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File: 48 KB, 600x800, Kotkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6126455 No.6126455 [Reply] [Original]


The day Stalinists raided /lit/

>> No.6126468

We have always been Marxists, most of us are left communists opposed to Stalinist though. It might just be fishermen too

>> No.6126484

why do americans write the day and month the wrong way around?

>> No.6126485


true, there are like five separate threads discussing Stalin right

>> No.6126491



good one

also, we're Leninists

>> No.6126494


That is the standard way in America. Kinda like how we use feet and everyone else meter

>> No.6126498

Stalin is in a period of image rehabilitation, which is an inevitable outcome of the Western hyperbolic assassination of his character and legacy. Anyway there's no such thing as Stalinists- only Leninists that don't take reactionary views of the USSR.

>> No.6126505
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Fuck yes

>> No.6126516


>Leninist that don't take reactionary views of the USSR

implying Stalin wouldn't have knocked off Lenin if he hadn't died of natural causes

>> No.6126578


Good book

>> No.6126590
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Okay, I'll mark my calendar so I don't forget by then.

>> No.6126595

>implying that has shit to do with anything
Haha, well ideology'd my friend! Next you'll be saying Stalinism dictates how many times we have to masturbate each day in order to be in accord with exactly how Stalin behaved or would have behaved.

>> No.6126622


>Stalin probably would have killed Lenin if he hadn't died of natural causes
>claims Stalinism doesn't exist, just non anti-USSR Leninists
>doesn't see the distinction

>> No.6126632

I'm not the person you were talking to before. Stalinism is not simply pro-USSR Leninism, since the USSR after Stalin conducted a vigorous campaign of de-Stalinization in favor of more humanist ideas, which was very opposed by Stalinists such as Althusser.

>> No.6126647

>implying Stalin wouldn't have knocked off Lenin if he hadn't died of natural causes
Are you an American? Lenin was Stalin's hero. If Stalin could've given Lenin another year by walking into lava he would have done it.

>> No.6126655


Stalin knocked off some of his best friends man. I really do think he would have purged Lenin at some point if he hadn't died

>> No.6126665
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Stalin was a power-hungry sociopath, don't fool yourself.

>> No.6126666
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Was Stalin just a more authoritarian Lenin?

>> No.6126675

More like a more radical Lenin. Both were authoritarian, but Stalin was very serious about accomplishing socialism, he didn't want to wait for it to blossom, and he had no trace of humanist sentiments.

>> No.6126681
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not according to my bro Leszek. he thought if Lenin hadn't died he would have gone on to be just as bad a Stalin

>> No.6126784


>> No.6126800

Kołakowski was a humanist and an idealist, what do you expect?

>> No.6126911

Kotkin is hilariously revisionist.

>> No.6127021

Maybe for him to separate history of ideas exegesis from analytical judgement into two separate works? His accounts of the councilists are hysterically bad.

>> No.6127066
File: 111 KB, 409x580, e15-142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomorrow it shall be the turn of the Marxist-Leninist Mao Zedong Thought Deng Xiaoping Theory Three Represents Harmonious Socialist Society Scientific Outlook on Development Chinese Dreamists!

>> No.6127072

Because when written formal it is February 11, 2015. Month day, year.


>> No.6127092

Is this worth reading? I saw it in my book store yesterday. I just want a general overview of the history of Marxism.

>> No.6127097

Seeing /lit/ talk about Stalin reminds me of /pol/ talking about Hitler.

I didn't personally know either of the men so I don't have strong feelings towards either of them.

Dubs confirm, Mao did nothing wrong.


>> No.6127104
File: 79 KB, 357x580, e15-321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"I am a Marxist. The essence of Marxism is change. Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton by stressing change. The Marxist in China today is not a stubborn, dogmatic, and outdated 19th-century old man, but a dynamic, pro-change, young thinker. We have a flexible approach: if Marx's words are still applicable, we will use them; for things he did not articulate clearly, we will spell them out; for what he did not say, we will boldly come up with something new."

>> No.6127106



>> No.6127150


>> No.6127159

Could you say that again a bit slower?

>> No.6127161

yeah sure

>> No.6127163
File: 1.12 MB, 3771x2371, 527730-60-years-of-communist-china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It has always been the foundation for the lifeline and pursuit of all Communists to have full confidence in ideals and firm faith in communism. Belief in Marxism and faith in socialism and communism are the political soul of Communists, enabling them to withstand all tests. Put figuratively, the ideals and convictions of Communists are the marrow of their faith. Without, or with weak, ideals or convictions, they would be deprived of their marrow and suffer from 'lack of backbone'."

>> No.6127169

Oh, now I've got it. Thank you.

>> No.6127177

Inferior measurements and wrong spelling

Unit of Length

Something used to take a measurement

>> No.6127181

No, we don't really see eye to eye anymore.

They're more interested in inventing new pronouns than bayoneting Kulaks.

>> No.6127182


>> No.6127189


>> No.6127193

Americans do spell metre meter you tool

>> No.6127195

And they are all wrong.

Every one of them.

>> No.6127932


>> No.6127973

>why is everyone who does not do what I do wrong

>> No.6128068

>the very fist sentence

>> No.6128101

>Literally butchering almos the entire Politburo, even the people who agreed with him
>Stalinists think this is ok

>> No.6128131
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>"I am a Marxist"

>> No.6128155
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>"I am a (memeideology)o capitalist"

>> No.6128162
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>"I am an extremist of any kind"

>> No.6128173
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>believing in the political spectrum
I know you are on another spectrum, but chill.

>> No.6128177
File: 148 KB, 1024x722, 1363720997400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a moderate bi partisan agnostic pussy

>> No.6128189

If you're a political extremist, either left or right, you've pretty much admitted that you're either an unemployed loser or a fat autistic NEET.

>> No.6128198

I don't believe in the political spectrum; thusthereforst, I am not an extremist.

>> No.6128205

>implying isis are losers or autistic neets
you'll burn for this m8

>> No.6128232
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>foreigners who go to fight in the middle east

>> No.6128256
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>having an opinion

>> No.6128264
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based germany sent their rappers

>> No.6128266

>60 years of communism
lmao sweden is more marxist than modern china

>> No.6128287
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>being a person

>> No.6128566

I submit to you that China is Marxist in the sense that it has a government that claims to believe Marxist ideology, much in the same way that America is capitalist because it has a government that claims to believe in free market capitalist ideology.

>> No.6128596
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>> No.6128633


>> No.6128634

>America doesn't have a free market economy

Would you people please shut up.

>> No.6128646
File: 20 KB, 300x277, duce-300x277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6128717

Libertarians who aren't full retard Ancaps will say it's a regulated Free Market®. Which anyone knows is a contradiction.