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616493 No.616493 [Reply] [Original]

The Han Solo trilogy set of books are the greatest books set in the Star Wars universe. Nothing else even comes close. Agree or disagree?

>> No.616497 [DELETED] 

FÌGh+ Th3 íñteRn3T C3n5ORshÍP Ht+p:// áT : KíMmÒá ; S€ / fI5ht the iñT3rNe+ [3ñ50rshiP

>> No.616509

when i was younger i used to like paul zahn's (???) novels, they were quite good.

>> No.616521 [DELETED] 

F|Ght +He INtern3+ C3ñsÒRSHIP H+tP,// Á+ : kIMmoà , 5€ / fÍ5h+ tH3 íN+ERñ3T ceNsóR$hip

>> No.616526 [DELETED] 

fì5h+ +He ÍN+3rNeT ceNSòr5hiP HTTp.// ÀT : kÍMmòÀ , $3 / FíGht +h3 iNt3rn€T CENsÓRshíP

>> No.616547

So uh, I haven't been on /lit/ in a while. Are spambots really this common now?

Also, on topic. Yeah this was really good, but I'd say Timothy Zahn was a bit better. I will say this though, I loved NOT seeing Jedi in this. The Galaxy is full of non-Jedi, and it was good seeing them in the spotlight.

>> No.616561

Darth Bane pwns all

>> No.616564 [DELETED] 

fìghT Th3 ÍñT3rñ3t C3nSorshÍp H+TP,// At , kiMmóA ; 5E / Fi5HT tH€ INT3rñ€+ c€nSÒrSHÍP

>> No.616572


>> No.616575 [DELETED] 

fÍGH+ +h€ |ñt€RnE+ cen$ÓRShíP h+TP.// ÁT . k|MmÒá , Se / FÍgH+ tHE Ín+ERn€T C3ñSÓrShÍP

>> No.616595

timothy zahn
his work was good enough that it should have been original material
the rest of the Bantam years sucked, just crappy writers given an assignment to churn out some crap without any sort of editorial oversight.

>> No.616604

Kevin J. Anderson. Oh God, that man. Darksaber made me want to go stab myself.

>> No.616614 [DELETED] 

FÍGH+ tHE ìN+€rñET [€N$óRsHiP H+tp,// à+ , k|mmóa : SE / fÌ5ht ThE |ñtERñEt cENSÒrsHíp

>> No.616641 [DELETED] 

fíGH+ +H€ INT€rne+ [€NsórSHÌP HtTp.// àt . kÍMMoa ; s3 / fìgh+ +He íNt€Rn€t [3ñSÓr$HìP

>> No.616659

I thought that trilogy was pretty average actually. Especially the coincidental meetings that kept happening. Fucking trillions of people spread out over a galaxy, and those two just always happened to be in the same spot.

They were readable though.

>> No.616669

The Thrawn trilogy and Han Solo trilogy are both great. Anything by Matthew Stover is also god-tier.

>> No.616680 [DELETED] 

fÍGh+ th€ |ñ+€Rñ€t [€nsORsHìP HT+P:// át , Kímmóà . s3 / fÌ5ht +He ÌnTern€T C3NS0RShÍP

>> No.616699

He wrote Traitor right? I remember thinking it was the first good new Star Wars book I'd read once I got past Gannor's death. Amazing sequence.

>> No.616711


>> No.616739

The Han Solo Trilogy was terrible. Every character not named Han Solo was just a surrogate for the movie characters not named Han Solo. They even had Hutts that weren't Hutts but acted a lot like Hutts.

>> No.616757

Yes, Traitor is one of his most notable works. Shatterpoint also.

>> No.616774

I'm rereading Stackpole's X-Wing novels. While they're not as good, writing-wise, as I remember, the plotting is pretty good.

>> No.616816

Shatterpoint is cool

>> No.616820

Does Shatterpoint actually develop Mace? Or does it keep him as Samuel L Jackson in SPACE?

>> No.616826 [DELETED] 

FÌGHT +HE |NteRNE+ cEN5òR5HIp h++P;// @T ; kìmmÓá , Se / FíGH+ Th3 inTErn€+ <3n$0r5hIP

>> No.616839 [DELETED] 

FígHt THE ínterñEt CEN5oRsHìP hTTP,// át , KíMmÓa . S€ / fiGH+ Th€ INTERN3T [3N50r$hIp

>> No.616872

Thrawn Trilogy begs to differ, it is clearly the best.

And I actually enjoyed the NJO. I enjoyed seeing aspects of the Star Wars universe that had never been displayed.

>> No.616874

fIGH+ THe ìNTeRñEt [€N5oRShiP h++P.// Át , kímmo@ : S€ / FÌgHT +h3 iñTeRñet <€n$òr5híP

>> No.616876

fígHt THE Ìñt€RNeT <en$0rsH|p h+tp;// át ; Kimm0à . sE / FÌGht +He Int3rn€T c3NSóRShÌp