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File: 17 KB, 336x400, kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6110304 No.6110304 [Reply] [Original]

I really don't get Kierkegaard. I haven't read much by him and find little motivation to do so.
Why is faith a good thing?

I'm an atheist, but I take it for granted at this stage. I recognise that religion has intangible mental benefits like any other complex emotion. I see militation against religion as almost as antiquated and rustic as religion itself. No, what I want to know is: Why does Kierkegaard value 'faith'? Is it just an after the fact argument by a very intelligent man, or did he make the leap himself?

>> No.6110310

Read Fear and Trembling, it's a fast read and you'll see that he considers Abraham the perfect example of faith and why it's worthwhile.

>> No.6110364 [DELETED] 

>I'm an atheist
lol simply euphorical post!! you sure served the entire board by being so enlightened, those christian retards are so stupid! :^)) surely you are a master of debate!! *tips fedora* simply epiccally served those christians, thumbs up and +1 upboat my fellow gentleman!

*tips fedora*
*twirls cane*
*reads dawkins*
*swishes cape*
*fixes monocle*
*spins bowtie*
*quotes sagan*
*listens to IU*
*dusts shoulders*
*sips a fine scotch*
*lists miles and coltrane, but could go on*
*strokes moustache*
*advocates men's rights*

>> No.6110376

Because it will lead you to the aesthetic dimension of irony, that will rid you of angst.

>> No.6110413

So did you actually type all that, or just copypaste from your how-2-troll cheatsheet?

>> No.6110431

Funny shit

>> No.6110435

>lists miles and coltrane, but could go on

>> No.6110462
File: 718 KB, 536x956, beyond euphoria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's really hat things up! Enjoy your seizure, /lit/.
Dawkins. Obama. Feminist. Rome. Colosseum. Good. Bush. Southern Baptist. Mysticism. Ayn. Empire. Iraq. Israel. Justified. Ancient Right. Rand. Power. Salvation. End Times. My Third Leather Trenchcoat. I Only Drink Black Coffee. Skinny Jeans. I Wish I Could Live In New York. Detroit. Mordor. Urban Decay. Finance Aristocracy. FEMA Camps. Constitution. My Black Wayfarers Signify My Ironic Detachment. Geek Chic. Video Games. Art. Overrated. Etc.

>> No.6110468

Because Kierkegaard considered reason to be something with which we judge reality, and from that derive an ethical framework from it. However, then Jesus' arrival revealed a divine truth, something not knowable from the powers of human reason alone, but from the eternal truths communicated from Jesus to us.
The thing is, these eternal truths only have as much value as we ascribe to them. Because Jesus' words go beyond our powers of reason, we must have FAITH in them; for Kierkegaard, to have faith in God, no matter how absurd it may be ('absurd faith' is a term used by Kierkegaard, I'm not being edgy), is the only way to live a virtuous life. In contrast, to favour you're own powers of reason over that of God is to commit a great sin (I guess it's no coincidence that the Original Sin was eating from the tree of knowledge).
So yeah, Kierkegaard says Fideism is the only way to live a truly Christian life, and that is why he favours it as such. I don't think I've missed anything out but if you have questions let me know.

>> No.6110474

Does he have any arguments against not choosing another religion
Fideism is self-refuting, if God wanted humanity to believe something against reason then he's not worth following. Christianity makes sense only in an Aristotelian Catholic framework

>> No.6110476
File: 69 KB, 915x711, 1418185561901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is et cetera a hattribute?

>> No.6110480


>> No.6110485

Justified is a great fucking show, how is it related to fedoras again? Fuck you.

>> No.6110496

religious philosophy doesn't get any better
Kierkegaard is smarter than any atheist advocate philosopher

>> No.6110503 [DELETED] 

>I'm an atheist
Thanks you noble internet acquaintance. At this moment WE are euphoric.

*snaps suspenders*
*spins propellor*

Ah, a fellow wordsmith! It pleases me to see such magniloquence from time to time.

*masturbates to anime*
*listens to TVXQ *
*batman off the roof*

>> No.6110511

Well, he clearly didn't need to logically refute other religions as he had invested his faith in the Christian God - to argue against others would be to rely on the powers of reason.

Meh, I don't really feel like expressing my opinion either way, but I'd be careful in making such claims. Kierkegaard was clearly an intelligent bloke who spent his life grappling with these issues. It would be unwise to just swipe him to one side in a single sentence and think yourself more reasonable than him.

>> No.6110515

Sachiko M / Otomo Yoshihide / Toshimaru Nakamura: Good Morning Good Night playing. ✓
It's raining outside. ✓
I'm drinking the finest Masala chai honey. ✓
And playing chess with a fellow intellectual friend of mine. ✓

Life truly is perfect for us enlightened people.

>> No.6110516

How can you be such an autist

>> No.6110525

Yes. I also like poop.
We love poop very much, you and I.
(This game is so fun!)

>> No.6110527

I've read him a bit and enjoy his writing, I still think he's fundamentally wrong about faith. Modern protestantism is the result of sola fide and absolute freedom in interpreting Scripture, which leads to progressively less binding laws and rejecting of any authority, finally the authority of God Himself. I really don't see how Christianity can survive this mindset. Of course, Kierkegaard argued for a sort of individualistic Christianity, but I think he's very wrong there too - Christianity is at its very nature communal. Christ sent his disciples to convert the nations, not selected individuals, that's kinda the whole point of coming down instead of selecting some Jew in a desert.

>> No.6110540

Honesty Kierkegaard is worth reading even for the nonreligious. The sickness unto death is beautiful. I think background on Kierkegaards life helps out quite a bit as well. It is a real tragedy. And if I remember correctly the doubting of ones faith is considered natural and even necessary. My favorite sections are his writings on suicide, the despair of necessity is with out possibility, and the despair of possibility is with out necessity

>> No.6110558

I like how the absence of religion is now an excuse for a shitfest of trolls trolling trolls.
This was not the case 5 years ago, but ever since popular science reading atheists started rearing their heads, the normalfags have suddenly become defenders of the faith, despite being "spiritual but not religious."

Can the adolescent Dawkinists and the excitable Normalfags please vacate philosophy threads?

>> No.6110569

>not marrying some lady because of some vague, stupid reasons
>crying about it even though she was d to go at it again
>babbling about the church of denmark as an old man

Sure sounds like a real tragedy to me. Definitely desparing.

>> No.6110650

Simmer down theist.

>> No.6110660

ITT: shitposting

Or as it's known by edgy christians, posting

>> No.6110662

Why are people so delusional to think nobody on this board was Christian until apparently they started reading Dawkins? Do you really think people can't belong to a religion they have huge statistical change to belong to, especially on a board familiar with philosophy and classic literature.

>> No.6110667
File: 1.64 MB, 380x285, 1416682697174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>near entire family dying
>regretting not marrying regine for the rest of his life even on his death bed
>unable to write in his own name due to the ridicule he achieved
>having one friend when he died
>severe depression pushing him towards suicide
>not expecting to live past 30
>seeing the teachings of Christ become perverted by the church
Is this really how new atheists argue? Simply undermine or neglect crucial details

>> No.6110671

Go read Fear and Trembling. Why should we spoonfeed you if you haven't even read the text

>> No.6110673

B-but urban decay is p-pretty.

Nothing wrong with electro swing.
There are good webcomics.
BLAME! is goat.
>mad about not being able to into DF

Rain is nice and chess is fun to play.

I'll give y'all the rest, though. pls no bully ;_;

>> No.6110681

Your religion demands it. Now answer all our questions xian bitch boy.

>> No.6110701

Did you know you can promote a pawn to a queen and have more than one queen on board?

>> No.6110703 [DELETED] 

go hoome athe-ohs XD
this is a house of GOD

>> No.6110704

I don't think his religion demands it when the information is freely available whenever you want to consult it and it's obvious you don't actually take it seriously

>> No.6110707


>> No.6110726

I learned that the other day, I don't know how to do it though, I need to read more about it.

>> No.6110748

It's when one of your pawns reaches the other end of the board. It becomes a queen immediately.

>> No.6110768

Kierkegaard was clearly an atheist just trying to lead people to come to the same conclusions about god that he had. He couldn't just come outright and say it so he just set the stage in the form of absurdism.

>> No.6110776

Pretty sure it's the butthurt atheist who has been shitposting all day yesterday

>> No.6110797

There's no way the other player would ever let that happen.

>> No.6110814

Yep, rarely ever happens. And when it does it's usually after the game has been decided. An extra queen speeds up the late-game immensely. It can be used to distract your opponent, though. Force their hand a bit.

>> No.6111066

>you're own

>> No.6111242

Pass pawns are not just to make the end game faster. It's a legitimate threat to have an unopposed pawn near your opponents side. And it's not that rare.

>> No.6111370

I never know what to do with pawns and consider them pointless.

>> No.6111409

it rarely happens but it's a useful tool for applying pressure

>> No.6111457

It happens frequently, you may not see it because people frequently resign when at that point.

>> No.6111478

They are extremely effective in that you can make use if them to seal of squares from your opponent. No one is willing to trade a minor or major piece for a pawn, so if you play them well you can restrict your enemy.

>> No.6111526



>> No.6111564

*tips triregnum*

>> No.6111562

lol @ the immense stupidity in this thread.

/lit/ really is TTKM

>> No.6111631
File: 98 KB, 540x960, 1sbb3jH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if God wanted humanity to believe something against reason then he's not worth following.

>> No.6113560

based retard

>> No.6113566

>Mad about not being able to into DF


>> No.6113569

watch evangelion, that helps.

>> No.6113575

If you know about the Regina Olsen story you'll know that his entire output is one entire post-breakup breakdown. From the Seducer's Diary in Either/Or to the tons and tons of stuff about marriage, tragic heroines and the Knight of Faith having to both give up and hope for the thing that he loves in Fear and Trembling.

He's like the Evangelion of philosophy in that he expands his humiliations into a whole medium or worldview, like what Anno did for the mecha genre.

>> No.6113590

EVA tries to shortcut being deep (and falls flat on its face in the attempt) without having any actual depth. Just shit loads of red herrings to make you think it does. Meaningless religious iconography and simple, outdated Freudian psychology is not deep.

People are fucking morons. Despite Anno admitting that all the symbolism was bullshit, people like you still cling to belief that there is more meaning to it.

Anno used things in his anime just because it would make him seem smart. He's admitted to this as well. One example is how he titles an episode based on Kierkegaard (The Sickness Unto Death, And…), but the episode has NOTHING to do with his concepts.

>> No.6114898

> I don't get Kierkegaard
> Haven't read Kierkegaard


>> No.6115353

Christianity is the one true faith according to Kierkegaard because it's the most absurd in that the savior came back to life.

>> No.6115391

maybe you should read what he has to say instead of asking a bunch of anonymous people on a bruneian belly-dancing website what he said

>> No.6116124

Typical TTKM reply.

>> No.6116127

>Typical TTKM reply.
Typical TTKM reply.

>> No.6116344

>you'll see that he considers Abraham the perfect example of faith and why it's worthwhile
Fear and Trembling wasn't Kierkegaard's word, it was the word of his pseudonym John of Silence.
Don't take Kierkegaard's synonymous works to reflect his actual beliefs. When someone pointed how he used pseudonyms I was started viewing him and his philosophy very differently and I believe how he intended it to be viewed.

>> No.6116357

>unable to write in his own name due to the ridicule he achieved
He chose not to write in his own name from the beginning.

>> No.6118467

You're totally right OP, I've read some of Kierkegaard's books and it's all about faith, totally totally nothing useful outside of faith if you're a athiest. If you look at any secondary literature you'll see that pretty much every academic agrees. And this is actually a serious question in Kierkegaard studies, so there's been a lot of research done on this question. It has also been discovered that the story behind his use of pseudonyms is that he didn't want all charlatanry associated with his actual name, so he used sevenal others.
In short, it's unfalsifeeable anti-atheistic nonsense, practically an enemy to the church of athiesm, and totally totally nothing that might be valuable to the church of atheism. Fathers says heresy, and by that they mean "unfalsifiable nonsense", as is the usual code in such situations.
So I hope you're OK and cum by some time.