. Dune has inspired sooo fucking much it's insane. I'd wager Herbert is to sci-fi what Tolkien is to fantasy.

>> No.6175645

Like in Infinite Jest

>> No.6175704


What other Frank Herbert books do you recommend?

>> No.6175804

>to sci-fi what Tolkien is to fantasy.
That would be Edgar Rice Burroughs

>> No.6176308

>mfw reading the end of God Emperor of Dune

Holy shit how depressing. Leto's speech to Hwi was sad as fuck.

And then I read the Wiki pages for the rest. Holy shit Herbert Brothers, you are fucking this series. I'm glad someone else said "Jesus Incident" first.

>> No.6176357
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>> No.6176361


Hah. After listening to the audiobooks all the way up to God Emperor, Frank's habit of telling the audience, multiple times per chapter via Narrator, the Fremen repeating Ye Olde Legends, Paul himself wondering aloud about how awesome he is, that Paul is super-awesome Batman Jesus got more annoying.

>> No.6176363

Fuck off, dude. I've seen you post this three days in a row. What are you trying to prove?

>> No.6176368

But anon, this is my first time posting it.

Also try getting a sense of humor, faggot.

>> No.6176374

What's the joke?

>> No.6176378

>being this retarded

Go back to /tv/ or something.

>> No.6176383

I asked where the joke was because you weren't joking around, but told me to get a sense of humor. What was funny about what you posted?

>> No.6176400

*tips my fedora to you*

>> No.6176404

Never mind, I get the joke. You saved some other person's reaction to a book, so you can repost it. Yeah, that is funny.

>> No.6176411

*my fedora tips itself to you* ^_^

>> No.6176446


>you will never give someone an orgasm with your awesome rock-climbing skills

>> No.6176586
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>> No.6176751

Whipping Star and the Dosadi Experiment.

the first is about a woman with a fetish for whipping who received treatment for it and then found if she whipped a disembodied alien without the concept of pain she could get away with it. for a while. kind of a shame that alien controls the galaxy's portal network and is going to die. and take everyone with it.

the Dosadi Experiment... heh heh heh. i won't spoiler it for you, but the concept of a legal system where you can kill people with a spear has a definite appeal for me.

>> No.6177813

Shit I forgot about that

>> No.6178640

Now this is a Duneposting thread.

>> No.6179639
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but it won't be complete without:

>> No.6179644
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"Even if you have never read a Dune book, the plot synopsis of the latest Dune novel written by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson should be enough to get your blood boiling:

"Sandworms picks up where Hunters left off: The no-ship Ithaca is still searching for a new homeworld for the Jews and Bene Gesserit, while Duncan evades the tachyon net of the old couple, now known to be Omnius and Erasmus. In the Old Empire, Murbella attempts to rally human kind for a last stand against the Thinking Machines. The New Face Dancers continue to infiltrate the main organizations of the Old Empire at all levels, having also sent the gholas of the Baron Harkonnen and young Paolo Atreides to Omnius' capital, Synchrony.

"Brian Herbert has not just tarnished his father's legacy, he has ridden atop a burning money train straight down the gullet of his father's dessicated corpse, exploding it in a shower of creepy sex scenes and lame multi-page descriptions of giant robots fighting. Burn in hell forever, Brian Herbert. I hope you slip and fall in that new bathroom."
- Zack Parsons

>> No.6179646


No, Burroughs is more like the sci-fi equivalent of E. R. Eddison.

>> No.6180659

I think the general idea is that god emperor is really good and the ones after aren't worth reading. I'm only on children of dune though

>> No.6180729

When is God Emperor going to get better, i'm at the part Hwi Noree is presented to Leto and it's still read like some YA dystopian novel where a heroine fights against the evil ruler(s) of the world.

>> No.6181047

I couldn't finish Heretics of Dune. I highly recommend reading about the Golden Path, so that means reading Children of Dune and God Emperor of Dune. Changed my life

>> No.6181742


Starts really slow but picks up. The characters get fleshed out, at least the main ones.

It can be grating for some because of how intricate Herbert writes. I love it though, it's like being inside the minds of the characters and listening to their thoughts.

Herbert has a freaking hard on for Duncan Idaho though. Plus the whole matriarchy thing.

>> No.6183940 [SPOILER] 
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When the Jews take over

>> No.6185152

you mean the Bene Teilax.

>> No.6185160

If you think it's being presented that way you're reading it wrong. You're assuming it's as one-dimensional as that.

>> No.6185203


>> No.6185233


Marginally. It's not that fun to read.

>> No.6186261

i thought Dune was fun to read. perhaps you meant to say "i didn't find it fun to read". or perhaps you should read up on General Semantics.

>> No.6187943

>be Feyd Rautha
>future Baron Harkonnen
>master of poison and deception
>just wants to fuck Bene Gesserits
>get rekt by Muad'Dib 1v1
Every Harkonnen knows life on Arrakis is suffering

>> No.6189825

Feyd could have been a decent kid if he hadn't grown up on Giedi Prime. why didn't Mohiam seduce the Baron, THEN RUN OFF AND HAVE THE KID ON CALADAN?

>> No.6190537

I really should have quit after God Emperor. I liked God Emperor. I'm about 100 pages into Chapterhouse and getting frustrated. I don't care about any of the characters.

>> No.6191715
