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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 329 KB, 479x544, Screen shot 2015-02-12 at 8.28.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6134626 No.6134626 [Reply] [Original]

is /lit/ going to be featured?

>> No.6134635

>tfw not hot

>> No.6134647
File: 464 KB, 611x565, Screen shot 2015-02-12 at 8.35.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is <3 but you can't even see what like 12/15 of them are reading

>> No.6134673

>its okay when girls creepshot

>> No.6134696


>> No.6134709
File: 324 KB, 1200x1600, gsagsag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw they don't take your submission

>> No.6134710

>Shit tier literature
>not even a book

>> No.6134714


He's ugly

(I'm a girl btw)

>> No.6134715

No because I don't read in public besides at the library, and women don't go to the library unless they're over fifty.

>> No.6134722
File: 69 KB, 578x134, Congratulations on your penis, man..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls creepshotting
>wow what a handsome face, maybe he's single??? ;*
guys creepshotting
>what a hot tight little ass. if i saw her on the street i couldn't control myself.
>reading lena dunham

>> No.6134739

>tfw ugly
a-at least i have muh books

>> No.6134742

u serious rite now m8?

>> No.6134758

i feel so embarrassed for everyone who proudly displays lena dunham's book
there are so many good memoirs etc by women that you could be reading...

>> No.6134769

there is one of these inside of anyone that browse /lit/

>> No.6134776

seriousish question

how did this instagram get so famous when they've been up like a week and have 15 pix? there's articles on all the usual places for it, like is this by someone with some sort of connections? is this how these mediocre gimmick accounts take off? there's other blogs of hot guys reading that have been around for years, but i guess they don't have the creepshot appeal

>> No.6134777

Everything about that picture says he's a simp.

>> No.6134789
File: 549 KB, 400x218, tumblr_n6edmd0loE1s10ozlo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6134802

>breaking the spine
vomited a little bit

>> No.6134813

Not That Kind of Girl is a good book

>> No.6134828

>not breaking the spine of shit-tier paperbacks

>> No.6134845

>not breaking the spine so it looks like you've read the book even if you never do

>> No.6134851


>> No.6134853

>tfw sitting on the tube in London
>tfw my eyes start to cry because of the sudden transition from cold to warm
>tfw people will think I'm crying over my book so I curl my toes and tense every muscle while staring vaguely ahead and sniffing every couple of seconds

My life is constant suffering.

>> No.6134856

you should relax

>> No.6134863

This is why I don't do anything conspicuous in public.
If I found some cunt was ifagging me in public I'd smash the phone and bitch-slap her.

>> No.6134866


What's the difference between hot dudes reading and manspreading?

>> No.6134867

There was one where this skinny guy was reading Pynchon I'll try find it.

>> No.6134872

>many people around
>background noise
>moving vehicle
>listening to music
How on earth are you able to concentrate and enjoy the book?

>> No.6134887

1) He's not even hot
2) He has pretty bad taste in literature
3) This is just about the most superficial thing I've ever seen in my life.
Why are women so stupid? Why does it seem like they're more interested in announcing to others who they think is hot rather than actual sexual arousal?

I am very glad I'm gay, I could never tolerate the endless intellectual and sexual posturing of women just to have sex. I'm fortunate in that I can just put up a Craiglist posting and be pounding sweet twink ass in less than two hours. This idiotic gender can't even be attracted to men correctly...

>> No.6134890

by holding it right in front of your face.

>> No.6134896

No you wouldn't

>> No.6134900

And not absorbing half of what's there.

>> No.6134901

Aww, women being creepy. How precious.

>> No.6134904

>as if there aren't huge corners of the internet devoted to creepshots of girls and the most inane n mundane fetishes

>> No.6134909
File: 24 KB, 471x390, 80HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6134912

I've done it before.

>> No.6134917


>> No.6134929
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, giggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6134934

>women being creepy

Hotdudesreading is run by three gay guys.

>> No.6134937

It doesn't matter what they're reading. Just reading has some sort of primal appeal to get women's lady widdlers wet.

>> No.6134948

sorry no one finds you attractive

>> No.6134958

Do you guys share an apartment?

>> No.6134962

>that dangerous Patrick Bateman vibe

>> No.6134986

Oh, well gays being creepy is pretty standard. Not worth a news story.

>> No.6134995
File: 17 KB, 190x243, 1423631296040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these dank projections

>> No.6135044

I don't get it.

>> No.6135047

also nice dubs

>> No.6135069 [DELETED] 

She things ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ) is spelled 80HD.

>> No.6135075 [DELETED] 

Thinks not things

>> No.6135082

Oh, thanks. Classic Trisha.

>> No.6135532
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>> No.6135542
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>> No.6135557

>I am very glad I'm gay
Stopped reading there.

>> No.6135560
File: 51 KB, 960x720, 422916_2774155754334_896005155_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6135567
File: 419 KB, 507x500, tumblr_lqxj8zHOCk1qb5guno1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walking periods on legs
This is why they abandoned the thread

>> No.6135632
File: 262 KB, 1280x1301, tumblr_mexq2n65F01rmpj72o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6135671

Florence is lord

>> No.6135693

did you just invent ifagging, whether or not, I like it very much

>> No.6135707

Wtf kind of bus seat is that? Looks much more comfy. Fucking Japan.

>> No.6135711

Untrue, I read all the time in public and I'm super hot, there was only once an Indian guy commented on my reading of Dostoevsky, never whetted women as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.6135722

> implying men read little
> implying it is not mainly men that read all the classics (Dosto, Joice, Kafka...)

stupid bitches

>> No.6135726

i don't think americans can be trusted with fabric seats (due to piss n shit n vomit and semen etc-see the bart), but the color scheme is so much nicer!

>> No.6135741
File: 86 KB, 798x530, tumblr_n2efmkvaa81rqyjcto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what men have read ALL the classics besides a handful of scholars? everyone knows men don't read much fiction or lit compared to
women, go back to r/9k/
and as said, the instagram is run by gay dudes so bitch to them about how you feel bad about your masculinity

>> No.6135747
File: 47 KB, 275x414, 50ShadesofGreyCoverArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> what men have read ALL the classics besides a handful of scholars?

e.g. most of /lit/

> everyone knows men don't read much fiction

wow, pic related.

>> No.6135749

it's really not that hard for most normal people to concentrate

>> No.6135752

most of lit has barely read the equivalent to lit 101, have you been here before? also lit has more than a few girls

>> No.6135759
File: 471 KB, 625x426, tumblr_mldd3cFUa91rsbqe6o3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6135766
File: 1006 KB, 500x282, tumblr_n2jghkXMno1r2io1ko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6135799


You said it. Totally destroys anything that otherwise might have been attractive about him.

>> No.6135801

>e.g. most of /lit/
you are new here

>> No.6135807

>This idiotic gender can't even be attracted to men correctly...

Plenty of people would say the same thing about you.

I guess that's why you salty.

>> No.6135810

That's a train.

>> No.6135923
File: 111 KB, 642x960, 1392319959231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey sugar
heres s/ a little something to get ya goin
let me know if u want some more

>> No.6135968
File: 38 KB, 600x430, 68e5619dc056da6933771722ae1141ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually do we have any honeys here?

or are you are all landwhales as is the case on most indonesian internet coffee house conglomerations?

>> No.6136013

i've seen a handful out themselves as girls in various thread (I think the most is like 4 in a thread), of course most don't for the obvious reasons and you're not going to preface I AM GRIL with every post (unless->) and aren't a few of the trips girls

i've been called out on my femalish typing style/tics at least three times and I'm not on here often

>> No.6136046

>tfw reading dawkins in public place

>> No.6136058 [DELETED] 

what would rate yourself out of ten

dont lie, god's watching

>> No.6136067

what would you rate yourself out of ten

dont lie, god's watching

>> No.6136076

Maybe he's listening to the audiobook.

>> No.6136082


>> No.6136085

Yeah, we know you're a girl because girls, for whatever reason, have a hard time grasping all of the punctuation rules.

>> No.6136086

We have a ton of qts, though I don't know if all of them still browse here. There used to be a very active /lit/ tinych@.

>> No.6136089

so sorry I'm not following proper grammical rules for my 4chan shitposting

>> No.6136091
File: 1.04 MB, 320x180, rachel-maddow-laugh-o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I am the 1%

>> No.6136094

Check the Goodreads group. Yes.

>> No.6136116


>> No.6136121


>> No.6136132

boo you have to be a member to see anything and I would rather die than see the people who found me on goodreads through fbook see me connected with 4chan ;_;

>> No.6136133

doesn't count if you're a lezzo

>> No.6136171
File: 548 KB, 203x335, 1423360651730.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>560 members


there're a couple qts though

>> No.6136361

that is fuckin creepy

>> No.6136484


>> No.6136487

And I am as talented as Joyce

>> No.6136493



>> No.6136502



>> No.6136712

Twice lately I've had girls take pictures of me on public transport. It seems so unlikely that I'm starting to think I suffer paranoid delusions.

>> No.6136719

lol'd so hard

>> No.6136724

>enter this
>gf is there

is it time to break up?

>> No.6136731
File: 34 KB, 500x281, IMG_20140204_182806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on bus
>qt girl reading
>try to peek at the cover
>she notices, smiles, lifts the book

>> No.6137000

>many people around
>background noise

For me, having something to block out helps me concentrate. When I'm in a really quiet place like a library I get distracted by literally anything.

>enjoying books

>> No.6137020 [DELETED] 

>be on bus
>qt girl reading
>try to peek at the cover
>she notices
>on trail for attempted rape

>> No.6137027 [DELETED] 

This is when you realise /lit/ really is full of cucks and 9gag tier white knights. You don't ask for tits.
You say:

>> No.6137036


>> No.6137041
File: 1.08 MB, 988x720, l&#039;amour l&#039;après midi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best place to read is a café.
Reading in a subway is all about showing that you're an "intellectual" because you read 15min at most

>> No.6137045

I've read a lot of books on the subway. I dont listen to music, but there's never really that much noise and the motion doesnt hinder you at all.

>> No.6137056

No, it's about filling that otherwise empty time with something engaging and constructive. I wish you people wouldn't habitually project your own self-consciousness and shallowness onto everyone else.

>> No.6137059
File: 21 KB, 473x282, 1420812313476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with Foucault?

>> No.6137076


Be nice. He probably only has 15 minutes on the school bus, and all the football players pick on him for reading Harry Potter. He's never had an hour commute to work because he's never had a job.

>> No.6137081

How can you mentally engage yourself in an intellectual activity lasting 15min?
You read against the clock, you read against boredom not because you like it.

>> No.6137101


That's like from Balham to Kennington man. Most people don't spend 15 minutes on the train or bus.

You should really try experiencing life outside the suburbs before you start spouting shit about what people do and why they do it.

>> No.6137135

men read classic angst lit maybe, women actually read classics


>> No.6137151 [DELETED] 

Bus seats in the US basically need to be indestructible. I can't count the number of times I've seen niggers trying to carve into the seats with knives.

>> No.6137152
File: 44 KB, 329x399, 1381270392685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he has a reputation as a SJW that I think is unfounded. I have female friends who are doing gradwork in philosophy who are into feminist ideas and Foucault, but I personally don't really see the correlation and I think Foucault has way more merit than most anything in women's studies and that his ideas about subjectivity are cool and interesting, but that's just like my opinion, man.

>> No.6137171

I don't typically attempt to read Kant or whatever on commutes (or in public at all, excepting maybe libraries), but even if you only have a 15 minute commute (I should be so lucky), that still adds up to like two hours and a half over the course a week - two and a half hours that would otherwise be spent contemplating nothing and trying to avoid eye contact with the people sitting opposite.

>> No.6137175

>Wtf kind of bus seat is that?

A train seat.

>> No.6137179

>be spent contemplating nothing and trying to avoid eye contact with the people sitting opposite.

Most people seem to waste the time playing irritating games on their phones, or posting bullshit into the ether that nobody wants to read.

Smart phones are the worst thing ever. I used to pull birds on the tube, now you can't even make eye contact with them without going through a right old rigmarole.

>> No.6137195

What is the problem here exactly? Is it that you'd need more than fifteen minutes for this intellectual activity? Is it that this activity can't be performed with the amount of pages you might read in that time? Fifteen minutes, you could certainly read at least ten to fifteen pages. Is there not enough substance in that many pages to support this activity? Or is it that you can't do both the reading and the activity within that time? Can't the activity be performed continuously while you read? What is the activity?

>> No.6137201
File: 34 KB, 600x330, 1417591798001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Rumo by Walter Moers and enjoy every moment
>be afraid people see the illustrations and think I am some kind of furry fag

>> No.6137207


>caring what other people think

You're like those assholes who drop their spaghetti because they're too afraid to read Lolita because pedo.

Pathetic beta faggots.

>> No.6137208

The Tube is an odd place. Everyone withdraws into themselves and seems so unapproachable, but I've found that if you take the first step of breaching that barrier of mutually imposed silence people are often actually really grateful to have the monotony of their journey broken with some unexpected human contact. Too bad I only ever have the courage to do this after a few beers.

>> No.6137242


I love the tube, because you're all trapped in there together, like the blitz, but worse because you're on your way to Seven Sisters.

These days I live in a city with trams, which is nice, but you can look out the window and shit, you don't have that involuntary focus inside the vehicle, coupled with the English desire to avoid looking at the people opposite you. So you get some autistic bong reading the same advert for hair oil a hundred times between Tottenham Court Road and Bank and he's so desperate not to break the rules about looking at someone he deliberately avoids staring at some ragamuffin stealing his wallet.

It's spesh.

>> No.6137248

>reading lena dunham
I guess we know what kind of man he is

>> No.6137250

>So you get some autistic bong reading the same advert for hair oil a hundred times between Tottenham Court Road and Bank

lol that's me

they sometimes have poems there just for that purpose

>> No.6137281

Where are you Londonfags living?

Borough here

>> No.6137286

Best place to read is either at home, or in the library. It's a private thing.

>> No.6137290

a cum munching faggot?

>> No.6137296

>hurr durr epic /b/ memes

>> No.6137307


Don't be so precious. I've always got a book in my bag. You never know when you might need to kill an hour waiting for something/one.

Nobody in the world cares what you do, either. You could be sitting reading Peter Sotos with your dick out and nobody would give a shit, so read your furry fanfics on the tube, or whatever gets you off. Nobody cares or notices.

>> No.6137314
File: 110 KB, 578x800, oi wtch it u cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whipping out your cock on the tube
>Nobody cares or notices

>> No.6137318

Females tend to display hyper correct grammar with greater incidence than males.

>> No.6137324
File: 18 KB, 375x286, policebong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nobody would even look at you in the first place m8.

Also, don't pick at arguments which are clearly hyperbole used for effect, there's nothing clever about it at all. The central point is that nobody cares what you're reading on the tube or the bus or the zeppelin or whatever you're riding on to work.

>> No.6137365

>only black damage property
>whites are law abiding citizens who follow the law to the letter and never do anything harmful

.... If I could nuke /pol/ and in turn everyone who was on that board I would....

>> No.6137369 [DELETED] 

>make an observation about your real life experiences
>leftists shit the bed when it doesn't conform to their ideological worldview

>> No.6137370 [DELETED] 

Tumblr pls. He said nothing about white people and you are already screaming "racism".

>> No.6137375

At least they don't carve into your face, bitch niqqa

>> No.6137381

>He said nothing about..."racism".

>> No.6137394


why does everyone always characterize this way. nothing about his post is 'screaming'

>> No.6137452
File: 35 KB, 500x664, 1394084375866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hot or not?

>> No.6137456
File: 565 KB, 1536x2048, 1405720626479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Will my video-gaming in public on my handheld device make women's widdlers wet?

Why not if it doesn't?

>> No.6137468 [DELETED] 

I can forgive blacks for their behavior on trains and buses but why must they hoot and holler all through a movie. Negroes ruin cinema.

>> No.6137470

>run by three gay guys.

Clever - they just get all the women to do the creeper shots with no repercussion instead of going out and doing them themselves.

I wonder if you can sue them or get the site shutdown? We do have anti-revenge porn laws in the UK for example and I fail to see why it might not be extended to be a violation of a persons right to privacy by having themselves creeper shot and put online for members of the public to leer at or salivate over.

>> No.6137473

He's right, gho. If any of you traps is gril tits or GTFO, I don't wanna read shit a female has written.

>> No.6137517

Is it weird to read while walking on the street? My gf told me so the other day and now I feel like Belle everytime I do it.

>> No.6137524

read poetry on the train, then. there is no way that a subway time is suitable for reading and then thinking about an entire passage of literature. but a shorter poem can be read once, twice, three times in a few minutes, leaving plenty of time for your to grapple with its language.

>> No.6137527

subway ride*
you** to grapple

>> No.6137556

>Kek we are le fedoras xD amirite?!1!!!

>> No.6137564

Dude, have you even ever read anything by him?

>> No.6137576

So, you're some drunk creep und who hits on girls in the tube, with the alcohol clouding your judgment to the effect that you believe they apprechiate it? You licky man, that's exactly the kind of person I want to be.

>> No.6137586

How do people read the printed page with all of life's distractions around them? Don't they lose their place?

>> No.6137630

Yeah it's weird because people generally expect you to watch where you're going. Do you read and drive too?

>> No.6137635

Daily reminder that not everyone is you.

>> No.6137638

Fucking kek

>> No.6137641

I don't. But people walk and text, right? It is not that weird.

>> No.6137650

I can't even do that, lol.

>> No.6137660

Yeah they do that, but it doesn't mean it's not weird. I mean do whatever you want, but reading in any form while you're walking or driving severely limits your situational awareness. Didn't Belle walk straight into Gaston's man pillows?

>> No.6137677

>be playing harvest moon on 3ds
>making mad moves courting the town ladies
>girl looks over and sees my unstoppable game in action
>immediately starts sucking my cock at the sight of my farming prowess
>gulps my dong with growing enthusiasm as I brush my cattle
>cum all over her face as I win the fall crop festival

>> No.6137678

Yep, and no one will know.
Last week I bought a purple pullover because "le Imperial color", not a friend could understand my smile the first time that I've worn it.
autism level, reached.

>> No.6137679

I think you're right, but on the other side... I wouldn't mind walking into Gaston's man pillows

>> No.6137727

trips tell the truth

also check this out:
are all in the same thread. /lit/ is really slow.

>> No.6137743

/lit/ is pretty normalfag so it always slows down on friday evenings

>> No.6137811

>implying everyone lives where you do
>implying I'm a normalfag

It's slow because it's one of the smaller boards. Notice reading isn't as popular as it used to be.

>> No.6137812

That ligne 9 du métro

>> No.6137829

>be in the subway
>girl is trying to peek at the cover
>lift it for her and smile
>she looks at me
>invites me to sit right next to her
>exchange phone numbers

I was reading Rushdie's Satanic Verses, and she was a solid 7/10 [half-blood sounds ugly, and mulato is even worse, I'll go with métisse]

>> No.6137834

>I can forgive whites for their behavior on colonies and allied lands but why must they loot and murder all through the middle east. Caucasians ruin humanity.

>> No.6137877

>applying "SJW" to long dead writers n philosophers as a way to approve/disapprove
>not killing yourself from being so stupid and embarassing

>> No.6137911
File: 131 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n6sufcoMi91rneriio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats fucking dweebs, you're having an argument on whether or not one can read or should read on the subway
read on subway n train-great
reading in a car- used to as a kid, but now I never can

>> No.6137913

But anons, reading even the worst book doesn't reveal anything about the reader

>> No.6137973

>notice 7/10 reading book
>it's always salinger, mccarthy, and/or rushdie

well, at least they're good authors i guess

>> No.6137978

>if i saw her on the street i couldn't control myself.
Come on dude, you are strawmanning. Consider that _____________________filtered

>> No.6137980

oh to add to that, /lit/ read salinger but feel free to skip over catcher in the rye

and when you meet a cutie who's read him, say you feel catcher is good but not his best. if they like to read they've probably read salinger at some point. free pussy

>> No.6137982

needs "I'm an atheist, debate me" shirt and reading a dog-eared copy of The God Delusion

>> No.6138034

>this book may be obscure

>it's annihilation by VanderMeer
>came out 2014, fairly successful


>> No.6138040
File: 81 KB, 640x640, tumblr_njjaqi6MDy1un4n5wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forgot pic, of course

>> No.6138052

n dudes write the captions

>> No.6138065


that makes it somehow immediately creepy, even more than before

>> No.6138108

>tfw that's me.

>> No.6138130

your taste in books is atrocious

>> No.6138135

post pixx

>> No.6139000

>tfw i am obse guy
>i was reading babyfuck in the bus
>and salivating
>people look at me with disgust

>> No.6139016 [DELETED] 


Seriously though I enjoy your posts.{/spoiler]

>> No.6139026


Seriously though I enjoy your posts.

>> No.6139455

>everyone, everyone except me

>> No.6139521
File: 43 KB, 614x56, The world&#039;s so sad, bros..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we know you're a man because men, for whatever reason, have a hard time not being complete idiots
>women rely more on declarative memory and are therefore better at memorizing rules and their application, grammatical and otherwise

>>these captchas are making me feel so loved

>> No.6139607

R u a girl?

>> No.6139634


>> No.6139653

I rest my case.

>> No.6139695

>go on bus for the first time in years
>I'm a NEET and haven't been out in public for months
>dress up nicely because I'm self-conscious
>bring a copy of Pnin with me so I can happily ignore people
>make it to destination and then back home alive (whew!)
>one month later
>get linked to photo of me reading on bus
>thousands of Tumblr girls reblogged it
>start panicking

I'm never going outside again.

>> No.6139702

That's creepy as fuck, brah.

>> No.6139727

yeah bitches type as fancy as they right gay as hell

>> No.6139731

I might know this guy.
Is he licking the page?
I'd need the doujin artist to answer that.

>> No.6139777

post it here

>> No.6139783

hook me up

>> No.6139800
File: 82 KB, 500x668, tumblr_mqlpbgiWy31qcpm5vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uk anons identify book plz

>> No.6139850

A friend of mine take pics of guys at the bus/train/metro and upload to twitter and talk with her friends the way to fuck them (with double sense sentences)

>> No.6139883
File: 518 KB, 750x728, Screen Shot 2015-01-05 at 10.54.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always appreciate a body knowing when to admit defeat
clearly not, haven't you seen the way i type?

>> No.6139892

I want to look like that guy

>> No.6139925
File: 103 KB, 488x800, 9k=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tubecrush for all of your (outrage at/)creepyshots of men needs

>> No.6139928
File: 768 KB, 895x600, Screen shot 2015-02-13 at 10.44.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although half are likely staged

>> No.6140707
File: 844 KB, 200x150, tom-cruise.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using public transport
stay pleb and read on the tube, while real man drive their cars, urban nigger scum

>> No.6140717

no matter how I read this, you still come out a cunt.

>> No.6140920

>tfw I have a copy of Mien Kampf that I laugh and go through with a highlighter so no one will sit next to me on public transit.

>> No.6140932

>Mien Kampf
Are you reading the low saxon edition?

>> No.6140947

I basically only read classics and non-fiction at the moment. Also folklore and the likes, which I consider classics.
Is it about the handsomeness of the men being photographed, or is it the fact that they're reading? Because there are so many people reading on the train in my country, it wouldn't be special to take a pic of it. Also, how the fuck is that guy not sweating his tits off wearing all of that?

>> No.6140949

>tfw fapping to the chick who browses /lit/

>> No.6140952

not everyone needs 2 hours to turn his braind on you bitch nigga

>> No.6140962

Revolutionary thought: perhaps they have trains in very cold countries.

>> No.6140968

that's new york though.

>> No.6140987
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>> No.6140993

it's cold as shit here right now, and if the trains aren't crowded, they're really not much warmer than outside, so unless you're going to be on one train for more than an hour you just leave your shit on

>> No.6141007

Girls are more subtle in admiration of the opposite sex in public. It's in their feminine nature to be delicate and sensitive.

Guys can too but the pressures of masculinity compel them to be crass. Only online can they post pictures like 'you love you lose' which conveys deeper emotions

The aim of modern feminism (and its masculine equivalent wherever you think that lies) should be to allow women to be crass and for men to be sensitive in public

>> No.6141008
File: 56 KB, 645x773, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Saw it up yesterday
>Honestly believed if I took a book on the train that a girl might start talking to me
>Didn't have any books
>stopped at the book shop titled Waterstones on the way to the station
>Bought fifty shades of gray because its a book I know women like
>Went to the tube station, got on a train, didn't matter which as I wasn't going anywhere and just wanted a girl to speak with
>Got on the train
>waited for a cute girl
>took 40 minutes but eventually, one got and sat next to me
>Took out the book and pretended to start reading
>She keeps looking at me I can see in the corner of my eye
>really thinking it was working
>''err excuse me''
>its her
>''why are you reading that? you know its a book for middle aged women right?''
>she didn't say it aggressively and was probably actually curious but I still panicked
>''oh haha I'm a reviewer for a website''
>''oh like a literature website? surely you would have reviewed this book by now!''
>really can't think of a response
>''oh I-I-I-I meant sexualdomination.co.uk hahaha I am reviewing how realistic it is uyuyyy''
>she seems creeped out, says 'oh' then stops talking to me


>> No.6141020
File: 28 KB, 354x486, 154445485-slavoj-zizek-attends-the-premiere-of-the-perverts-guide.jpg.CROP.promovar-medium2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6141021

>tfw just been on the tube reading
>standing near the door because I have a large bag
>about to get off
>see a blue-haired petite qt looking over at me
>intense, overwhelming feels
>she looks away again
>my pose of subtly confident self-sufficiency falls apart within a few seconds of leaving the carriage
>now feel very lonely and imagine all the girls looking for, and finding, a guy they like tonight

I'm starting to be convinced, in a serious and uncasual way, that I will go through the rest of my life entirely alone unless I make major changes in my life

>> No.6141025


>In London (or any other major city)

You continue to enjoy your suburban nightmare friendo, leave the city to the big boys.

>> No.6141027


>> No.6141030


So what, you think people get on the metro/subway/tube and take their winter coat and scarf off, then they leave it in the cloakroom before heading to the bar for a rousing snifter or something?

Have you people never been to the city?

Also, NYC is cold as balls in the winter. -4 with 50% humidity at the moment, and that's fucking freezing.

>> No.6141031

make the changes then
you know what they are

>> No.6141034

Any London /lit/bros wanna meet up and take photos of each other on the tube as if we're girls and then upload it with a fake female account and use other fake female accounts to like and comment positively then go onto the photo and be like "hey my co-worker said I was on here, what the heck!" and see if other girl ask us out and stuff?

>> No.6141035

It's cold here as well (around freezing) but I go about in a t-shirt and a thin coat, or a t-shirt and a shirt. I would melt wearing even three thin layers.

>> No.6141039
File: 39 KB, 512x326, even medvedev laughs at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking freezing

>> No.6141042

I'm game for that. Borough tube station northbound platform today at 3?

>> No.6141043
File: 363 KB, 123x125, exciting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>below 0ºC
>anything other than the literal definition of freezing
>doesn't realise the importance of humidity in cold weather
>posts anyway
>looks like a retard
>likely to reply anyway


>> No.6141046

Yeah I do but I also have zero friends and don't find online dating appealing.

>> No.6141048

W-what the fuck. I live in Borough, where you at?

>> No.6141050


>abloo bloo bloo look at the reasons I fail I enjoy my cocoon of self-pity.

>> No.6141052

>come and visit me in russia and tell me about your tough winters, hipster sissy.

>> No.6141053

Meet you at 3 then?

>> No.6141055

you dont realize the funniness of your own post
you dun goofed
by you
k thx bye

>> No.6141061

I'm really not a self-pitying kind of person. The fact I acknowledge it's my own fault for being single should suggest that. I'm pretty fit, I wear nice clothing and so on. I just had an avoidant personality in the past and it has led to near-total isolation, although I do have a full-time job. Maybe I don't need / want a girlfriend all that much, or maybe I'm just too used to being alone and lack the requisite positive experiences that would motivate me to find one.

>> No.6141066

Maine here. It's currently -23ºC with 62% humidity. Just a normal day in New England.

>> No.6141067
File: 16 KB, 309x284, fedhomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy your euphoria and your right hand then

>> No.6141068

>implying you're not going to turn up with your King's College buddies and mock me as I stare with feigned intensity into the near-distance

>> No.6141071

Epic reply dude. You sure have a solid grasp of that may-may brother.

>> No.6141075

why would you assume a random anon studies at King's and has buddies? I'd assume the contrary: No life no friends.

So what book will you be bringing?

>> No.6141076

Nice pissing contest. >Muh city is colder than yours
gb2 int pol 4chan reddit

>> No.6141080


fun fact: women tend to lie even on anonymous surveys.

>> No.6141081

>Whines about how cold it is
>Gets BTFO
>Ironically shitposts

>> No.6141083


>visiting Russia

no thanks, I try to stay away from those kind of places.

One of my friends' girlfriend lives in Siberia somewhere, and he came back from visiting her over christmas and told me the cold had frozen his glasses solid with condensation, then they broke.

-40 or something. You can keep it you drunken miserablist.

>boasting about how cold things are
>21st century

and as someone's sure to point out, the AMerican middle gets just as cold.

>> No.6141084

Where in Borough / Southwark do you live?

Also I'm reading Mitchell is Moving by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat

>> No.6141086


>implying you're not going to get taxed as soon as they spot you

>> No.6141091



>> No.6141100

>Mitchell is Moving
Great read. I'm reading the value of believing in yourself by Spencer Johnson.

Live down in Clapham.

>> No.6141101


>I am too stupid to use Urban Dictionary and I am unashamed.

>> No.6141103

If you live in Clapham why would you want to meet at Borough?

I'm become pretty suspicious that this is a ruse buddy

>> No.6141107

>using conteporary urban slang

No thanks

>> No.6141113


>adopting the persona of a middle-aged woman for unfathomable reasons
>taking pride in ignorance

Why did you even ax me then you fucking tosser?

>> No.6141118


Last I checked, Clapham and Borough were both on the Northern Line, and also Borough is riddled with hipsters, so the perfect place for /lit/ fedoratippers to meet up.

>> No.6141122

Settle down, "blood"

>> No.6141131

Is Borough really riddled with hipsters? I haven't noticed any except the students, although I don't go out much,.

Also Camden is on the line too and it would make more sense to meet up there if you were looking to score with qt hipsters.

If I wasn't so sure my friends didn't use 4chan I'd assume this was one of them playing an elaborate ruse.

Also where do you live in Clapham? North, South, Junction?

>> No.6141143


Haven't lived in London for years, but Tooting to Camden used to take fucking ages. Like an hour some days. And camden's full of plastic hipsters and punk tourists, no self-respecting London hipster would go past spitalfields and hoxton to get to Camden, except perhaps for the market.

Borough is for the poorer hipster, iirc - it's a ridiculously cheap place to live considering how central it is, it's got the farmer's market, a pleasingly unthreatening ethnic quality and other than the fact it's on the Northern Line, it's well connected. Hipster heaven. I wish I'd bought a flat there when you could get them for chickenfeed.

>> No.6141161

Yeah I rent a flat there right now, though my lease ends at the end of this month and I'm moving somewhere close by probably (that isn't overlooking a busy road).

There are a lot of places for £500-650 rent which is ok. Current place is almost £700 but includes all utilities and internet, plus I don't need a railcard or whatever.

I pass cute university girls on the way home from work and they seem to live in the student halls nearby. They hang out at a pub near my work but I don't have any friends in the city so I don't go in there, plus I don't do very well in that sort of atmosphere.

I think Shoreditch and Brixton is more hipster though, but I'm basing that mostly on media and on the people I know of who live there.

>> No.6141170

>I don't have any friends in the city so I don't go in there,

Not having a pop m8, but have you ever thought that's why you don't have any friends in the city? First thing I do in a new place is head fdor the local and see if there's anyone worth chatting with/up.

>> No.6141194

Yeah it is why, and I acknowledge that fact and don't allow myself to make excuses as to why I am in the position I am.

I've just never been someone who strangers take to. I've tried talking to strangers in the past, mostly in situations where they are friends of whoever I am with, and maybe it's my own flawed self-perception telling me this but I sense that they can tell I'm not the type of person they want to be around. I try not to be a bummer, though I do often retreat to a sort of default negativity, but I guess I just find it intensely difficult (as most people do I'm sure) to risk further rejection in my life, since the fragile sense of self-confidence I've manufactured alone is likely to fall apart if I go out and try and be enthusiastic and funny and people don't take to that. I've done it in the past, and one time I went along with a group to a nightclub and thought they liked me or at least considered me as a potential member of their group, but then at the end of the night when we parted ways to our different dorms I heard one of them say "what was that guy's name?" and another say "I don't know" before they started to quietly laugh. I realize that seems like a cartoonish parody of what being rejected is like but that happened and similar things have happened in that sense that have made me spurn the few chances I've had when girls or whatever have approached me. I don't know man, I guess I seem like a bitch or whatever but I used to be more pathetic and defeatist than I am now and I feel I've overcome many of the instinctive tendencies I used to have to become apathetic or casually nihilistic about life.

>> No.6141211

Right I'm in Clapham South only said Borough because I was up in Southwark yesterday and thought it might be fun to explore the area a little.

I really only wanted to meet a /lit/fag for shits and giggles but if you're going to get all nihilistic I might as well stay home.

>> No.6141226

I'm actually in Clapham Junction right now. I went to the heart foundation charity shop a few doors down from Argos to look at the books they have there (they have a bunch of pretty cool old books at the back).

Do you work or are you a student?

I was only kidding about the tube thing, and I assume you were too. I mean I guess it would be cool to meet up with people from /lit/, but since I've already sperged out and revealed my power level I feel this would be an embarrasing experience for me now.

>> No.6141236

i cant stop laughing

>> No.6141239


Dunno what to tell you man, other than a lot of people feel that way when they're in their late teens/early twenties and it's not like it's unavoidable - but it's something you have to work at.

I used to be a little like you, maybe not so extreme, but I countered it by simply observing. If you go to a party, you'll see the majority of people are like you - sort of nervy and uncertain in this unfamiliar social scene. Then you'll see one or two people who just seem to walk around the party talking to people, sticking their hand out and saying "hi, I'm anon, who are you?" sort of thing, and you realise that the people are delighted to be approached because now they don't feel so alone and isolated.

I just decided to be the guy who walks round saying hi, who are you? rather than the guy standing next to the punchbowl thinking "who are all these people". It's actually not that hard when you accept that it's what people want and get over your internal bastard telling you that these people aren't interested in you and you'll be imposing on them if you introduce yourself.

I still don't like groups of people I don't know, but after a decade or so of adopting this strategy, I'm not scared of them, and I've become a pretty popular and confident guy (on the outside, at least).

I dunno - experience triumphs in this case. Do it for a few years and you start to realise the truth about social situations - they're all bullshit, and the people who seem to be the most confident are often the people who had to work at it because they started out like you.

Shy bairns get no sweeties, as my dear ol' mum used to say.

>> No.6141245

m8, I was paying about £350 to live in Liverpool...

>> No.6141248

Up to you. I work during the week, but am still in bed as it is the weekend. There is a really good charity bookshop in Tooting Bec, seriously worth checking that one out.

>> No.6141251

>I was paying about £350 to live in Liverpool...

Seems like about 10 times too much.

>> No.6141255

Liverpool the city or Liverpool Street?

Also yeah, welcome to hell brah. Before I was paying £500 (which is considered cheap) but without utilities and I had to buy a monthly rail card for over £100 for an hour commute. Although I still have around £600 spare after rent is paid, so I'm saving quite a bit.

>> No.6141268

Liverpool is actually a great city to live in. Has a solid cultural scene, and not as big as London. I'm back in London now though....

>> No.6141283

>Liverpool is actually a great city to live in.

No it isn't, it's absolutely awful.

> Has a solid cultural scene,

Have to take your word on that. I went to the Tate Liverpool a few years back and it was empty and I couldn't find anyone interesting to talk to (and I was there to give a paper at one of the unis)

> and not as big as London.

I'm not sure if that's an advantage or a disadvantage.

Honeslty, I hate Liverpool - it's my least favourite British city (I hate Carlisle more than anywhere, but that's a town). I particularly despise the typical scouser (which is a steretype many liverpudlians live up to consciously) with their misguided opinions on how funny they are and their constant, neverending whinging.

>> No.6141284

The city. I've lived in London my whole life, but trying to find work/housing. I know there are some relatively cheap areas to live, but for the most part the city favours the super-rich. Still can't believe the travel card has increased to £17-21. It's a joke. Boris is a fuccboi

>> No.6141292

I appreciate this, and I relate to what you're saying. It's weird because I feel like I used to be incredibly shy, and still now I have a strong ability to deny my instincts however powerful they are. In certain respects (academic mainly) this has helped me, though of course the British stereotype of bottlign everything up and being stubbornly isolated applies to me in, like you say, an extreme way.

In terms of social situations I am pretty confident, mainly because I am so overwhelemd by anxiety that I sort of detach myself from it and live in instinct mode. In groups where I'm forced to be a member (classroom, workplace) I usually become one of the people who are most willing to talk and lead things (I'm not trying to sound alpha or whatever) and people, especially older people for some reason, take to me. It's just I feel like people my own age can tell I'm over-thinking things and that I have a serious disposition and that I find it difficult to "let go" and have fun, and that this disposition of mine is somehow a subtle critique of their own lifestyle or existence.

Anyway I don't wanna harp on and repeat myself, but thanks for the post man. There was this girl who approached me in university always talked to me but I never put any effort into getting to know her and I still remember that many times a week since she seemed like someone I had never met the equivalent of before in terms of her looks and her interests and the way we sort of "gravitated" towards each other. I searched her on linkedin and she's doing an internship on the other side of the city, but since I have no real friends I can't start a social media account and maybe contact her. But that's irrelevant here and I guess I'm only writing this because I thought of her again today since it's valentines.

>> No.6141296

Give a paper?

What does that involve? Are you a student or d you work in academia?

>> No.6141299

Yeah it sucks but I'm doing pretty ok financially and the job I work at is growing pretty rapidly from a small team as we gain clients etc and since the CEO wants to sell up in five years there's an opportunity for me to earn over £100k for sticking around. That probably makes me sound like a yuppy asshole but practically speaking I'm lucky to have found this job after months of agency work and so on and I'm too cautious to go back to that insecurity just so that I have more time to read etc.

>> No.6141300

>What does that involve?

Standing in front of your "peers", expressing your opinions and then having your peers try to shit all over it. It's the basic academic shindig, like 4chan, but the people actually know what they're talking about. Then after that you go round a shitty "party" with a glass of indefferent, warm chardonnay and network the fuck out of everyone because you never know who might be useful.
I was a lecturer for a bit, in answer to your second question.

>> No.6141314

That sounds cool man, I was going to stick around in academia but I felt intimiated by the job insecurity and doubtful of my ability to maintain enthusiasm for increasingly obscure and specialized subjects for another three years or so.

What do you do now? What kind of subject were you talking about?

Don't have to answer, I'm just curious.

>> No.6141318

>Do you read and drive too?
Derrida did it.

>> No.6141322

>What do you do now?

Retired and bored. I've greentexted my life story once, ain't going into detail again

What kind of subject were you talking about?

History. At one stage I was possibly the most informed man in Britain on the subject of Huguenot refugees in the 16th century, for all the good that did me. The word thing is I used to think it made me king shit, now I just think it was a waste of everyone's time.

>> No.6141327

This is what puts me off going down the route of academic research etc.
But at the same time, I'd still rather attempt to contribute to society through research rather than having some sort of deadpan job for the rest of my life...

>> No.6141332

Nice, just keep at it I guess. Wish I was in line for a 100k job.... Hopefully some day

>> No.6141336

Are you retired prematurely? Only I assume you're not in your 60s.

>> No.6141343

That's what I be doing.

>> No.6141346


Retired at 40.

inb4 2 old 4 4chan. I wasn't so old when I started coming.

>> No.6141356

Screw that. I'm not going to be one of those zombies on the train that just stare off into oblivion.

>> No.6141360

What would a London /lit/ meetup be like? Would it be a successful event, where everyone then becomes good friends or would it be awkward as fuck...

>> No.6141365

What do you do, if you don't mine me asking?

And yeah but the thing is as I become more senior and my work become more intense and I get asked to work longer hours (I'm already pressured into turning up 30 minutes early, which is ok thus far) I feel like my already dwindling energy for reading and writing will lead to a situation where I am allow myself to give up on my ambitions to publish novels. I'm in this dilemma currently where on the one hand I know I'm not working to my best because I have comparatively little time to read and write and so on, but on the other I don't want to be ungrateful and naive and childish and go work part-time someplace and end up trapped in that situation due to a lack of skills. I just know I have a personality that is repressive and so on that will lead to my denying any ambitions to put my writing first and a job second, feeling the pressure from my parents and my old friends who, should I meet them in five years and still be working shift work for minimum or low wage, will think I'm pathetic. I'm writing every day now, and reading when I can, though whenver I'm at a point where I feel motivated to write a lot this motivation gets numbed by nine hours of having to focus intently on spreadsheets and data.

>> No.6141370

I think I've seen you posting before about hiding from your maid, but haven't read the huguenot thing. That's cool man, seems comfy to be able to retire at that age.

>> No.6141371

>At one stage I was possibly the most informed man in Britain on the subject of Huguenot refugees in the 16th century

This is my biggest concern with history. I'm studying it right now, and I like the subject, but if you actually want to contribute anything you have to spend years researching the tiniest phenomenon, only to most likely be shit on by your peers. I just want to learn about history, but I can't see myself ever contributing to it. If only academia wasn't so fragmented. Still cool, though, you must be able to read old Dutch for you to research huguenot refugees, no?

>> No.6141377

>What would a London /lit/ meetup be like?
I feel like we're a pretty motley crew it could either go really well or really poorly.

Also pretty surprised by how many Londoners there seem to be.

>> No.6141413

There was almost one one two years ago (fuck time has passed quickly) when some guy who went to Goldsmiths wanted to meet up and some others said that would be cool and there were like five of us but nothing happened.

I imagine each person at first would try and be welcoming and to not patronize those in the group who are obviously very shy and possibly autistic, but then the few well-adjusted guys would make plans to go to a club or something after a few drink in a pub, where the anti-social members sat quietly sipping beers they didn't ask for speciically but said "yeah same as him" in turn, and the the quieter members would pretend they had to leave and would go home. Then the more well-adjusted folk would have a good time, maybe talk to some girls, make some 4chan-esque references in a self-depricating way while talking to them ("patrician" said sarcastically or as a joke at their own expense) and would either make plans to add each other on facebook and meet up again with their own friendship groups, or go back with the girls and fuck them while the other guys, who left earlier and tried reading a novella they brought along in their pocket which they had been planning to take out as a way of breaking the ice or representing the more interesting aspects of their personality they are too unskilled to present via words and so on, will go back to their flats and either cry or post greentexts on other boards about the meeting, disgusting the facts (saying it was last month, changing the number of people present) enough to make the others tell it is them writing it, and then read some replies saying "don't sweat it man" and "you're gonna make it brah" and feel a little more optimistic, and beging justifying their going home prematurely and making no positive impression on the other /lit/ guys, before going to bed at 3am after listlessly watching various youtube videos and scrolling through threads they find somewhat entertaining

>> No.6141434

Nah man, I really don't think it would go that way. You've got a really peculiar way of imagining "well-adjusted guys" and also the average anon who would show up at a meetup. Honestly I think it would be a little awkward but I can't imagine all the drinking and clubbing.

>> No.6141443

This nigga works in the borean tundra

>> No.6141457

Where would the ideal /lit/ meetup take place?
inb4 Hatchards

>> No.6141461


Cleaner, I'm not enough of an exploiter to have a maid.

Well, not rich enough to have one anyway.

>> No.6141470

This was both kekworthy and depressing at the same time. I hate how awkward social interaction can be.

tfw none of my friends are literate and have nobody irl to talk about books with

>> No.6141471

I don't mean well adjusted in terms of being loud and aggressively social, just in terms of them being guys who think books are neat and are maybe studying a humanities subject and have vague ambitions in that field, but who also have a group of friends and like going out to gigs and so on, maybe even girlfriends. Whereas the other type of guy would travel from is parents' home in Brentwood wearing jeans he's owned since the age of seventeen and a sportscoat he knows doens't look good but that he wears because he is too intimiatd by the perceptions of others to buy a black overcoat since he thinks people will judge his "trying" to look good as a sign of vanity that he doesn't deserve to have since he is weird and / or unnatractive and worthy of their pity for not wearing unflatering clothes, and who see /lit/ as a place of sanctuary in a world they have never felt at ease in and in which they are struggling to find any form of comfort or happiness. Also when I say clubbing I guess I don't mean hopping around and jabbing your fingers at the ceiling to Arctic Monkeys, maybe going to a bar in Shoreditch or something where there's a mix of arty students and people working in advertising or some digital agency who wear beanies indoors and roll the bottom of their slimfit black jeans up a little, and where there just might be some cute, pale, girl with black hair and brown eyes who is actually reading Kanusgaard at the moment actually and who seems to be hanging out with the more annoying or superficial kind of people who go to that bar in the hope, like you are, of meeting someone who likes arty and cultural things but isn't enveloped by the persona you're tacitly expected to adopt in order to be considered cool or contemporary etc.

>> No.6141484

British library obvs

Or in Waterloo for the sake of making it easy and so they can go look at the pop-up book stalls under the waterlook bridge

>> No.6141495

Are there any female Londoners here?

>> No.6141496


Please continue. I would be interested in reading (and possibly editing, as it would likely need it) your take on a full day in the life of an average /lit/ poster.

>> No.6141506

I'm talking about different /lit/ posters though, and essentially projecting my own compromised self-image in an attempt to seem funny without seeming as though I am consciously attempting to have others think I'm funny.

>> No.6141572

The reason I wouldn't meet up with other guys from 4chan is that I can essentially talk about anything we'd talk about in real life online. I would only meet up with people from 4chan if there were girls there or if they were girls. That probably seems autistic but it's how I feel about the issue.

>> No.6141588

The Foyles at Waterloo is pretty good. I've found a couple of books in there. I like those used book stalls on southbank too, I'd probably say that southbank is one of my favourite parts of London too

>> No.6141600

I like Southbank too, but I feel having a lack of friends, and going to these places alone makes them seem as worth-visiting as any other place, since you're just drifting through, trying not to slow down too much and seem lonely and so on. But walk along the river in Southbank is cool, and if I had a girlfriend I'd love to take her to see a movie at the BFI and then get (or go before) wagamama or whatever that's nearby.

>> No.6141607

I would probably turn up to a London meeting as long as there was alcohol involved. I'd be a bit worried that the one-upmanship that goes on here would also occur IRL, though; that would be awkward as fuck and I'd probably end up fighting one of you.

>> No.6141618


Eh.... once your ego gets to a certain size, you can essentially act like you don't have an ego, as you see yourself as so far above any possible one-ups-manship that there's no real need to get upset.

>> No.6141625

This. There are dozens of reasons for people to judge and accuse me of being inferior to them, pathetic and so on, but I've pretty much overcome any sense of isnecurity that would make me lash out or become upset. I'm a pepe on the inside and a wojak on the outside.

>> No.6141640

How old are the Londoners here?

>> No.6141641

23 here. I feel old.

>> No.6141648 [DELETED] 


>> No.6141656
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>> No.6141661

My local library is shit, so I go to the cheap used book store in town, where no women at all ever go. Or men, really.

>> No.6141667

trips don't lie

>> No.6141671

Кyдa eхaть?

>> No.6141676

Post more pics of cute boys reading, you fucking faggots.

>> No.6141685

not everyone concentrates in the same way

i actually read well while listening to music. it helps me keep my mind going a steady pace so i don't get distracted by my own thoughts.

>> No.6141688

I don't think it's women, I think it's just normal people in general. Fuck normies.

>> No.6141696


> im such a special snowflake, look everyone, i'm so unique and different

>> No.6141702

>but I can tell he's a nice guy on account of the black loafers and blue socks

>He's probably listening to Taylor Swift in those headphones
now if that doesn't make sense...

>> No.6141707

why is she looking so intently at that table?

>> No.6141714
File: 77 KB, 480x462, hem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I can just put up a Craiglist posting and be pounding sweet twink ass in less than two hours

If being gay were actually a choice, like all the homophobe fags say, then I think I'd have chosen it. There's something to be said for being able to spark the missus out if he starts giving you too much lip as well.

Unfortunately, I find men to be extremely unattractive, physically. Curse my hetero genetics.

>> No.6141722

i don't think normal people go to /lit/

>> No.6141739

>using your real name on facebook
>using your real name on goodreads
>being that in the closet about 4chan

>> No.6141742

No. Ask her to marry you.

>> No.6141750
File: 124 KB, 1028x615, plebcity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading is now an act of vanity, and even if done sincerely will be interpreted by others through the most superficial lens possible.

>> No.6141780

>look at how american i am

>> No.6141835

Why do all these faggots always use ONLY the word "awesome" to refer to themselves? I mean, there sure has to be some more specific positive trait about themselves. It reads like they're admitting how fucking worthless they actually are.

>> No.6141941

reading is pretty common on ny subways (I think I've read trend pieces saying smart phones and getting wifi in some/all the cars means people read paper books less, idk) so it's more them being qties

>> No.6141948

why don't you just meet up and jerk each other off

>> No.6141959

>sees thread is still up
>sees it's a whole bunch of talk with no pics until not cute john green reading adult
step it up!

>> No.6141968
File: 27 KB, 500x401, tumblr_m5nxxjOodx1qa7lzxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some other anon replied 4 me
I didn't know people lied on the internet though

>> No.6142024

Reading is popular now.
I'll stop reading.

>> No.6142537

>leave the city to the big boys
This is a sentiment I've never seen expressed before

>> No.6142553


I'm from California and 40° is freezing for us. A guy visiting from Minnesota guffawed.

>> No.6142912

I was going to stop for the same reason, but now it seems like it's popular to stop reading because it's popular.

>> No.6143170

>being proud of such petty and uncontrollable shit
you are a very boring person.

>> No.6143986

im a qt