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6160405 No.6160405 [Reply] [Original]

What would be in your room 101?

>> No.6160408

OP's shitposting.

>> No.6160410

I'm just trying to have a discussion, calm down please ? Sorry if I offended you.

>> No.6160412

I would probably just have this guy:
go free-range in it, and allow him to nibble off people's dicks until they submit.

>> No.6160442


>> No.6160465

The posts are alterable.
The posts have never been altered.
Moot was never the admin.

>> No.6160466
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Attending someone you love's funeral.

>> No.6160666

Literally drowning in shit. That or being attacked by rabid cats. Those are my two worse fears.

>> No.6160696
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Another day of my life.

>> No.6162237


They wouldn't even bother to arrest me. O'Brian would walk in with his troops, take one long look before saying with disgust, "never mind. Just being you is torture enough."

Captcha: farte

>> No.6162386

How did O'Brien find out about Winston's worst fear?

Because he was dumb enough to tell about it to someone.

>> No.6162504

What if they MAKE something your worst fear? And then you believe it always was?

In my case 101 would be sensory deprivation, the fear of death, or the fear to forget. All pretty easy to convey in torture.

>> No.6162515

>sensory deprivation
>not getting high as fuck

>> No.6162516
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>mfw people are actually posting their worst fears ITT
You can't trick me FBI

>> No.6162523 [SPOILER] 
File: 359 KB, 487x536, 1424330391843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular torture it is, then.

>> No.6162583

Strong trips.

My room would be occupied by corduroy pants with which my teeth would become entangled in.

>> No.6162616

spiders or normies laughing at me

>> No.6162701
File: 553 KB, 770x1026, crawling-through-first-tunnel-photo_1004751-770tall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something based on claustrophobia. For example making me crawl through some very narrow space. Physical pain I can deal with but limiting my freedom of movement is too much. Im not even fat or anything but ill mentally block out and get stuck and go insane

>> No.6162718

its a swimming pool of shit with an extremely low ceiling, it used to be full of water but over the years all the inmates have slowly converted it into shit, piss and puke

there is a natural rhythm of the 'water' level going up and down every few minutes so you have to hold your breath under the shit as it fills up to the ceiling

a chute opens up and sprays oats all over the top of the pool every morning to eat, and their is a healthy supply of anti-biotics mixed in as well

you and the other 50 inmates have to tread water most of the time, there is a small platform to stand up but it only has enough room for 10 to stand on, and maybe 20 to hang off the sides of it to save energy.

the last 5 people to die get to go free as well, why not

>> No.6162719

I have no fucking clue. I've wondered ever since I read the book. I am a bit of a scaredy cat, but I don't know if I'm scared enough of the things I'm scared of to break.

I guess I'm afraid of the dark? But that doesn't seem significant enough to torture me, I mean... I don't know what they'd do to make it traumatic.

I wish I knew, really.

Wait. I think I know now. Water, deep water. I can't swim. Someone threw me in the pool when I was a little kid and I almost drowned and I had to go to the ER. I don't remember it even happening.

>> No.6162770
File: 269 KB, 1164x961, One day I will end you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm irrationally afraid of wasps. When I was a little boy I disturbed a nest on accident and they stung me repeatedly.

I bet they would just let a bunch of wasps crawl all over me and sting me. Or give me bad acid or something while shaking wasps in a glass jar and then letting them out on me. I think the worst tortures all involve seeing loved ones suffer or extended humiliation/pain etc. I think the real world has far worse instances of human inflicted suffering than anything that could be contained in a Room 101.

tl;dr fuck wasps

>> No.6162807
File: 30 KB, 552x461, 1379356864771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

systematically murdering everybody who has ever cared about me, without any pause, sending me on my way to try to keep living, but forcing me to live with my family

>> No.6162842

>implying anyone has ever cared about you

>> No.6162858


>> No.6162933

Mean girls

>> No.6162942


laughed and then cried and then laughed again

>> No.6163409


>> No.6163412
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>> No.6163431
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>> No.6163454

Why is everyone afraid of shit?

>> No.6163456


>> No.6163460

Imagine fucking that ass while there's nothing she could do about it

>> No.6163463

god damn it

>> No.6163466


I read it with Costanza's voice. nice one

>> No.6163468


>> No.6163477

Babies; the scary ones with the big eyes.

>> No.6163483

Assholes come with self-defense mechanisms.

>> No.6163497
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