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/lit/ - Literature

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6133446 No.6133446 [Reply] [Original]

For German it is
>Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen
>by the poet Emanuel Geibel
It means that the ailing World will recuperate by taking the German Wesen, the very essence of the German nation, as medicine. I personally can feel the world getting a little bit better every time I post something here on /lit/.

>> No.6133450

>not So gewiß ist der allein glücklich und groß, der weder zu herrschen noch zu gehorchen braucht, um etwas zu sein!

beiß ins gras mein lehnsmann

>> No.6133477
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>illalla kullalla hilloo on pullalla.
("In the evening darling has jam on the bun")
by Laura Ruohonen, Allakka Pullakka

>> No.6133497


>> No.6133529

The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness.

>> No.6133697

"כָּל הַנְּחָלִים הֹלְכִים אֶל הַיָּם, וְהַיָּם אֵינֶנּוּ מָלֵא; אֶל מְקוֹם שֶׁהַנְּחָלִים הֹלְכִים, שָׁם הֵם שָׁבִים לָלָכֶת."
(All rivers flow to the sea, and the sea is never full; To where is rivers go, is where they return)

Kohelet is fantastic.

>> No.6133701

Zajeban ko kratko cebe.

Dangerous as a short blanket.

>> No.6133739
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Þat mælti mín móðir,
at mér skyldi kaupa
fley ok fagrar árar,
fara á brott með víkingum,
standa upp í stafni,
stýra dýrum knerri,
halda svá til hafnar
höggva mann ok annan.

His mother told him to get a ship, sail away with vikings and rape and pillage in another country.
>tfw you will never be as badass as your ancestors

>> No.6133879

So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

>> No.6133908


Minn maður!

>> No.6133935

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree :
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

>> No.6134046
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> Wylit, Wylit, Llewelyn

You would cry, you would cry, Llywelyn,

Its from the poem "Fy Ngwlad (My Country)" by Gerallt Lloyd Owen, he wrote this in 1969 the year Prince Charles was made the Prine of Wales. It was meant to be a wake-up call to the Welsh as our identity was being washed away.

Wylit, wylit, Lywelyn,
Wylit waed pe gwelit hyn.
Ein calon gan estron ŵr,
Ein coron gan goncwerwr,
A gwerin o ffafrgarwyr
Llariaidd eu gwên lle’r oedd gwŷr.

You would cry, you would cry, Llywelyn,
You would cry blood if you saw this.
Our hearts in the hands of a foreign man,
Our crown in the hands of a conquerer,
And a peasant-folk of favour givers
Meek their smile, where men used to be.

Check out the full poem, it's class.

>> No.6134075


lack of sheep fucking tho, why is that?

>> No.6134106

Volveran las oscuras golondrinas en tu balcon sus nidos a colgar

>> No.6134134


>> No.6134146
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>illallah kulallah pullallah






>> No.6134153

Basta. No.

>> No.6134160
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T*rk detected

>> No.6134164

mende sığar iki cehan men bu cehane sığmazam
'Two worlds fit in me, I can't fit in this one'

>> No.6134177

"...porque las estirpes condenadas a cien años de soledad no tienen una segunda oportunidad sobre la tierra"

>> No.6134209

Tycker du at grafven är för djup,
Nå välan så tag dig då en sup,
Tag dig sen dito en, dito två, dito tre,
Så dör du nöjdare.

Is the grave too deep? Then take a sip!
Raise the brimming goblet to thy lip!
Yet a sip! Ditto one, ditto two, ditto three...
then die contentedly!


>> No.6134224

To know my deed, 'twere best not know myself.

>> No.6134239

>I'm not a crook.

>> No.6134251

>Thy unus'd beauty must be tomb'd with thee,
>Which, used, lives the' executor to be.

>> No.6134256

Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.


>> No.6134263

fuck her right in da pussy

>> No.6134269

Actually was thinking about this a little while ago. My favorite sentence is "And a fellow had once seen a big rat jump plop into the scum" from Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.

>> No.6134292


That's pretty good

>> No.6134301


>> No.6134312


>> No.6134322

Good choice

>> No.6134326
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>you will never be German

>> No.6134332

Vae victis

>> No.6134339



>> No.6134377

Нощта ражда из мъртва утроба
вековната злоба на роба:
cвоя пурпурен гняв -

From "September", by the Bulgarian poet Geo Milev.

Translated, loosely, as,

From its dead womb,
The night gives birth
To the slave's age-old malice
His blood-red rage -

>> No.6134943


>> No.6135026

(i do not know what it is about you that closes
and opens;only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands

From E. E. Cummings' "somewhere I have never travelled;gladly beyond"

>> No.6135264


does it have to be the modern language?because Sir Gawain and Green Knight has some of best lines you could ever read aloud

Bot hyȝe bonkkez and brent vpon boþe halue,
And ruȝe knokled knarrez with knorned stonez;
Þe skwez of þe scowtes skayned hym þoȝt. Þenne he houed, and wythhylde his hors at þat tyde,


Þay boȝen bi bonkkez þer boȝez ar bare,
Þay clomben bi clyffez þer clengez þe colde.
Þe heuen watz vphalt, bot vgly þer-vnder;
Mist muged on þe mor, malt on þe mountez,
Vch hille hade a hatte, a myst-hakel huge.

>> No.6135277

Therefore all seasons shall be sweet to thee,
Whether the summer clothe the general earth
With greenness, or the redbreast sit and sing
Betwixt the tufts of snow on the bare branch
Of mossy apple-tree, while the nigh thatch
Smokes in the sun-thaw; whether the eave-drops fall
Heard only in the trances of the blast,
Or if the secret ministry of frost
Shall hang them up in silent icicles,
Quietly shining to the quiet Moon.

>> No.6135301

He would have said "allahu ekber"

>> No.6136159
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I like it.

>> No.6136278

Tout homme porte en lui la forme entière de l'humaine condition :^)

>> No.6136287

I'm in a office surround by heads and bodies when a screaming comes across the sky.

>> No.6136294

"Remember ! Souviens-toi, prodigue ! Esto memor !
(Mon gosier de métal parle toutes les langues)
Les minutes, mortel folâtres, sont des gangues
Qu'il ne faut pas âcher sans en extraire l'or !"

"Souviens-toi ! Remember, prodigal ! Esto memor !
(my metal throat speaks all languages)
Minutes, foolish mortal, are veinstones
That you shouldn't let go without taking their gold !"

>> No.6136319

Puto el que lee

>> No.6136422


>> No.6136452
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She's a malignant cunt

>> No.6136456
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>> No.6136463


>> No.6136469

Don't piss yourself. The furthark was actually magickal.

>> No.6136477

The what?

>> No.6136478

Futhark comes from italic languages and appeared centuries after which only reinforces the quotes.

>> No.6137391

This isn't a very accurate translation. Besides, I would prefer Hávamál, if I was an Icelander.

>> No.6137455

Pour amortir l’orgueil de mille vanitez,
Considerons jadis quels nous avons estez,
Et, faisant à nature une amende honorable,
Dis, superbe : J’estois vilain au prealable
Que d’estre gentilhomme ; et, puisque de vilain,
Je me suis anobly du jour au lendemain,
Du jour au lendemain je peux changer de tittre
Et de petit seigneur devenir grand belistre,
Et en siècle d’airain changer le siècle d’or,
Et devenir soudain de consule rethor.
J’ay veu des pins fort hauts eslever leurs perruques
Par sus le front d’Iris, et tout d’un coup caduques,
Arrangez sur la terre, et ne servir qu’au dueil
D’un cadaver puant pour faire son cercueil ;
J’ay veu de Pharaon les pompeux excrcites[1],
Et contre Josué les fiers Amalechites
Gripper, triper, friper ; et après un combat
Je passe de rechef, et ecce non erat.
Sur la flotante mer je voyois un navire
Qui menaçoit la terre et les cieux de son ire ;
Mais, tout soudain rompant le cordage et le mast,
Je cherche mon navire, et ecce non erat.
J’ay veu ce que j’ay veu, une rase campagne
Enceinte devenue ainsi qu’une montaigne,
Qui pour mille geants n’enfanta qu’un seul rat ;
Où est-il ? je regarde, et ecce non erat.

[1] Ancienne façon d'écrire "exercice"? Une recherche google produit plusieurs résultats qui semblent indiquer que c'était là quelqu'orthographe ancien, assez rare.

>> No.6137489

Kamrater, någon djävla ordning får det vara i ett parti.

>> No.6137558
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>> No.6137574

Negro de mierda.

Sometimes racial, mostly a sociological insult which literally translates as "nigger of shit"

>> No.6137590

Something from here:

>> No.6137668
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"Gott mit Uns"
~"With God on our Side"

@all the Nietzschefags:
I have just preventively tipped by fedora

>> No.6138023

"Fatti non foste a viver come bruti"(Divina Commedia)
(You weren't made in order to live like savages)

>> No.6138802

Oh yeah. I've recently tried to make a terza rima thread on /lit/.
>0 replies
>Sie verstehen mich nicht: ich bin nicht den Mund für diese Ohren.

>> No.6138827


>> No.6138833

Cute pup

>> No.6138930

Dieser Weg ist steinig und schwer.

- Xavier Nadoo <3

>> No.6138962

"A chingar a su culo lo que no sirve"