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6169242 No.6169242[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've seen a couple times here on /lit/ that people read books to pick up women. How often does that actually work? I've only ever read in the privacy of my dorm room or library study rooms. Any success stories? It would be nice to meet a girl like this

>> No.6169252

Book clubs, open mics, readings, poetry section of Barnes and noble. You don't go around with infinite jest and hope a girl hollers at you

>> No.6169255

Any woman that doesn't come to you isn't worth it

>> No.6169262

Get Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex, it should help, if to doesn't, the woman is not worthy of you.

>> No.6169269

Book clubs are great if frumpy middle aged women are your thing.

>> No.6169272

That picture is so retarded.

>> No.6169277

Nice FUCKING meme you fucking SPERGLORD FAGSHIT. Holy FUCK it pisses me off when some unoriginal, retarded assholish dickweed decides it would just be FUCKING HILARIOUS to post the SAME. OVERUSED. JOKE. What do you even fucking hope to gain out of this? Karma? Well you're certainly getting that, cause it seems like a lot of other inbred shitface fucking retarded autistic fuckshits are thinking you're just FUCKING HILARIOUS and that this joke HASN'T BEEN MADE A BILLION FUCKING TIMES. FUCK you.

>> No.6169284

What is the point? Women are all the selfish vapid whores, no matter their interests or intelligence.

>> No.6169301

several years ago a beautiful girl I barely knew from high school started contacting me on facebook out of the blue and we started talking for hours every night about books and theory and art

I fell madly in love with her and after several months of constant talking we met and hung out a few times and kissed

she was almost done with her studying and we were gonna get a house together and be this amazing genius beautiful couple but soon after she left town to go back to school I stopped talking to her completely as my mental health took a turn for the worse

maybe six months later she emailed me and asked if I was okay and I said I was doing poorly, we eventually saw each other again and she told me we were compatible spirits but we couldn't seem to make it work ever

she had moved out of state with some other guy in the time before we met again but she still continued messaging me occasionally

a few months back she told me she would be in town for Christmas and wanted to see me. When the holiday swung around I kept putting off calling her and soon it was New Years and a few days later I figured she was out of state again.

I'm still putting off calling or texting her as I'm embarrassed about blowing her off so many times, her birthday was in early January and I didn't say anything then either

now it's late February and I'm sitting alone in my room posting on 4chan

moral of the story: fuck if I know

>> No.6169311

I fucking hate cultured chicks. I've had 2 girls that did classical lyceum and shit, read the classics and into philosophy and I really thought they were hot shit and super smart, even though they had no fantasy or ability to even write a good sentence. I'd rather date a dumb fuck

>> No.6169316


someone more like yourself, then

>> No.6169319


>Let me just stand in the middle of this isle while I hold a stack of books while simultaneously reading one of them.

>> No.6169323

whatever faggot

>> No.6169324

That's sad. I feel bad for you, honestly.

>> No.6169330

not *I really thought* but *they really thought*

>> No.6169340

moral of the story, you want to keep fucking up because that's what you think you are, a fuck up

Universe is throwing you a bone man, own it

>> No.6169342

At least he had someone show interest.

>> No.6169358

But doesn't that make it worse? Because he wasn't able to do anything with it, and ultimately ended up alone.

>> No.6169379

Dude.....you didn't even get none of that ass?

Holy fuck you're sad little whiner.

>> No.6169411


it's not even like that
it's way more problematic than just getting laid
I actually care about this person on a level I don't really understand

>> No.6169413

Ok....so you're a closeted homosexual. Add that to your list of problems.

>> No.6169425


I'm openly bisexual, and so is she
grow up, dipshit

>> No.6169437

How does that not prove his point. You ever hear the old adage "bi now, gay later"? Human males aren't sexually fluid that same way human females are.

>> No.6169450

ok I have a story:

december 2010 , I was in the most depressing time of my life so far,
and I spent the holidays in germany to some relatives, basically staying in a room
all day and went out only for buying cigarettes and weed.
I changed my name on facebook with "antoine doinel" from the godard's movies idk why.
one night a girl adds me because of that name. We talk a bit and we find out we live in the
same town; she's into lots of things I also enjoy, very fond of literature and art in general.
Also, she's like 7/10, and in her last year of high school (while I was in my first year of uni).
We talk for like 1 month and when I get back in my town we decide to meet. We hang aroung
in cafes and stuff and really have nice conversations. I take her home and go away then she
writes me a text with " you should have kissed me". I don't know, it was a strange period of my life
and I felt disgusted by myself and my physique, so I wasn't really happy to hear that.
Anyway next time she told me to pick her up at her high school, I did, and after like 20 minutes
she told me that her aunt lives close and she's probably not home, and she has the keys.
I said ok. After like 10 minutes she came to me, kissed and started giving me a blowjob;
when she finished she said that I was her perfect man and how long she waited to meet someone
like me; I was sincerely pissed but flesh is weak so I faked a bit. We eventually met another time,
and had sex, and as we finished she freaked out crying because for a second she had the impression
to be raped. I understood that she's probably nuts, and decided to dump her. Anyway I never could dump
a girl because I don't know, I simply can't. So we met another time, and that was the last, and she took me
to a fucking restaurant without telling me, and where all her friends were there too. She wanted to introduce me
to her friends. I was fucking enough with that. So when I came back home I deleted her from facebook and stopped
answering her calls. She wrote me a bunch of psycho physical letters the next 2 years.
Was I a huge faggot? I'd actually pay for something like this now.

>> No.6169460


I can't speak for the fluidity of anyone's sexuality but my own

I almost exclusively prefer women but I find men and trans women attractive occasionally

>bi now, gay later

cute. is this 1953?

>> No.6169475

You did well, my friend!

>> No.6169481

>attractive occasionally
You're right; they have since added the corollary law "bi curious now, straight later"

>> No.6169621

you were not inclined to accept the fullness of her love (madness) at that time. you kinda need to be v strong to handle a woman like that. She'd probably need more than 'approval' of her being from you to get straight though. All in all a hard love that might've been pretty special

>> No.6169746

what he said

>> No.6169761


that's probably more fitting, honestly
I get straighter as I get older

>> No.6169998

Saw a guy reading Schopenhauer before so smiled at him when he looked up, and then again when he looked up a second time, which was enough to get him to talk to me. Unfortunately he turned out to be an autist, and I suspect he mainly got into Schop for being grumpy about women.

>> No.6170204

Speak for yourself, zig-zagged all over the place.

>> No.6170264

I always ask girls if they read. If they do I ask if they can recommend me a book. I read it later. If it's shit I never contact them again, if it's good I take them out for a drink and talk about it.

>> No.6170276

>copping my style

>> No.6170295

This really is the only thing I hope happens to me once I move into DC. I gotta find a literate girl

>> No.6170298

How convenient.

>> No.6170299
File: 2.00 MB, 1989x2000, bud-powell-new-york-city-1958-birdland-francis-wolff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how do i get my STEM gf into literature?

last thing she read was potter books

>> No.6170301

You're only level up from a fedora bud

>> No.6170305
File: 848 KB, 665x662, 1424352659343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6170306

Give her a small book that you think she'll like? Girls seems to universally like Hesse's Siddartha.

>> No.6170313

It's like you're not satisfied in your own skin, you have to project your hobbies onto a partner.

>> No.6170315

but i read that and it was mid tier Hesse at best. why would i recommend her that over the late works, steppenwolf or even damien?

>> No.6170329

if you direct that to me for wanting her to read again then you're wrong. i'd just like to receive the same effort i put in towards sharing hobbies. im secure in my hobbies, even too much, she doesnt like how independant and amused they allow me to be.

>> No.6170358
File: 15 KB, 300x300, le sweaty man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have literally never asked a girl out before. Ask me how it feels.

>> No.6170362

I would ask you but I already know that feel

>> No.6170373

It's not about what you read and where you are with your lit interests. You give basic simple things to new readers that will hopefully spur interest in reading more difficult works.

You have to take a legit interest in what SHE would like. Steppenwolf is so fucking young male oriented I wouldn't throw that at an ex

>> No.6170393

Siddhartha>Steppenwolf. The plot is weak, especially the ending.

>> No.6170433

Neither have I, my friend. Does that make us patricians or something? Asking girls out always seemed to me a bit plebeian.

>> No.6170448

They're roughly the same to me, like 2 sides of the one coin. It's like narcissus and goldmund split into 2 books. N&G is best Hesse I've read, though haven't read the glass bead game.

>> No.6170453

>You have to take a legit interest in what SHE would like. Steppenwolf is so fucking young male oriented I wouldn't throw that at an ex
Glad to hear some sense ITT.

She likes pop punk/alternative culture if that helps

>> No.6170530

>She likes pop punk/alternative culture
Maybe reading just isn't for her

Jk, it's easy, give her the beats - maybe on the road to start with

>> No.6172031

>Any woman that doesn't come to you isn't worth it
exactly the converse : if a woman says yes to you, you better leave. Only one who says no at the beginning is worth it.

>> No.6172066

stay lonely, anon

>> No.6172070


jesus holy fucking fuck
how difficult can it be?

>> No.6172929

Currently at the library

Imma get in dat librarian vajayjay

>> No.6172950

When you do, make sure to post pictures of your adventure.

>> No.6172968


What is beyond the fedora?

>> No.6172975

There's a girl on my community college course who loves literature and is very obviously into me. Pretty patrish, quite funny and very kind. The only problem is that she's not attractive to me. I sometimes think about fucking her just to get the v-card monkey off my back, but I really don't want to play such a nice girl. Ah well.

There's also a really hot blonde who sits next to me and always tries to talk to me. She's kind of a bitch but I'd do anything to tap that. Kind of absurd when the other girl is better in every other department.

tl;dr: humans are selfish, shallow bastards in love

>> No.6172987

>tl;dr: humans are selfish, shallow bastards in love
>Everyone is the same as me
fuck off

>> No.6172999

So you'd prefer to date/have sex with a 4/10 who reads over a dumb 10/10? Fuck off, you're lying to yourself.

>> No.6173021

I had a similar story. Haven't seen the girl for over a year, kept delaying answering to her. This tuesday I finally gathered the ball to mail her. I'm going to restaurant with her tonight.

TL;DR: Don't be a balless pussy anon. If you think she's worth it, call her. If not, work towards getting over her.

>> No.6173030

Honestly I wouldn't be able to say because I've only had one girlfriend in my entire life and that was when I was 14.
What I can honestly say, though, is that I feel an intrinsic love for you, my dear anon. Maybe I would rather date you than those 4/10s or 10/10s.

>> No.6173045

monsieur guy/10

>> No.6173050

What's a monsieur guy?

>> No.6173173

Reading is fun because it gets you PUSSY. Literally the only reason to read is to get PUSSY. I read Moby Dick the other day and literally five pages in I had my dick in a thight creamy PUSSY which was also warm and wet. PUSSY is why I read and it's why you should read too.

>> No.6173192

Why, the monsieur guy is us, monsieur.

>> No.6173206

This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

How to be happy:
* Don't read to get chicks. Read because you enjoy doing it.

* Don't obsess over whether your chick likes reading the same things you do or not. You must view literature as a plus that can add something to the relationship, but it cannot be the only fundamental block.

* Stop being insecure faggots

>> No.6173241

not him, but yes
i've dated lots of girls,
models, strippers, rich girls
girls with personality are always the most attractive

once i was in love with a girl who's favorite author was Schopenhauer and Dostoyevsky
and another girl with mousy hair and saggy breasts
and dry skin and a bitchy personality
who liked to read Rimbaud and smoke cigarettes
and i've got a date with a hot blond tomorrow but
i'd gladly trade that for a sickly poet

>> No.6173921

/beta general/

>> No.6174041

>natural selection is absurd
Enjoy your later life Mormonism

>> No.6174078
File: 79 KB, 700x933, aNZrRgw_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know´s about how it´s with gay people? If it´s something feministic you might read, I am sure there will be a ncie couple of girls finding them.
But unless you don´t read something about fashion and famous designers, I think you barely meet a nice guy.

>> No.6174132


lmao why even lie on this anonymous croatian porn bbs

>> No.6174441

God fucks those who fuck themselves surely as he helps those who help themselves.

Get out of your own ass, Kierkegaard.

>> No.6176456


>> No.6176468

"Hey we should go out sometime; what do you think about. . ."

This is plebian how? Lol

>> No.6176477

Honest answer?
Pick your target. I'm assuming you use facebook or something and are in college

>>stalk that shit
>>see what books she has liked
>>pick one book from library or bookstore
>>find out where she hangs out, at what times
>>subtly position yourself in vicinity
>>read with masterful posture
>>but actually, if its a good book read it
>>once you've got her attention, hide the book
>>have normal conversation

>>next time she sees you reading, strike up a conversation with book in plain sight "ohay anon have u read this? ok good mm yes i like that part about the dicks"

I've laid 5 hipster babes this way. In principle, getting laid comes down to a game of subtle degradation of your loftiest principles. The art of seduction is strange and pathetic indeed

>> No.6176480

>be me, 1st semester junior, in literature class
>sit in front of gril
>not that qt but qt enuff and likes to read
>get number
>get high in her car and make out there also
>we decide to trade books
>i look over my collection, decide to give her tenth of december, short stories by george saunders, a collection i love very much
>she gives me a barnes and noble pocket size collection of "erotic poetry"
>stop seeing her out of disgust but am still forced to be friends by circumstances
>remind her about the book almost weekly, badger to trade back
>still haven't gotten back
>it's been six months

>> No.6176483

Straight gay, maybe

>> No.6176493

This is vomedy gold

>> No.6176496

CivilWarLand is the only good story Saunders ever wrote

>> No.6176504



>> No.6176513

How so?

>> No.6176536

read the pastoralia collection

>> No.6176576

Theeeese fooolish gaaaames are teeearrring me apaaaart. And yooooour thoughtless woords are breaaaking my heaaaart. You're breaking my heart.