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File: 59 KB, 434x648, The-Way-of-Kings1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6172822 No.6172822 [Reply] [Original]

I've started this Way of Kings book. So far it feels like I'm having an encyclopaedia recited to me. Having just finished The First Law trilogy I feel it doesn't even compare.

I'm 100 pages in. Should I keep going /lit/?

>> No.6172909

Look bruh. You're going from one of the most cynic/post-modern fantasy trilogies from nowadays to a truly new sincerity-ish straight take on it. They are really really very polarized in their differences, and I tend to agree with you that they can't be compared.

If you're willing/able to go along with a more straight approach to fantasy in a contemporary (and IMO truly worthwhile) style, please do continue reading, especially if you haven't finished that Prologue/met the main characters and their main storylines yet. It's really good for what you're in for, and not just in terms of an homage to fantasy epics - you'll get your subversions and cynicism and raw character analysis in troves in these books, I assure you. It's bretty gud indeed.

But if you're looking for Abercrombie's feel and take on fantasy tropes on Stormlight Archives, it's better to get out now while you can't bother and maybe try again when you're not in that vibe.

>> No.6173293

It's not that. It's just the style of writing feels very robotic so far. It feels like he's telling me rather than showing me.

However, I'm giving it a shot! Thanks anon :)

>> No.6173308

Sanderson does tend to be kind of robotic, sorry.if you can handle him, enjoy it. If you can't, don't entertain hopes that he'll get better.

If you can't deal with his prose, consider checking out Patrick Rothfuss instead.

>> No.6173312

I can handle it. I'm just asking if you guys recommend it.

>> No.6173314

Don't check out Patrick Rothfuss, he's a fumbling moron too ambitious for his own good.

>> No.6173321

That sounded rude of me. Oops. What I mean is: did you guys enjoy it?

>> No.6173324

OP here. I don't want to touch that book. Protagonist sounds like a Mary Sue

>> No.6173344

main character has like zero flaws, excels in everything he does, has women throwing themselves at him. half of wise man's fear is basically him fucking a nympho fairy chick. lost all hope of this being a trilogy (he says it'll be 6 books now - lol) when kvothe spent what amounted to a whole book in school.

>> No.6174571
File: 5 KB, 60x104, NG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author name larger than the title

>> No.6174632
File: 182 KB, 795x1200, twok_ephemera-3_history-webres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pacing is bad in WoK and notorious for the middle area of the book being the worst, especially regarding Bridge 4.
Also, lots of exposition and whatnot in the first book which is why you get infodumped.

Regardless, it's good, fun, and shit gets fucking real later on.

You'd be correct. It's a trashy book.

>> No.6174691
File: 82 KB, 358x457, 1424037687662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey anon is that book BRANDON SANDERSON any good?