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6178207 No.6178207 [Reply] [Original]

Need book recommendations on a) communism/marxism and b)anarchism


>> No.6178220

>Manifesto of the Communist Party


>> No.6178233

[Spoiler] start with the greeks [/Spoiler]

>> No.6178249

Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by Marx
Socialism Utopian and Scientific by Engels
State and Revolution by Lenin
Anarchism or Socialism? by Stalin
Economics of the Transformation Period by Bukharin

>> No.6178277

>recommending Stalin

so much for "informative" literature

>> No.6178299


>> No.6178303

you may try leo tolstoy for anarchism.

>> No.6178313

Unless you're going to read them merely for amusement and to see how bad the ideas are, why bother? Spend your time on something useful.

>> No.6178325
File: 162 KB, 500x254, pigfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anarchism or Socialism? by Stalin

all these totalitarian "socialists" dismiss sophistry while they espouse sophistry. this is possibly one of the best examples. trusting a dictator to provide a objective perspective on anarchism is delusional. plus the distinction between socialism and anarchism is totally absurd (especially when drawn by a fuckin dictator). it's like drawing a distinction between primates on hominiods. hominoids are necessarily primates, but not all primates are hominoids.

>> No.6178438
File: 338 KB, 510x800, Harvey - A Companion to Marx's Capital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of getting this one.

And some Kropotkin fro anarchism.

>> No.6178439
File: 49 KB, 700x591, glorious_joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you candyassed fucking homos have ever even read the damn book and I can tell right away. You probably didn't even know Stalin even wrote.
Stalin's Anarchism or Socialism? is an essential perspective on Anarchism post-1st Internationale and a clear and simple intro to Stalin's theory of socialism itself, which is a viable branch of Communism and relevant as fuck, even today. It's also good for a newcomer who doesn't know that much about the history of the Russian Revolution and might find Lenin's constant reference to historically specific movements a bit daunting.
>illegitimacy of the state
>ahistorical concept of justice
>moralistic idealism
It is way past your bedtime.

>> No.6178466

>using buzzwords to cover up your sophistry

ideologues aren't welcomed. btw I'm not an anarchist

>> No.6178495

Those aren't buzzwords, those are central concepts distinguishing socialism from anarchism. If you don't even know what they mean, what are you even doing in a thread about communism and socialism? Did I accuse you of being an anarchist? No, because not all retards are anarchists, but all anarchists are retards.

>> No.6178496

Read capital
all volumes (except the fourth)
companion/introduction pieces optional
heinrich's intro book is the best capital intro book

>> No.6178506

Read Stirner, Hakim Bey, and Feyerabend.

>> No.6178516


>hakim bey

>> No.6178528

>all volumes (except the fourth)
>the fourth
Dude, get back to whatever alternate dimension you're from.

>> No.6178540

Das kapital

The german ideology

David Harvey's stuff

>> No.6178602

Read Capital and watch David Harvey's lectures online as you go.

>> No.6178641

ugh this place is overrun with harveyites

for real bro
for real

>> No.6178708

Anything by this guy

>> No.6178819

Kropotkin - Mutual Aid
Kropotkin - Conquest of Bread
Bakunin - State and Anarchy
Rudolf Rocker - Anarcho-Syndicalism
Marx - Das Kapital

>> No.6179900

Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau

>> No.6179904

What's wrong with Harvey bruh?

>> No.6180012


>the Communist Manifesto -Marx & Engels
>the State and Revolution -Lenin
>Reform or Revolution -Luxemburg
>Socialism, Utopian and Scientific -Engels
>Foundations of Leninism -Stalin
>The Revolution Betrayed -Trotsky

>> No.6180028


Why not read a better book of the same genre?

Like lord of the rings?

>> No.6180057

>all ideology and political theory is just bogus and fantasy

Why is it that people who make such statement never even understand target of their criticism even in layman`s terms?

>> No.6182765


>> No.6182780

>all ideology and political theory is just bogus and fantasy
>all ideology and political theory
more like all marxist drivel

>> No.6182862

The most basics are Communist manifesto and The conquest of bread

>> No.6183247
File: 2.93 MB, 2880x2016, 1406914990397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the wiki

>> No.6183258

>Zizek introduction to one of Mao's texts

Is it interesting? I thought Zizek was at least ambivalent to Mao and MZT/MLM.

>> No.6183261

Is it possible to be a marxist without wishing to destroy the family and wanting to have sex with 6 year olds.

>> No.6183276
File: 48 KB, 365x214, rev up those bans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it possible to be a marxist without wishing to destroy the family
Sort of. Death of the family wouldn't occur under socialism, so as long as you accept that it's inevitable under communism it should be fine.
>[Marxists] wanting to have sex with 6 year olds.

>> No.6183324

So why am I supposed to act like /pol/ is literally right and justified in wanting to mass murder members of a movement that wish to destroy the values that they and millions of others hold dear.

>> No.6183329


>> No.6183351

Marxism wants to abolish marriage as a legal institution, there are plenty of people who want to do that.

>> No.6183412

no they find normal people having children and families as bad and want to destroy it like the kikes the are lol.

>> No.6183422

wanting to and actually having aren't the same thing.

>> No.6183423
File: 457 KB, 1456x702, 1423965831345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marxism is against family unit

Jesus christ, just read the damn book!
(pic related)

>> No.6183459
File: 144 KB, 600x737, belle-de-jour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are closed relationships a form of oppression?

If a partner fucks several other people without that other partners knowing is it justified on the basis that they're recognizing and resisting oppression?

>> No.6183478
File: 993 KB, 571x640, best K 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, since fucking other people shows that this comrade does not have any loyalty towards his/her partner.

>> No.6183498


>> No.6183501

Yes, absolutely. All they amount to is a physical threat of violence and/or coercion against women should they engage in independent economic activity.

>> No.6183507
File: 171 KB, 1000x1200, my little revisionist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6183526

why only women?

>> No.6183542

Death of the Family just means that when inheritance is nullified and society becomes collective that the notion of families (little privately-owned dictatorships) becomes moot. Death of the family isn't a policy: it's an inevitability of relations, just as every family structure has been a product of its time's relations. In a way, the death of the family is actually just the magnification of familial relations onto the community as a whole (similar to that in actual traditional communities), which is what /pol/io actually wants but are too unconscious/willfully ignorant to realize it.

>> No.6183554
File: 44 KB, 317x379, 1407829702965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too prudish and coward to talk with females in the party meetings
>tfw no marxist/socialist gf

This isin´t right.

>> No.6183557
File: 2.51 MB, 286x258, tryrell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"A new philosophy generally means in practice the praise of some old vice."

>> No.6183560

Based Zizek

>> No.6183595

No, /pol/ is "literally" wrong and you're "literally" retarded.
>muh values
How ironic, because Marxists state that the modern family harbors immorality and prostitution.
You don't know what you're talking about. Marxists want to abolish the basis of a family revolving around property ownership and inheritance, and have it based entirely on love. Basically so you /pol/ neckbeards have nothing to complain about when you say "durr all women are leeches who only care about how much money a guy has." Most of you are virgins and have no kids or significant others anyway, so I don't see why you're so defensive over the the family.
They don't want to abolish the family entirely, because that's fucking impossible and the family itself is necessary for procreation. So basically you've spouted one big strawman argument.

>/pol/ wanting to mass murder people for something as trivial as the modern family concept
So is it wrong to want to mass murder /pol/acks and ethnic nationalist movements alike for wanting to commit ethnic cleansing and forced sterilization? You fags have got some fucked up priorities.

>> No.6183660

One of the best primers out there on Marxist theory and communism is The Meaning of Marxism, and from there you can read about different socialist and communist organizations, theorists, or history. I would recommend finding material after that based on your interests. Reading Marx, Engels, Lenin, Luxemburg, Trotsky, Mao, etc. has value, but there is enough out there that your interests should drive and funnel your explorations.

>> No.6183702

m8 it could be a little bit biased

>> No.6183714

I wouldn't recommnend you the Communist Manifesto.
Soma Marx economy stuff, Engel's anthropological studies, a lil bit of Rubin, Bukharin, Lenen and some post-marxists like Kurz

If I recall correctly he took Heinrich's Standpoint and dismissed the tendency of the profit rate to fall as faulty.
Which fucks shit up.

>> No.6183728

His appreciation for Mao could be some postmodern brainfuckery
>muh noncomformity
>muh ambivalent positions on Stalin
there's nothing wrong with it though, besides that wanting to have sex with six year olds thing (which isn't really a marxist standpoint)

>> No.6183767

you didn't read him correctly if you didn't notice the impact Engel's had and has on radical feminism

>> No.6183773

>had and has

You are aware that he currently has no control over feminists who are mostly supporters of capitalist hegemony?

>> No.6183783


I must be retarded

that's why I added this little word in front of "feminism".

>> No.6183834


Almost everything in here is good to read.

But, if you're serious about revolution, I'd recommend Kevin Carson's "Studies in Mutualist Political Economy" and just study the history of mass radical movements to get started.

The Spanish Revolution and the Black Army of the Ukraine is a good vantage point of relatively successful mass communism, real communism, not capitalism disguised as communism or socialism.

>> No.6183844

>didn't actually read the book

>> No.6183923
