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/lit/ - Literature

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6150571 No.6150571 [Reply] [Original]

How many pages do you read a day?

>> No.6150592

I don't count, some day more than 200 a day and another day only 20.

>> No.6150594

between 100 and 400 depending on the day. avg around 250

>> No.6150621

I try to read a book a day, but when it's something like Ulysses it usually takes me two.

>> No.6150626

300 if it's an average day

>> No.6150630

>two days on Ulysses
Fuck you, are you serious? If so, how?

>> No.6150632

4 books/month on average, can't say about pages.

>> No.6150649

That is really good dude, I'm glad to see you reading that much. How much would you say you enjoy reading? Are you in love with it?

By the way, what are you some favorite books and writers?

>> No.6150656

It varies wildly. So far today I have read 70 pages of a novel and 25 pages of a philosophy book and I haven't even had my main session yet (which is always in bed in the evening), but on Friday and Saturday I read nothing, and yesterday only 20 pages of the novel.

>> No.6150661


>> No.6150665

1 to 2, sometimes half, solid 1 book 1 year policy

>> No.6150669

also as how many pages do /lit/ threads count?

>> No.6150680

Depends, doesn't it.

When I read McCarthy's books last year I was reading about 60 a day. When I was reading Walden I did well to read 20. Poetry takes as long as it takes.

>> No.6150699

50 minimum, i usually try to get to 100
my goal is to read at least 30 books this year, i've read 7 so far
i know these aren't exactly mountainous achievements, but they keep me reading at a steady pace

>> No.6150700

Speed reading is for cunts you don't absorb it as well.
100-200 but I read the first game of thrones book in a day.

>> No.6150706

50-100 pages/day should result in more than 30 books/year

>> No.6150707

How do you keep yourself committed to such a gruelling regime? I admire your willpower, truly.

>> No.6150713

i'm not in school at the moment, just working, so i expect that rate to fall come summer
also i have a few doorstoppers lined up

>> No.6150721

Deadly serious. I don't know, man, I just look at the pages and it comes to me.
This is an amazing post, because I genuinely can't tell if you're being sincere or not, and it's making my response really awkward, because I'd love to continue the troll, but if you're sincere, I'd just feel bad for being a dickhead.

>> No.6150722

500 an hour.

>> No.6150729

20-30 when I'm in college.
50-150 if I have all the day to do whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.6150732

only read while shitting, shitting time 1 to 2 pages

>> No.6150735

>Speed reading is for cunts you don't absorb it as well.
To me it happens the opposite, when I "speed read" I absorb the information better, but I don't enjoy the prose just as much.

Speed reading seems more suited to read non-fiction.

>> No.6150743

I am being sincere, I just love to see people reading and loving every page of it. I'm sorry I seemed sarcastic.

>> No.6150750

Over 9000 pages per hour.

>> No.6150785


10-15 are dense philosophy
20-30 are non-fiction
~30 are fiction/poetry

About 2.5 hours daily, sometimes 3. I can't seem to study intensely for more than 3 or so hours a day. My thoughts start moving too quickly and I anxiously avoid reading.

>> No.6150801

Because I'm at a total loss now, I read about 200-500 pages a week depending on what I'm reading. My original post was just trumping the first two posters' shitposts.

>> No.6150816

Probably 50.

>> No.6150824

I was at a point where i was reading two books per month. Then I graduated highschool and now with school, work, and a girlfriend I only get around to finishing about 10 books a year. How do you lunatics read so much? Do you not get laid, not go to school, and not party?

>> No.6150827


fuck off normie
you have no fucking idea

>> No.6150829

but 10 books a year is basically nothing.
i read 3-5 books a week over christmas vacation.

>> No.6150836

But what about socializing? What about doing fun things? Do you not participate in life other than reading?

>> No.6150844


seriously, fuck off
you don't want to know about the dark side
I bet you've never even had a piss bottle or a cum rag

>> No.6150847

The only thing that significantly reduces my reading time is when I'm in a relationship, which I'm not at the moment. Work doesn't stop me from reading 2-4 hours a day.

>> No.6150848

reading isnt fun to you? oh my~

>> No.6150849

Extroverts, when will they learn?

>> No.6150850

2-3 hours of audiobooks a day

>> No.6150854

If you are really passionate about lit you will make time for it. When I have plans to see friends I just do my best to fit in some extra reading beforehand. If I do miss out on reading one day, I compensate for missed time on another day. And it's not out of a sense of obligation, it's because I want to.

>> No.6150871

Thats not reading. Pleb.
I've pissed in bottles before, on long car rides... why would I do that in my house? And a cum rag? All the reading you supposedly do you should know about sanitation.
Reading is how I like to spend some of my free time, but seriously if I didnt go out and party once in a while I'd be lost and depressed. Probably not unlike yourself.
Introverts, when will they grow a pair of balls?
Or have fulfilling lives?
I read like any other person, I like literature, just not as much as pussy. Like when will you people wake up and realize the world is about experiences rather than reading about experiences?

>> No.6150876


kill yourself douchebag
you sound like a pampered moron

>> No.6150877

>Thats not reading. Pleb
Yeah, a trained actor is doing it instead of me, without missing a word from the book. And I have eye problem.

>> No.6150883

>Like when will you people wake up

>> No.6150887

>Or have fulfilling lives
your life is obviously fulfilling considering you have to validate it on a Japanese image board

>> No.6150890
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>> No.6150897
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>> No.6150898

It depends on the size of the pages, the size of the font and what type of literature I am writing. If it is something like Dostoyevski, it's about 70-150 pages, or even as high as 200, pages per day. It all depends on mood, time and your attention span. I could read a 800 in two days, but that's just forcing yourself imho.

>> No.6150900

And you guys sound like you're reading far too much to enjoy healthy lifestyles. I'm all for learning and all for reading for sheer entertainment, but damn, dude, I saw people saying they read a book per day, did that person even shower, eat, or talk to anyone the whole day?
I mean, I try. Not going to say I'm the happiest most social person in the world, but I try to have a fulfilling life. I'm just trying to encourage you guys to do the same. Trust me I used to be a bit of a shut in myself. But I've become happier since I began doing things other than reading, fapping, and playing vidya.

>> No.6150908

You know for a bunch of people who read all day you guys are pretty fucking close-minded to others.

>> No.6150913


> I saw people saying they read a book per day, did that person even shower, eat, or talk to anyone the whole day?

it only takes me around 5 hours to read an average book
I know you probably have trouble with strenuous mental activity, but it's okay, you can just run along and fetch a football and play in the yard for a while

quiet down though, the big boys are trying to read around here

>> No.6150921

>fapping, and playing vidya
i think you are projecting your own problems onto us. this is lit we dont jerk off or play video games

>> No.6150928

Ha. I'm just going to giggle at that for a little. You call reading strenuous mental activity? HA!
You must be like 15. A common house nigger can read for a long time, I'm just talking about the fact that reading as much as some people on here will result in a lack of a social life and possible psychiatric disorders.

>> No.6150935

Not saying you did. I was saying I did and ever since I began working out, seeing my girlfriend of two years, and finding friends I've been much more happy. Jesus can you even read?

>> No.6150942

>Jesus can you even read?
I'm pretty sure Jesus can read.

>> No.6150944
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>> No.6150951

No straw poll?

>> No.6150957

I aim for 50 a day. Sometimes I don't reach that. It's a little harder when I'm reading a philosophical work rather than fiction.

>> No.6150958

you are so busy trying to get pussy from your obviously fat and smelly girlfriend that you dont realize that this entire "social life" you have set up for yourself (working out and meeting this girls friends) is completely false and done only in effort to get your first pussy. Now you are latched on to this disgusting shit pig and you;re taking out your own frustration for being stuck in this empty life on us. You WISH you could still read as we do. I feel for you, you poor man. The sad part is you dont even realize it. When you read this your mind will be blown and you will immediately become defensive and dismiss this, even though you know deep down it is the truth

>> No.6150963

Did books even exist back then? lol

>> No.6150964


>> No.6150965

>Introverts, when will they grow a pair of balls?
>Or have fulfilling lives?

>you will never prop up your war effort by forcing extroverts to work in silence then, when they have outlived their usefulness, feed them one by one into a gas chamber.

Why can't you understand that some people aren't like you?

>> No.6150980


>> No.6150982

>read 18.000 pages last year
>maintained social life
>finished university courses first try
It isn't hard. You're awake like 16-18 hours everyday. If you don't have a proper full time job and a family you can easily make room for a couple of hours of reading in there.

>> No.6150988

A-anon~ ;-;

>> No.6150990

>just not as much as pussy.
Why? It's just pussy. The very fact you didn't say female company/a girlfriend/women says enough about you.

>> No.6150994

You might be right. Only my social life doesnt involve my girl's friends. Mostly involve friends of my own. Also this isnt my first pussy. And I never read as much as you guys, at least the ones claiming 1 book per 1 day. My social life was not done in an effort to get pussy, I actually started socializing more because my brother left for the military and I had no male companion to share my ideas and views with other than this shithole. And this place is depressing after a week or two of constant lurking.
But hey, you might be right, I might just be living in an empty life, I may never truly be fulfilled. But, damn son, the feeling I get when pussy slides on my cock, or when I'm passing a blunt to my friends and having good conversations, or when I'm getting a crazy chest pump at the, it boosts my confidence, makes me feel secure, and makes me wanna come home and read in peace and pass out after having kinky sex.

>> No.6150999

lol i was neet for 2 years and my life wasnt half a shallow as yours m8

>> No.6151002

You. Are. A. Fuckboy.

>> No.6151007

Define shallow. What is shallow about having good times, having sex, and working out?
I still read and write quite a bit of poetry as well. So how on earth is my life shallow?

>> No.6151011

>this alpha faggot
>calling someone else a fuccboi

>> No.6151015

>What is shallow about having a good time
Hedonist pls go

>> No.6151016

Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?

>> No.6151017

>But, damn son, the feeling I get when pussy slides on my cock, or when I'm passing a blunt to my friends and having good conversations, or when I'm getting a crazy chest pump
Please share your poetry with us.

>> No.6151021

>the world is about experiences rather than reading about experiences?

who the fuck reads for "experiences", art is about ideas and beauty, not "muh experiences" and slavishly copying nature

>> No.6151022

I do go to school, but I don't care about parties.
idk why, just happens not to be my thing.

Still I don't read much, only about 60 books per year, which seems to be below the average /lit/ user considering the reading list they post

>> No.6151026

In 5 years I see myself in law school, and if not in law school than going for my Phd in political science. Hopefully living somewhere else besides New York too.

>> No.6151028

haha you losers
i have an epic social life, i do drugs with my friends, fuck a female and lift heavy objects
you idiots read the whole day, fucking nerds get on my level

>> No.6151033

>lift heavy objects
Pity you have the mind of an autistic faggot

>> No.6151034

You do realize that at the end of the day you are reading about the author's life experiences and their interpretation of these experiences.

>> No.6151036

are you automatically pleb if you read less than 50?

>> No.6151040

depends what those 50 are

>> No.6151048

Haha you stupid brute.
I have virtually no social life, sit inside and read 10,000 pages of bullshit everyday, and post about it on /lit/.
I also have not seen pussy since I exited the womb.
Get on my level. Muh enlightened mind. Muh intelligence.

>> No.6151049
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>tfw when you love reading, carve out time for it, but even doing 2-3 hours a day only turns ~60 pages.

My concentration is shit without some kind of stimulant. I'm very happy to have read around 35 books last year. I don't know how to improve. Maybe I'll become a Luddite.

>> No.6151053

good literature, nonfiction, and philosophy.

>> No.6151054


50 for things on the level of Ulysses

100 for things on the level of Shakespeare, IJ, etc.

200+ for average genre stuff, which I basically never read

Also working through Finnegans Wake at a rate of a few pages a day

>> No.6151058

Tell me kind sir, how intelligent are you really if you cannot interact successfully with members of your own species? How intelligent are you /lit/ fucks if all you know is the indoors and reading?

>> No.6151059


it depends on what you get out of it. If you're able to pick up on the nuances of the author's writing style, etc. then 60 pages a day is great

if you're not reading at around 95% word comprehension when reading good literature you're just wasting your time, so 60 pages a day means (most likely) your comprehension is nearing 100%

>> No.6151061

I'm about 20 pages an hour but because I find myself savoring and reflecting on the text.

>> No.6151065
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>interact successfully

>> No.6151073

As in not being a socially awkward fedora.

>> No.6151080
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>> No.6151090

you can be a macciavelan sociopath and interact and manipulate people and still dislike their company.

>> No.6151091

You are trapped in pure eedeeolojee

>> No.6151501

>tfw most of /lit/ doesn't even read.