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/lit/ - Literature

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6105467 No.6105467 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about Lolita? Why do you like/hate it?

>> No.6105468

Not gonna lie, I've never read it. Not planning to in the near future either, too much other stuff I want to read.

>> No.6105489


read the catalog

>> No.6105501

>tfw cute 16 year old tells you candidly, a much older man, that she read and loved lolita.

I'm sweatin'

>> No.6105514
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Then why are you replying?
Or are you just OP bumbing your own thread?
Or are you some /lit/oldfag who feels burning responsibility to post in any thread, especially if it is about such a classic?
I bet you are one of those faggots who think that people on boards can recocnize you based on the way you write.
You sit at your shitty computer thinking that people on this board notice your posts and think what a fine intellectual you are.

Please stop it.

>> No.6105518


>> No.6105569

People do recognise me based on how I type.
I'm not going to stop contributing to a literature board that I enjoy.

>> No.6105586

I just bought it. It's been monthes since I read a book in English. : (

>> No.6105602

Don't listen to >>6105569
He is not me: >>6105468
And no i don't think people can recognize me based on my typing.

>> No.6105756

Exellent book. It is a novel with literary merit that doesn't require you to have knowledge in philosophy and other fields to fully comprehend its meaning. I love Nabokov; he writes books that can be understood on a human level, he's a writers writer. Pale Fire is even better; an amazing satire on academic over analysis and subjective projection onto literary works. 10/10 writer. His opinions on other writers are spot on too.

>> No.6105914

Ada > Lolita
Anyway Lolita is truly work of a genius and man with a lot o eloquence. I liked it. Read it 4 times plan on reading more in future.

>> No.6105949


Confirmed pedophile

>> No.6106128

I read it to be edgy, and it ended up being the best book I've ever read. It's extremely poetic, and Nabakov really makes you see things and understand things from Humbert Humbert's perspective. It will definitely increase your vocabulary, that's for sure. I learned all kinds of fun words, my two favorite being "verisimilitude" and "simulacrum."

>> No.6106264

It's one of the greatest books ever written, as much for the plot and characterization as for the prose. (Which is great, but Nabokov writes great prose in the service of great character and story instead of the other way around.)

If it's a love story, it's a love story between Humbert and the reader, not between Humbert and Lo. His eloquence seduces you long enough to identify with and even enjoy the company of a monster, and the second half of the book is a slow unraveling of just how much you've been duped.

It's a great book.

>> No.6106305

It's honestly the best book l've ever read.

To be fair, that's not saying much when you consider that l'm new to stuff that has literary merit, but the point still stands.

But at times, it made me feel really stupid. One of the main reasons for this was the French - everytime Nabokov deemed it necessary to write in French, l felt like an utter fool.

Apart from that, l have nothing but praise for it (not that the above was a criticism). I finished reading it just a few weeks ago, but l already feel the urge to jump back into it again. Yes, l think l'll ve reunited with the beautiful perversions of Hamburg Humbertson quite soon.

>> No.6106922
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I can still remember the chill that ran up my spine from those first sentences. It's the only true love story deserving of the title, and finishing it left me with a sense of dread and morbid sadness knowing I will never find my Dolores.

Pic not entirely unrelated

>> No.6107393
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Finnish shitposter spotted. Go back to ylilauta you jonne.

>> No.6107438
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That intro paragraph is what got me hooked right away. Its probably a good indicator to whether you will enjoy the rest of the book or not.

>> No.6107466


>walk into book store
>pick up Lolita
>buying it
>cashier gives funny look
>employee gives funny look
>nearby parents give funny look
>spaghetti as I fumble my debit card


>> No.6108701

>had to learn verisimilitude and simulacrum
leave this board please