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/lit/ - Literature

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6113905 No.6113905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, how are ya?

>> No.6113923

tfw no gf

>> No.6113924

ah you know, just sitting naked on a stack of my recently bought books, all recommended by oprah, just letting my vaginal juices seeping through the pages, dissolving the binding

>> No.6113934

she has shit tastes, but somehow she still deserves my cock.

>> No.6113975

le this

>> No.6114006

Alright, thanks. Sitting in my room, considering whether or not I should sleep tonight. I might want to take some pills, or nip some illicits from my housemates (they're in their thirties but still smoke regularly--I don't get it). Maybe I should stare at a candle, put on some music. Or recordings of Montana prairies, which are the best kinds of prairies as they manage to perfectly represent all four major requisites for beauty in any type of field: symmetry in hill size and frequency, a vibrant green that manages to look both natural and vivid and also has no fades or breaks, just the right amount decrepit fences, and perfect contrast with the sky. I could maybe rub one out. I could try huffing paint thinner. Blood loss might work out. Warm milk could do wonders.I don't have any decaffinated tea or coffee, so that's a scratch. I haven't counted sheep in awhile. Smothering myself would only raise me heartrate. If I read in this situation I won't retain any information. I don't want to shower because some douchebag is crashing on our couch, and while I do shiver at the thought of punishing him for having an annoying voice and squinty, soul-searching eyes, I will refrain due to respect for my housemates. Not that I really associate with them too often, considering that they are very social and I am not. We just share too little to every get past basic communication. Unfortunately, I think that's the case for most of the people on this site, which is why their come here. All the tiny, sad, angry people around the world come here to bask in the warm glow of mutual hatred and shared self-loathing in what is probably the most accurate realization of Agape that we can get.
But considering the fact that typing a long fucking post on 4chan isn't getting me any more tired, I think I'm just going to give up and masturbate.

>> No.6114018

Is she using those books as potty?

>> No.6114038
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id take a life for her

>> No.6114041

>you will never smell that green book

>> No.6114049

>used book smells like ass
i only hope this was the reason.

>> No.6114231


i wanna fug her but I'm not sure if she's white...

>> No.6114234


Women are so disgusting

>> No.6114241
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>Brownish skin

>> No.6114242
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I sit on my perineum too much

>> No.6114249

tans still exist in the year 2015

>> No.6114262
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>people still believing that tanned skin is better than pale

Even worse.

>> No.6114263


i dunno if its a tan or shitskin, either way it reduces her beauty.

>> No.6114264
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Go back to bed /pol/

>> No.6114265

women of color are beautiful, plebs

>> No.6114273

tanned white people >>>>> brown people
It's important to know the difference.

>> No.6114286
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>hurr your aesthetic preference contradicts our politically correct diversity mandates!!!

I like all races as long as they have light/pale skin. Asian, latino, caucasian, whatever...just no dark tans and no dark skin.

>> No.6114288


meant for u >>6114264

>> No.6114291
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>dat perfectly sculpted body

>> No.6114294

Yes I had the suspicion this is why

>> No.6114300

Is this a literary metaphor?

>> No.6114306

I don't care for tans, but to outright reject someone for it seems... peculiar. You are allowed to like whatever the fuck you want, though.

This, >>6114231 on the other hand, is just plain retarded.

>> No.6114312

I just wanna fug her feet

>> No.6114410

i once had sex with a girl of that build, pale though
she is a dancer, athletic as they come
it was so insanely swell
the way she moved, the way her legs tensed up under my fingers while she rode me
her slit was so soft, hair right above it, black as coal, and matte like fur
i sucked on every inch of her waist, it tickled her
her musk on my fingers and on my tongue was sharper than that of my love
her neck was like a cushion, her moans almost too wanting when i bit it
and when i entered for the first time, her face was covered with her dark curls
but i could see through them she only wanted me to melt, she wanted to be better than the ones i had and will ever have
she loves me still, breathes my name they tell me
and i crave her, as she waits but it just aint meant
the sex though, it was good

>> No.6114416


>> No.6114419
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>> No.6114422

>i once had sex
Topkek, you never had sex, you dweeb.

>> No.6114442
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>> No.6114451

what makes you assume such a thing?
i do so and do so often
so id like to see what makes you think
id pretend to have when i have for real

>> No.6114454


why do virgins all write the same embarrassing longwinded depictions of sex

>> No.6114457

Cause you describe sex in melodramatic bullshit terms.

>> No.6114467
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w-when will it be my turn to have sex with a girl?

>> No.6114468
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I've never wanted my face to be a stack of books before...

>> No.6114471

i havent noticed this pattern you speak of
i however like to make funnies
and some of them are in this shape
the play with words, and rhytm and such
thats all i did, have fun you know
i am very sorry if jimmies were moved
the me sex sometimes is of this quality
melodramatic not the most fitting word, but symbolic and full of metaphor sure

>> No.6114474

this board is terrible

>> No.6114481


>i however like to make funnies

you clearly have never seen a vagina

>> No.6114488


this is the best board on 4chan
go back to where you leaked in from, scrub

>> No.6114490

to me*

dont know my pal when you find one you like and a way to do
you are wrong dear friend i have and will, and like it so

>> No.6114660


>> No.6114668

My Johnson is colorblind

>> No.6114718

>c/lit/s being picky about women

it's like you are all fantasizing about refusing nobel price, you'll never get one in the first place

>> No.6114729
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>dat snail trail get me erry teim

>> No.6114769
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If a girl put my books on the fucking floor of all places, only to then smear her filthy ass and cooch all over them, I'd kick her out in an instant.

>> No.6114770

That's a bit gay.

>> No.6114771

>dem thighs
>dat waist
>dat skin tone
>dem curls
>dose feet
>Amy Tan
>Stieg Larsson
>Eat Pray Love
...oh well.

>> No.6114804

who is this ovarian barbarian shamelessly making a testicle spectactle?

>> No.6114816
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>> No.6114818

>life of pi
>eat pray love
>kite runner

trash, human trash unworthy of my semen

>> No.6114820 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6114821

jizz sucubbus!!!!

>> No.6114844

the idea of her cunt juices slowly oozing onto the pile of books leaving permanent stains simultaneously disgusts and arouses me

>> No.6114860
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this isnt OP

I found a second of the collection

so tie your dicks up, this isn't her

>> No.6114945
File: 96 KB, 600x800, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a real white man conquistadores women of other races

>> No.6114954


>> No.6114955

Would miscegenate with.

>> No.6114972

Stop speaking shit-tier unintelligible Spanish if you don't know the language. I bet you are the same fag from the book covers thread.

conquistadores = conquerors
conquistar = to conquer
conquista = conquers

So I'm assuming you meant to say..
A real white man conquista women of other races
or in complete Spanish
Un verdadero hombre blanco conquista mujeres de otras razas

Though the verb "someter" (to dominate, sexually or not) would be better in this instance.

You are welcome.

>> No.6114977

white men actually care about your language hombre, we will tell you how to speak it, comprende?

>> No.6114993

>implying Latin Americans or actual people from Spain can't be white.

>> No.6115001
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who is this fertile ninja turtle?

>> No.6115068

>my turn

nobody should expect a "turn," you entitled little dwarf.

>> No.6115071
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>> No.6115228
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>> No.6115994

>Un verdadero hombre blanco conquista mujeres de otras razas
Sorry to tell you brah but in spanish we use adjectives after the noun.

>> No.6116035 [DELETED] 

ehhh... no. Se puede elegir donde ponerlos, aunque normalmente se estila después del verbo también se puede antes... y eso que esto es /lit/... imperdonable.

>> No.6116057

ehhh... no. Se puede elegir donde ponerlos, aunque normalmente se estila después del sustantivo... también se puede antes... y eso que esto es /lit/... imperdonable la ignorancia.

>> No.6116113

Un hombre blanco.
Hombre blanco.

El adjetivo va después del sustantivo en esa oración, así que lo que estás corrigiendo está mal corregido. lyl