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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 348x526, college.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6159493 No.6159493 [Reply] [Original]

So what is /lit/ majoring in? What uni do you go to?

>> No.6159539

Shameless bump. I was thinking about going into linguistics. How shitty of an idea is it.

>> No.6159561


>> No.6159569

I was thinking about doing Linguistics as a minor, with an English degree. I guess it's a bad idea.

>> No.6159628

University of Virginia. English and Art History.

>> No.6159631

Elaborate beyond "shitty", please.

>> No.6159637


>> No.6159642

I got my bachelors in Finance, got a sweet office job, and now I'm thinking of taking advantage of my company's benefits and going to graduate school for economics- specialization in operations and resource planning.

I'm on lit because I love reading, mostly economics and political philosophy

>> No.6159643

UCL, electronic engineering. Linguistics is gr8

>> No.6159651

I'm at UVA also. Math and astrophysics, though.

>> No.6159652

English sure, but please be aware that the absurd /pol/ caricatures of SJWs in the humanities are completely and undeniably true

>> No.6159654

University of South Carolina, Pre-Law

>> No.6159665

KU Leuven

Linguistics and Literature

>> No.6159673

I'm trying to transfer into uva I don't think i have a shot though how do you like it?

>> No.6159731

I majored in English and got my MS in Journalism.
I'm having a bit of an existential crisis

>> No.6159734

Armstrong State Uni

Applied Mathematics

>> No.6159747

Global Business

>> No.6159773

Tufts University

I'm a freshman, but probably English and Economics. Maybe just English.

>> No.6159778

Concordia, Poli Sci

>> No.6159780

if you see someone named Charlie O'Rourke, can you please punch him in the gonads? thanks.

>> No.6159789

UC Berkeley

Relatively new to this board, and amused to find less shitposting overall.

>> No.6159799
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Purdue University, nuclear engineering

>> No.6159807

graduated from usc in comp sci

favorite author is murakami

>> No.6159813


It's University of South Florida to clarify

>> No.6159814

>amused to find less shitposting

>> No.6159816

>can you please punch him in the gonads?

C'mon, the guy is already at USF, isn't he suffering enough without some rando c/lit/fag nutchecking him?

>> No.6159831

I looked him up on Facebook and legit see him on campus a lot.

I recognize him because it's rare I see the same people, but I always manage to see him everywhere I go.

>> No.6159834


Cool. I think I know you. Balz-Dobie/Class of 2015?

>> No.6159841

I'm from /mu/ and /fa/, so this places comes off as relatively clean.

>> No.6159860

What do you want to study? English is pretty good, no SJW that I know of(Felski might be one, IDK)

Art History is very eurocentric and ignores contemporary scene. (I didn't mind, others did)

I meant Watson-Webb. I was an RA in B-D back then. (class of 2013)

>> No.6159870


Memorial University of Newfoundland. Doing an Honors degree in Philosophy with a minor in Mathematics.

>> No.6159873

That's because you're part of the problem.

>> No.6159880


Never mind it's Fox, those are your people in the video.

>> No.6159881

Vassar College, planned English/German double major

>> No.6159887

>So what is /lit/ majoring in? What uni do you go to?
The school of hard knocks, Life's University.

>> No.6159936

Well done.

>> No.6159973


Do you know any basketball players?

>> No.6160011

i also have seen the one of them going to the beach on memorial day.

I always found it a little skewed since I can assure you that 95% of people at Gasparilla are wasted out of their minds

>> No.6160165

Yeah, just busting your chops. I'm from about an hour south of there, so I know quite a few people who went there.

>> No.6160179

I didn't even know we had a basketball team sorry

>> No.6160188

UW Madison. Biochem. Kil me pls.

>> No.6160222

Industrial design in Stuttgart

Pretty sweet

>> No.6160225
File: 80 KB, 1106x1505, UBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Birdcoop is too fucking small for 40, 000 people living on campus

>> No.6160290

Cambridge, philosophy.

>> No.6160291

I'm visiting your college this spring break mate.

>> No.6160344

Have fun friend, I really like it here. We also have a fucking incredible library so if you read in your free time it's a great resource.

>> No.6160351

Thanks. I am just worried that it would be so cold. I'm from the south.

>> No.6160356

UofT, History

>> No.6160357

I go to UBC (British Columbia). I study law.



>> No.6160368

It's been fucking freezing this week mate. Single digits with wind chill, but if you pack some long johns and a warm coat you should be fine. A lot of people I know are from Cali and they're doing fine with the cold.

>> No.6160961

Ohio State for political science.

>> No.6160971
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major? smoking that good chronic every day
School of Hard Knocks, class of 2050

>> No.6160978

History at Oxford.

>> No.6160991

Should I go to college for literature and history if I'm interested in literature and history?

>> No.6161031

English with Teacher Cert.
Eastern Illinois University

>> No.6161035

the best university in canada McGill

>> No.6161051
File: 78 KB, 500x639, heck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linguistics major minor in TESL, California State University Northridge

Linguistics is shitty, don't do it. Working on a masters in TESL.

mfw someone talks shit about the school I go to

>> No.6161205

You can avoid that by majoring in a different language's literature. Nobody in the Spanish department knew what those things were, even in the program's theory department.

>> No.6161238

Philosophy and Lit at Prescott College

>> No.6161249
File: 62 KB, 553x553, unca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transferred here this semester. Anyone else here?

>> No.6161383

top kek
Have you seen the statistics of which undergrads do best on the LSAT? Pre-law and criminal justice do about the worst. (and aren't looked on as favorably by law schools) Either major in something you like or something that looks better.

>> No.6161403

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
Computer Science, software design concentration

>> No.6161413

>a masters in TESL.

What a fucking waste of time.

>> No.6161421


There's no such thing as Pre-Law. Study something else, because anything at all will suffice to get into law school.

Law schools actually hate people who come in 1L thinking they're experts already. They go out of their way not to admit these students.

>> No.6161424

>the best university


>in canada


>> No.6161426

College of William & Mary
Neuroscience and English
UVA a shit

>> No.6161484

Is this the part where you tell us about how you don't know who breece d'j pancake is?

>> No.6161513

Currently doing my advance diploma of professional writing at my citys college of the arts, I live in Adelaide, Australia. SO its really quite beautiful, I'm enjoying it so far. The Electives are broad, as are the core subjects, from Tv & film to Online enviroments, technical documents. etc etc etc.

Planning on working as a Journalist/columnist while I work on my magnum opus.

>> No.6161516

double majored in english and history at the University of Illinois at Chicago. graduated 2 years ago and now I work for a business consulting firm as an analyst

stem fags can suck my dick

>> No.6161518

hey fag

>> No.6161522

>not toronto
inferior quebecois plebeian

>> No.6161529

Why are you doing such soul-sucking work if you majored in English and history?

>> No.6161535
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>yfw you;ll never study modern poetry with this man at WnM.


>> No.6161537

I learned who he was when I was reading UVA's Alumni page on Wikipedia in 11th grade. Never read his stories, but I doubt he is anywhere close to being the most important or the most notable writer to ever study at the school; no idea why you singled him out. What a weird post

>> No.6161557

York University (in Toronto, Canada)
Fucking just off me.

>> No.6161564

Bradley university
Second year undecided
I'm thinking about just killing myself

>> No.6161582

I've got some friends that go to Bradley

>> No.6161614

either EE or biomed eng, don't know where yet but have narrowed it down to 4 choices

>> No.6161615

What's with all the fellow UVA kids here.

Thinking about majoring in Math and English, but also thinking Compsci and Econ, recommendations?

>> No.6161623
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University of Minnesota, Economics

It's cool I guess

>> No.6161698
File: 898 KB, 1052x767, university-of-tulsa-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Tulsa. Never seen anyone else post this school.

Right now I'm in anthropology but it's shit so I'm going to switch to geology because the earth is cool n shit.

>> No.6161707

Try to quadruple major my friend, that way when you leave you have four degrees instead of just one.

>> No.6161709

Like who?

>> No.6161731

Mount Saint Vincent University
Majoring in English/Minor in Philosophy
Planning to do graduate studies in Journalism.

>> No.6161745

religious studies
william and mary

>> No.6161780

graduated last year. lit and lang major.

>> No.6161785

It's pretty depressing that you anonymous idiots go to much better universities than mine (although you're probably all lying, you losers)

>> No.6161799

>you're obviously lying if you go to a decent uni

>> No.6161804

Ahfad University for Women

>> No.6161809

Why do unisex unis still exist?

>> No.6161814
File: 21 KB, 257x373, bcodex_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majoring in Philosophy with a few Modern and Ancient history units on the side at Macquarie Uni in Sydney.

>> No.6161828


How did you land a job at a consulting firm?

Were you just a member of finance clubs?

>> No.6161829

University of Maryland. Marketing and English

Really not enjoying the business school that much. But I'll probably stick with it so I can grow up, get a decent-paying desk job, find an average wife, move to the suburbs, raise a few kids, and live a completely ordinary life.

>> No.6161868

It's a 3rd world thing

>> No.6161890

Are you really Sudanese? Don't think I've ever seen that before on 4chan, and this is coming from someone who frequents /int/.

>> No.6161892

Monash university
Chemical engineering and pure mathematics

>> No.6161905

Gatech, Electrical Engineering with a minor in Economics

>> No.6161926

I went to York for one year for Criminology. I didn't feel the school was too awful but not exactly ideal and it doesn't really give me that comfortable university feeling. Now I'm studying insurance at some college and not liking it much. Such is the life of someone who would like to study a humanities but doesn't have the practical skills or effort to get a job.

>> No.6161941

I finally caved and became an English major, and I'm pretty sure I can't deal with the real world. I always took an English course each term because it was what I was good at, but always worked on other things at the same time to try to find something else, because I knew I wouldn't find a job. Sociology, computers, even animation, but I kept on giving up or realizing I was shit. I was always just an undeclared student, and eventually I caved.
Any ENGL majors here who have made something of themselves? Are you in law?

>> No.6161947

University of Florida - Philosophy.
It's okay.

I'm also working towards a double major in either Math or Physics because muh STEM

>> No.6161957

UVa caps at 2 majors

What do you want to do later? Do you have any Gen Ed Classes remaining? What year are you?

>The areas writing programs in English are good. The major in general is pretty good.

>No firsthand--or secondhand-- experience with CS but UVA places kids to google and highly rated PhDs

>Math is okay. One of my best friends does it. It's a small department and all. Do if you like it I guess.

>Econ is huge and full of Comm school's sloppy seconds. It's a decent degree if you take math heavy classes(eg Mathematical Microeconomics instead of Intermediate
Microeconomics) and build rapport with faculty.

I come here because I despise Brown College, but I like the idea behind Brown. 4chin lets me enjoy all the random bantz while maintaining a different image at UVa

>> No.6161962

Sudanese people love to lurk moar, especially /b/ so...yeah.

>> No.6161964

>UBCfags will never experience glorious North Korean architecture on their campus.

>> No.6161968

Damn, did that war affect you much?

>> No.6161982

Smith college, mt. holyoke. barnard, Hampden–Sydney, VMI ;_;

>> No.6161994

Makes me wonder why people would choose to go here if they have the opportunity to go elsewhere. Are they ultra-conservative/sheltered or what?

>> No.6162023

My experience has generally been fine, but last week I finally had a student say "it's impossible to be racist against white people" in a literary theory course. I'm normally able to cope with that on the internet since exaggeration is order of the day, but hearing it IRL did piss me off. I have no delusion that I haven't won a social lottery of sorts, but that whole notion takes a naive centralized view if where power resides. It's all too "goodies v. baddies"

>> No.6162029
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Case in point

>> No.6162031


VMI checking in, English Major

>> No.6162033


Smith is stellar. Smith and Mt. Holoyke are a part of consortium that consists of Amherst, Hampshire and Umass Amherst besides themselves.

Barnard is across the street from columbia. Literally across the street. You can take classes, join clubs, join sororities at columbia. Plus, it's in NYC.

Hmapden-Sydney is next to Longwood. Can't comment on the proximity. but they're both party school.

Do you know much about US collegiate history? Seven sisters, Title IX etc?

>> No.6162042

No, never delved into it. Gonna google it now though.

>> No.6162050


Kennesaw State University

>> No.6162061

I've heard lots of Aussie profs get pissed easily, or at the very least there's not much in place to stop them from straight- up screaming at their students if they feel like it. Izzit true?

>> No.6162077
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>Implying Brutalism isn't the best school of architectural design since late Edwardian.
>Implying you really need open spaces, light, and color.

Are you some kind of post-modernist?

>> No.6162084
File: 39 KB, 528x492, le frog wine man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't attend one of the top-50 global universities

>> No.6162091

In my first Micro-economics course, our proff. was the head of the research school of business and economics. His classes were so poor, those who didn't turn up to lectures received the top marks.

So yeah, it's probably true.

>Law and PPE at the Australian National University.

>> No.6162102

Maybe if you go to a shit uni

>> No.6162126

>It costs him more to frogpost.

>> No.6162157

3-4 grand a semester ain't so bad

>> No.6162164

He's more or less the only notable writer from any of the VA universities.

>> No.6162190

Marquette, Electrical Engineering

>> No.6162198

>tfw no USYD bros

>> No.6162203


have fun studying with Asians while I'm partying with French Canadian coeds and Celine Dion

>> No.6162226

accounting. why? because it's a stable career with a demanding job market unlike ITT with english majors

>> No.6162259

Yurofag here; used to study Comp. Eng. and Philosophy.

Philosophy degree is full of retards and illiterate faggots (also SJW) that are concerned only about muh art or muh feels, stopped going after 1.5 years, some subjects were fun but overall it was utter shit, I still want to finish my degree but probably will do it later.

Comp-Eng, didn't finish either but it helped me land a job from home somehow and I could not be more happy. The subjects are boring and some professors do not help you at all but they actually have a clue of what they are teaching and people overall are not so whiny tryhards.

Right now I'm just working and reading a lot, maybe will finish my CE degree next year or enroll in Mathematics to be a true patrician so I can blow the fuck out all those retards that are into pseudo-science and have no idea what they are talking about, fuck I used to love humanities field now I hate it.

>> No.6162263

USYD philosophy here

>> No.6162267

get out Jay-Z

>> No.6162269

it's also the most boring shit in the world

regret my accounting degree daily

>> No.6162278
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mcgall university
history/russian studies


>> No.6162282


>> No.6162300

It's not that hard to get into a decent university. You probably didn't do your homework when you were younger, and now you're paying the price.

>> No.6162371

>UC Berkeley
You lucky motherfucker. Honestly my top choice.

>> No.6162385


Nothing. Never even applied or took the SAT.

I graduated high school 5 years ago. I have no regrets whatsoever. I watched my friends run off to college and come back 4 years later, fatter, poorer and stupider than they'd ever been.

>> No.6162395
File: 2.14 MB, 836x1398, denmark pig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a picture that properly conveys just how sour you are, but I find this one funny.

>> No.6162401

>all these second-rate schools

>> No.6162402


>sour that I got rejected from schools I never applied to

nice logic bro. looks like you went to college too

>> No.6162407

I never said you were rejected, but you're being more dismissive than you should.

>> No.6162408

nice rationalizing

>> No.6162418

Kind of terrified that I could be singled out with so little information. Guess I can never come back here now.

Also have no clue who you could be, which makes it scarier.

>> No.6162420

Double major math and aesthetics

Uppsala University, Sweden

>> No.6162426

Iowa State University
I was doing computer engineering but I'm too stupid or lazy for that so now I'm taking courses pursuant to an MIS (business) major, but I hate that too.
I want to die.

>> No.6162435

Chemical Engineering, third world country. I can't wait until I make it.

>> No.6162438
File: 48 KB, 535x577, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to York too. I had the option of going to a better school but my parents only had enough money to pay tuition, so I had to choose between commuting to York and graduating without debt or going to a better university but assuming thousands of dollars in debt. Since I'm getting a shitty degree anyways (Economics) I figured I may as well just go to York. I just hope I can get a comfortable white collar job where I make a decent living when I graduate. It's all I ask for.

>> No.6162447


This has been my experience. A few friends are taking more respectable majors and pursing engineering and medical degrees.

The rest appear to have wasted a lot of money for very little benefit.

>> No.6162455

>my stupid friends have been stupid and uni has not helped
>my smart friends have been smart and uni has helped


>> No.6162456


>implying i dont go to bradley

last semester though. i was undecided early on lel

>> No.6162459

Is there any such thing as brutalism but without all the concrete? I like the composition of the buildings but the washed out concrete is just too overpowering.

>> No.6162464
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>you will never date any of the 20 000 asian girls

>> No.6162466

What kind of fucking material would you do that shit with

>> No.6162469

Steel or some sort of facade.

>> No.6163528

I was in a similar boat except I got OSAP'd and had a choice between UofTM or York. Decided on York because it was cheaper and it was known for the program somewhat, and my parents said the UofT schools are only really good for graduate school, but let's be honest, a bachelor's from UofT or any of the satellite schools looks better than a bachelor's from York.

>> No.6163563

I study philosophy at Heartnox University.

>> No.6163576

I kind of wish that I was doing the Law path because then I could have shamelessly majored in Philosophy.

>> No.6163635
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Another person doing Neuro and English?!

We're bound to be star crossed lovers.

>> No.6163648

I majored in English for my undergrad at a shitty community college you'll not have heard of. I'm currently in my second semester of grad school at Oxford; I'm studying economics

>> No.6163681
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The Evergreen State College, either writing/philosophy or urban planning/creative design. Whatever, our grad school placement rate is very high, and I'm pretty confident in my scholarship/aid and networking abilities, so I'm not too worried about getting a job after education. Also, how do you guys feel about the peace corps?

>> No.6163687

how'd you pull that off?

>> No.6163688
File: 920 KB, 800x514, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_main-hall-winter-horiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Montana
Political Science

>> No.6163689

A shitload of luck, a 4.0, good references, couple years interning somewhere relevant

>> No.6163706

Evergreen has a decent placement rate because their unstructured curriculum and degree requirements weed out everyone who isn't a complete autist. So, the ones that actually manage to make it through are probably fairly capable and competitive applicants, whether it be for grad school or jobs.

Also, the peace corps is great. Alumni of the program get hiring priveldges in the federal government, and some ptesitiglus schools (including the Woodrow Wilson school at Princeton) look very favorably upon peace corps alums.

>> No.6163712

weeds out all of the complete autist***

kek my bad

>> No.6163722

Maryland student here too. Great for a cheap public U (but UVA would've been cool to have as an option with instate tuition).

Economics and Philosophy double major

>> No.6163729

Applied Mathematics

EAFIT (Colombia)

>> No.6163747

Fort smith

>> No.6163754

Physics and probably gonna minor in literature or Asian studies
Dartmouth college

If I hadn't gone to Dartmouth I would've gone to Uppsala (I'm from Sweden), do you like it?

>> No.6163767

Decent if you also get a major or minor in computer science — then you can do NLP

>> No.6163774

I'm a second semester English major at UBC

>> No.6163881

Why the fuck do you care?

>> No.6163990

SUNY Poly (inb4 pleb school)
Network and Computer Security

I personally wouldn't do linguistics but that's because I'm a STEM elitist.

>> No.6163992

Berkeley is overrated

>> No.6164039

It's a wonderful student town, and for philosophy and math (imo) it's about as good as Sweden gets. Uppsala has a long Wittgenstinian tradition, which for me is a plus.

>> No.6164249

Depends on what you go there for. It is honestly top tier for engineering, but definitely doesn't hold your hand.

I suffered a bit with rough classes and a lack of organized support, but I also had really formative and useful research experiences. (going to grad school in fall)

Where are you at now? What do you study?

>> No.6164283

B.A. and funded Master's in English Literature at Oxford, a few years ago now.

>> No.6164317

Stanford University.

I majored in Psychology with a Social Neuroscience focus and minored in Creative Writing.

>> No.6164340

Yeeeee. Interviewing there in a week. What are you up to know?

>> No.6164345

University of Kentucky. History.

>> No.6164471
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I guess the stereotype that fags from /fa/ come here to pick up a /fa/ hobby are true

>> No.6164478

>implying survey threads aren't a form of shitposting

>> No.6164489


>> No.6164497


>> No.6164520
File: 160 KB, 408x600, 1423096445306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>University of Dayton

This thread is making me feel pleb

>> No.6164538

I already majored in philosophy and I already graduated from California State University, Northridge.

I want to continue my philosophy education. The main problem I see if that no one seems to respect CSUN's philosophy department, which sucks. We were pretty good! I can definitely think circles around every other major there.

I'll probably end up having to go to CSULA as they have a masters program and welcome under appreciated CSUN grads such as myself.

>> No.6164543

Études anglophones

Lyon 2

>> No.6164573


Your school sucks. Stop making excuses.

>> No.6164576

Thank God, they're disgusting

>> No.6164579

International Relations at UBC. Am I screwed?

>> No.6164591

i was thinking of transferring to concordia and taking poli sci. how is it?

>> No.6164592

>Psychology with a Social Neuroscience focus
lol what the fuck is that retarded shit

>> No.6164600

Millikin University
but i hate hate hate not taking music courses anymore
i want to add some minors or certificates or something
i'm taking intro java and psych this semester and they're both p cool

i'm thinking about transferring
the philosophy department here is amazing but it has a real underachiever culture including the administration and it's really expensive for no reason

i kinda want to go into social stats, professional music, or education

i don't want to be a philosopher what am i doing? all i do is hang out with my frat, play super smash brothers melee, and watch speedruns

>> No.6164621

Is a psych major any good? I have money that can only be used for uni and already have a career, so my possibilities are wide open.

>> No.6164635

I major in life, i don't need an institution of learning in order to retain information.
-A retard who graduated high school at 16 while attending college for structural engineering.
Now I'm 18, have a job as an mechanical engineer, working on my Nobel for translating Finnegan's Wake after 13 re-reads.
And writing a garbage tier drama based on a fantasized version of my own life.

>> No.6164643

University of Idaho, Physics. my Grandpa used to be pretty high up at Chevron and that whole side of the family has serious connections in the fossil fuels industry so I'll probably end up with a geo-physics degree. Really started reading seriously again freshman year when i realized that you actually have a shit ton of free time at college.

>> No.6164662
File: 2.17 MB, 2762x1107, Sofia_University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English and American Studies

>> No.6164696


>> No.6164718


>> No.6164740
File: 1.67 MB, 2007x3000, IMG_5879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English and American Studies

>> No.6164768

I know... I'm mourning over my Linguistics classes from the first semester. I will have classes in Britbong culture in the second semester.
*absolutely disgusting*

>> No.6164790

Math and philosophy. I would like to start biology but I'm a bit insecure because I'll be 23 this year.

>> No.6164838

I spent time in Sofia when I was wrestling on the international level. Good times. Definitely vastly different from American culture, even the body language was different. It's not in every country that you can walk through a drive thru at McDonald's and order a Heineken.

>> No.6164855


I'm a content/narrative designer for a mobile game company.

I worked in a few psychology labs as an undergrad and found the environment far too political for my liking, so I abandoned my plan to obtain a graduate Psych degree to instead pursue a career in the video game industry. Gaming and the advancement of interactive media have been lifelong passions, but really I just think that I can do a much better job than the vast majority of the people currently working in the industry.


You've never heard of the emerging field of social neuropsychology? Stay ignorant, breh.

>> No.6164859

>even the body language was different.
Our headshakes ?

>> No.6164873

Yep, that's what I was referencing.

>> No.6164889

*shakes head in agreement*

>> No.6164904


I graduated from a decent university with a BA in Linguistics. Unless you are either: a) very passionate about it and want to pursue research/academia; or b) willing to get some other practical qualification like an English teaching certificate, or a programming/computer science/etc qualification, I would not recommend it.

>> No.6164960

>tfw will never go back to Bulgaria
>tfw will never have high-class hookers/strippers at a mafia-run strip club try to swindle me out of all my leve(sp?) again.

>> No.6165008

If you're planning on only being a writer, teacher, or just getting the degree for your self, go for it. If you plan to actually get a real, we'll paying career, choose something else. The problem with majors like that is that you really don't need a degree to learn them, so it's somewhat of a waste of time and money.

>> No.6165204

How'd you get into Dartmouth as a Swedish (I'm assuming international) student?

How was the interview?

>> No.6165269

Yo W&M here too, but history major and classics minor

>> No.6165286

Totem or Vanier

>> No.6165321

IUPUI Biology. German Minor.

>> No.6165344

>not double majoring in contemporary american literature and rhetoric

>> No.6165368

How bad of an idea is it to get a degree in Philosophy? Does it become a better idea if I aim towards law school?

I'm Canadian, for reference.

>> No.6165479

Is anthropology even a thing?

>> No.6165532

McGill University. Applied math.

>> No.6165606

Yoooooo melee though!

Who do you main, are you ranked on a local PR?

>> No.6165630

For law school I remember philosophy majors tend to do pretty well on their LSATs, but let's be honest, unless you are looking to be a teacher/prof or have other skills which help you get a job outside academia or teaching you are probably going to be working part-time for a while. Might depend on which uni you are aiming for as well. If you are from UofT, UBC or McGill it probably will go pretty far in terms of reputation compared to other unis.

>> No.6165653

MA Music Composition

>> No.6165668
File: 58 KB, 672x342, Screen Shot 2015-02-19 at 8.23.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Culture and Media, formerly known as Semiotics

>> No.6165672

Northwestern University, majoring in polisci and international studies. gonna hopefully do phd program with a focus on how peoples' ontologies are being shaped by religion/modernity/politics/law after a gap year

>> No.6165691


woop that was poorly worded. whatever, the gist is that i like stuff on modernity

>> No.6165703

What does /lit/ think of anthropology majors?

>> No.6165711


I hope you like teaching

>> No.6166055
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Finished an Honours Bachelor of English at University of Toronto.

It really improved my writing and got me to read a lot, but jesus was it a terrible education experience.

>> No.6166068
File: 32 KB, 326x367, sic that feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw nobody else in the thread goes/went to Baylor

Am I the only one here who knows those sweet Great Texts feels?

>> No.6166353

University of Chicago

Major: Biology

Minors: German, Physics, Ecology

I only had to take 2 classes to get a German minor, as I already spoke it.

Might transfer to Madison after I finish all my physics credits.

>> No.6166354

You people have money?

>> No.6166364

>not having access to free education

>> No.6166398

Fellow Stanford student.

History/Classics and CS minor.

>> No.6166445

Any fellow Florida State here?

>> No.6166478


>crying amerifag here

>> No.6166532

Okay, but is anyone.. not.. educated?

I'm inherently prone to failing anything with structure or classes but am quite good at writing (maybe)

I'm slowly admitting defeat tbh

>> No.6166660

I'm Wal mart restroom janitor.

>> No.6166662

English major?

>> No.6166666

Why are you son mean?

>> No.6166668

ahh cry river lol

>> No.6166671
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>> No.6166677

Huffing that paint thinner again huh?

>> No.6166678


>> No.6166692
File: 34 KB, 500x679, Im-Going-To-Get-Married-Fugly-And-Weird-Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol praise

>> No.6166695

lol 666 praise lol

>> No.6166701

lol 666 praise

>> No.6166710

There's some rotten smell coming from my aunt Tammy's bedroom, I think it's her corpse, should I bust the door down?

>> No.6166715
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Just call her name, scream TAMMY GIRL real loud under the door. You should also be nude during this process.

>> No.6166717

should I stick my dingy under the door?

>> No.6166730

Ultimately you must make that decision. Who knows maybe she died with her vagine behind the door just waiting for your incest entry.

>> No.6166732

university of houston

history major, classics minor

>> No.6166736


>> No.6166739


>> No.6166743

STEM master race in National University of Singapore

>> No.6166745

This is getting me hot.

>> No.6166751

dead aunt sex hole ready for entry, smells like rotten turkey feels like plastic bag.

>> No.6166759

Yeah, I don't really like it here. They gave me nearly a full ride though, so I deal with it.

>> No.6166772

Some arson guy running around Houston right now isn't there?

>> No.6166777

cultural anthropology?
either way, what >>6165711 said is incomplete-- you must also love publishing articles on a treadmill

>> No.6166779

English lit. Depaul University, Chicago Il.

>> No.6166786


Yes. What major?

>> No.6166807

I'd say about half of the Americans in this thread go to decent schools. But /lit/ seems to attract pleb Canadians. What gives?

>> No.6166831

what's so soul sucking about it? I get to do something different every day and I enjoy helping people. I use my mind all the time to help people come up with different strategies to help them succeed. Better than working as a barista in some independent coffee shop or proofreading transcripts from focus groups like some of my old classmates are doing
>How did you land a job at a consulting firm?
>Were you just a member of finance clubs?
No, finance really has nothing to do with consulting. I'm not telling people what stocks to invest in or how to cook their books. I take data reports and explain them to clients to help them better target their company. I got the job by sending out dozens upon dozens of resumes to all sorts of companies, even for positions I wasn't qualified for.

yeah those aren't really minors. no school lets you have three minors. besides, ecology at U of C is just a specialization of biology. it would be like if I said I majored in french with a minor in french literature. and why the fuck would you transfer to wisconsin if you're at the university of chicago? too expensive 4u?

i'm sorry, only good thing about depaul are the cute (but dumb) girls. in the 10 years I lived in chicago I actively avoided lincoln park as much as I could. fuck, would have even preferred going to loyola over depaul

>> No.6166838

Political Science, University of Toronto

>> No.6166839


>> No.6166848

I'm the same way, school has always been a nuisance for me so I quit in 9th grade and got my GED, now I'm unemployed and in idle.
Got a lot of reading done in the years I skipped out of, might go to college out of sheer boredom... whatever.

>> No.6166852

Philosophy? That's the only acceptable answer if you're at Rutgers.

>> No.6166853
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>tfw TCNJ
>studying English
>at a public college
>he takes his "major" very seriously
>he does it for $5,000 a semester

>> No.6166880

hmm, you should go to college. I actually knew a guy who dropped out of a high school, got his GED, went to some Podunk beta community college for 2 years, then transferred to a state university (public ivy btw), and then eventually went to grad school at a Ivy league.

>> No.6166887

Undecided. What could I do with Phil?
aw don't be sad. I almost went there. How is it?

>> No.6166895
File: 501 KB, 1134x524, university-of-victoria-aerial-view[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attended SFU for one day and man is that campus terribly set up. not like the glory that is Uvic's ring road.

>> No.6166926 [DELETED] 

Get away from me I'm the only one allowed to live in this area

>> No.6166929

Oh weird, me too, minus the history part.

>> No.6166933

Get away from me I'm the only one allowed to live around this area of NJ on /lit/, and 4chan.

>> No.6166936

Yeah, that is sort of my plan, guess i'll try to be less self absorbed then i was during middle school/high school, just need to slack off on the weird esoteric shit. Gonna have to fix my car now that I blew the rocker arm out of it... whatever.

>> No.6166940

I was here first. But we can live here together.

>> No.6166959
File: 11 KB, 340x143, Quest_University.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your major
>Where do you go to college
It's complicated. Pic related.

>> No.6166978

What the fuck is the program like? Everything I read says that Economics grad schools want 3 semesters of Calculus, linear algebra, diff equations, and real analysis.

>> No.6167153

"Ron Don gonna burn down the playpen for the insurance money tonight!"

>> No.6167180

Math is also very respectable at Rutgers.

>> No.6167182

All of those are relatively simple topics in mathematics

>> No.6167585


How the fuck are those simple? I have high marks in all of my other classes but have had to retake Liberal Arts Math twice. My professor keeps telling me that I'm doing the math right and using the right methods to solve the equations but still getting the wrong result.

>> No.6167594

brutalism isn't for your convenience you miserable little cog in the machine

>> No.6167608

You should have attended a school more attuned to your special needs. I suggest Clown College.

>> No.6167626

>tfw CS major at USC right now
>tfw about to fail a midterm and get 0 points on a paper, today

>> No.6167633

Living in a country that makes you do "math" to get a BA. What a pleb.

>> No.6167651

Histoire de l'art here

>tfw your uni is going full bankrupt

>> No.6167682

hobology, specializing in hobological soteriology

>> No.6167688

I mean, if you're devoted to the field you could make it work, but it's not exactly a valuable degree. The field is pretty over saturated. I chose English over Psych as my uni has a strong department. Regardless, if you decide to go for it anyway at least make sure to get a B.S. and not a B.A.(some schools offer both)

>> No.6167872

Sure, but given that OP majored in English and made no mention of taking extra math courses I would expect him to have taken no more than a couple semesters of Calc.

I'm interested in if he's specializing in some branch of Econ that doesn't require it, which is extremely rare for the grad level these days.

>> No.6167888

Ph.D. in High Energy Physics in Padua, Italy.

>> No.6167894


>> No.6167904


i am getting my phd in deep thoughts at the school of hard knocks

>> No.6168263

English at College of the Holy Cross

>paying 50k a year

>> No.6169220

How do you like Northridge? I want to go to school in the LA area (senior, 18.) Thinking of there

>> No.6169312

Bachelor Mathematics in Tübingen.
Only skipped through were are the Germans at?

>> No.6169361
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Accepted to University of Michigan, thinking about going into History and Econ. I'm waiting to hear back from a few other schools though.

>> No.6169664

Well it's about time I found somebody else from MCLA.

>> No.6169878

i'm a community college student who just got my acceptance letter to umich

>> No.6169914

Occupational Therapy

>> No.6170269

Hey I'm also studying Russian at mcgill

Russian/English dual major

>> No.6170288
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Royal Holloway, Drama and Philosophy.

Planning on riding the academia wave all the way to tenure.

>> No.6170626

how do you guys like Mcgill

>> No.6170688

I had a friend who did Music there. Many would say they're the best for it.

I got a First from Liverpool in English.

>> No.6170693

Neat architecture.

>> No.6170712

SUNY Stony Brook

Nelson I know you browse this shithole

>> No.6170715

In that regard, it's pretty much a nicer version of Keele, with that whole fairytale castle aesthetic.

It's a shame that, given the chance, most people fuck off to King's given the chance between it and RHUL.

>> No.6170724

>that repetition

It's 2 AM. Don't flay me.

>> No.6170726

Literally applied to the math department a month ago. Please describe the faculty and student body if you can.

>> No.6170743


Yeah, rest of the campus isn't as great but it sure is a good place to have a break during a study session.


Eh, I'd just prefer fewer oxbridge rejects more than anything else.

>> No.6170865



>> No.6171659

It's actually not that bad. Unless you're going to something in a science lab, the campus is pretty linear. If you're going into the the Bennett center though, good luck knowing when to stop walking down stairs. The main campus is good, it's just everything added on afterward that's a mess.

>> No.6171984

My Degree is English Literature, done through University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy and the Royal Military College Duntroon - a king of triple entendre system implemented by the government to fund one's University Education, provided the participant completes five years as a Lieutenant in the Australian Defence Force.

>> No.6172033

Psych English Double Major at Emory. Reading about writers and theorists all day makes them all sound the same, which is somehow funny to me.

>> No.6172381

hook 'em