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/lit/ - Literature

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612248 No.612248 [Reply] [Original]

Fantasy novels, /lit/, is there an unspoken level of darkness they can reach before they just aren't appealing? Mostly, I frequent /tg/, but I'm curious what you guys think. I've been writing a fantasy book for a while now, and one of the characters is pretty fucked in the head, and he doesn't know how to deal with emotions. He's pissed off at a certain race for fucking with him, so he goes on a quest to commit mass genocide against them. He loves a girl from this species, so he rapes her. Eventually, he feels remorse for everything he's done, but since he doesn't know how to deal with that, he kills himself.

I'm not looking for a critique of the character, I'm dead set on using him, however, I am curious, since there are very few fantasy novels that ever mention the subject of rape or suicide. (At least, out of the many I've read, though there are obviously countless fantasy novels)

Such themes are obviously taboo, but are they forbidden in fantasy?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.612250
File: 29 KB, 247x248, ohgod2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That picture

>> No.612259

I don't even read fantasy and know that there are plenty of books with rape, murder, suicide, whatever. GRR Martin and Robert Jordan are thrown around on /lit/ as authors who incorporate those themes into their work. There are probably many, many others.

>> No.612266

>GRR Martin
Well shit. I was going to pick him up this summer, too. I honestly didn't know that he dealt with darker themes in his stories.
>Robert Jordan
Pic related. God fucking damn, how did I forget Robert Jordan?

>> No.612274
File: 47 KB, 815x622, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is now double-related, since I forgot to include it the first time.

>> No.612278

lol I was wondering what happened to the pic

>> No.612292

Hugh Cook
R Scott Bakker

>> No.612333

>Such themes are obviously taboo, but are they forbidden in fantasy?
Good luck getting published. (Actually I'm in a similar situation, this is 4chan, after all).
Usually books dealing with those topics are deliberately vague on the actual details of the act, since (obviously) they don't appeal to as wide a demographic as, say, books about self-inserts falling in love with handsome gentlemen that sparkle in the sunlight.

>> No.612342
File: 29 KB, 240x320, 1262128759927_0_ib4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Usually books dealing with those topics are deliberately vague on the actual details of the act, since (obviously) they don't appeal to as wide a demographic as, say, books about self-inserts falling in love with handsome gentlemen that sparkle in the sunlight.
Fucking shit. You know, this whole time I never put the Twilight thing into perspective? Fuck you.

>> No.612363

Stephen Donaldson did it. No-one likes that book though.

>> No.612385

How in depth do you mean OP for dark stuff? Because if you want to go balls-to-the-wall deep I can only recommend guro.

>> No.612408
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>> No.612423
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Suicide. Yes.

>> No.612431 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 910x1200, 1268012911875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't anyone ever post the follow up?

>> No.612443

Because this is /lit/ not /faggots-who-read-cartoons/

>> No.612450

Look up hardcore horror. Authors get away with everything nowadays.

>> No.612464

Pretentious much?

>> No.612478

Yeah, and I quit reading him after I read part of that book, which name escapes me. For some reason the Song of Fire and Ice series didn't yick me out as much as Donaldson.

>> No.612480


get the fuck out, we don't take kindly to guro 'round here


>> No.612482


Calling people "pretentious" on a /lit/ image-board is like calling people "faggots" in a gay pride parade.

>> No.612514

Hey you guys, I think the OP is a faggot with a boner for GRIM N DARKness.

>> No.612522

I think you're a faggot and drag down the quality of /lit/ every time you start posting.

>> No.613113

There's always been a bit of grimdark in fantasy but now that Martin became so incredibly popular grimdark is now in vogue. There's probably more grimdark writers now than there ever was (and I base this on absolutely nothing). So I don't think it's an immediate no to your book.

Thomas Covenant is from our world so you can't really distance yourself from the act by convincing yourself that the world is a shitty place populated by grim characters. That and how 'the Land' seems like a miracle land of sunshine and flowers makes raping an innocent girl harder to stomach.

At least that's one possibility.

>> No.613121

I dunno. One of my favorite series is 'The Black Jewels' by Anne Bishop.
She covers sadism, rape, pedophilia, castration and incest among other things. Much of it is pretty graphic.