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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 87 KB, 684x576, pepebed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6126457 No.6126457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>majored in english
>tfw no job

>> No.6126469

>tfw switching to english major

better than fine arts though ... right?

kill me

kill me

>> No.6126475

>be NEET master race
>read the classics all day

>> No.6126481
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>majored in CS
>tfw no friends

>> No.6126483

What's the last classic you read? I ain't even being hostile bruh jw

>> No.6126488

y-you have your fellow patricians here anon :3

>> No.6126508

>Not double majoring in Fine Arts and English
>Not making paintings, drawings, comic books, essays, poems, and novels and wading deeply in the artist lifestyle

>> No.6126510

a confederacy of dunces

>> No.6126518


It's time to be satori, anon.

>> No.6126537

>work thirty hours a week in a small successful sandwich shop at it's least busy hours, usually alone and in the middle of the night
>just sit in a chair and ring up and make a sub every hour, place is so empty I can read the rest of the time (great boss said he doesn't care as long as customers are happy)
>Make almost 20k a year from this, maybe spend half of it a year with my simple lifestyle
>Live in a tiny studio apartment in a tiny little town in the midwest
>All I pay for is living, food, and internet (shamelessly pirate all my books)
>Spend 70+ hours a week reading and writing with more motivation than I've ever had in my life
>In excellent physical condition, going to the gym on a regular basis
>Published my fifth book on Amazon last month, and have two books with real-honest-to-god publishers that are actually doing okay
>I might even start making enough money to quit the sandwich job soon (even if I don't I don't mind, it's chill)

I am happier than I have ever been in my life. All my friends have gone into medical school, pre-law and STEM. None have passion for any of it, barring a single friend interested in mathematics. They make so much money and have so little time, and I much time and enough money.

I have never been happy before, /lit/. ;-)

>> No.6126541

>work thirty hours a week

Stopped reading.

>> No.6126545


stopped reading there normie

>> No.6126580

what does that mean?

>> No.6126584

in all reality, this is what I strive for in life

>> No.6126587


Stopped reading

>> No.6126589

>majored in economics and middle east studies with minor in Arabic
>tfw no job

>> No.6126597

>work thirty hours a week in a small successful sandwich shop

lel, loser

get a degree in investment banking, work for one year, and you'll never have to make sandwiches again

>> No.6126599


I am honestly jealous. Iowa?

>> No.6126600

Satori is like an epiphany. Doesn't really make sense in the context.

>> No.6126603

>I have never been happy before, /lit/. ;-)
Stopped reading.

>> No.6126606


not even homeland security or intelligence will pick you up? or do you not want to sell your soul?

>> No.6126621

>Be autistic, handholdless retard
>Scan text that will never have a significant impact on me as I have literally no life experience or reference point of any kind
>Believe this is an accomplishment of any kind
Your parents wish they'd had an abortion and the older you get the worse your shitty lonely life will become.

>> No.6126656

The CIA seemed to like me but they creeped me out. I was talking with one of their recruiters and asked if I should take down his email to notify him when I applied. He told me "don't worry, we'll remember who you are".

Fucking scary dude, that tied with a friend of mine straight up getting an email from the NSA when he applied there that just said they were in his email I just decided to bail. I might go back after grad school. I luckily have no debt. >>6126621

>> No.6126663


well shit they probably already have you in some kind of database and track you. and I'm not being tinfoil, just read up on the snowden leaks. you made the right decision though

>> No.6126676

That's what I'd guess. I torrent stuff pretty regularly and like trap porn. No idea if I'd pass their psych test. They might be reading this now.

If so, hi! I hope you've enjoyed reading the inane nonsense I post here.

>> No.6126679

a history of posting on 4chan is probably a deal breaker for them.

>> No.6126683

Finding out a lot of people here don't have jobs and/or friends does a lot to explain the "quality" of the place.

>> No.6126698

Perhaps. At least I'm not on /pol/ though. I think /lit/, /p/ and /tv/ are pretty innocuous.

>> No.6126701

>being surprised english majors don't have jobs

>> No.6126707


fair. oh and FUCK THE NSA AND THE CIA!

>> No.6126725


>> No.6126822

English and humanities are fine if you're willing to:

> put in the serious time it takes to become a good writer
> learn at least two additional languages
> specify in a serious area of research and become a serious researher (not hurr, poetry 101 classes, read my shitty free verse poem about coffee)

Likewise there are plenty of jobs in fine arts if you put in the ten years of ten hour days to become technically proficient. If you just want to do post modern sculptures and recite beat poetry while farting on dwarves, yes, you will be unemployed.

>> No.6126931

stopped reading there

>> No.6126948
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>majored in STEM
>tfw no job

>> No.6126953


>> No.6126958

quit lying, english major

>> No.6126975
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>majored in english
>working a bunch of different jobs unrelated to english
>have been paid poorly, decently, and well
>currently paid poorly but happier than i've been for some time
>because i'm writing regularly.
>money doesn't really matter.
>only art does.

>> No.6126999

What the fuck did you just said, you little bitch?

>> No.6127005


>> No.6127064

Fuck off, shill.

It's easy as fuck to get a job with a degree if you worked during university and made contacts and went to all events associated around your major.

Get fucked. There are loads of jobs for lit majors.

I'm currently working at an ad company making 60k a year but complain because you didn't speak to anybody at uni lol.

>> No.6127083
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>> No.6127088
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Did philosophy - added commodity/shipping post grad - now have job / average money. Adding 'the money make' masters is the usual solution to this is it not?

>> No.6127100


>> No.6127127
File: 88 KB, 476x505, ss (2015-01-18 at 06.49.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a diploma in writing and publishing(2 years, not a degree). Most of the classes were fucking useless but some helped a lot.

I am currently writing educational materials for the TOEFL exams in America due to my "background in educational writing."Job is pretty good, about 20 USD an hour straight out of college, work from home, set my own hours, work as much or as little as I'd like. I am Canadian and our dollar is weaker, so I end up making like $25 CAD an hour after conversion.

Didn't even apply to them, they found me because I was applying at a lot of places and they got my CV forwarded to them. I have a fiction writing contract coming through to write a story for a visual novel-like mobile game—if I do well with it, it will lead to great connections down the line.

Didn't really mean to blog-post but if I can get this kind of work right out of a diploma, I can't imagine having trouble with a degree. Of course the diploma covers business and communications courses too but I'm certainly not making use of them anyway.

tl;dr — I'm a faggot with an English diploma and making good money from home while I hunt for that sweet career. Don't give up hope, anons.

>> No.6127213

Doing Philosophy, Literature, Film and Japanese starting next month. Starting to have major fucking doubts.

>> No.6127226

But your green text is superb.

>> No.6127227

You can work online as an English tutor for a couple sites if you have a degree

A remote job is the way to go, really

>> No.6127235

But according to the /lit/ propaganda macro you are supposed to get "all the jobs", when you major in English.

>> No.6127250


Where did you do a 2-year diploma and writing and publishing? I couldn't even find anything like that on Google.

>> No.6127259

>But according to the /lit/ propaganda macro you are supposed to get "all the jobs", when you major in English.
Yes, all the minimum-wage jobs.

>> No.6127274
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>postdoctoral researcher in math
>tfw praying that they'll give me a permanent position at the faculty

P-pplease ..

>> No.6127287
File: 8 KB, 400x226, iamnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ propaganda macro is usually

>STEM master race
>enjoy your shit degree
>you will never get a job
>No, STEMs are not autists; I am the only one of my collegues who reads literature
>I am the special snowflake and I get the best of both worlds
>reads GoT and other litterature

>> No.6127335

/lit/ propaganda macro is reality, in other words

>> No.6127342

At the Okanagan College in British Columbia.

Here is a link, if you are interested.


>> No.6127359


Thanks anon.

>> No.6127364
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I was talking about pic related

>> No.6127366

I wouldn't recommend moving for the program, really. I could have done my current jobs without it... but then again, the paper beside my name got me the jobs, probably.

Cheap, though.

>> No.6127382
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>majored in English
>tfw retired at 40

>> No.6127384



17 year old confirmed.

>> No.6127389


60k where (which city?) and when did you graduate?

>> No.6127394

how ?
Usually only policemen and millitary people get to retire that early.
Are you a cripple ?

>> No.6127401

>Are you a cripple ?

Blind in one eye. Does that count?

My lifestory in greentext:

>finished degree
>scholarship to PHD
>dropped out of PhD
>wrked at Lloyd's of London for a bit
>ran a casino for a bit
>wrked in the oil business or a bit
>Bought some property years ago when it was cheap
>rent property out to students
>retired at 40 because it was always my ambition
>now I'm bored and ocassionally hang round 4chan in the afternoon when I'm hiding from m cleaneer.

>> No.6127405

Art degrees only matter if you're actually good

but then again if you were good you probably wouldn't even need a degree

>> No.6127409


>> No.6127414

Degree can help make someone who was "okay" into "good," or even someone who was "good" into someone "great," but they can't really help if you are just "bad." There is not going from "bad" to "okay."

I don't know why I had to put quotation marks on everything.

>> No.6127417
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>double major in journalism/creative writing
>make 50k copywriting and writing op-eds for websites on topics i don't actually care about
>no time to actually write the books i want to write
>also i still have another 10k of student loans to pay off because poorfag (though realistically i can pay it off this year)

>> No.6127418

>student loans for Humanities shit

I'm so sorry

>> No.6127425


Not really - just trying to show that an English degree doesn't automatically mean teaching or mastering the fryolator.

One thing life's taught me is that the most important thing is to be likeable, after that, anything else is just window dressing.

>> No.6127444

>writing those ads that say there are horny milfs in my area ?

>> No.6127451

>not getting paid easy money for writing This Ugly Son Of A Bitch Is Fucking Super Hot Chicks And Basically You Are Fucking Stupid on porn ads

>> No.6127454

>make 50k copywriting and writing op-eds for websites on topics i don't actually care about

It is like looking into a mirror of the rest of my life

>> No.6127457
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>> No.6127466
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my biophysics professor is still butthurt bout not getting accepted at fine arts academy like 25 or 30 years ago he always show us some pieces of art on his laptop and we're getting sick and tired of his feels

>> No.6127468

I'm an unemployed English major as well. I've worked a bunch of shitty jobs mostly int he food service, but now I'm trying to hold out for some kind of job at least barely related to writing/editing.

I had a lead for a really cool job at an advertising agency that I really thought I was going to get, but something fell through and I didn't, so that really disappointed me.

But even proofreading jobs sometimes pay absolute shit. I was just looking at one and it's only $11/hour. I'm applying anyways just for the experience.

>> No.6127472

>make 50k copywriting and writing op-eds for websites on topics i don't actually care about
how does one get these kind of jobs? are you an independent contractor or are you an actual employee of a company? do you work from home or in an office?

>> No.6127473


>I'm too good to work for $30k a year

Enjoy living with mom and pop till you're 40 kiddo.

>> No.6127475

>I'm applying anyways just for the experience.
Enjoy reading with mom and pop till you're 40 kiddo.

>> No.6127476

Not the guy you are quoting, but >>6127127 this guy here

If he is anything like me is is an independent contractor who works from home. I'm just guessing this based on the plurals, implying he probably has multiple clients (as we usually do).

>> No.6127479


I love the way you turned the insult round, and then made it make no sense.

You won't get the job - don't quit at Burger King or you may be disappointed.

>> No.6127481

Try looking at freelance jobs. You might get fucked, but you have to start somewhere. Get a few clients on your CV, examples of work. Applying to that proofreading job is a good start but that shit gets draining, fast.

>> No.6127498

Have you thought about taking the foreign service exam?

>> No.6127513
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>majored in physics and maths
>tfw you will never be /lit/erate

>> No.6127521

2 semester switch major from Law to international relationships
> am i making mistake /lit/ ?
> it's gonna be alright /lit/ ?

>> No.6127522

i work from home unless the person i'm working for has me cover some kind of event. most of the time travel is paid for but i have to find a hotel or place to stay myself.

>> No.6127537

>writing/publishing books

Confirmed to be kitsch

>> No.6127538


never even started reading

>> No.6127549

>majoring in film
>can't major in creative writing also due to stupid school politics
>take all the creative writing courses I want without having to worry about requirements
>tfw I'm becoming better at writing than I am at film production because of this
>tfw I'd still rather work in film

>> No.6127552

>when I'm hiding from m cleaneer.

why hide? Set up a situation where she catches you furiously jerking off with a dragon dildo rammed up your ass. Maybe she'll join you.

>> No.6127561

Who said I was too good to work for $30k a year? I would love that actually. The one position I quoted was for $11/hour, which if you work full time every single week of the year comes out to about $22,880 for the whole year. That's not even including what will get taxed, which to be fair for that income will probably all come back in tax refund. Put on an income that small I really can't afford to move out and also expect to pay for my college loans, car insurance, health insurance, etc.

>> No.6127563

>majored in physics
>have a great job and a great income
>can buy any book I want and have time to read 100+ pages a day
life sometimes is too good

>> No.6127601

Do you ever think about pension ?
You will probably retire at 80 at that rate.

>> No.6127620


Can't stand watching her work m8 - I feel like an exploiter, so I go to the top floor of the flat, then I take the dog for a walk when she comes to clean upstairs.

>> No.6127638

I've done freelance in the past before and it's absolutely awful. No benefits, uncertain work flow. No one to really go to for meaningful help. One of the reasons I really want an office job is just so I can have other people to interact with and socialize and support. The idea of sitting at home at my desk freelancing all day alone sounds awful.

>> No.6127640


Can't move out on 22k a year? What could you possibly require that costs 2000 each month?

>> No.6127650

It baffles me how much money americans need to go on with their lives, when in Europe, and I mean places like France or Germany, 1500 euros/month is more than enough for a single person. Way more than enough.

>> No.6127651


>mobile phone
>WoW subscription
>hot pockets
>action figures
>fast food
>new kicks

The usual

>> No.6127658

Fucking housing prices, man. It's terrible. Even at $1000 a month I'm struggling.

Last summer I worked in NYC. Rent was $650 a month. Cheapest place I could find, and it was kind of a shithole. I afforded myself $5 worth of food per day. Lost 20 pounds in the first month, and I'm not exactly fat or muscular. I'm a lean dude, and it made me a skeleton.

>> No.6127670

what's your job?

>> No.6127672

>claims to be a writer
>"it's least busy hours"

Hard to believe /lit/ didn't single that out, though /lit/ is 90% shitposters from /fa/ and /mu/ thinking that they get smarter by shitposting here.

>> No.6127677

/pol/ gtfo

>> No.6127686

Well for starters I suggest you take math classes, since $2000 each month would be $24k, not 22k. Your actual take home pay would only be about ~85% of what you actually make hourly after payroll taxes and such are taken out.

It's not that I couldn't move out, but if I did I would be quite poor and struggling to make ends meet and wouldn't be able to put much if at all into savings. That's not a lifestyle I really want right now. I am perfectly happy living with my dad and we get to keep each other company. Besides, I enjoy the finer things in life and I know what a drain moving out would be on my income stream.

Yes it's slightly embarrassing to still be living at home, but I don't really care. We have a beautiful house innawoods that I just adore

>> No.6127689


$650 a month for rent leaves more than 2/3 of $22k. When I left home, I had something like 1/3 of my monthly wage left, and I still had a blast.

You're just looking for excuses to stay in your comfy coccoon. Faqir enough if that's what you want, but don't cry that you've no options.

>> No.6127694

I'm not the anon you think I am. I wasn't getting paid. I was running on a nest egg.

>> No.6127703

And by what reason you thought I am from /pol/? Maybe insult that I did against shallow board communities as /fa/ and /mu/?

>> No.6127707

by the insult*

>> No.6127724
File: 78 KB, 600x806, Faqir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faqir enough

>> No.6127734

>I enjoy the finer things in life
shitposting on /lit/?

>> No.6127735


That typo amused me too, though I'd usually spell it fakir myself.

I think I'm going to make a virtue out of a wossname and say "fakir enough" to everything now.

>> No.6127739

>finer things in life

>hot pockets

>> No.6127757

truly a patrician's abode

>> No.6127764

no. I have a girlfriend who lives 3 hours away that I always go see on the weekends. I like good food and eating out at restaurants. I like going to bars and drinking beer. I like nice clothes.

Not everyone is content to be a poorfag.

>> No.6127775

>English minor
>ok job
>in grad school for something unrelated

Feels alright my man

>> No.6127784

you're content with pointless materialism? good for you m8

>> No.6127793



scroll down to turkish to english and the plot thickens

>> No.6127850

I don't think it's pointless, nor is it necessarily materialism. I just like doing nice things with the people that I care about.

Did I also mention I'd like to buy a new car soon since mine is 12 years old and has 180,000 miles on it? Does this materialism trigger your fedora tipping?

>> No.6127851


But this is the main reason millenials think they're poor - they have a dozen monthly commitments that keep them on the treadmill because they "need" to have super-duper 4g connectivity to read anime and watch scat porn when they're on the bus.

This generation is the most bought and paid for in history, and unless you free yourselves from the ideas of what you need, you'll never be autonomous.

>> No.6127857

i just wish all boomers would become orange soda like in anime

>> No.6127867

>12 years
>only 180k miles
Where do you live, Manhattan?
My 05 Durango had 250k before I retired it three years ago.

>> No.6127868


No idea what you mean m8, don't know any anime, but I doubt very much there are any "boomers" itt.

Or are you just lashing out at anyone older than you because you're retarded?

>> No.6127873

anyone essentially calling 'millenials' entitled is either a boomer or has internalized boomer mentality. either way I'd be happy to see them go

>> No.6127893

> tfw CS major and math minor
> tfw hated school so I just read literature and 4chan all day
> GPA below 3.0
> still got a decent job a week after graduation
> still have a gf

Life ain't so bad