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/lit/ - Literature

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6128160 No.6128160 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books written by women that aren't romances written hundreds of years ago?

>> No.6128215 [DELETED] 

Women aren't capable of writing real literature. To create art you have to understand suffering. Women are so privileged and mollycoddled by society that they never experience any kind of real hardship like men do, and so are unable to relate to any person other than themselves, either through empathy or sympathy, and are thus unable to connect in any meaningful way to any character or reader except those as vapid as themselves. Everything women write is trite, shallow, self-absorbed, self-indulgent, and insular. The only women capable of understanding suffering are old women, who have lost their beauty and have thus been cast out of society, but by that point it is impossible for them to develop as great writers because writing is something you have to master in your youth, so most of them just become bitter hags dedicated to inflicting suffering on others, mostly men. The same goes for fat chicks, whose personalities usually devolve in an even more bitter spiral. Also fat chicks are usually capable of socially integrating to a degree some men can't even imagine (they may be physically repulsive, but they still have vaginas), so they never experience real loneliness anyway, in that respect. The work of even the most respected female writers like say Margaret Atwood just boils down to "woe is me" so they're not worth reading. If you want to read books by women, you might as well read books by children. Neither have experienced the world or gained any insight into it, nor are they capable of identifying with anyone besides themselves. My advice is just to read books by men.

>> No.6128231


Jennifer Egan is pretty good. I really liked A Visit from the Goon Squad.

Some of Margaret Atwood's stuff's good, and I like Isabel Allende at times. Zorro was alright.

>> No.6128235

My favourite women writers are Jean Rhys and Marilynne Robinson.

I hate all three of those authors.

>> No.6128245

Thanks, I'll look them up.
Am I being too quick to dismiss the Bronte sisters, Austen etc.? They seem to be all that comes up.

>> No.6128246


>> No.6128250

I thought Atwood sucked until I read one of her short stories—I found it unironically funny

>> No.6128260

I personally find Austen dull and irritating, but quite enjoyed Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre.

>> No.6128286


>> No.6128309
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The Hearing Trumpet, Nightwood, any Carson McCullers, Ice by Kavan, Frankenstein, The Pillow Book, any Virginia Woolf, Memoirs of Hadrian, Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, The Door by Szabo (just came out in NYRB Classics), The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Who Was Changed and Who Was Dead, Primeval and Other Times, Towers of Trebizond, The Summer Book (or all moomins).

Also Black Lamb, Grey Falcon.

>> No.6128317

They're only "all that comes up" from people who don't read very much. You really should try George Eliot's Middlemarch though.

>> No.6128521

>George Eliot

>> No.6128533

Yes. Are you sure you're on the right board, anon?

>> No.6128549

How about Daniel Deronda? I've literally just found it in a drawer.

>> No.6128695

Virgin detected

>> No.6128706

virgina woolf

>> No.6128710

Elfriede Jelinek, Ingeborg Bachmann

>> No.6128714

>that aren't romances written hundreds of years ago
Fresh off /v, aren't we?

>> No.6128746


>> No.6128882

Second hand embarrassment on your behalf.

To the thread: Ursula Le Guin.

>> No.6128890

The Unpossessed by Tess Slesinger

>> No.6128935
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I've enjoyed "Nothing" by Janne Teller

>> No.6128953


>> No.6129037

Read Memoirs of Hadrian OP. There are few women in the novel, and plenty of gay loving. That way you can say that you have read a female author, without losing the integrity of being a gigantic faggot.

>> No.6129834

I enjoyed The Bluest Eye. No, it's not about how da white man is keeping black brothers down.

>> No.6129860


damn how many good boy points did you get for this post

I sense tendies in your future

>> No.6129958
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fat virgin detected
>after I put my progressive /lit/ disguise and denouncing your comment so that I fit in
true dat

>> No.6129965


Wanna know how I know you're a grill?

>> No.6130237

What do you mean by this?

>> No.6130431

The Goldfinch

>> No.6130443

You've obviously never read The Bell Ja...

never mind

>> No.6131600


>> No.6131616


wanna see my cock?

>> No.6131617

Muriel Sparcks

>> No.6131649

Virginia Woolf is the only really good female novelist. Read The Waves.

>> No.6131654


>> No.6131660

mary gaitskill is best living female writer (maybe tied with jelinek). lorrie moore a close second.

fuck outta here with that morrison/marilynne robinson/didion bullshit.

>> No.6131818
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Pic related

>> No.6131824
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A.M Homes is definitely the best at describing all those fucked up thoughts you never say out loud.

>> No.6131831

Frankenstein was a horrendous piece of shit.

>> No.6131833

You literally don't know anything about literature. Go read a book you ignorant slut

>> No.6131835

Its funny you say that since it was written by lord Byron and Shelley.

>> No.6131838

0/10 bait

Her writing was identical even in his death.

>> No.6131842

Hahaha, this.

>> No.6133053

Donna Tartt

>> No.6134835
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A beautiful romance which ends slowly in the beginning then suddenly at the end.

>> No.6135782
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Any Dorothy Parker. She was a funny bitch.

I like Leslie Marmon Silko's prose a lot too, especially in The Almanac of the Dead and pic related. The way she writes the main character's PTSD is pretty solid; it left an impression on me for a long time.

Also she's kind of an acquired taste, but I've always liked Banana Yoshimoto a lot.

>> No.6135786

My favorite male writer after S.E. Hinton.

>> No.6135791


Are you sure, anon? The only letters I've ever enjoyed reading were Hunter S. Thompson's, because his new and creative ways of going off on everyone and everything kept them from getting boring,

>> No.6136383

Yes, and also George Sand.

>> No.6136386

>Am I being too quick to dismiss the Bronte sisters, Austen etc.?

>it is Jane Austen who is perhaps the only counterpart to Hegel in literature: Pride and Prejudice is the literary Phenomenology of Spirit; Mansfield Park the Science of Logic and Emma the Encyclopaedia . . . No wonder, then, that we find in Pride and Prejudice the perfect case of this dialectic of truth arising from misrecognition.

-Zizek, The Sublime Object of Ideology, page 66

>> No.6136399

eet ish Djahne Haushten (sniff) who is perhapsh zhe ohnly counterpart to Hegel in literature: Pride and Prejudish izh zhe literary Phenomenology of Shpirit, Manshfeeld Park zhe Schiecne of Lodjic and Emma the Enshyclopaedia (sniffs again, touches nose) No vonda, zhen, zhat ve find in Pride and Prejudish zhe perfect cashe of zhis dialectic of truth arizhing from mishrecognition, like a fire from zhe corpshes of shmall guyzh whozh death wazh fhrom a plane crash: PURE IDEOLOGY!

>> No.6136424



>> No.6136427

pllol sick idea: the next tundra book beign written like this...hahahhahahaha

>> No.6136479


Then it looks like Frankenstein and your mom have something in common.