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/lit/ - Literature

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6151529 No.6151529 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6151540

that guy has too many hats in my opinion

>> No.6151551

a portrait of the artist as a young man, joyce
winesburg, ohio, sherwood anderson
the voyage out, woolf
the map and the territory, houellebecq
kangaroo, dh lawrence
the autobiography of alice b. toklas, gertrude stein

>> No.6151577

King Lear - William Shakespeare (reread)
Omensetter's Luck - William H. Gass
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte - Karl Marx
The Melancholy of Resistance - Laszlo Krasznahorkai
The Book of Chuang Tzu - Chuang Tzu
Age of Extremes - Eric Hobsbawm
The Plains - Gerald Murnane
Auto Da Fé - Elias Canetti

>> No.6151590
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Last read: El Aleph, Borges.
Currently reading: steppenwolf
Next read: The dice man

>> No.6151602

The Pearl

Cannery Row

Probably Foundation's Edge

>> No.6151604 [DELETED] 
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Currently reading Seiobo There Below.
Last is the one just before.

Next will be The Bible, as I only read Genesis/Exodus.

>> No.6151608
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We, Zamyatin
Too loud a solitude, Hrabal
Steppenwolf, Hesse
The Ego and its own, Stirner
more Hesse, I guess

>> No.6151609

the metatemporal detective
faust volume 2 (anthology of weeb fiction)
human chain
blood meridian
collected poems of sylvia plath
treasure island
moby dick
for whom the bell tolls
??? maybe the name of the rose

>> No.6151613


Playing With Infinity: Mathematical Explorations and Excursions

Haven't decided yet

>> No.6151618

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
Suddenly, A Knock on the Door
A Feast for Crows

>> No.6151624

Loki - Georges Dumézil
La mythologie du monde celte - Claude Sterckx
Dynamite, The history of class violence in America - Louis Adamic
Language and Mind - Noam Chomsky
The History of the Devil - Vilém Flusser
L'économie participaliste, une alternative contemporaine au capitalisme - Pascal Lebrun

>> No.6151625

>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra
lol idiot.

>> No.6151626

Don't know, maybe Joyce.

>> No.6151634

probably don quixote

>> No.6151638

Last read: a Room of Ones Own, and the Death of Ivan Ilyich.

Currently reading: Consumed by David Cronenberg, a couple short story collections.

Reading Next: Gene Wolfe, I'm finally giving into the memes and reading him.

>> No.6151645

The Map and the Territory - Houellebecq
À rebours - Joris-Karl Huysmans
idk maybe The tartar steppe

>> No.6151656 [DELETED] 
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The green house



>> No.6151657

wilhelm reich, "the function of the orgasm"
freud, "the sex-aetiology of hysteria"
freud, "the uncanny"

lacan, "seminar x: anxiety"
marx, "economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844"
mandel, "the marxist theory of alienation"
heidegger, "being and time" (might shelve, as my understanding of bourdieu, etc., makes reading heidegger [in english] a bit redundant)
dfw, "infinite jest"

pick up deleuze and guattari, "anti-oedipus" again

>> No.6151673

The God Delusion

The Cambridge Companion to Joyce
Fear and Trembling

Childhood's End
Kant: A Biography

>> No.6151674

probably also if i ever finish infinite jest i will start eta hoffman's, "sandman"

>> No.6151679 [DELETED] 
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No one gives a fuck.

Kill yourself.

>> No.6151700
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>> No.6151705 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6151743

Never Let Me Go
Mythology by Edith somthing, Reflections on the Revolution in France, the Book of Genesis, and Demian
classical literature/philosophy, and some shit on the French Revolution

>> No.6151759


The Magus

Probably El Aleph

>> No.6151760

everything ravaged, everything burned
the brief wondrous life of oscar wao

>> No.6151764

fuuuk dude winesburg fucked my shit
that book is so good

>> No.6151765

>fucking faggot
and he thinks he's *not* the pleb

>> No.6151774
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Factotum by Bukowski and Venus in Furs
The Collected Stories of Raymond Carver
Almost Transparent Blue by Ryu Murakami

>> No.6151784

The Trial

Infinite Jest

idk Satanic Verses or Wind-Up Bird probably

>> No.6151788

>last read
i don't really remember
i didn't read many books recently
it's mostly philosophy for class
and we read sections in these big course packs, so it's not whole books most of the time

dialogues concerning religion
probs gon finish ulysses finally
maybe something else idk

>> No.6151803


Blue Flowers by Raymond Queneau (probably misremembering his last name)

Portrait of the artist as a young man


Probably a few short stories by Chekov/Gogol and either memoirs of Hadrian or Titus Groan

>> No.6151814

Girls of Slender Means by Muriel Spark
Loitering with Intent by Muriel Spark
Either The Driver's Seat, Mendlebaum's Gate or The Only Problem by Muriel Spark.

>> No.6151816

Adam Bede, Sebastopol Sketches, some of Milton's early poems
The Parliament of Birds, The Vicar of Wakefield
Shilappadikaram, Melmoth the Wanderer

>> No.6151820

Im reading Fight Club

Planning to read Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

>> No.6151831

The Castle by Franz Kafka

Notes From The Underground by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

The Secret Pilgrim by John le Carré

>> No.6151839

fuggin pleb, Kafka saks

>> No.6151842

Mein nigga!
reddit miss you, friendo.

>> No.6151849

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
Bestiario by Julio Cortázar
Siddharta by Herman Hesse
I was thinking Goethe but IDK. Recs would be great

>> No.6151887

How Late It Was, How Late - James Kelman

Trainspotting - Irvine Welsh

I have a few that I want to read
probably House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski
or The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood

>> No.6151889

Brave New World

The Pale King

Probably The Ego and His Own since it should come in the mail tomorrow.

>> No.6151893

or Kafka on the Shore or Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.6151897

Milton Paradise Lost

Lord of the Rings bitches

Something by vonnegut or hermingway

>> No.6151905

Go for Faust dude.

>> No.6151916

The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea, which is the first book i've read outside of school.

Storm of Steel and The Orthodox Way.

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6151917

do yourself a favor and skip both of them. Slaughterhouse five is just a gimmicky ploy to sell tattoos and Murakami can't rite

>> No.6151920
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Lincoln: A Novel - Gore Vidal

Money Mischief - Milton Friedman

Satiristas - Paul Provenza

Have to inject some levity after all of that.

>> No.6151926

I like that picture? mind if I safe if?

>> No.6151931
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Do yourself a favor and start watching Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Its Terry Gilliams cartoon work

>> No.6151932

James Joyce - A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man
Thomas S. Kuhn - The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions
Joseph Conrad - Heart Of Darkness

>> No.6151935

>LAST READ: When the emperor was divine

>CURRENTLY READING: a Game of thrones

>NEXT READ: Either a Clash of kings or the sun also rises

>> No.6151941

I have. it starts with "ITS"

>> No.6151943

Hey OP, we missed you around here. It's been a while since you last showed up, what kept you busy?

>> No.6151946

Ive read about three Vonnegut books if memory serves me, and I cant help but think that all of them seem oddly gimmicky. I'd say theyre the Wes Anderson movie of the written world.

Dunno though. Maybe I'm missing something.

>> No.6151949
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DFW - Infinite Jest (started over winter break, finished a few weeks ago)
Borges - The Garden of Branching Paths (reread)
David Eagleman - Sum: Forty Tales of the Afterlives (lovely book. reminds me of Borges, his playful attitude towards other philosophies without necessary subscribing to them)
DFW - A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again (read the title essay like half-a-year ago, now I'm doing the rest, and will likely re-read the title essay)
George Saunders - Civilwarland in Bad Decline (never read him before, highly recommended by a friend along with Eagleman)
Kafka - The Complete Stories / The Metamorphosis, In The Penal Colony, and Other Stories (basically alternating between the Neugroschel translations [which I've read in the past] and the Muir translations)

Over spring break I'll probably read a novel, maybe GGM's The Autumn of the Patriarch, or Kafka's Amerika.

That should keep me busy until the semester's over. This summer I'm hoping to re-start and finally finish The Brothers Karamazov. Got about 400 pages in last time, but school started and I got too caught up in other readings.

I have to read Mythology soon for a class, how is it? I also had a friend recommend it to me years ago but I never got around to it

>> No.6151955

>Sometimes a Great Notion - Ken Kesey
>East of Eden - Steinbeck
>White Teeth - Zadie Smith

>> No.6151958

Siddhartha was a fun read. I remember the exact setting I read in. Very zen-like. I have to read more Hesse...

>> No.6151960

>last read
The Sun also Rises
>currently reading
The Autobiography of Mark Twain
>next read

>> No.6151962

torture garden by mirbeau -- surprisingly, very, very good. it's kind heart of darkness, but more ornate and for china instead of africa

1 chapter into canticle for leibowitz

idk..... too many books. maybe mao II?

>> No.6151964

>currently reading

>> No.6151967

How's Cronenberg's book?

>> No.6151969
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master level troll

>> No.6151983

>Last read
If on a Winter's Night A Traveler
>Currently reading
The Moons of Jupiter
>Next read
Eugene Onegin
Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You

>> No.6151985

Death and the Dervish
South of the Border, West of the Sun
Don't know

>> No.6151996

Iphigenia - Racine
Iphigenia - Euripides
Mithridate - Racine
Phaedo - Plato
Life of Neron - Suetonius
>Next, hard to say
The Republic - Plato
Bajazet - Racine
Holy Sonnets - Donne
And maybe some Keats, but don't know where to start. Endymion? Hyperion? Ode to a Nightingale?

>> No.6152003

Last: Everville, Clive Barker
Today spent an hour reading The Fifty Year Sword, Danieljewski

Current: The Odyssey

Next: Finish Gravity's Rainbow or Ulysses.

I'm horrible at planning though and my next book could be anything really.

>> No.6152004
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pimp by iceberg slim
reading BOTNS and Sword and Citadel straight through. halfway through the latter.
probably a mccarthy novel. blood meridian has been on my list for a long time.

i started browsing /lit/ about a year ago and the recommendations have been fucking excellent.

>> No.6152024

>Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal - Carl Jung
>The Ego and His Own - Maximum Forehead
>probably No Longer Human - Dazai Osamu

I read a bunch of Jung right in a row. It was interesting, and I think I got some good ideas out of it, but by the end I kinda jumped ship on a lot of his kooky ideas. Still like the guy, just don't think I'll be exploring much more of his work at this point.

Stirner is actually a really fun read, I understand how he reached meme status. Whether his philosophy is really sound or not, I'll reserve judgment until I finish and digest it.

I'm getting a little worn out reading philosophy and psychanalysis and theory, so I think I'm gonna switch it up with a novel or two.

Sometimes a Great Notion is one of my very favorite novels. Did you like it? I think I really started to become an adult after reading it. Kesey is really underrated (despite being highly rated by the boomers, which would probably make him sick)

>> No.6152029

is pimp good? been meaning to check it out, but it always seems like a book that I don't necessarily NEED to read, if you know what I mean

>> No.6152050

love that fuckin' book. too bad sherwood anderson peaked

>> No.6152059

it was great. remember that when it was written in the early 60's that pimp's were considered the lowest of the low. today they have a glamorous appeal that sickens me. so much slang there's a glossary. i actually knew most of it because i'm from chicago where the majority of it takes place. i don't know how it would read if you didn't know some of the slang.

>> No.6152091

Do you have a link for that Jung book?

>> No.6152108

I have the hardcopy, sorry. it's all material from his other works, compiled together, and a good amount of it was taken from 'Memories, Dreams, Reflections', and a lot of the same material is covered in 'The Undiscovered Self' and 'Man and His Symbols', the three of which are some of his most accessible and famous books

>> No.6152112

Not very far along, but I find it to be really fascinating so far.

>> No.6152116

current:Blue movie
next:Something by Joe Lansdale

>> No.6152127

cool. did you see that hughes brothers movie 'American Pimp'? Pretty fucked up shit

also, a good (fictionalized) book about pimping is Mingus' "autobiography" 'Beneath the Underdog'. It's really a great novel and very funny

Ima check out Pimp though, you reminded me it was on my 'to-read' list

>> No.6152136
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Plato - The Republic
José Ortega y Gasset - The Revolt of the Masses
Julius Evola - Men Among the Ruins

>> No.6152138

k, thanks

>> No.6152142

>I have to read Mythology soon for a class, how is it?
I don't really think it's worth reading tbh. It can be skipped and you can just read Iliad/Odyssey and the great Tragedies and Ovid's metamorphoses for the greek stuff and then read the poetic edda for the icelandic stuff. she just summarizes books that are more fun to read on their own IMHO

>> No.6152172

I've been looking for Jung epubs but haven't had much luck, there are some pdfs on kickass.to though.

>> No.6152179

La Tumba - Jose Agustin
i dont know

>> No.6152181

Letters to a Young Contrarian
Ender's Game
The Ego and It's Own
The World as Will and Representation, Thus Spake Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil etc.

>> No.6152183
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>Currently reading
Pic related. Ties in well with Jungian Gnosticism/psychology

>Next read
The Corpus Hermetica

>> No.6152227
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Taratuta and Still Life with Pipe by Jose Donoso


The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories - Gene Wolfe


The Housekeeper and the Professor - Yoko Ogawa

>> No.6152235 [DELETED] 


anon stop posting dorky /soc/ tier pictures of yourself with that book you come across as an desperate poser.

>> No.6152236

Oh man that was a long time ago, uh...Theory Of Bloom?
Infinite Jest
Fuck if I know I just wanna finish IJ before thinking about the future.

>> No.6152237

>that picture
top kek

>> No.6152240


anon stop posting dorky /soc/ tier pictures of yourself with that book you come across as a desperate poser.

>> No.6152252

animal farm

a farewell to arms


>> No.6152254


>Last read
Charles Baudelaire- Les Fleurs du Mal

>Georges Bataille- Erotism: Death and Sensuality

>Nick Land: The thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism

>> No.6152262

The Wild Palms

The Way We Live Now

The Confidence Man

>> No.6152269

Cool reads, i'll have to check them out.

>> No.6152283

Pretty nice list, keep on anon

>> No.6152293

just avoid House of Leaves.

>>pick up book
>>finish book
>>Read wiki
>>its meta-fiction
>>hang self

tl:dr is a childish book and a waste of time

>> No.6152305


you're a fucking moron
stop telling people what to do

>> No.6152318

don't bother with jung unless your an old white male reactionary

>> No.6152325

The Gathering Storm
Towers of Midnight
A Memory of Light

What does this board think of the Wheel of Time series?

>> No.6152327

>>stop telling people what to do

stop telling me to stop telling people what to do anon
stop it

>> No.6152347

It's really good, but I got tired of it at book 9, because too much extraneous detail, and too much braid-tugging.

>> No.6152383

Great Notion was excellent. I read it knowing I would move to the PNW soon after starting it, and it served as a good descriptive primer for moving here. The narrative style was interesting and written well enough not to get too vague or repetitive. I like books where traditional masculine values are challenged, but end up holding worth to some extent, and Sometimes addresses this pretty directly.

It's the first Kesey I've read, but plan on getting to the obligatory One Flew Over... at some point.

>> No.6152393


Books 9-11 are a drag. It really does get better, much much better, and I strongly suggest powering through them. It's definitely worth it.

>> No.6152405

>It really does get better,

All my friends say the same, but I'm skeptical of Brandon Sanderson.

Besides, there's just so much other shit to read.

>> No.6152413

>dat goth chick

marry this woman

>> No.6152414
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The Phenomenology of Spirit, Wilhelm
Friedrich Hegel
Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger
The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

Gorin no sho, Miyamoto Musashi
At the Mountains of Madness, H.P. Lovecraft
Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey

The Mote in God's Eye, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien
The Sirens of Titan, Kurt Vonnegut (want to reread this)

>> No.6152417


I think he's doing a really good job. He's keeping the spirit of Jordan's style of writing, but cutting back on the unnecessary fluff & upping the intensity. He does a much, much better job of handling chapters as well.

But I'm probably biased; Sanderson is one of my favorite fantasy authors, if not #1

But yeah, I feel you. I've been at nothing but WoT since Sept 30th last year, when I started. It's been quite the journey.

>> No.6152421

>last read
Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsy
>currently reading
Borges - Labyrinths
>next read
Robinson - Blue Mars or
DFW - The Pale King

>> No.6152429

> The Pale King

Nice man, certainly more digestable than IJ I think.

>> No.6152440

shoplifting from american apparel

>> No.6152441

>The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien

Goodness. I tried that, once. Got about half-way until I gave up, I just couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.6152452

>Hell's Angels and 1984
>Fear and Loathing On Campaign Trail '72 and Slash autobiography
>Don't know yet, usually just pick whatever I'm feeling

>> No.6152453

Sounds good. Might take it up.

>> No.6152456

the martian
it was a gift so i felt obligate to read it

light by m john harrison

i haven't decided. maybe some YA

>> No.6152460
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>pic related


>> No.6152461


The Iliad
Don Quixote
The Odyssey

>> No.6152487


she is indeed fine as hell not even gonna lie. but man i wish this guy could see how hilariously cringe taking corny photos like that is. he has newreader tourist written all over him.

>> No.6152497

Mythology is a good introduction to get familiar with the names and an overview of the main mythological stories. I also appreciated her introduction about how the Greeks actually viewed Mythology in their daily life. Prose is dry though and she's not a very good storyteller IMO. If you are completely ignorant of greek mythology in general like I was I'd recommend, otherwise you could probably skip it.

>> No.6152517

The Loser, Debt: The First 5000 Years, Huckleberry Finn
>currently reading
The Street of Crocodiles and Other Stories, Winesburg Ohio, Concrete
Probably more David Graeber.

>> No.6152534

Benny Morris - Righteous Victims, A History of the Zionist Arab Conflict
Yochai Benkler - The Wealth of Networks
Modiano - A Missing Person
Mo'fuckin Picketty
Ursula K le Guin - The Dispossessed

>> No.6152537

Going from Leviathan to GR...hmmmm well there are all sorts of crazy things you have to remember for both... and Pynchon randomly writes the most ridiculously important thoughts and ideas in the midst of a web of confusion just like Hobbes does. I swear, I got way too much manipulative thought science from Leviathan.

>> No.6152542

How the fuck do you read all these mindfucks at the same time

>> No.6152543

I was really into lord of the rings as a kid so I tried reading it then. Got about halfway through, but I remember it being an incredible story. That's why I want to reread it.

>> No.6152550

2001: ASO
A Clash of Kings
Childhood's End

>> No.6152570

Kleist - "The Duke of Homburg"

Shakespeare - "Hamlet"

Spivak - "Calculus"

Though the list isn't linear; I'm basically reading both Past and Future right now intermittently.

Also, can someone explain what the deal is with the hat guy? I vaguely remember the story, I think there's a kitten in there somewhere, why is it giving me an erection?

>> No.6152608

>heidegger, "being and time"
How difficult is his prose for some someone with an amateur understanding of the rudiments of metaphysics?

>> No.6152625
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i'm actually going into gravity's rainbow entirely on a whim, without any prior pynchon experience, too. so far a total convoluted, but enjoyable, mess.

>> No.6152630
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Lr: Atlas Shrugged
Cr: Infinite Jest
Nr: The Gay Science

>> No.6152633

He has nothing to do with metaphysics

>> No.6152634

>Spivak - "Calculus"
Probably the best calculus book ever written, followed by Apostol.
His book Calculus on Manifolds is worth reading as well, ti covers the topic usually taught in a second and third semester of calculus (multivariable calculus and differential forms)

>> No.6152639

Junot Diaz - "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao"
Neal Stephenson - "Anathem"
Milan Kundera - "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"

>> No.6152645

discipline and punish
english literature: it's history and signifigance

>> No.6152654

The Odyssey by Homer

Anabasis by Xenophon

Works and Days / Theogony by Hesiod

>> No.6152661
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>starting with the greeks

>> No.6152662

Yes it will remain that way for a while.

It's the same way I started Gravity's Rainbow. Supposedly, it is his magnum opus anyway, so enjoy.

Personally, I got a lot from Gravity's Rainbow. The esoteric knowledge, the paranoiac atmosphere, the phases of human existence represented by different states of war, the metaphorical rocket. Everything.

>> No.6152666

>Last read selections from The Canterbury Tales
actually Hamlet but reading a play takes a day at most
>currently reading Frankenstein
>Next read I'm hoping to finally fucking read Vonnegut; I've been eying Slaughterhouse Five for months but haven't had free time

>> No.6152668
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last: against nature - huysmans
currently: 1985 - burgess
next: hopefully pic related, if i could find a free ebook copy...if not, ill probably read justine by de sade

>> No.6152724


>> No.6152726

no country for old men

anna karenina

crime and punishment

>> No.6152727


>last: against nature - huysmans


>> No.6152734

How's high school going?

>> No.6152735

> he hasnt read a rebourse yet

>> No.6152736

interesting question. i thought it was terrible, no plot and no profundity, but his insight and critique on literature is pretty good.

worth the read? probably not but it's a good waste of time

>> No.6152767

it's more difficult for someone with an amateur understanding of the german language than anything. i feel like i need to devote time into learning german before i re-approach heidegger in his own language. the english translation-- to me-- is just very involved and seems to repeat itself.
so, no, i wouldn't avoid reading it just because you haven't read many other philosophical works; heidegger himself is very clear about situating his ideas historically and explaining what he's unfolding as he's unfolding it. but whether you want to read the translation when so much of his work relies on the workings of the german language is up to you.

carefully and slowly

>> No.6152769


lol could you be any more of a posturing pseudo?


>> No.6152770

nigga sells caps for 50 cents each which is a fucking steal. some monkeys try to steal his caps (which he carries around on his head because he's a master cap salesman) and he tricks them shits into giving them back

>> No.6152772

The River Why


prob Steppenwolf

>> No.6152778

Bloody Meridian
Literature Theory, History of Sex, Sheakspare sonnets
Don't know, been thinking about rereading ulysses since i have read anything that could come necessary to understand it completely, maybe Ferdydurke once again.

>> No.6152793

Oh god, mine hasn't changed since the last thread.

Although I am reading Infinite Jest :^)

>> No.6152811

Yeah, the school has us using Stewart. It's not a bad book, way easier to understand for sure, but the level of mathematical rigor between the two is night and day.

Spivak does away completely with diagrams of planes taking off and other bullshit; I feel like I'm actually learning something. Most of the exercises are proofs.

The problem is that I'm lazy and unintelligent, I would have no idea what he was talking about if I didn't already know it from Stewart.

>> No.6152812

Blood Meridian / The Burrow (Kafka)
Ulysses / The Castle
Probably Beckett's trilogy, or given my reading speed with Joyce, The Winds of Winter

>> No.6152813

A must-read I'd say. I really liked the book, even if it doesn't have a plot like most modern fiction you should be able to enjoy it if you like literary fiction.

Fun fact: According to Wilde's diaries it seems that that Á Rebours is the book Henry gave to Dorian. There's nothing explicit in the Portrait, but apparently it's the book WIlde had in mind.

>> No.6152823

Last read
Book of the New Sun
If a Winter's Night A Traveller.

>> No.6152831

there's little if any literary value to it
>guys hates people
>guy craves people
>fuck it, no i don't
>doctor: yeah, you kinda do

intertwined with his good but needless descriptions of literally everything at his house

but i did lol when he kills the tortoise by bejeweling the fuck out of its shell

>> No.6152832

>shoplifting from american apparel
>Cien años de Soledad

>> No.6152846

>but i did lol when he kills the tortoise by bejeweling the fuck out of its shell
kek, I remember that, but I laughed more when the guy starts to eat by his anus and he's actually very happy to do so

>> No.6152859

Stephen King's "Misery"
Stephen King's Insomnia
Stephen King's Salem's Lot

Soon, I'll suck the King's cock

>> No.6152863

overall, terrible book in my opinion

i read it under recommendation from a friend of mine.
>her: oh, you like de Sade, you'll love huysmans

imagine my disappointment

>> No.6152871

god here and now
critique of pure reason
early greek thinking
concluding unscientific postscript

>> No.6152873


ontology is metaphysics you dip

>> No.6152915

A Game of Thrones - A Dance with Dragons

A Tale of Two Cities


>> No.6152919

Last book I finished was Principle of Population by Malthus

Right now, I'm going through a re-analysis of The Wealth of Nations and I'm reading The Histories and Leviathan.

I should finish up the WoN and Leviathan coeval in time for Ricardo's Principles of Political Economy. Whenever I finish Histories, I'll start The Republic.

>> No.6152952

Not particularly good.

>> No.6152953


The Stranger

>Brothers Kekramazov

Slowly making my way through babbys first literary works

>> No.6153004

>Kafka on the Shore
>The Name of the Rose
>Master and Margarita

>> No.6153005


Everyone starts somewhere, savour each moment with your fresh eyes and most of all, enjoy!

>> No.6153009


>> No.6153022

pffff I only read patrician works and have never read any of those. I also have posted on /lit/ for like two years.

There really isn't a 'common core' standard here at /lit/. We aren't /mu/.

>> No.6153023

>Slaughterhouse 5 (for 20th cent. American war literature class)
>Introduction to Legal Reasoning by E. Levi (personal read)
>Catch-22 (same class)

>> No.6153025

Russia and the Russians
Fathers and Sons
The Idiot
Don Quixote

>> No.6153034

Last - Siddartha

Current - Dune

Next - Either The Wealth of Nations, or The Wretched of the Earth. Most likely in that order so that I could have a nice intro into babylonian capitalism before watching it all get ripped to shreds.

>> No.6153147

>last read: The Road
>about to start: The Crossing,bought it 15 minutes ago
>next read: probably Cities of the Plain. maybe.

>> No.6153192


>moby dick

>got halfway through this book called afghanistan but stopped cuz it was boring as hell
>started reading my struggle instead

>next up; inherent vice

fight me irl

>> No.6153257

>Xenophon's Anabasis

>> No.6153277

>literally part of the classical canon

>> No.6153290

>Candide, CoL49
>Mansfield Park
>Madame Bovary

>> No.6153314

Last Read: Difficult Loves, Calvino
Currently: The Strange Library, Murakami
Next Read: No idea. New York Trilogy?

>> No.6153376
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Last : A brief history of time - Stephen Hawking
Current: Moby dick, Plato's The republic
Next: Either "The origin of species -Charles Darwin" or "On the revolutions of heavenly spheres - Nicholas Copernicus"

>> No.6153551

The Anabasis is often overshadowed by Xenophon's Hellenica, in terms of importance due to it being a considered a continuation of Thucydides' work, along with Xenophon himself being overshadowed by others with a Socratic education.

>> No.6153608

current- the picture of dorian grey
last- the importance of being ernest
next- great expectations

>> No.6153646

Shadow of the Tourturer
The Republic
Rest of the book of new sun

>> No.6153654

>reading blood meridian before moby dick

>> No.6153677

for keats: read his odes

>> No.6153681

Are you me?

>> No.6153699

the confidence man is real good, good choice

>> No.6153707

Why would you break up BOTNS like that? Read them all one after the other.

>> No.6153725

fuck off idiot

>> No.6153734
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mccarthy is excellent, my favorite author
read suttree after the border trilogy

>> No.6153746


Starship troopers


42nd parallel
Don Quixote
2007 Best American Essays

The Gay Science

R-rate me

>> No.6153760


He's quickly becoming one of my favorites too. I read the road in two sittings. Not that it was particularly long or hard, but it was a gripping book none the less. I cried.

>> No.6153770

Cities of the Plain wasn't that great, but The Crossing was really good.

>> No.6153779

Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

Undecided, but probably The Trial by Franz Kafka or Against The Country by Ben Metcalf.

>> No.6153783

coolest poster on /lit/ by far

>> No.6153794

How is Anna Karenina going for you folks?

>> No.6153804

>reddit miss you, friendo

And you obviously missed 1st grade.

>> No.6153807

>the time machine
>the time machine
>the time machine

Fuck yall best short story there is.

>> No.6153808

McCarthy book list(in order of goodness)
1. Suttree
2. The Crossing
3. Blood Meridian
4.All the Pretty Horses/Cities of the Plain
5.The Road
6. Child of God
Haven't read the others

4 and 5 are very close in goodness, No Country for Old Men looks good and I seriously can't wait for The Passenger to come out

>> No.6154027


great expectations is a beast

>> No.6154058

>Last read
Kafka short stories
>Currently reading
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolfe? by Albee; Franny and Zooey by Salinger
>Next read
don't know bruh

>> No.6154066

>Last read
Two Serious Ladies - Jane Bowles
>Currently reading
Preparation for the Next Life - Atticus Lish
>Next read
Notable American Women - Ben Marcus

>> No.6154079

The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by Philip K. Dick
Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (just started it, wish me luck fellas. I think I can do it in under a month)

probably another classic I haven't gotten around to yet like Moby-Dick or Paradise Lost. or maybe I will take a break with some chill easy to read stuff like more Gene Wolfe or John le Carre

>> No.6154088

I would rank them:

1.Blood Meridian
2.The Crossing
4.All The Pretty Horses
5.Child of God
6.Cities of the Plain
7.Outer Dark
8.The Road
9.The Orchard Keeper
10.No Country for Old Men

>> No.6154097

>Last read
Gulliver's Travels, Alice in Wonderland
>Currently reading
Through the looking glass, The Wanderer (Waltari),
>Next read
Swann's Way, probably.

>> No.6154104

Then again, The Crossing, ATPH, and Suttree could probably all share the number two spot.

>> No.6154115

Turn, Magic Wheel by Dawn Powell
Go by John Clellon Holmes
maybe Tropic of Capricorn by Henry Miller

>> No.6154185

Wuthering Heights
King Lear
Not sure, maybe some George Saunders

>> No.6154189

hello, evidence?

>> No.6154192

Exiles by Joyce
Barokk Róbert by Szentkuthy
idk, maybe TCoL49, maybe Journey by the Moonlight, maybe The Pendragon Legend, the latter two are both by Antal Szerb

>> No.6154219

You can't have too much hats


>> No.6154227
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no such thing

>> No.6154231

fedoras are the lowest form of hat

>> No.6154251

Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle
9tail Fox - Grimwood

Lolita - Nabokov
The Ego and His Own - Stirner

After Dark - Murakami
The Man in the High Castle - Dick

>> No.6154258

>Too loud a solitude
any good?

>> No.6154262

>last read
The Stranger
The Goldfinch

>> No.6154287

Last :
Nexus - Miller
The Book of Laughter and Forgetting - Kundera

Theogony - Hesiod
Social Learning Theory - Bandura

In Her Absence - Muñoz Molina
Eumeswil - Junger

>> No.6154304

last, the maze runner trilogy
Now, the stand by stephen king
Dont know about next right now

>> No.6154315

Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling
As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner
Franny and Zooey - J.D. Salinger
Hamlet - William Shakespeare
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - J.K. Rowling

>> No.6154330

Darkness at Noon
The Name of the World by Denis Johnson
Confessions of a Mask

>> No.6154424
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Heart Of Darkness, Conrad
Naked Lunch, Burroughs
Blood Meridian, McCarthy
The Crying of Lot 49, Pynchon
Inherent Vice, Pynchon

>> No.6154459

Black Skin, White Masks
Confessions of a Mask
The Sound of Waves, Go Tell It on the Mountain

>> No.6154469

Sounds a lot like highschool!
Heart of Darkness was great, probably the second best text I read my senior year of HS.

The Potters can be fun, probably worth it from a cultural reason, though I'm not the biggest fan.

I despised As I Lay Dying, but fell in love with critique of it so that was interesting.

Haven't read the Salinger, but Hamlet is the best work written in English, so I hope you enjoy!

>> No.6154472

Are you liking Catch 22? I enjoyed it quite a lot

>> No.6154475

1Q84, Murakami
The Ego and its Own, Stirner
War and Peace, Tolstoy

>> No.6154476

Last, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce)
Current, The Way by Swann's (Proust)
Next, haven't got a clue what to read next, maybe some more French stuff, translated.

>> No.6154483
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Software - Rudy Rucker
Star Dragon - Mike Brotherton
Fine Structure/Ra - Sam Hughes
After Life - Simon Funk
Freeware - Rudy Rucker
Old Man's War - John Scalzi
Realware - Rudy Rucker
Armor - John Steakley
Echopraxia - Peter Watts

>> No.6154513

The Lesson of the Master, Henry James
Odysseus, Homer
Book of the New Sun, Gene Wolfe

>> No.6154670

The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers
Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
Complete Works of Oscar Wilde
Either This Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald or Madame Bovary

>> No.6154740

Infinite Jest
Pale Fire
Something light & frothy

>> No.6154762

How is steppenwolf? I've been thinking about picking it up

>> No.6154780


Do Madame Bovary next, and then read Nabokov's lectures on it (lectures on literature), it's pretty interesting and elucidates some things you may not have noticed while reading.

>> No.6154799

Bones Of The Lost - Kathy Reichs
John Dies At The End - David Wong
probably The Man In The High Castle - Philip K. Dick

>> No.6154809

>Last read
No One Belongs Here More Than You - Miranda July

>Currently Reading
The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon
Cosmicomics - Italo Calvino

>Next read
A Girl Is a Half-formed Thing - Eimear McBride

>> No.6154826

>Last book read.
Labyrinths and Other short stories-Borges

Mason & Dixon-Thomas Pynchon

The Pendragon Legend-Antal Szerb
The Book of Disquiet-Pessoa
100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
Herzhog-Saul Bellows

>> No.6154849

The Dispossessed by Ursula K Le Guin

House of Spirits by Isobel Allende

Autumn of the Patriarch by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

>> No.6154864

The Picture of Dorian Grey
Tao Te Ching
Atlas Shrugged

(One incredible short, one incredibly long)

Albert Camus, The Plague

>> No.6154867

Truth and Bright Water by Thomas King
Playboy of the Western World


either Anna Karenina or love in the time of cholera

>> No.6154871

The Pale King
A History of the Arab Peoples
The Honourable Schoolboy

>> No.6154878



>> No.6154952

Which do you think is worse, reading the English translation or reading the original with intermediate German skills?

>> No.6154960

What edition of Tao Te Ching do you have?

I have on that have about 30 pages, I feel it doesn't even count as a book.

>> No.6155015

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The Godfather. Sherlock Holmes (Crimes and Punishment)

>> No.6155018

>Sherlock Holmes (Crimes and Punishment)
The fucking videogame?

There's no Holmes story with that name, at least not written by Doyle.

>> No.6155026


>Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishments is an investigation game in the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes series developed by Frogwares and published by Focus Home Interactive for Microsoft Windows.

Well played, Anon.

>> No.6155216

The Street of Crocodiles (for pleasure)
Waterland (for class)
Nothing really
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban (for class. I know. It's fucking dumb)
Infinite Jest (for pleasure)

>> No.6155262


Underage. Back to school, kiddo.

>> No.6156094

>Grapes of Wrath

>> No.6156113

Those are for college courses bro. Hence why it's fucking dumb.

>> No.6156114

>Old man and The Sea
It was good, ending was GOAT, symbolism somewhat heavy handed, but still well done.
Shits making me uncomfortable, kinda funny too though.

>The Sun Also Rises
Reading this because my gril is making me, excited for more Hemingway though.

>> No.6156118

The Confusions of Young Master Torless by Robert Musil
The Golden Bowl by Henry James
Uhh probably Richard II by Shakespeare

>> No.6156135

Last: Ulysses
Current: Infinite Jest
Next: Probably either the Odyssey or Don Quixote

>> No.6156142

excerpts from a few of herodotus' travels, or, since its not really even part of a book, ringworld by larry niven

arslan by M J Engh, not as scifi as i hoped, but enjoyable enough so far

not sure yet, have alot to choose from, suggestions are always welcome
various celtic myths
romance of the three kingdoms (reading this in smallish chunks at a time)
master and margerita
herodotus' histories
they were counted (miklos banffy)
some sci fi stuff
probably more!

>> No.6156214

I'm nearly halfway through it. It's pretty good. Loneliness seems to be an important theme so far, which is probably why it's so popular on /lit/.


>> No.6156228

>One flew over the cuckoo's nest
>Joseph Ratzinger, Jesus of Nazareth- in German
>not sure, it's either Fanny Hill or Carmilla

>> No.6156305

good luck

What did you like about Child of God?

>> No.6156320

She Came To Stay - de Beauvoir (fucking loved this)

The Savage Detectives - Bolaño

How to be both - Ali Smith
Near To the Wild Heart - Lispector

>> No.6157059

The Big Sleep
The Odyssey and Lolita
A sci-fi binge of Do Androids Dream, Clockwork Orange, and the Martian Chronicles

>> No.6157106

last read- Sharp Objects by gillian flynn

currently reading- night film by marisha pessl

next- i dunno, im on a female writers binge right now. almost done with night film and looking for something similar by another female writer

>> No.6157643

American Psycho
Against Joie de Vivre
Either Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep or The Portable Nietzsche

>> No.6157668

>im not sure I dont read much
>A farewell to Arms, Hemingway
>Taking suggestions

Hemingway's dialogue between characters is weird and fast

good book though

>> No.6157677

Dubliners reread, sixty stories

>current Don Quixote and The conspiracy against the human race. An interesting combination for sure.

either Isaak Babel or Celíne

>> No.6158977

Aucun souvenir assez solide, Alain Damasio
Under the Dome, Stephen King
The Karamazov Brothers, Fyodor Dostoyevsky

>> No.6159005

Homo faber. Had to read it for school. Really liked it
Crime & Punishment.
>One hundrd years of solitude

>> No.6159010

I dun goofed
One hundred years of solitude

>> No.6159062

>Roland Bogue's Delueze & Guattari intro
>Speak, Memory - Nabokov
>A Thousand Plateaus -D&G and Demons - Dostoyevksy

>> No.6159101

2010:Odyssey 2
2061: Odyssey 3
3001: The Final Odyssey

>> No.6159172
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The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich
Island by Aldous Huxley
Revolution by Russel Brand

Less than nothing by Zizek
Sons and Lovers by D. H. Lawrence
The Capital by Marx

probably Illuminatus! by RAW and Shea again
The War of the Worlds by HG Wells
finish Gödel, Escher, Bach by Hofstadter finally

>> No.6160129

>Cock and Bull - Will Self

>The Quantity Theory of Insanity - Will Self

>More WIll Self
>Unknown Pleasures - Peter Hook

>> No.6160149

>The Crying of Lot 49
>Just finished Notes from the Underground
>In Search of Lost Time: Finding Time Again

>> No.6160210

Wind-up Bird Chronicle

Death of Ivan Ilych

probably something from Bolano

>> No.6160280

>War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy (just started it, wish me luck fellas. I think I can do it in under a month)

it's a surprisingly easy read. because of it's reputation I was expecting it to be a slog, but it's really not. it's long, of course, but if you have the time to read, you'll breeze through it.

>> No.6160427

>Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke (Finished it minutes ago)
About to start:
>The Prince By Niccolo Machiavelli

>> No.6161129

A Storm of Swords
Brave New World
Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics (which is actually more of a comic book)
A Feast for Crows
All that shit in the /lit/ starter kit.

thanks for the picture. by the way, what's the deal with infinite jest? do people like it or is it a joke?

>> No.6161533

Book of Job
The Invisible Man, H.G. Wells
Either The Karamazov Brothers or The Divine Comedy. Haven't decided.

>> No.6162462

>last read
Of Mice and Men
>currently reading
>next read
Either Crime and Punishment or The Picture Of Dorian Gray

>> No.6162489
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Last: The Futurological Congress

Current: Child of God and Neuromancer

Next: Point Omega

>> No.6162500

Hard to say. I liked his concept of a man isolated from society, the way Lester takes possession of dead women's bodies as his only means of forming an intimate relationship with women. And I thought the imagery of the cave near the end was really tight.