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6149201 No.6149201 [Reply] [Original]

What's the longest piece of fiction you've written? Is it a piece of shit or what?

>> No.6149368

Probably Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I was around 10 though so I probably skim read it.
I'n not going to defend it, nor am I going to attack it. It served its purpose and I do recall enjoying it as a kid.

>> No.6149370

>What's the longest piece of fiction you've written?


>> No.6149374


78k into first draft of first novel. It feels like the first pass is supposed to be shit.

>> No.6149377


I wrote some scifi animals thing when I was 10

it's like 3 pages

it has space in it

>> No.6149378

jk rowling pls

>> No.6149382

I found this story I wrote when I was like 12 of some spaceships flying around inside my house and my dog attacking them, was pretty funny but terribly written. It was like 10 pages long.

>> No.6149386

So far the longest ought to be 300 pages and growing.

>> No.6149404

Like a 6 page shamefully didactic allegory on people watching reality tv. I wrote it for my dad, so it was supposed to contain a clear message. It's not very good, but I'd say it has potential if I tone down the clear THIS IS MY OPINION!!! of it, and actually make it into a funny story.
>tfw I've never showed him the story

>> No.6149408




In all seriousness, I also have written a 67k story about a sci-fi space battle thing. Hard to explain. Think warhammer and star wars, and all the good characters die in a game-of-thrones style. It's pretty shit.

>> No.6149412

I have about 10 pages of novel

it's shit

>> No.6149505
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Probably the story of Flashbird the vampire.

Well over 50 pages in.

Here's the first chapter, it's pretty awesome.

>> No.6149511
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>Suddenly Rhyce had a flashback
>Then the flashback was over

>> No.6149522

50,000 word novella.

Currently trying to convince someone to publish it, hope waning with every rejection I receive (or don't receive)

Moving on to work on a short story cycle type book which I hope will be accepted as a "novel"

>> No.6149534

*novella / novel

>> No.6149545

I remember the thread where you posted extracts of this. Genuine masterpiece.

>> No.6149980


>> No.6149985

>Ha, ha, ha! he panted


>> No.6150014

You mean "dropped into my list of all-time favorite literature"?

>> No.6150046

Orlando Furioso.

It was not shit.

>> No.6150084
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>> No.6150090

~220k word novel.

And it's good even.

>> No.6150119

longest was about 110,000 words that I eventually cut down to 87,000.

I think it's good, trying to get it published, so we'll see i guess.

>> No.6150148

At the end of high school I wrote two novels. One is 500 pages long, the other is 350. They are both absolute fucking garbage.

The 500 page one is about a zombie Apocalypse. This was in 2008 or so, so it wasn't totally overdone yet. The main action took place in a hick town in the mountains of West Virginia that walled itself off from the outside world. The main character was a shitty self-insert and all the drama was from stupid high school bullshit. Oh, and he met some super assassin Mary Sue who had amnesia and fell in love with her. Though cliche and predictable, there are portions of it that could make a decent young adult novel.

The second book was even worse. Just some Catcher in the Rye ripoff, but I couldn't even describe how dumb the story was. I think some kids best friend loves away and it send him into some serial of drug use and depression. This one was irrredeemable junk.

Despite that, I learned a lot from writing those. It's amazing how much beating your head against the wall and writing 1000 pages of material can improve your craft.

>> No.6150158

>think some kids best friend loves away and it send him into some serial of drug use and depression.

Wow I fucked that sentence up. His friend moves* away and it sends* him into a spiral* of drug use and depression

>> No.6150226

> the other eye was obscured by a shadow in a really cool way
>the fire that raged inside him turned part of his hair red
>oh, well he's my brother and a vampire and he killed my girlfriend and I'm looking for revenge
dude i would legitimately pay money to read this.

>> No.6150277

>nope, never heard of him
>oh, well he's my ...
>yeah, look buddy, you can't stay here if you're not going to have a drink
>then i will go
you're writing the ultimate autism adventure

>> No.6150285

>he regretted not drinking anything because he was thirsty, but the people at the bar made him uncomfortable

>> No.6150303

but i'm on the autism spectrum

>> No.6150317


I hope there are sex flashbacks

>> No.6150323
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Here's the next best thing: a dream sequence featuring Rhyce's dad.

I'll write a sex flashback if you want.

>> No.6150338

>His name was Rhyce Karêi, and he was the prisoner of his evil brother Flashbird
>"YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Rhyce shouted
>His eyes and the corner of his mouth twitched from the rage that burned inside him like a raging fire
>"As you have probably guessed, those chains are made from steel, and your powers are useless against them."
>"But not before I kill you...r girflriend!"
>"YOU MONSTER!!! Rhyce shouted."
>Flashbird pulled out his trademark revolver
>Flashbird cackled laughingly
>Rhyce grinned his trademark grin.
>"Oh Rhyce I love you so" said his girlfriend. "I know" replied Rhyce smirkingly
>"Wow brother, you fainted just now."
>"I didn't faint, I had a flashback."

dead serious, this is gold

>> No.6150345

>The red parts were from when the figure - who is Rhyce Karei - saw his girlfriend killed in front of his eyes by his brother Flashbird and he was so enraged that the fire that raged inside him turned part of his hair red.


>> No.6150609

74k into the first of first novel here.
Feels like a wild ride, doesn't it? The earliest stuff seems so raw and incompetent while the latest stuff appears salvageable at least. Good luck for furtherprogress

>> No.6150640

I wrote a really shitty piece after I lost a job and had the gall to submit it to Glimmer Train. It was the worst thing I wrote--it had craft but with an embarrassingly misguided, boring narrative. I haven't written creatively for a year because of my shame.

>> No.6150650

>A mysterious and strange vampire loner
jesus christ stopped reading there

>> No.6150684

Cyberpunk horror novella, 40k words, finished it when I was 18. It's 99% trash, save a few paragraphs I would keep if I were to rewrite it. I'm just doing short stories for now, though I have some ideas for longer works in mind. Good luck to you all.

>> No.6150702

Keep reading, trust me.

>> No.6150851

Like 105 pages, all shit, yes.

>> No.6151038

i laughed so fucking hard at that shit metaphor- it's so intricate it would impress Mr. Lahey... please write a sex flashback.

>> No.6151369
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About 700,000 pages

It's pure shite

>> No.6151480
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>please write a sex flashback

Here you go, hot off the presses.

Not technically a flashback, but close enough.

>> No.6151593

I would easily pay $20 for an entire book of this. who do you draw your inspiration from?

>> No.6151642

Well for this particular one I was listening to 80s slow dance songs, for that sexy mood.

>> No.6152430

>thanks. Yeah, they're tribal tattoos. I drew them myself.
fucking lel

>> No.6152462

I'm... I'm doing the pillow thing tonight.

Thanks dude

>> No.6152502
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>> No.6152508

keked, this is splendorioulus

>> No.6152548

i've won nanowrimo a couple times at 50k. yes they sucked but they were only rough drafts. i won't edit them, they were exercises. if i ever go back, i'll do blank page rewrites.

>> No.6152693

Couple of pages in high school. Teachers seemed to like it. Seemed shit looking back.

>> No.6152759

I would buy this for up to $1.99 if you published it on Amazon.

>> No.6152787
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simply amazing

>> No.6152797

Around 40k words, around half of a "novel" that I planned and scrapped.
It was mostly just a bunch of short stories that took place in a anarcho-capitalist future. One story I might revisit, but the rest are junk.

>> No.6152803

you're biting the cable sitcom "it's always sunny..."

>> No.6152829

tor.com has an open submission policy (starting in April) for work under 17,000.

Just in case you can cut it into chunks.

>> No.6152854

I can't believe you are still working on that.

>> No.6152885

>His hands grabbed her boobs. Nice.
Fucking lost it. Seriously, self-publish on Amazon.

>> No.6153098

>though his vigor and noise belied the solitary nature of his efforts

oh my god

>> No.6153433

About 85k words or so.

It was mediocre to below average to begin with. I then rewrote it to death. As depressing as it is to reread it the process was very valuable.

>> No.6153817

A 250ish page novel that follows a few different characters dreary lives in the near future, but it's really just an excuse to poorly lampoon modern ideals. Breaks down in a lot of places where I just start writing the scripts to commercials and pamphlets that I think would exist in-universe. It's fun, but I'm very aware that it just comes across the ramblings of a madman.

>> No.6154146

120,000 word cyberpunk-lite book. Still have more to write.

>faggots thinking 70k is enough.

>> No.6154170


Is it a tribute to Butterfly ? Because that would be even more awesome.

>> No.6154177

A 3000-5000 words short story I had to write in freshman highschool. Never exactly finished, but beyond draft level of completion. My teacher told me she had never seen anything like this in her 30 years of career, but in hindsight it was probably because I wrote stuff a 15 years old has no experience about (one part was free indirect discourse in the head of an angry man that cheated on his wife and was planning to divorce).

>> No.6154387

That line fucked me up.

>> No.6154503
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Never seen it btw.

>if you published it on Amazon
Won't I lose the copyright?

If so, I'm going to kick myself when this inevitably gets made into a sweet film.

>> No.6154525

I have a draft of 80k words waiting for editing. It's going to be awesome.

>> No.6154526

A greentext story.

>> No.6154551

Movie adaptation when?

>> No.6154718

Negotiating with Uwe Boll as we speak.

>> No.6154730

one more scene, please? maybe something with a bit of fighting?

>> No.6154807
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Here's a daring escape, the morning immediately after this: >>6151480

Will Rhyce and Buttershitter manage to get away? Let's watch...

>> No.6154822


>> No.6154861

>robot horses
>personally relatable experiences (roll up curtain part)
nobel prize when?

>> No.6154983

"Rhyce was the only person in the room about to reach climax that night, though his vigor and noise belied the solitary nature of his efforts."

That's the book's tagline right there.

>> No.6155008

oh god, this is bad.

>> No.6155014

>tfw can't figure out how to finish a story
>tfw I always lose interest after the first few pages
How do you get past this?

>> No.6155020

by being a writer. writers enjoy writing itself rather than the idea of being a writer

sounds like you're a poser, anon

>> No.6155021

Hi, Ludovico.

>> No.6155028

I don't care about being a writer. I just want something to do when I'm bored and I enjoy making art, so I occasionally write. But then I often just start to hate whatever I produce and quit.

>> No.6155051

>I don't care about being a writer. I just want something to do when I'm bored and I enjoy making art, so I occasionally write. But then I often just start to hate whatever I produce and quit.

Sounds like you're not trying hard enough.

>> No.6155071

yes anon this is a case of poseritis

in all seriousness this happens to everyone. just take a break and read until something inspires you again

>> No.6155073

longest I've written was about 500 pages, but it was nonfiction I was doing for the money

honestly I try to cap my books at 250-350 pages, I don't really see the appeal of longer form literature then again I prefer 4-5 shorter, tighter stories compared to a 1,000 page epic

>> No.6155076

It isn't really happening right now. I'm currently writing something that I'm still planning on continuing with, but I can never actually get anywhere interesting. Maybe I'm just not creative enough.

>> No.6155084

20 pages of a Cola Duty/patriotic American military fiction parody. I can't continue because I took a break from it and now I don't remember how the story was supposed to develop.
I think it's been OK so far, explosions and shootings start literally 5 minutes in and the dialogue has lots of testosterone.

>> No.6155095

Some people keep writing whether they want to or not. It may come out like complete shit and read terribly, but that's what the editing process is for. Just write and ignore the voice in your head telling you it's shit.

>> No.6155106

I'll try that. Generally what makes me lose interest is that I tend to spend hours on each page, meaning a full novel would take about as long as James Joyce spent on Finnegans Wake, except it wouldn't have the elaborate style to justify it.

>> No.6155168

You're probably being too self-conscious. You can't expect to bang out a paragraph of glorious prose like magic, unless you're some kind of genius. I would recommend being more liberal with the writing process and go back later to revise it.

>> No.6155338

Thanks for the advise. I'll keep this in mind next time I sit down to write.

>> No.6155344

Wow, I'm a fucking idiot. I meant advice.

>> No.6155353

I have written a 125,000 word My Little Pony fanfic. I am also working on the sequel, which currently sits at 122,000 words and will be quite a bit more by the time it is done.

>> No.6155361

Please be b8.

>> No.6155434

You keep the rights when publishing on Amazon. Most likely to lose the rights with any other publisher.

A lot of you seem to have really long first works. Attention spans are short these days. You should put something out that is between 22k-50k. These are the lengths that are selling. No one wants to read your 500 page book.

>> No.6155619

Where can I purchase this work?

>> No.6155643

Is that image from a yu gi oh card? That scientist one that got banned?

>> No.6156251

>Most likely to lose the rights with any other publisher.

>> No.6156298

A 300+ page Runescape fanfic. Can't find it, but needless to say it was fucking garbage.

>> No.6156323

Wrote 50k of what was intended to be a subversive fantasy novel about a young farmhand deciding he wanted to be an adventurer and meeting failure and misfortune every step of the way before realizing he should know his place and spend the rest of his days milking cows and shovelling horse shit.

I gave up because it was absolute garbage and writing any more was an insult to the medium.

>> No.6156354

You should make some word that always goes along with Rhyce. Like pious with Aeneas, and yours could be reverent.

>> No.6156482

124k (i think)
It's shit at the moment, but there are parts that i like. One day it will be a bestseller

>> No.6156487

745,000 word interpolation of my entire high school experience, divided into 4 books for each separate grade. 745 pages of 8/11". It's called The Youth Shit.

I'm very proud of it.

>> No.6156510


no longer than 7,500 words of a finished piece.

Never actually attempted a novel. I've edited a few, but never written one myself.

Probably will eventually.

>> No.6156515


I like that moral.

"Learn your place. You deserve to shovel shit, and that's all you will ever amount to."

>> No.6156527

60 thesis. it was shit and i gave up halfway. the professor loved it but i did not get enough motivation to bother taking it seriously. this is why i can never get recognized. already published tho by vintage tho so at least im somewhere

>> No.6156570

Neat. Can you post some?

>> No.6156578

>already published tho by vintage

>> No.6156581

I wrote two, both in my native language. One is slight bigger for a short story. It is about a guy getting stuck inside in his own mind dealing with his psychological problems incorporated in personas which ressemble people from his real life. I tried to suggest a shitton of dumb symbolism and some experimental writing here and there using colors and thing drawed with words. This one is finished. It is like 30pages long nad it is fine for the age I wrote, i guess. Now I see edginess everywhere.

The other one is not finished, but it is bigger. It is scifi about humans creating entities so technological advanced that they're practically gods. This one has more than 100 pages. I wanted to do something really ambitious with this one, but everytime I try to read it again I cringe with my early writing.

>> No.6156589

Wow you sound like a Real Writer namefag

>> No.6156635

It was sarcasm anon.

>> No.6156928

Well, at least someone got that much out of it.

>> No.6156986
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17 thousand words into a story of a post apocalypse that mainly focused on the loneliness and tragic beauty of an earth with few humans, but my characters were flatter than shit and it was paced badly. I haven't written since, about a year ago, but I am starting to feel the ache.

>> No.6158318

Bad like a fox!

>> No.6159175

>a story of a post apocalypse that mainly focused on the loneliness and tragic beauty of an earth with few humans
Wow, that's never been done before!

>> No.6159455
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My first novel was around 600 pages before I scrapped it. I had lost all control of the story and realized I was nowhere near experienced enough to handle as expansive a plot as I had created. I had also lost all enjoyment when working on it as evidenced by the last hundred or so pages taking almost as long to write as the first five hundred.

Last month I started on a new novel. It's short, not too complicated and I am loving every moment of the process. The realization that I was just digging myself into a hole and the decision to set aside my first novel, forget about it, and start fresh was a very liberating and exciting moment for me. My passion for writing has been renewed like never before and I am already almost finished with the new novel.

>> No.6159492

>Is it a tribute to Butterfly ?
Let me guess, Butterfly is a character in a Laotian Graffiti book?

>> No.6159498


This. There are guidelines for page counts that publishers are looking for depending on their genre. I suggest you stop trying to sell books that are 200k+ words or tell publishers you've already written 14 volume series at over 8 million words long before you even sell them your first book.

>> No.6161371

About 80k. It's a complete novel. I've written several. Not a piece of shit, but needs more effort to drag across the finish line than I'm ready for right now.

>> No.6161805

Only a 43 page short story... I don't know if it's any good (I'm not all that hype myself) because I've only gotten one person to read it and they... Didn't say much of anything.

>> No.6162767

I can't imagine getting 600 pages into something and realizing it juts doesn't work. Do you think it might be something return to one day?

>> No.6162803

Lol I bet you read that thinking "Robot horses? B-but they don't exist?!??!"

>> No.6162893

I will absolutely finish it one day. I realized I was out of my depth with it and I need more experience before being able to get what I want out of it.