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File: 410 KB, 904x1362, american-sniper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6098168 No.6098168 [Reply] [Original]

What did /lit/ think of Chris Kyle's American Sniper?

>> No.6098180

I wish the Westboro Baptist Church had protested his funeral.

>> No.6098189

why do you wish that?

>> No.6098192

You might have better results asking /k/.

>> No.6098195

Why? This is the board for discussing literature.

>> No.6098210

Just saying, if you're looking for meaningful discussion.

>> No.6098211

Blind psychotic racism defended by patriotism

Guy had a job and did it well. That's respectable. Beyond that, though, the man was a despicable piece of garbage

>> No.6098213

>What did /lit/ think of Chris Kyle's American Sniper?


>> No.6098226

What about Chris' life leads you to label him a "blind psychotic racist?" Don't you think the truth is probably more nuanced than that?

>> No.6098275

He used the term "sand-nigger' regularly for one.

>> No.6098283

>using words is racist now
Nice meme, m8.

>> No.6098292

So if someone uses words you don't like that makes them a "despicable piece of garbage?"

>> No.6098315

Let's just be honest, OP. You either already think he's an overly gung-ho semi racist that is so entrenched in moral certainty that he missed the fact that war has complex moral situations or you think he is an American Hero the represents everything right with the United States.

>> No.6098326

Because he discriminated against literal millions of people with no justification beyond "savages!!!"
He legitimately saw them as less than human. It takes extreme brainwashing or mental issues and delusion to think that a group of people are less than human because of the actions of a fraction of people that happen to follow the same religion or live in the same area. Blind, psychotic racism.

>> No.6098330

That sending shitkickers to the Middle East was not one of the best ideas the U.S. had.

>> No.6098338

This is why I wanted him to take it to /k/.

>> No.6098369

Or he was a man caught up by history whose humanity is already getting lost beneath mountains of ideology.

He was a servicemen and our military is controlled by civilians. You can hardly blame a soldier for the politician's sin.

>> No.6098374

Yeah but you knew that he wouldn't right?

>> No.6098375


Why is this word less offensive than "sandniggers?" Is it okay to use slurs against poor whites?

>> No.6098394

I recognize you from previous posts actually. I suppose I'm impressed, you wouldn't think just consistently asking smug questions would be enough to stir people up the way you do, but /lit/ has been falling for it lately.

>> No.6098405
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Is it at least passable in terms of prose?

>> No.6098417

Look, OP. You obviously do have a bias. Stop pretending to be neutral and I will talk to you about this.

I am extremely interested in the way that this story captured the US zeitgiest. I think that his racial comments are a byproduct of contextualizing of conflict in the united states. The societal cognitive dissonance caused when a power that has retroactively classified all of its wars as justly fought and then engages in a morally questionable conflict that obviously resulted in far more problems than the region originally had.

>> No.6098441
File: 2.99 MB, 3200x4136, Modern Male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good memes spread themselves :^)

I'll tell you why it struck a chord: white people are angry. Ideologues will say "what else is new?" But seriously, white masculinity is having an identity crisis as late80s/90s males are starting to become working adults. The "political correct" version of white masculinity has proven to be woefully inadequate in creating happy, self-assured white men. This is hardly surprising considering that undergraduate education has essentially become a marxist brainwashing factory to instill ridiculous notions like "white guilt" and "privilege" into impressionable students.

>> No.6098472
File: 100 KB, 854x640, wadup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le ebin sam hyde comic

>> No.6098481
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What do you think about the comic? Do you think it is accurate or funny? Or are you just going to keep hiding behind epic memes?

>> No.6098499

I agree, it's political correctness gone mad! You can't call your otherwise interested fellows bum-bandits these days!

>> No.6098512
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>> No.6098532

awful genre fiction.

>> No.6098538

My duderino, you're the one trying to push your agenda through laotian kabuki theater service site.

>> No.6098540

US reverence for the armed forces has always been significantly higher than other western industrialized nations, likely because the US Military still actually does things. The US gets involved in a conflict for reasons that turn out to be false and it results in a power vacuum as well as greatly less regional stability. The US public has trouble reconciling the love of the military and their natural pride for the United States with the stark reality we face. Chris Kyle comes along with a narrative that explains the conflict in very clear moral terms. He represents the combatants as "savages" and attempts to draw a clear line between those combatants and civilians that he does not consider savages. The problem however is that in an asymmetrical war the distinction between combatant and noncombatant is never clear. I think he is responsible for a gross oversimplification of the conflict and his comments could be easily be misconstrued by his supporters about being more generally about the people and not just the combatants.

Now for what you actually said. Some whites are angry because they feel under attack by constant comments about "political correctness" from the more liberal segments of society. Feminist and racial activists have become more vocal in the last few years than in previous times. If you are able to admit that what they say has some credence, that institutional racism and sexism do still have some effect on society and do still exist, I will likewise admit that these problems will never be solved with political correctness. I do not think that political correctness has that significant an impact on maleness as a concept however. I would like you to elaborate if you could.

As far as academic institutions go, They have always skewed liberal because those university faculty are insulated from the middle class struggles of the central United States but I guarantee you that do not think they are brainwashing anyone. They are people with convictions and a narrative about life that they believe just the same as anyone else. Ideological biases permeate literally every facet of culture through all times.

Okay, so now I have a question. Where did you/do you go to school? What news sources do you look at most often, I'm honestly just curious for my own sake. I'm not going to make fun of you or anything.

>> No.6098546

>fucking xenoestrogens
No matter what I think about Sam Hyde personally, he does his research.

>> No.6098588

Kek. This reminds me of a anime episode that was exploring the concept of mystery train questions. Questions that people ask but they already want a certain answer and will nudge the conversation torwards it

>> No.6098618
File: 74 KB, 616x326, spec-ops-the-line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Videogames proves to be a better medium again.

>> No.6098634
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I appreciate your sincere reply.

I disagree with your estimation regarding the influence of political correctness. As this poster pointed out >>6098394, the fact that even bringing up the name "Chris Kyle" provokes responses like calling him "blind psychotic racist" and a "despicable piece of garbage" shows that the culture war is growing more extreme, not less. Many conservatives are becoming fed up with the naked hypocrisy of liberals flinging vitriol why simultaneously lecturing us about the need for tolerance.

I graduated from UCLA undergrad and am currently a 3L at USC Law. I don't watch the news, I base my opinions off of experience.

>> No.6098637 [DELETED] 

Not /lit/ related


>> No.6098646

its a fucking book, you dumb imbecile piece of liberal shet.

>> No.6098661 [DELETED] 

>book = literature


>> No.6098674

Why does it bother you that we want to discuss this book? What gives you the right to tell us to leave?

>> No.6098677 [DELETED] 

That's not literature.

>> No.6098679

I'm center left, dude. This has nothing to do with conservativism or liberalism; this has to do with logic. I find 98% of SJW tumblr bullshit annoying and stupid and just as hypocritical as the opposite extreme but there is no justification for mass blatant racism based on generalizations. In the case of such a thing a person has to be either brainwashed, stupid, or psychotic. I mean really, can you seriously defend hating millions of people based on the actions of a handful? If so, I'd love to hear it.

>> No.6098692

>no justification for mass blatant racism

You haven't demonstrated any "mass blatant racism," you've simply complained that used the word "sandnigger."

>hating millions of people

You're either insincere or an idiot if you believe this is a fair characterization. The military's job is to kill people, simply because you are part of the military does not mean you hate your enemy. How old are you?

>> No.6098707

See, now, what you didn't do was respond with factual analysis.

A political cartoon is neither evidence nor an argument. I read the poster and, as with every political cartoon it exaggerates to make a point.

Likewise, reaction to American Sniper as a movie has been negative due to the presentation of the recent conflict using the false narrative that kyle created to deal with the cognitive dissonance caused by the war. I think, as is often the case, we see only things that fit the narrative we impose on the world. Liberals do not unanimously refer to him as a "psychopathic racist" and "despicable piece of garbage". Anecdotal evidence is not proof that there is a "Culture War" or that it is growing more extreme. The hypocrisy you speak of exists in some people but cannot be generalized to all people considering themselves liberal.

I do not consider Chris Kyle a hero, he didn't consider himself a hero. I also do not believe he is a monster but he definitely would not admit to himself certain moral problems that the war caused and he instead put himself in the role of someone delivering justice with absolute moral certainty. I think that type of moral certainty is troubling especially as a larger cultural phenomenon.

>> No.6098710

I didn't say anything about sandnigger.
I also didn't say anything about the military or that being in the military means you hate muslims.
I'm referring to Chris Kyle, the guy who this thread is about

Nice comprehension jackass.

>> No.6098731

Thank you for sharing your opinion.

Then please explain what you base your accusations of racism on.

>> No.6098736
File: 824 KB, 720x5442, 1421971644297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read.
I'm pretty sure this is all I need to about it though.

>> No.6098742

Are you really this unwilling to engage in any sort of discussion. Did you really simply post this because you wanted to generalize liberals as evil and rile up /lit/?

>> No.6098744


>dat picture

What leads people to this sort of fedora-tipping? Being a 25+ year-old virgin? Spending too much time on anime boards? Sad m8

>> No.6098752

Spoken like a true brainwashed drone. Do you get all your opinions from webcomics? How many other books haven't you read but still feel compelled to share your thoughts on?

>> No.6098754

The book.

>> No.6098759

Agriculture, the Division of Labour, Burf Control Pills.

>> No.6098760

No, we simply disagree and I'm not interested in arguing with you. This is called tolerance.

What about the comic leads you to label it "fedora tipping?"

>> No.6098767

What in the book specifically?

>> No.6098772

>What about the comic leads you to label it "fedora tipping?"

How is your love life?

>> No.6098774

Sounds reasonable to call someone racist when he uses "sand-nigger" (like that)

>> No.6098775

Don't try to come across as "tolerant" for posting a thread and obviously desiring some form of conversation and then completely refusing to engage in that conversation when someone presents a viewpoint that is not a caricature that you can mock.

>> No.6098778 [DELETED] 

Comics are inherently fedorable.

>> No.6098794


I can tell by your post that we experience reality on fundamentally different levels and it would be tedious for us to get into an ideologically argument. I respect your opinions but I disagree. Go in peace bro.


>> No.6098798

Why? and what do you mean by "(like that)"

>> No.6098801

Seems odly specific. Like the shoe thing.
And "men magazines", lmao, when was this shit written

>> No.6098802


>> No.6098807

Y not

>> No.6098812
File: 9 KB, 230x230, 1417909404249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you guys would all agree with me if you weren't brain washed by the (convenient scapegoat)

>> No.6098813

Well meme'd my friend.

>> No.6098823

He was a military man and called his enemy a mean name. This is hardly blameworthy.

You're deliberately oversimplifying my position.

>> No.6098825

On which level do you experience reality? On which level do you suppose I experience reality?

Have you no interest in understanding another's point of view. That is why I am interested in talking about this more deeply with you. Why I am asking you to elaborate on your arguments. This is presumably what you are being trained to do as a 3L at USC, no?

>> No.6098829

Do you believe in God?

>> No.6098833

>He was a military man and called his enemy a mean name. This is hardly blameworthy.

He was a faggot, Ernst Junger was ten times the soldier he was and he respected his enemies.

>> No.6098837
File: 70 KB, 344x299, 1363217926071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, how'd you figure that out?

OP is a sissy badgelicker who likes wanking it to Chris Kyle because that dead fuck is everything he isn't. Except stupid, of course.

>> No.6098844

>being this BTFO

>> No.6098846


Why do you think Kyle didn't respect his enemies?


Why the vitriol?

>> No.6098847

I've heard the movie is almost exactly like the Nazi film in "Inglorious Basterds", which sounds hilarious.

>> No.6098850

What's his KDR?

>> No.6098853

Seth Rogen please go.

>> No.6098854

No, at least not a personal anthopomorphic god.

I was raised christian, however, in central Ohio so I know quite a lot about the christian faith.

>> No.6098856
File: 255 KB, 355x362, 1361068462253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the mad

>> No.6098863

>comparing the kdr of a guy who carried a regular pistol and rifle to a pussy hiding hundreds of meters away and shooting unsuspecting people

>> No.6098868

I don't see what the fuss is. Ignorant Christian Texan sanctioned to kill brown people. The guys a good shot.

>> No.6098871

Then perhaps you will understand where I am coming from; Chris Kyle's story appeals to my sense of patriotism and appreciation for martial prowess. Perhaps these notions are ridiculous to you but they are dear to me.

How old are you?

>> No.6098875

Why is he ignorant?

>> No.6098894
File: 115 KB, 480x342, 1359906494246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How old are you?
Were you honestly expecting a calm, mature debate?

OP, you're blown. The only responses you've been making for the last fifteen minutes or so is asking moot questions to dodge facing your failure to argue. I could pull up a secret recording of Chris Kyle saying "I wish I could kill literally everyone in the Middle East after I rape them and piss on every single Qu'ran on Earth, especially the children's copies," and you'd ask me why I thought that might be offensive. If you've lost, at least don't be passive aggressive about it.
ex. >>6098875

>> No.6098901

Thanks for sharing your opinion.

>> No.6098907

I absolutely understand patriotism and military valor. Before shifting to economics as a major, I was planning to be an historian on 19th century military conflicts. I am fascinated with the rise of nationalism and national pride. I went to school in NYC and have been mocked before by classmates for being more patriotic than they are.

I understand the appeal of Chris Kyle's story but I also believe that it is framing the conflict in an unrealistic way. It was never so morally clear what was happening in that conflict. Unfortunately, there are no more two ocean wars. Wars have never really broken down to good guys vs bad guys besides WWII and maybe the Persian wars of the ancient greeks.

I still love the United States and what it tried to stand for. I want to see it remain the last superpower in the world and am being screened for admittance into the DoD but there, really, truthfully are not any conflict where bad and good can be easily applied to either side.

>> No.6098929

>that refusal to engage
By the way, I want to relate a story from my own family of what an actual war hero ought to act like. My grandfather served in World War II in the Army. He was captured by German soldiers after escaping a plane crash, escaped, and returned to America with a few medals on his chest. Did he ever once tell stories of battle as though they were G. I. Joe comic books like Mr. Kyle did? (Remember, he was fighting in a war that had a legitimate justification, also unlike Kyle) He never held any animosity towards his German captors, who were far more 'evil' than your average Afghani, and he was a lot closer to being killed by them. Chris Kyle was a brute.

>> No.6098933

You are a good man and I agree with you that Kyle's story has been twisted to fit an agenda. However, that doesn't minimize his achievements or make his life less compelling. I really appreciate your sincerity considering how immature some other anons are being.

>> No.6098943

Engage in what? You've done nothing but mock me this entire thread. You wouldn't have done that if you were actually interested in engaging with me. Again, thank you for sharing your opinion.

>> No.6098951
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1362262945588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you honestly never posted here before?

>> No.6098956

You must be an ebin oldfag, you truly have the dankest memes :^)

>> No.6098966

It's more of your strange attitude towards being mocked on a Japanese cartoon website, but sure, dank memes. If you want to be hugboxed and politely disagreed with, go back to the NPR comments section.


>> No.6098970
File: 391 KB, 798x1023, JC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgive you

>> No.6098979
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A hat off to you, m'savior ;)

>> No.6098989

I do wish you would delve more deeply into this with me. I think he was definitely a fine soldier and a fantastic shot. I myself have engaged in marksmanship as a hobby since I was 12. I own a Mosin-Nagant and Springfield 03 so I know how difficult good marksmanship is.

If you agree that his story is being framed in order to fit an agenda you must be aware of his agency in presenting it to the public. He was at the very least complicit in the reframing of his story. I honestly do not want him to be used as a political tool at all but he himself seemed to enjoy the fame and notoriety he received as the deadliest sniper. Taking a life should never be a point of pride and I think that is something you fundamentally do. You should not be rewarded or accept adoration for doing your duty, what is expected. I have seen several interviews with him and it does seem to me that some of the fame may have gone to his head.

>> No.6099015

Honestly, I've also heard stories that Kyle's personal life was more chequered than he lead many to believe. He's become "legendary" regardless and I think that his "legend" is a double edged sword. On the one hand, Kyle is a good example of many masculine virtues and should be applauded for them however, the political ramifications of his life also make his story controversial. Myself and many other conservatives probably place greater value on the good aspects of his life and liberals of course focus on the negative things. Both sides contain elements of truth.

>> No.6099018


I dunno, is it good? The movie was ok.

>> No.6099027

>the actions of a fraction of people that happen to follow the same religion or live in the same area


Muslims are crazy even at the most moderate level.

>> No.6099040

>I mean really, can you seriously defend hating millions of people based on the actions of a handful?

Can you defend hating 1 person based on the actions of that person?

>> No.6099042

when did he ever use that word? I'm not on any side I just want a source.

>> No.6099046

There you have it, both sides take from the figure what best serves their point of view. He is basically being a Rorschach test for political identity which he ultimately invited when he chose to get a book deal and do a publicity tour. I personally think that was a bad choice, that it was in bad taste but he did it and we have to live with him being a figure in the modern american psyche.

As far as him being a role model, I would argue against him being help up precisely because his story is so complex from a moral perspective. Kids should not be taught that they go to wars to be the biggest heroes. That they should be shooting for a high number of confirmed kills. Appropriate and proportional use of force is what is required and expected. I'm not saying Kyle was excessive but rather that his story could be misinterpreted as being simply about the fame and notoriety, the kill count, rather than about duty, honor or Marshall pride.

>> No.6099051

>It was never so morally clear what was happening in that conflict.

Yes it was. How do you not know this?

>> No.6099052

I'm not one of those Louis C.K. "lmao white people have it great no white person has ever suffered except men lmao men are evil rapists" types but seriously, if you think being a straight white guy in America is, on average, harder than any other major demographic, you're deluded.

>> No.6099060

>truthfully are not any conflict where bad and good can be easily applied to either side.

Being this dumb kek.

>> No.6099103

So what, Aristotle called non Greeks barbarians which is no different. A,Ericsson sniper is a hero and genius and those he killed were inferior savages who arent as civilised as Americans just the Germanic sand Persians weren't as civilised as the Greeks.

>> No.6099118
File: 66 KB, 500x645, macho man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kids should not be taught that they go to wars to be the biggest heroes

I wish this were true, but we will always need warriors.

I never said it was harder, I said we are angry. Frankly, I think men of all races are struggling. It seems like overt masculinity is controversial no matter who it is coming from dykes can still get away with it

>> No.6099132

You know it is not right to present war as glorious to trick children into desiring conflict. Real soldiers must be taught appropriate use of force. It's the entire reason the US military has instituted the use of force continuum. They needed to deal with the ambiguity of asymmetric warfare.

>> No.6099159
File: 931 KB, 1588x1956, Vining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

War will always be seductive to men and politicians will always exploit this fact because any society will always have enemies. Celebrating the martial virtues is essential for a strong and healthy nation. War may not be glorious, but military men need to believe that it is in order to do their essential job.

>> No.6099174

Not even joking, it really is pure ideology.
>white people
>white Amurricans
Can we stop pretending these people are interesting just because they're powerful, resulting from their cowardice in the second world war?

>> No.6099188
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How would you like it if I said that your people were uninteresting and cowardly? Would I be racist?

>> No.6099191

No, but you'd just be misinterpreting historical facts.

>> No.6099203
File: 36 KB, 361x512, tzundere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a literal fascist. People like him will result in millions of deaths and years of suffering because their 'honor' demands they must. An attitude of "We will always need warriors" is a self-fulfilling prophecy - we will always need them because militarism and nationalism will force us to. Yes, I'm mad.
As for OP, please read 'War Is a Racket' or something like that to weaken his blinding ideology. Or, back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.6099205

How do you reconcile the fact that the US military completely disagrees with that assessment. It may be okay for ground troops but in officer training school that is the first type of thing they test to eliminate. They want responsible and obedient officers, not a bunch of guys trying to be Luke Skywalker and charging in for glory.

It is completely irresponsible to present it that way. That is the way that dictatorships and theocracies seduce their children into dying for their causes.

You should read "The Enlightened Soldier: Scharnhorst and the Militarische Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1801-1805" any good college library with a strong history department should have it. I just worry that you yourself may not know what it actually takes to be either a soldier or an officer judging by the way you speak of conflict.

>> No.6099206

Crybaby alert

>> No.6099352
File: 103 KB, 640x629, 1422905978561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted>>6098189

I was asking because I haven't read the book and I was curious why he would feel this way about it and tbh I don't see anything smug about the question I asked to the poster.
Heck, I don't know what more I should put into a post to have to have someone think it's not bait.

>> No.6099374

>You can hardly blame a soldier for the politician's sin.
>I was just following orders!

>> No.6099379


The Persians were totally as civilized as the Greeks.

>> No.6099386

>On the one hand, Kyle is a good example of many masculine virtues

He was just a typical working-class Southern 'bro' who happened to kill a shit ton of people.

>> No.6099505

>comparing American Sniper to Kolberg
I rather want to see that now.

>> No.6099509
File: 113 KB, 350x623, Dugan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with your estimation of the military's assessment. The USMC is probably the most vivid example of why you are mistaken; they've extensively researched and written volumes about the philosophical issues surrounding what it means to be a warrior. Here are a few resources for you to peruse:



You seem hold him in contempt, what is wrong with being a Southern bro? Furthermore, you sound classist by dismissing him for being working class :^)

>> No.6099519 [DELETED] 
File: 3.14 MB, 1696x2136, King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The historical fact is that white people have dominated the planet. Show some respect.

>> No.6099525

The historical fact is that you can't even engage a filthy fedora in discussion without making a fool of yourself.

>> No.6099526

Fucking savages, man.

>> No.6099531
File: 16 KB, 355x559, fmj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What language are you speaking?

There's a reason it's not ooga booga

>> No.6099534

eres un idiota mi negro, enserio que si.

>> No.6099540
File: 372 KB, 680x401, 761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lose your head over this

>> No.6099557

Spanish is spoken in over 20 countries.

>> No.6099558
File: 6 KB, 192x165, Noice2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares?

>> No.6099560

Soy argento, mas blanco que tu de seguro.

>> No.6099565

They're just not smart, the things you say and post.

>> No.6099568
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>> No.6099571
File: 1.76 MB, 408x225, when_someone_is_delusional.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why do you keep talking to me?

>> No.6099578

Altruism. Knowing the stuff you say isn't smart is the first step toward rectifying it.

It's not for my sake, but yours.

>> No.6099587
File: 621 KB, 1546x1117, Hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate your concern.

>> No.6099589


>> No.6099593
File: 2.86 MB, 2222x3026, 1423072883524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God and country.

>> No.6100193

>falling for the obvious bait of a typical fascist shit/pol/ster

/lit/, you're supposed to know better than this.

>> No.6100201

>using a scout and not an awp

ogl scrub

>> No.6100249

Why the fuck do right wingers always bring up the "marx was racist" ebin meme or accuse people of being classist whenever they insult / disagree with any sort of right wing icon?

Do you people even care? What, if I say Sarah Palin is mentally retarded I am being ableist and misoginistic now?

>> No.6100264

> most lethal sniper in u.s. military history
That's a bit like "most intellegent chess player among downs retards of all time".

>> No.6100271

He's literally the Navy Seals copypasta in human (and book) form.

Never thought that would happen, and the very fact people are taking this seriously is hilarious.

>> No.6101280

I think your demographic might be the precise reason we were able to invade a foreign nation based on false information. I have no problem with state sanctioned use of deadly force so long as the administration of that force is used with consideration and according to a strategy but there is a difference between what the warrior thinks he is and what type of warrior is necessary in the modern world.

Watch this video
I should be illuminating how we actually conduct our long term strategy.

To quote the speaker, "The marines are like my west highland terrier, they want to get every morning, they want to dig a hole and they want to kill something." They are not representative of what the larger force is both trained and supposed to do.

>> No.6101329

This is pathetic.

>> No.6101407

He talked about how all the people in Iraq were "savages" and how much fun he had killing them all and how he had the time of his life doing it, his only regret being that he wasn't able to kill more.

Guy was just a nutjob with a uniform.

>> No.6101419

hey for those of you who have actually read the book can you post funny quotes?

>> No.6101455

I just like how butt hurt the entire cultural establishment has gotten over this one movie. I guess it is also worth pointing out the fact that they got butt-hurt over this when the movie came out and not the book. I guess the cultural elites doesn't read books.

>> No.6101462


>> No.6101473

>You seem hold him in contempt, what is wrong with being a Southern bro?

Nothing, but as a Southerner, I encounter people like him on a daily basis. They're fun to have a beer with, but not really people I aspire to be like...

>> No.6101477

How is any of that not true?

>> No.6101484


>> No.6101492
File: 19 KB, 214x318, God's_Not_Dead[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never thought that would happen, and the very fact people are taking this seriously is hilarious.

American Sniper is part of a trend of turning copypasta into high-grossing films.

>> No.6101508

>invade country for oil
>the people there fight back
>"whoa hold on there u savages wtf??!?"

>> No.6101528

Don't forget what Nolan did with baneposting.

>> No.6101540

Basically this
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.6101549

Americans are actually this stupid.

>> No.6101556

It's funny that people got so mad about the movie being compared to that propaganda film shown in Inglourious Basterds since they knew it was true.

>> No.6101558

I always wonder if the first guy to suffer the barrage of this in response to his comment spent a few days looking over his shoulder, despite repeatedly reassuring himself that he was being silly.

>> No.6101616
File: 1.15 MB, 2233x4081, St. Michael and Satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're naive.

>> No.6101620

>"you're naive"
>posts picture of his imaginary friends

>> No.6101651
File: 200 KB, 640x1000, Adoro te devote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6101656

>gets called out on his hypocrisy
>posts poem about his imaginary friends to comfort his butt pain

>> No.6101664
File: 370 KB, 850x1607, St. Theresa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you having as much fun as I am?

>> No.6101665


>> No.6101669
File: 1.11 MB, 1368x1464, Christ wants you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6101734

Pretty belt buckle, shitty post.

>> No.6101737
File: 170 KB, 890x898, Anglos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May Christ have mercy on you.

>> No.6101749

Don't worry. If Christ can go back in time and put your D&D pagans in valheaven, he can find me accommodation with a hot tub and a dozen nubile Aryan milkmans with tumblrgif-quality innie vulvae devoid of loose meat.

I know because he told me. Then he told me that would make himself not exist and that he would make that make sense! Cool!

>> No.6101753

It's funny tho

>> No.6101755
File: 13 KB, 480x360, Youdontthinkitbelikeitisbutitdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6101761

haha, you posted an incredulous reaction picture because you don't have my personal lived connection to the lord jesus christ. and that's a FAIL.

>> No.6102048
File: 119 KB, 392x366, Guards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6102089

bring on the .pngs, homo.
You'll be scraping the macros soon.
How 'bout that .gif with a white woman wearing a wool hat and there are snow flakes and you can see her breath and she's white?

Children can express love without knowing it's depths.
-Nicolas Gomez Davila

Faith is not believing, faith is wanting to believe.
-Corneilu Codreanu

>> No.6102142

The movie is pretty good though and whoever made that image is an idiot

>> No.6102144

Maybe you're just not a qualified judge.

>> No.6102150


deep man

>> No.6102220

>Why is this word less offensive than "sandniggers?"

I think it might be the nigger part.

>> No.6102278

the movie is not "pretty good", it's horribly written and directed by a hack, an old crocodile who understands neither world politics nor relationships well enough to really meaningfully comment on either. the production is a shitshow of blind, ignorant, comfortably wrong patriotism mixed with homoeroticism and a GI Joe story to give kids raised on the internet and ipads an idea of what will make their miserable lives worthwhile (signing up and shipping out and killing arabs IRL and not for make-believe on their xbox on their couch)

>> No.6102288

Well, I liked it and that's good enough for me

>> No.6102306

>>6102278 (cont'd)
bear in mind the movie casts this psychopathic megalomaniac who only followed orders, boss as everything the man raised on unilever ads wishes he himself could be. if you read even one chapter of the man's book you will understand what i mean by calling him a psychopathic megalomaniac.

glorify unquestioning killing machines, garnering sympathy for unquestioning killing machines who brag about kills yet who are deeply, personally torn up (over the death and rupturing of family lines they themselves caused somewhere on the other side of the planet and the sympathy is NOT garnered for the affected lives and lifelines as such)

why did you like it? you realize this isn't how film theoretical discussions work. people don't just say "Well I liked it and so that's that." less ignorant people even sometimes change their minds following analysis and discussion of the film, rather than clinging onto the waterslide like a little kid scared of the pool

>> No.6102497

He was referring to the people he was fighting when he said that.

Honestly, /lit/ has always been leftist but I don't remember it being this retarded.

>> No.6102596

Mein Neger....
although to be fair Junger was not above sniping himself, he would wait every day at the time the English changed guard to see if one of them was stupid enough to stick his head out

>> No.6102602
File: 220 KB, 1024x1530, jünger2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6103415

That's a lie and you know it. He never said that in the book.


>muh racism
>this is anything other than a 'poisoning the well' fallacy

>> No.6103429

Wrong. He called them that (as he states in the first chapter of the book) because of their actions. They were cowards and drug addicts, and he said that their evil actions (which he witnessed) defined them as savages.

>> No.6103493

>Germans more evil than hajjis
Lel, the Germans had some honor at least, they didn't send in children to suicide bomb the U.S. soldiers.
Confirmed for not having read book

>> No.6103545

>I love ad-homenims and use them as the basis for my entire argument

>> No.6103571

>i'm still getting replies in this shitty thread

God damn racists will defend their bretheren until their fingers are nubs from furious ignorance ejaculation through their keyboards lmao idiots

>> No.6103582

I think of it as American propaganda. Feel free to disagree, however.

>> No.6103626

>they didn't send in children to suicide bomb the U.S. soldiers.

How many times did that happen in Iraq chief

>> No.6103631
File: 44 KB, 340x500, 51MD22DTXBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing book, i dont know if it's available in any other languages than german but i highly recommend to read it. it is about the experiences of a german sniper in ww2 on the eastern front. shockingly realistic.

>> No.6103908

Damn sure more than it happened in Germany. It's mentioned in American Sniper and I've heard several other accounts of it.

>> No.6104963
File: 82 KB, 720x720, 10917859_10104657853695788_8155993396227829049_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw RL America is as ridiculous as a fictional Tarantino scenario

>> No.6105370

Somewhat. I think some Americans refuse to ever think of the US as being flawed or 'bad', therefore they see Chris Kyle as a hero who 'protected our freedom' regardless of the sociopathic things he would say and the motive for invading Iraq.

>> No.6105673

>Damn sure more than it happened in Germany.

How many times?

>It's mentioned in American Sniper


>> No.6105739
File: 3.80 MB, 2497x3307, 1231234 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its would have just been another one of those things that you just ignored but people continue to bring it up because they want to be able to claim that its "Blind psychotic racism defended by patriotism"

>> No.6105765

That's why the book and movie were being praised by pleb jingoists before real human beans with functioning prefrontal lobes pointed out the fact that it's "blind psychotic racism defended by patriotism".
>rightists actually think time moves backwards
Strange disease.

>> No.6105769 [DELETED] 

Stop bumping the thread

>> No.6105801
File: 1.77 MB, 1296x972, 1418613656535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


germany did draft quite a lot of kids in later stages of the war.
but yeah, afghani imams like to send children with down syndrome with a bomb to american guard posts

its still retarded to compare war crimes.
the guys dead, somebodys earning mad shekels with this edgy book
and film rights.
thats it.

>> No.6105839
File: 486 KB, 238x155, eyeroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm right and you're wrong nyah nyah!

>> No.6105846
File: 47 KB, 283x323, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur.

>> No.6105909

How is it possible to be both reactionary and post-modernist at the same time?

>> No.6105934
File: 69 KB, 464x654, St. David.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deus vult.

>> No.6105935
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>> No.6105945

>and maybe the Persian wars of the ancient greeks.
Don't get your history from 300

>> No.6105948

He wanted us to return to old values (sincerity) and voted for Reagan and he went to church and wrote a giant book on how drugs are dangerous

>> No.6105951
File: 401 KB, 320x132, Believe it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With God, all things are possible.

>> No.6105955


>am being screened for admittance into the DoD

As soon as they find out you go on 4chan -and they will-, your resume will be handed to Penn Jillette.

>> No.6105957
File: 18 KB, 316x301, bill murray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sincerity is considered antiquated

>> No.6105962

what the fuck
His postmodernist shit itself was ironic, it was a parody of actual postmodernism

His reactionary aspect was honest though

And you greentexted that one, wtf

>> No.6105969

So do you just not have much experience with drugs and other drugs users or what because they're pretty dangerous and this is coming from someone who has done way too many. Not like boo hoo I've had my life destroyed by addictions but I've certainly seen that happen to a lot of people as well.

>> No.6105975
File: 2.60 MB, 3504x2336, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he wanted to return, he wanted to pass through it to a new era

>> No.6105989

Honestly though, there seems to be this combining of this reactionary rejection that racism is actually a bad thing, or even a thing that exists, and a post-modernist thing of "just because he has a different opinion you wanna blah blah" like words don't mean anything and you could magic language out of the fucking air with no weight or connotations at all. It comes together in this fucking sickening moral righteousness that says something like "just because this western imperialist murdered brown people and called them savages that makes him a bad person??? truly this is political correctness gone mad."

It's honestly tiresome, like I could read political cartoons from 1902 if I wanted to wash myself with this imperialist bullshit. Full communism now.

>> No.6105996

>"just because this western imperialist murdered brown people and called them savages that makes him a bad person??? truly this is political correctness gone mad."

Congratulations, you just described /pol/.

Also, Wallace's political position was a LOT more complex and nuanced than "hurr conservative". He placed a high value on individual freedom, but that doesn't mean he liked Limbaugh or even Bush, in fact he despised them as anyone with even half a brain would.

>> No.6106003

>Full communism now.

I was with you until this last sentence but you just had to shit the bed.

>> No.6106005

didn't read it because it's amerifat tripe but the legal case surrounding it is pretty interesting. it looks like they're going to win a defamation suit, which are notoriously difficult.

>> No.6106006
File: 78 KB, 500x305, Problem?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could magic language out of the fucking air with no weight or connotations at all.

>> No.6106010

I know anon. I know.

>> No.6106017
File: 50 KB, 900x599, Jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full communism now.

Stay away from our fluids commie scum.

>> No.6106027

Because this piece of shit racist asswipe enjoyed killing people. Even tho he was killing an "enemy" the fact that he enjoyed it makes him no different the any murdering maniac. FUCK THIS GUY. He literally embodies everything that is wrong with america. Highly-fetishized violence and hatred all in the name of fucking imperialism disguising its self as fucking freedom.

>> No.6106037
File: 67 KB, 800x600, Vigilance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this piece of shit racist asswipe enjoyed killing people.

He was a warrior, that's what warriors do. Please dial back your rhetoric and I would be happy to discuss with you.

>> No.6106047


>Vigilance.gif unironical bald eagle
>dial back your rhetoric

The ironing

>> No.6106056

How does that make the book any less invalid for discussion?

If anything it makes it MORE interesting. It's a look inside the mind of a disciplined, patriotic sadist. As good a premise as any for a literary novel, but we get his perspective straight from his own thoughts.

Fuck off.

>> No.6106060
File: 1007 KB, 490x368, Patriot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless.

>> No.6106072

Not to mention he was dehumanizing people who literally did nothing to him or his country.

Also, I find it amusing how many Americans on this board think if yo hate this movie, you hate freedom.

No. If you don't like this movie, then you're not a government-sponsored mindless drone who's happy to pour hundreds of billions and tens of thousands of US lives down the drain because of
>muh troops

>> No.6106091
File: 29 KB, 500x294, Willard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disciplined, patriotic sadist.

This is a fair characterization.

>> No.6106092

You're lucky your 'warrior' was hundreds of metres away with a sniper rifle.

He's absolutely guaranteed to be the type of 'warrior' who would rape and massacre women and children if he was on the ground, just like so many American troops have done in Iraq and Vietnam.

How else would you expect a sadistic, psychotic individual who thinks anyone who doesn't look like him is a savage?

>> No.6106105


>> No.6106107

Because giving his book attention just purports its message to countless other idiotic americans that for some reason think this guy is great. I'm %100 for the troops, they do something that I could never do but come on... Giving this fucking nut support is just sending the wrong goddamn message. Theres literally nothing to talk about. This guy was bread in hate. Please fuck off so we can discuss books that have literary merit and not some book that creates an orgiastic and romanticized vision of violence that so many americans buy into and support.

>> No.6106109
File: 586 KB, 1000x1264, Jedi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's absolutely guaranteed to be the type of 'warrior' who would rape and massacre women and children

>absolutely guaranteed

Are you for real or are you some kind of Sith saboteur sent to condemn the Jedi?

>> No.6106112

Underrated post

>> No.6106146

Are you implying a literal sociopath would find it hard to rape and massacre in a warzone?

Are you implying American troops are perfect angels?

>> No.6106159


Why are you arguing with a shitposter and his absolutely cringeworthy christfag pics?

>> No.6106160
File: 26 KB, 600x450, cheshire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a literal sociopath

Are you a psychologist?

>> No.6106164
File: 353 KB, 825x1000, FaceOfChristShroudOfTurin_Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do images of God make you cringe?

>> No.6106171



By the way, that shroud has been officially proven to be a fake. Not even the Catholic Church is marketing that shit anymore.

>> No.6106177
File: 358 KB, 1139x1600, Beautiful-Jesus-Picture-Smiling-Portrait-Painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do icons of religious worship have to be historically accurate?

>> No.6106184


I guess not, since they're depicting imaginary beings to begin with. Good point.

>> No.6106190
File: 54 KB, 599x585, Popepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6106200


If God existed, Chris Kyle would be in the deepest level of Hell.

>thou shalt not kill

>> No.6106202
File: 664 KB, 2028x1576, Romans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6106203

I'm not going be talked down to by someone who can't even spell.

>> No.6106205
File: 10 KB, 241x313, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6106208
File: 1.04 MB, 653x808, Augustine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't make me vomit.

>> No.6106212


Cool then, I'll just do whatever the fuck I please then repent at the last second.

That way we'll end up in the same place even though you lived your whole life as a Bible-thumper while I was snorting cocaine from the tits of some 16-year old jailbait.

Christianity is cool!

>> No.6106213
File: 69 KB, 684x342, immanuel_kant_f-20101213-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6106222
File: 426 KB, 1170x783, Passion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repent at the last second.

True repentance is a bitter cup to drink and God will know if you are insincere. You can't pay lip service to Almighty God.

>> No.6106225

One thing I love about shitposters like this MurikaChrist guy is that they ALWAYS reply to you.

It maked me feel less alone.


But I will be sincere!

>> No.6106226


And yet you people still push Pascal

>> No.6106236
File: 46 KB, 630x873, Let's chat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I will be sincere!

You're not even sincere right now.

>> No.6106249


How do you know?

>> No.6106254


>always online

I wonder what he faps to. I wonder if he has to put on gloves during, to prevent jizz from going into those nail holes and spilling on the ground.

>> No.6106257

>implying sincerity didn't take its last dying breath in the 80s

>> No.6106370

wow great rebuttal!

>> No.6106409

Seriously, though, what the hell was up with Iraq?

>invade sovereign nation with reasonably stable government on pretext that sounds incredibly flimsy
>turns out pretext sounds incredibly flimsy because it's totally made-up
>kill a whole shit-ton of people, blow up government
>secular, reasonably stable, not-too-crazy government replaced with crazy bloody sectarian goddamned mess
>make half-assed effort to fix aforementioned mess, killing a shit-ton more people in the process
>leave mess, declaring that it's clearly the invadees' fault
>unprecedentedly crazy and bloodthirsty faction rises in the power vacuum, proceeds to chop heads off and burn people a-fucking-live

...how are the people that started this shit not locked up? On the spectrum of unjustified-to-justified-conflicts, it makes Vietnam look like WW2.

>> No.6106413

>and maybe the Persian wars of the ancient greeks.
Did you know that democracy only became widespread in greece after Darius I conquered the Ionians (anatolian greeks) and inforced it in all the city states there? He became known as the patron of democracy. Before that, all the greek cities (thousands of them) were autocracies except for athens and a couple others.

The reason greeks are largely seen as the good guys is that only the greek contemporary sources survived, and became the truth. We only uncovered persian sources in the 20th century. History is written by the victors, etc.

>> No.6106421

Vaporwave was invented by Nick Land.
ISIS can tweet.

>> No.6106428


Could it be that there is an entire, I don't know, lets call it a class of people, who are accountable to nobody and think nothing of blotting out a half million folk to advance their interests and those of their confederates?

>> No.6106435

>...how are the people that started this shit not locked up?

>> No.6106438

>same dude

>> No.6106462

>Achaemenid Empire
>First world empire
>40% of world population
>Most sophisticated culture in history up to that point
>Not civilized
Also in case you're christian the persians followed the first monotheistic religion, while the greeks were pantheists (pagans by any definition).

>> No.6106468

I loved it very much, my favorite pasage was:

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.6106503

>op actually subscribes to fascism
which is it?

>> No.6106556

>father invaded iraq a decade ago, so there's precedent
>vice president is ceo of a large oil extracting company
>iraq has large oil fields
>every other country on iran's border already has us presence
>saddam abandons petrodollar

>> No.6106599 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 878x599, Degeneracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pornography is evil.

>> No.6106602
File: 901 KB, 943x1456, Luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6106609


evil is a myth

>> No.6106613
File: 56 KB, 460x287, Trust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6106666

>The Year of Our Lord 2015
>Still believing in that elders of Zion bullshit

Get with the time grandad, update your safety bubble conspiracy theory to something more relevant.

>> No.6106681

> Jews don't believe in authoritarianism
Top kekkaroo

>> No.6106687
File: 340 KB, 507x373, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat get

>> No.6106695

Chris Kyle was a good man. He grew up in a culture that promoted patriotism and he fell for it. At the end of the day he killed for people he loved and that's probably one of the most noble things a person can do, as misguided as it is.

He was a simple man who was a product of the culture he was surrounded by, much like you or I, and he's just as guilty as you or I. He did his job and he did it well.

>> No.6106702

you can say the exact same about Jihadists

>> No.6106709


I never said Jihadists are bad either. If anything their cause is equally if not more moral.

>> No.6106710
File: 1.29 MB, 2848x2136, Sutton Hoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said.

>> No.6106717
File: 218 KB, 500x374, yablewit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything their cause is equally if not more moral.

>> No.6106762

>he's just as guilty as you or I
Wut. How do you figure?

>> No.6106777

Not that anon, but I'd assume that in Iraq at least some of them would have been fighting to defend their homeland. That's a lot more moral than fighting to invade said homeland.

Others, admittedly, would have showed up from elsewhere because muh jihad. Although even then they might well be able to make a better case for being there, since at least they'd have more in common with Iraqis.

>> No.6107010

You raise some good points and I respect your argument. Thank you for sharing your opinion.

>> No.6107044

If you honestly respected his argument, you'd actually make an argument.

>> No.6107064

I agree with that fighting for your homeland is more noble than invading another's. However, you also conceded that there are many opportunist Jihadists who got what they deserved. If you want to continue further this will become a theological discussion. Do you really want that?

>> No.6107084


>> No.6107127

Chris Kyle cannot be held accountable for killing enemy combatants during a war because he acted under authority of the United States. A soldier is a sacred role and we should always remember the faith of the Roman Centurion (Mt 8:5-13). As Americans, we ought to honor Kyle's patriotism and faith even if the ends to which they were used were misguided.

>> No.6107203

How is the authority of the United States legitimate?

>> No.6107225

This is a dumb fucking question

>> No.6107266

So Chris Kyle wasn't accountable because he was simply unaware that that the US was an imperialist power built on slavery and genocide?

>> No.6107325

Calm down toots. Yeah, you can't blame enlisted men for the orders from officers. That is how military's have always existed throughout history. Was some Greek hoplite morally culpable for skewering kebabs? Please.

>> No.6107377

Chris Kyle cant be held fully accountable because he was the victim of 300 years of American myth making. America was built on the belief that they as the "chosen people". This roughly translated into the total destruction a ~uncivilized native american race~ under the guise that it would make way for peace, democracy and their perverted version of civilization. The U.S. has ingeniously linked their subjects understanding of individual peace with the destruction of others.

>> No.6107389
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Amen. Such is the way the world has always been.

>> No.6109162

"A man does not have himself killed for a half pence a day or for a petty distinction. You must speak to the soul in order to electrify him."

>> No.6109204

That anon wasn't me.

>> No.6109215

huff raid

>> No.6109313
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You have unlocked: Nationalism

>> No.6109486

still the best civ game

>> No.6109837

I think anything that removes brown people is a good thing.

If I want X and he wants X and X can't be shared then there will never be peace. One less member of an opponent culture is one step closer to global homogeneity. The only world I want to live in is a white one.

>> No.6109842

What actually transpires beneath the veil of an event horizon?

Decent people shouldn't think too much about that.

>> No.6109898
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>opponent culture
>global homogeneity

>> No.6109945


Define white.

I'm South European, should I be worried?

>> No.6110222

>hurrr if I call an arab a shitskin I'm not rascist hurrr

>> No.6110239

It's true you nigger.

>> No.6110255

>only brown people want the same as me
>not people like me want the same as me
>if something cant be shared there must be war
>cultures are enemies and can not coexist
>brown people are a culture
>white people are a culture
>homogenization is a good thing

your world view is kaputt, i hope for your sake that youre still going to school or else youre fucked anyways.

>> No.6110260
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Tell that to this guy.

>> No.6110277
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>> No.6110285
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>> No.6110288

History is no justification. The Mafia uses titles too, does that make them legitimate? Probably more so than the Hoplite if you consider the foundations of their authority.

>> No.6110298

you posted this yesterday already.
dont you get tired...

>> No.6110302

>History is no justification.

If we are going to reject historical precedent, what pray tell, should we base our actions on? And before you start waxing poetic about your ideals please remember that those ideals arise out of history.

>> No.6110308
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You remember me!

>> No.6110336

>what should we base our actions on?
ending history

>> No.6110350
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>> No.6110357

It's the final outcome of class warfare.

>> No.6110360
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Do you only speak in slogans?

>> No.6110408

Classic Liberal and Feudal ahistorical principles amount to moral aestheticism, which serves as immediate justification of the status quo or a previous one. Ahistorical principles can only be justly realized in the vacuum of any class interest.

>> No.6110666
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