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/lit/ - Literature

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6106126 No.6106126 [Reply] [Original]

>I don't get poetry

>> No.6106147

I've known intelligent people who don't get it either. It takes a combination of auditory and visual aptitude, as well is that one must essentially be a NF type.

>> No.6106152

>Tfw literally can't "get" poetry when there's 12/10 prose to read

I know this makes me an absolute pleb but I really can't shake it.

>> No.6106168

I get it but I hate it. Is that ok?

>> No.6106180
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>> No.6106181

who doesnt "GET" poetry?.... KID?! Its all abooat the feeling... idiot...? If you cant enjoy lord byron... you are a lesser human. SORRY, NOT SORRY

>> No.6106186

Neither did I before I was sufficiently well read.

>> No.6106194

I hate poetry
I hate literature
I hate text
I hate ortography in any form
I hate myself as I am typing this right now
I also hate typing while I am at it
I hate re-reading sentences written in this post and subvocalizing them
I also hate oral tradition while I am at it
I hate gestural expression
I hate signifiers
I hate signified
I hate eye contact

Did I miss anything?
I hate missing things.

>> No.6106195

All prose is inferior to poetry, though.

>tfw can't drive lambos cause of those 12/10 Fords

Read Dante, plen ass bitch

>> No.6106197

I don't know about that, I'm an INTP and I think I "get" poetry, mostly Baudelaire, Eliot, Rilke, and recent poetry though.

>> No.6106380
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>> No.6106410


>> No.6106484

INFJ, I write the best poetry.

>> No.6106495

but I don't speak italian, anon

>> No.6106496

INFP, have you beat, sonny.

>> No.6106529

I sort of don't get poetry. Is there a division between making the words look beautiful (like alliteration) and making beautiful imagery? Word art and rhymes and things like that aren't appealing to me but I like being taken to different places. Anyone have any poetry recommendations?

>> No.6106549

>poetry in translation

>> No.6106575

Most people never listened a good poet, though. There just isn't a lot of aedos out there anymore.

Nevertheless,if people like music with lyrics, they can "get" poetry. At least, some edgy and pleb ones.

>> No.6106630

watch billy collins read on youtube. he's very accessible.

>> No.6106637

He's a horrible poet.

>> No.6106640

Is there a /lit/ guide to poetry?

Is Inferno a good place to start? It's the only poetry book I own, but haven't started it yet. I've been sort of enjoying Naked Lunch, which a friend described as poetry-but-not-really.

>> No.6106645

Don't start with Dante unless you can read him in his original language. Start with Paradise Lost.

>> No.6106646

I get poetry. I just don't like reading it.

Someone can just explain all the allusions and cool devices and metres for you.

>Makin up ur own
>just b urself

Every poem ever is about cocks. What do I win?

>> No.6106647

pshhht... nothin personnel kid....

>> No.6106652
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>What do I win?

>> No.6106684

So would the Odyssey/Iliad count as 'good' poems?

>> No.6106711

sez you.

>> No.6106748

>i hate beauty

No its not okay. Lucky for you it's more likely that you don't actually get it, and that your probably just a retarded kid.

>> No.6106812

ENTP - I don't give a fuck. I give your fuck.

>> No.6107096

>that picture


>> No.6107234

the meme game just got real.

>> No.6107265

INFP masterrace, boyz

>> No.6107268

why are norwegians so fat though?

>> No.6107280

>All those "politicians" who are in their teens
What the fuck is this?

>> No.6107288

nice meme

>> No.6107294

It was a youth organization.

>> No.6107299

it's too cold to go outside and exercise

>> No.6107301

>was training to be a nurse

top kek

>> No.6107427
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because it sucks western civilization got nothing worth mentioning beside junk food and fake boobs your entire culture is superficial your literature is shit your people are goddamn autistic your women are landwhale your presidents are niggers your low quality entertainment is based on foolishness and autism what the fuck did you expect ?? y'all waito piggu are disgusting scums e

>> No.6109177
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>'I get poetry'
>'you know, poetry really speaks to me, intellectually of course...'

>> No.6109213

ya know, it's a tough call but i think, yeah, pretension upsets me more than ignorance

>> No.6109342

I can analyse poems and understand them, but they don't give me the feels.