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/lit/ - Literature

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6160769 No.6160769 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6160915

I fucking hate wry postmodern Generation X prose

It feels so on the nose when it includes those little incidental descriptions of setting, like it's too COOL to just describe them like a normal person

I hope the person who wrote that gets violently raped

>> No.6160974

Does it bother anyone else how large the fonts used in books are?: This always upsets me. It seems like the point of stretching out a book an extra 30-50 pages is just to appeal to children and adults who think that reading big books makes them cultured and smart. Why do we use hardcovers when, if we treat them properly, a paperback book will do just fine?

>> No.6160989
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>> No.6160992


paperbacks are literally purposed for quick, disposable reading
that's why they were invented
they fall apart after a few years if they're being read consistently

>> No.6160998

I would read this
It's more interesting than 90% of /lit/'s openings

>> No.6161040

The author definitely got published because someone was interested in her openings.

>> No.6161064


why is contemporary anything so shit and forced

>> No.6161078

did you know, you're a meem

>> No.6161097

There's no actual literature about living in the 21st because our lives are all boring and predictable. The whole point of books like these is to escape the world we live in

Welcome to the 21st century, where everyone is miserable and we all fake happiness

>> No.6161102

>people acting outraged
It's YA easy reading, not a goddamn classic. It's supposed to sound lighthearted and human, people read this stuff for a distraction, maybe some empathy, not to mull over weighty issues.

>> No.6161115

Its so casual and I hate it. Its too perfectly "casual speak" for it to not be meticulously planned out, and it sounds precisely like that, fake and planned out. Holy fuck is this actually popular?

>> No.6161117

I already know this. Doesn't make it any less pathetic, asshole

>> No.6161120

It's competently written and it's target audience isn't us so what's the fuss about.

>> No.6161178

>be average /lit/zen, checking out a few shops
>walk into toy store
>see display of teddy bears, one child excitedly holding her new gift her mother has just picked out for her
>snatch teddy bear, begin ripping it apart and examining the insides
>child is holding back tears, entire store staring
>"h-he helps me feel safe"
>keenly inform her that she's immature and to just "Wear a Kevlar vest or something, idiot"
>stroll out of shop to go back to my dorm and jerk off over a copy of IJ

>> No.6161212

Legit better than every book on Lit's top 100 list

>> No.6161331


>> No.6162125

Why do you fags think things like this matter?

>> No.6162186
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This is actually on point.

>> No.6162202

>bringing me back to my hellish reality


>> No.6162309

>She had a lot of favorites
A single paragraph as the punchline of a weak, bleak, build up. It's not funny. You find it funny out of obligation because you're supposed to find that kind of structure funny.

>> No.6162325

underrated post

>> No.6162380
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I have the full book on my computer. Does anyone want to see some choice excerpts?

>> No.6162406

I feel like I've already read at least 3/4 of the thing just from posts on /lit/

>> No.6162686
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>the gamergirl audio book was never completed

>> No.6162754
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And then we get to this point

>> No.6162760

I've been looke upon like this, this triggered me and makes me feel sexually assaulted.

I have feelings, I'm a man not an object

>> No.6162779
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>> No.6162870

>I hope the person who wrote that gets violently raped
So this.

>> No.6162875

>You find it funny out of obligation because you're supposed to find that kind of structure funny.

Fucking sitcoms ruined the brains of a whole generation.

I wish Beavis and Butthead came back.

>> No.6162881

David Foster Wallace, have you meet Elvis in your new life?

>> No.6162888
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>I want to be katie's little baby tampon boy

holy fuck why is this so funny

>> No.6162953

> chad and billy
This is the plot of an anal fisting porn

>> No.6163024

i laughe, although i will continue to do this

>> No.6163067

And people wonder why everyone sees 4channers as a bunch of autistic, retarded, angry, misogynistic neckbeards.

I laughed though, though I also feel bad for her.

>> No.6163167

It's a natural response once people realize it's impossible for them to tap a girl over the interweb
Like Nick Cave said: "all beauty must die"

>> No.6163239

thanks white knights
daily reminder that there are a fuckton of youtubers and streamers who experience this kind of shit everyday.

shes autistic

>> No.6163246

You should have lived in the Middle Ages when there was great literature like Petrarch and Boccaccio and see if people were very happy back then, lyl.

>> No.6163250

/lit/, c-can I read this? obviously ironically.
I-it's not that I like it or something.

>> No.6163253

Hey, i'm not opposed to this shit, it amuses me, i just don't participate.

>> No.6164480

keep posting gamer girl excerpts

>> No.6164734

Holy shit, I don't know whether or not I've ever read anything that terrible before.

>> No.6164738
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>> No.6164757
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>nigger memes

>> No.6164788

What the fuck, this kind of stupid autism that tries to be edgy so hard is why I stopped browsing /b/ when I turned 15

>> No.6164820


Shitting on terrible literature has nothing to do with or leads to giving some poor bitch whiplash out of her bubble world

the vast majority of literature published is vapid dogshit or utterly cynical - we should stop saying that because it might hurt someone's feelings? ok cool, then let's all just suck our soma down and live in happytard world.

op posted some terrible literature that was rightly mocked. long may such posts exist.

>> No.6164850

fuck John Green, and fuck every fucking hack before and after him who's taught that this, this, this, is acceptable.

>> No.6164853

>casual racism

>> No.6165609

that sure does explain all the paperback books at my local library being in reasonable condition.

>> No.6165806

I'm glad I'm not alone here. Only /lit/ seems to understand...

Are we a "characterized" society? Everybody seems to play a role, kids seem to play as if they were a spectacle. Exaggerated body language, ironic saturation. I feel horrified by it.

>> No.6165824
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Here friendo, also be sure to get some complementary literature, it's somewhat of a obtuse book (my recommendations being On the Poverty of Student Life, the first number of the Internationnale Situationiste journal and Report on the Construction of Situations, though that might be in the aforementioned journal)

>> No.6165867
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>> No.6165880
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>> No.6165883

>kids seem to play as if they were a spectacle
>guy debord
you're samefagging or coordinated with some friend of yours.

>> No.6165909
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that's the best thing /lit/ ever did

>> No.6165913 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6165922
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>> No.6165926
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>> No.6165932
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>using über twice in one paragraph
>using über twice in one book
>using über

>> No.6165933

I swear it's none of them, it's just that spectacle, interpretation, role and etc. are trigger words for me

>> No.6165952

Not sure if there's a perfect way to say this, but I feel like people try to act too self-aware, or meta, today. I guess that would be part of it.

>> No.6168362

You bastards have no heart.

>> No.6168404

Nobody wonders why that is you moron

>> No.6168421
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oh lordy insult anyone but the poor little women, don't let their precious feelings get hurt

>> No.6168496

you are part of us

>> No.6168545


>environment destroying bus
>wants to drive her own car instead

How do I into carbon emmision?

>I punched in Caitlin's number

Does she not know how a cellphone works? You don't actually have to dial a number every fucking time you call a friend.

>habit of asking at least four questions, ... , making it impossible to answer any of them

stupid cunt wants to answer rhetorical questions

You'd think there'd be an editor or something?

>> No.6168814


>> No.6168867

Dont tell me youre going to level up

>> No.6168876

It's just one long as fuck tumblr post full of whining and specialsnowflakeitus symptoms

>> No.6168893

Muh soggy knee



>> No.6168956

You say it like some revelation.

>> No.6169148


>> No.6169191

>stealing a childs teddy bear and ripping it apart in front of it

Am I being an overly dramatic faggot or is that an especially cruel thing to do? More cruel than, for instance, pissing on a homeless man?
For some reason I strongly feel teddy bears should be left alone.

>> No.6169202

a homeless man might rip your dick off while you piss on him. A little girl will only cry and scream at you

>> No.6169214


we are taught to worship the sanctity of the commodity from day one

>> No.6169745

So piss on the girl.

>> No.6172020

not the other guy, but +1

>> No.6172118

Complaining about a characterized society is itself just another character in that society. "As if they were a spectacle." Lol. I can already picture you in my mind's eye.

>> No.6172131
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>> No.6172142


why do you guys have to ruin books for everybody?

>> No.6172150

>implying fripp doesn't use uber

>> No.6172228

ask the guy responsible for biggest atrocity on this picture anything

>> No.6172233

are you a wizard

>> No.6172686

why tho