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6147896 No.6147896 [Reply] [Original]

>get book
>light candles
>make coffee/tea
>candles aren't strong enough to see text
>beverage gets cold

What do you guys do when it's reading time?

>> No.6147902

>get book

>> No.6147908

>choose book
>get coffee
>open book

>> No.6147930

>get book
>light candle
>open the door
>get on the floor

>> No.6147939


>Not using a dim lamp and candles
>Not making tea properly

I bet you use tea bags, don't use the proper amount of water, and I bet you don't even heat your water to the proper temperature.

>> No.6147945

>get book
>get weed
>get soda
>smoke weed
>drink soda
>open book

it's an unhealthy lifestyle. highly recommended

>> No.6147946

>get into bed
>go to sleep

>> No.6147951

>chug several cups of iced or hot coffee
>read until caffeine wears off
>do nothing for the rest of the day
>repeat until book is finished
>don't ready anything for anywhere between a week to a month

>> No.6147954

>fill tub
>try to read
>corners of the book get wet
>rinse, dry, get dressed and continue reading on bed

Happened way too many times.
I'm stubborn as fuck.

>> No.6147964

>get mezcal bottle, small glass
>brew pot of coffee
>get cold lime water
>sip mezcal, occasionally having lime water
>have cup of coffee after finishing each mezcal
>repeat indefinitely while reading

>> No.6147965

how do you read when you're high?

>> No.6147968

just substitute coffee for pop and you are good.

>> No.6147972
File: 1.13 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_0220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get book
>turn on lamp pic related
>get either tea or water
>sit in comfy couch
>open book

>> No.6147981

>retrieve fedora from hat rack
>crack open a can of mountain dew
>pour the contents into my chalice
>take 'Thus Spake Zarathustra' from my oak bookshelf
>hop into my video game chair
>commence enlightenment

>> No.6147983


I frequently do this


swiftly. efficiently. joyously. if you're a chronic smoker it's not difficult

>> No.6147987

What is the flag to the left of the American flag?
Is it the Hawaiian state flag?

>> No.6147992

>curl up on couch
>pull on warmest blanket
>cat sits on my toes

This is the only thing that makes winter bearable.

>> No.6148003

Different anon, for me it depends on the book/author. I love getting stoned and reading, something like Joyce isn't really enjoyable (unless I'm only a little high) but other stuff I love getting ripped and reading.

>> No.6148006
File: 81 KB, 400x408, wow so true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to be a great reader like me? Here's my recipe for total reading immersion:

Sip 1 cup of coffee or tea with a light breakfast digesting in the stomach 1-2 hours after waking up.

>> No.6148008

>clean up whole place
>shoebox apartment, ca. 30m2, takes less than 20 minutes to tidy up
>can't read if shit is messy
>make shit coffee because poorfag
>water plants as the coffee cools down
>sit before the window in the mattress that's used as bed
>books are always beside mattress

I mostly read in the morning so this is the usual routine.

>> No.6148012

Seconding this, morning reading is the best

>> No.6148018 [DELETED] 

blaze up maaaan


>> No.6148027


>Morning reading
>Not digesting a hundred pages before going to sleep, juxtaposing the events of your day with that of which you are reading


>> No.6148046

The Union Jack. It's part of me my roommate's flag wall.

>> No.6148057



>> No.6148058

more like fag wall

>> No.6148067
File: 38 KB, 853x600, fedorasaintfree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good banter lad :DDDDDDDD

>> No.6148070
File: 25 KB, 600x455, working class scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not reading first and then reflecting on the book throughout the day, noticing the way life is perfectly reflected in the great work of art you enjoyed earlier

I'd rather not have thoughts about what happened earlier distract me from reading.

>> No.6148075


You idiots really will argue about anything won't you? Are you all really this insecure, or is it just an act?

>> No.6148079

I read at morning and at night. Best of both worlds, right?

>> No.6148080

it's tongue in cheek arguing

>> No.6148091

It's mainly just an act.

And because I'm acting, it makes me better than YOU who are sincerely troubled by my earlier post.

I hope this discussion changes your life for the better and you return to the right path.

>> No.6148095

that's how i feel, it takes time, it's like like dropping some acid, you're like "this shit is kinda overrated but it's ok i guess" then later you're walkin around ,taking a break at work or whatever and it's like "oh shi...i think i see...."

>> No.6148109

>sincerely troubled by my earlier post.

You radically over-estimate how many of your posts I've read old chum. I saw >>6148070 from the front page and responded, so I'm afraid I haven't seen the rest of your staggeringly insightful arguments.

>> No.6148116


anything after A Portrait of the Artist should not be read sober

reading finnegans wake uninebriated is a crime

>> No.6148268

>get book
>turn on my bedside lamp
>get comfy in bed
>spend hours turning and twisting because it's uncomfy to read in the bed

>> No.6148696

>get manuscript printed on rice paper
>go down to the market and buy some crumpets
>refill my oil lamp
>light it
>peruse manuscript while eating crumpets by light of the oil lamp

>> No.6149186
