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6176039 No.6176039 [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a convincing argument against Christianity?

>> No.6176041

Not one.

>> No.6176042

The God Delusion.

>> No.6176043

Other religions
Non-religious belief systems
Christianity itself

>> No.6176044

The complete lack of evidence, for one.

>> No.6176048

It's a personal faith so of course not.
Retards missing the point.

>> No.6176056

I doubt it's by faith alone. If it was by faith alone, there would be no use for the arguments formed by the great Theologians.

>> No.6176059
File: 395 KB, 575x333, deleuze-and-guattari[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity itself

"Perhaps Christianity does not produce concepts except through its atheism, through the atheism that it, more than any other religion, secretes."

>> No.6176072

>no use for the arguments formed by the great Theologians.
Now you're catching on.

>> No.6176074

The point wasn't to come up with silly responses to the OP's silly question? What was the point then?

>> No.6176100
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the scientific method

>> No.6176131

Why is it that very intelligent people often convert?

>> No.6176137

Because they aren't blinded by ignorance and prejudice. Seriously there is nothing 'unscientific' about the idea of god, I'm not sure where that idea came from but it sure as shit wasn't scientists or philosophers.

>> No.6176138

They don't, and what is usually constituted as intelligence is college-tier pretention.

>> No.6176140

Because you have a delusional concept of "very intelligent"

>> No.6176141

Isn't it the opposite?

>> No.6176151
File: 23 KB, 297x400, Godel_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>PM and related systems WREKT
>Bertrand Russell and related atheists transitively BTFO (by your logic)
>troll thread REPLIED TO

>> No.6176153

its a meme you dip

>> No.6176171

0/10 try harder

>> No.6176189

The failure to adequately fulfill the prophecies of the Torah.

Its internal inconsistencies compared to the Koran and Torah.

>> No.6176199

Where does the Torah contain messianic prophecies?

>> No.6176223

Faith aside, what reason is there to subscribe to any religion with certainty?

>> No.6176225

Depends on who you ask. Anyone who is intelligent knows that the debate is far from over though.

>> No.6176246

I've read the bible, I've read Aquinas, I've read Luther, I've read Kierkegaard, I've read Tolstoy, but I still haven't found a convincing argument for Christianity, which is a shame because I've always wanted to be a Christian. But -- alas! --reason wins.

>> No.6176255

*tips fedora*

>> No.6176257

>le turning an argument in on itself epic meme

>> No.6176274

Read Dostoevsky

>> No.6176287


God, no wonder you haven't. Fucking Protestants.

Read Augustine.

>> No.6176321

No. By definition, the concept of divinity is unscientific. To be scientific, a thing must be both subject to the laws of nature and disprovable. The Christian god is neither.

>> No.6176324


>> No.6176343
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>I doubt it's by faith alone.
Your doubts are faith based.

It is in fact based on faith alone. I say; Jesus (and yes yhwh along for the ride) doesn't real. You say; yu-hu. And back and forth it goes. I bring up logic, you say god is beyond logic, he's tricky that way.

You're a bumbling blithering idiot that bases his life on your faith in stuff that isn't there.

I put my faith in the real. And no philosopher you throw at me trying to convince me that reality isn't real, wont going to dissuade me. AH! You'd say, but see now you have faith in this.... Right. The real godless, soulless lacking all traces of heaven, universe.

>> No.6176350


>> No.6176354

>I bring up logic, you say god is beyond logic
Re-examine your axioms, butterfly.

>> No.6176358
File: 23 KB, 240x251, 1424127679147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*le christan guy who is cool
*tips cross
>le religion is important ur just a fedira tipper xdDDDD did it again le smart man strikes again

>> No.6176455

Well, a guy was supposedly born of a virgin, turned water into wine, died and came back to life three days later. That absurdity of that alone is an argument, I'm not buying that shit without good documentation, stories like that are myriad.

>> No.6176597

In my opinion the core issue is faith. It seems to me such a monumental waste of time when Christians debate popular science communicators where they are simply using science or refuting it to justify the existence of god; of course the science communicators at least get to explain the science behind a lot of unscientific claims made by religious people. Religion is based on faith now if you can intellectually debate and defend that the mechanism for obtaining objective proof of something being real is by not stating a falsifiable claim and demanding no scientifically rigorous evidence then you have all your work ahead of you after that but to me it seems simply indefensible and why Christians compartmentalize and use evidence and logic to understand objective reality most of the time (of course everyone has beliefs arising from errors in logic though).

Maybe I haven't looked hard enough but I never see that kind of debate.

>> No.6176674



That's all you need to disprove Christianity's claims.

>> No.6176773

Christianity acts like its beliefs control the outcome for humanity, as do many other religious cultures. Arguing about your beliefs is pointless, if you really cared about them you'd know that to say it to yourself was enough and you wouldn't need the validation of others in order to commit to them. Proclaiming the validity of one's faith is a verbal chest thumping, and verifies nothing.

>> No.6177291

Christianity is merely another structure of panoptic power, especially catholicism. It advocates a kind of anti-repression, where turning private acts into discourse through confession turns everything perceived to be sinful by contemporary convention into a secret. Confession unconsciously encourages the individual to assume their confessed act is something automatically bad or sinful by nature of it being hidden and needing to be 'confessed'. Christianity constructs our sins as morally disreputable, yet really it is only the process of turning our 'sins' into discourse which inevitably makes the individual acknowledge the act as actual sin, there is often nothing innately wrong with the act itself

>> No.6177466

I heard some Christians assert a naturalistic God and basis it on the universal-wave function. This sort of claim may indeed falsifiable at some point.

Here is one of them, physics major who does indeed make falsifiable claims:


>> No.6177469

>I put my faith in the real

lel wot

>> No.6177478

Read more on the issue, because there have been rather successful responses to this, some of them are as old as the mekubbals.