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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 620x310, 8-books-neil-degrasse-tyson-says-every-intelligent-person-should-read[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6092611 No.6092611 [Reply] [Original]


1.The bible
2.The system of the world
3.On the origin of species
4.gullivers travels
5.the age of reason
6.the wealth of nations
7.the art of war
8.the prince

>> No.6092621

that dude is a little bitch. i saw im do some speech where compared the nobel prizes in science won by jews to muslims and he was like if 6 million jews can win all these nobel prizes just imagine if muslims stopped being theocratic cavemen and started winning science nobel prizes instead just imagine how far ahead humanity would be...i was like, all that's needed for that to happen is for the majority of muslims to live in middle of germany for a few centuries and study at german schools and learn from german culture and speak germanic languages and eventually they to will match jew genius....hey tyson, you're fucking black, why don't you tell africans to be more like the jews and start winning science nobels too, fucking little bitch. but as a zionist toady we can see why he has become "the face of american science".

>> No.6092622

>1. The Bible, "to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself."


>> No.6092632

we had this thread a million years ago in december.

>> No.6092634

>7 and 8

He really does have some reddit-level taste

>> No.6092735

I remember that thread.

>> No.6092762

So now people who watch a bit of tv and want to feel smert are going to buy these books, pretend they're smert, and actually think that reading these things somehow make you smert, or that this is basically what all those smert people read and talk about.

Great list...

>> No.6092768

he demoted pluto from planet status and his criteria is not logically consistent for "real" planets like neptune. i can't take him seriously.

>> No.6092807

mii tu

>> No.6092819

>2.The system of the world
>3.On the origin of species

Are these two really still worth reading?

>> No.6092868


No, not really.

>> No.6092886

>Neil deGrasse Tyson
top fucking kek

>> No.6092890

I'd argue that the Origin is still readable - Darwin was a relatively good writer, most of the things he wrote about are still "valid" (many of the things he confessed of not being able to explain were explained by now, genes being the prime example), but I wouldn't read it as an "introduction" to evolutionary thinking.
Dawkins, Gould, Zimmer, Coyne are better for introductions as these at least are up to date and better "pop" writers.

I'd recommend Darwin's Voyage Of The Beagle, that one's more "timeless" as it works very well as a travelogue of a world that stopped existing, a world where South America was another planet and you could find huge fossils by just walking down the beach.

>> No.6092913

I think Jewish intelligence developed long before they emigrated to Europe. Even back in the days of the Roman Empire, the Jewish population was relatively small and they tended to live in their own communities in other nations. As a result of this, Jews have primarily been merchants, scholars and craftsmen. They didn't have to be farmers, as the host nation filled that role for them, so they could focus exclusively on pursuits that did not require manual labor. Even the Bible described them as greedy and dogmatic, which implies they had lived like this long before the Roman Empire existed.
More than 2000 years of natural selection and inbreeding later, and we have the modern Ashkenazi Jew. Highly intelligent and full of genetic disorders. Whether their moral failings are a result of genetics or simply exist as a means of survival, I honestly don't know.

>> No.6092933

yeah, also since they don't have a pope to tell them what to think literacy and biblical hermeneutics were important to them at time when the average christian couldn't even read his own bible...

>> No.6092942

>Highly intelligent and full of genetic disorders.

when my uncle got some weird cancer they did genetic tests and found he had ashkenazi dna, i was like wtf, we're german catholics...turns out somebody was an undercover kike! wtf, makes it harder to /pol/ out on the hebes

>> No.6092953

Won't someone rid us of this nigulent priest of new new atheism

>> No.6092980

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a huge asshole and philistine. Who gives a shit what books he recommends? He probably hasn't even read those. Man, I hate his voice and the smug look on his face. Watch the talk with him and Richard Dawkins. Every time Dawkins tries to be somewhat philosophical, he is shut down by Tyson's references to Disney movies. "Dur hur... when I die my atoms will become the chicken feed and thus I will return to the KFC bucket from whence I ate."

>> No.6092994


and seconded

>> No.6093017

He provides negative reasons for The Art of War and The Prince

Regardless, if you consider those 'edgy' perhaps this board isn't for you

>> No.6093022

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a worthwhile person to listen to, if he's talking about astronomy. His opinion on literature has as much merit as that of any other jerkoff on this board.

>> No.6093033

>1. The Bible, "to learn that it’s easier to be told by others what to think and believe than it is to think for yourself."
Did no one notice how ironic this line is

>> No.6093046
File: 172 KB, 1024x820, 1024px-Bastein-Lepage_Diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the hate for this guy. Serious question; is it because he's black? His list seems fine to me - I'd challenge any of you to make a 'better' list on such a wishy-washy subjective subject matter.

>> No.6093049

I'd like to read the Bible but... what's the best english translation for it?

Also, feel free to answer that question for other biblical texts too

>> No.6093076

It's not just him, it's the whole pop-science and the "I don't believe in God I believe in SCIENCE™!" crowd.

>> No.6093080

read the KJV is was written by Shakespear

>> No.6093081


>> No.6093089

>Serious question; is it because he's black?

Personally, yes.

>> No.6093095

It's never really the idea that bothers people so much, it's the adherents. Although, personally, I don't encounter them, so I don't really care about it, but the list is just, so incredibly sporadic, they're some of the world's classics, that won't actually teach you all that much when read alone, and if people were to follow this list thinking that this is what ''being an intellectual'' is about, it would be misleading.

Basically, this list will make you a 100% outdated authority quoter.

>> No.6093098

>I'd challenge any of you to make a 'better' list on such a wishy-washy subjective subject matter.

1. The Ego and Its Own
2. The Ego and Its Own
3. The Ego and Its Own
4. The Ego and Its Own
5. The Ego and Its Own
6. The Ego and Its Own
7. The Ego and Its Own

>> No.6093108

1. Atlas Shrugged
2. Atlas Shrugged
3. Atlas Shrugged
4. Atlas Shrugged
5. Atlas Shrugged
6. Atlas Shrugged
7. Atlas Shrugged

>> No.6093113

People like him are actually where reddit fedoras get their taste

>> No.6093126

His face is upon the flag of a movement of whining cunts who blame their parents for raising them how they saw fit, with God.

Why would anyone want youth to resent their parents and their parents' religion?
Who would want the youth to resent their parents and their parents' religion?

>> No.6093140

>1.The bible
parts of it
>2.The system of the world
wtf is that
>3.On the origin of species
why, i already read the school textbook of biology
>4.gullivers travels
>5.the age of reason
wtf is that
>6.the wealth of nations
may be interesting i guess
>7.the art of war
some chinese crap and they never could fight, i would rather read an american book with that name
>8.the prince

>> No.6093185

I don't remember why, but I dislike you, kitty. But I agree with your opinion.

Anyway, not a bad list. I was expecting something far worse.

>> No.6093195


Bible: yeah the cultural relevance is too huge to ignore. If you haven't read it already you're probably locked into plebdom tbh.

2+3: old, irrelevant

4: Solid fiction. Good book.

5+6: These are actually intellectual books, probably the only ones along with the bible that deserve to be on this list.

7: Shit book. Trash. Pleb level tactics, it's actually dogshit tbh. Nothing is relevant to anything. >implying Asians have ever been good at war

8: Another good fiction book. Nothing life changing.

I'm surprised Dune isn't on there tbh.

The Misandry Bubble is mandatory reading for any modern intellectual. As Meditations by Maruc Aurelius.

>> No.6093196
File: 22 KB, 480x600, FrpzE4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think astronomy is kind of boring? Once you realize how big a galaxy is in comparison to the sun and how small Earth is compared to the sun, what else is there to know? How many degrees it is on Venus? The names of constellations?

>> No.6093199

>7.the art of war
>8.the prince

What a fucking idiot. I have no idea why people always mention these fucking books. Are you going to be a general or head of state? No? Then why bother? Jesus H. Christ. Makes me so angry.

>> No.6093202

bc u can get gurls with the knowledge ;)

>> No.6093206

>implying I'm not going to be a general or head of state
Move aside, civilian

>> No.6093221

The difference is that Dawkins is an autist with delusions of grandeur despite his babby brain, while Tyson is a cynical autist who knows how to make more money.

Dawkins wants to make billions of 'legitimate' and fucking identical documentaries about the infinite majesty of 11th grade science projects. Tyson is like 'when I gesticulate a lot and repetitively dumb down 11th grade concepts to preschool level, people pay me money'.

>Isn't adolescent atheism endlessly wondrous???

>ATOMS.. that were in STARS.. are in me.. And I think that's the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing. Just imagine, you, and I, and all of us here, we're all made of stars. Made of stars. Stars made the elements that are in us today. You and I, here, right now, this whole room, this VERY CHAIR is made from a star. And I think that's the most amazing thing.

Guess which one is going to host the next ten Cosmos knockoffs, and which one can't even make game theory documentaries anymore because Discovery is too busy hosting Cosmos knockoffs?

>> No.6093240

The Selfish Gene is a better pop science book than anything Tyson will ever create.

inb4 Hamilton ripoff

>> No.6093241

shit list.


>the wealth of nations


>> No.6093245

Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8 m8d me h8

>> No.6093259

Yes, I can't help but laugh to myself when people say they get their spirituality from contemplating the size of the universe. "Isn't the universe awesome? There are hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars!" Yeah, that impressed me the first few times I thought about it, but I don't expect I'll see any of those other galaxies up close any time soon. I'd rather continue empathizing with fictional characters who live on earth. The human condition is more important to me than stars and planets I'll never get the chance to see. The universe is big? Okay. So what?

>> No.6093284

so much bullshit in one post like what the fuck

>> No.6093288

No Hegel? No Freud? No MARX???!?!?!?!

This list is pure ideology.

>> No.6093292
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>nigulent priest

>> No.6093295


Yeah I'm kind of on the same wavelength as you.

It's like how I'm suppsed to be amazed about facebook posts about how scientists discovered a new particle or something. I just can't bring myself care about most of this science shit.

>> No.6093314

No one is forcing you to care, but you should at least respect the work, if for nothing else than for the discipline and teamwork such endeavours require. Research scientists work out of genuine interest for deeper understanding, they are not so different to your Professors of Medieval Literature or what have you in that regard.

>> No.6093323

Hey we should come up with our alternate lists!!!

I'll start:

1. The Bible.

2. The Origin Of Species.

3. Something by Shakespeare.

4. The Origin Of Species.

5. The Genealogy Of Morals.

6. Civilization And Its Discontents.

7. Some commentary on Marxism (I'm recommending a commentary here because Marx's ideas were spread out over a lot of works and you can't really "get" Marxism by reading just one).

8. Hobbes, Leviathan.

>> No.6093334


>that dude is a little bitch.
thats rude

> i saw im do some speech where compared the nobel prizes in science won by jews to muslims and he was like if 6 million jews can win all these nobel prizes just imagine if muslims stopped being theocratic cavemen and started winning science nobel prizes instead just imagine how far ahead humanity would be

thats not possible. even hypothetically lets say muslims stopped thinking backwards, it would take them centuries, hell probably something like 1000 years to even being to match average jewish's intelligence and yea hes pretty dumb in saying that

>.i was like, all that's needed for that to happen is for the majority of muslims to live in middle of germany for a few centuries and study at german schools and learn from german culture and speak germanic languages and eventually they to will match jew genius

that the most retarded thing ive heard all week kek

>hey tyson, you're fucking black, why don't you tell africans to be more like the jews and start winning science nobels too, fucking little bitch. but as a zionist toady we can see why he has become "the face of american science".

u mean his a zionist? because that is impossible, and hes the the "face of american science" lol

since your on /lit/ how about reading some books? being less stupid? ever think of that?

>> No.6093347

germanfag version

1. Die Bibel
2. Goethe's Faust
3. Schiller's Die Räuber
4. Nietzsche's Also sprach Zarathustra
5. Heidegger's Sein und Zeit
6. Marx/Engels' Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei
7. Büchner's Der Hessische Landbote
8. Lessing's Nathan der Weise

just some shit no-one has read but everyone agrees that it's super important

>> No.6093373

Maybe this explains why so many people in my family have disorders of some kind, particularly skin disorders. The Internet told me that people with my surname come from a group of Jews living in the northern Italian peninsula in the 7th century.

>> No.6093401

Pluto is smaller than the moon, why would it be a planet?

>> No.6093412

If you can circumnavigate a planet by car in less time than it takes to microwave a Hot Pocket, it's not a planet.

>> No.6093434
File: 96 KB, 301x450, 19062463-headshot-of-caucasian-male-wearing-a-fedora-style-hat-talking-on-the-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hi, memes r us? This is Anon. I'd like to order the biggest fedora picture you have. Thank you and keep the tip!"

>> No.6093457

Why is /lit/ so irrationally annoyed by atheism? You people keep trying to pretend its some form of immature phase teenagers go through which I doubt is true for the majority of American atheists. And its definitely not true in countries where atheism is entirely normal.

>> No.6093463

because the zionists need americans to keep believe in jesus as a justification for supporting the occupation of the holy land, so it's import to keep the atheism shaming movement strong, so that israel is strong, shalom!

>> No.6093503

>why is /lit/ so annoyed by shitposting? you people keep trying to pretend it's some form of immature phase manchildren go through which I doubt is true for the majority of faggots and trolls. And it's definitely not true in countries where where shit is breakfeast.

>> No.6093514

The atheist movement is a troop of retards who have been convinced by the promise of being correct.
Much the same way as many SJW's.

Its probably safe to assume that many people here are acting/living as if they were atheists, but they don't respect or believe the types of arguments and reasoning that many atheists bark about constantly.

If your theological position is mostly comprised of a big self-pat on the back then prepare for everyone to mock your retardation. And I don't think that is particular to one side; although new found Christianity is meme'n here ATM.

>> No.6093521

I bet you like continental philosophy too. How many fedora pictures do you have in your dank meme folder?

>> No.6093534
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What answer did you want? I get the impression you don't even understand what I wrote, and yet are precisely the type of person I am talking about.

>> No.6093541

They attack a caricature of Christianity then try to pass off their caricature as the real thing, general dishonesty

>> No.6093547

You really have no idea what the average atheist is like do you?

>> No.6093591

Because blacks are busy rapping themselves rich. The Jews' end goal is also to be rich but they do it intellectually and by working behind the scenes. Sometimes these two intersect and you get jew managers for megastar rappers

>> No.6093604

You're one of those knee-jerk reactionaries who cling to Pluto's planetary status so baffilingly. Why are you people so sentimentally attached to Pluto being a planet?

>> No.6093615

Yes, this.

>> No.6093616


>> No.6093621

He has said many times that he does not want to be associated with the atheist movement. He is agnostic and prefers to talk about science.

>> No.6093625
File: 52 KB, 725x600, 1417881001026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6093630

Can we put this in the fuckin sticky? would that curb the fedora threads?

>> No.6093643

Suicide is a viable option. But your kind is dying out so I understand if you want to putter on and preserve your species.

>> No.6093649

>Gulliver's Travels

that seems kind of random for this list

>> No.6093651

Why are you people massively over exaggerating the atheist 'movement'. Does it really offend you so much that people are not religious?

>> No.6093652

He's the definition of a Redditor pop scientist /r/atheist guy.

>> No.6093665

Behavior that goes against Christ is rewarded in the U.S., especially within the media, and politics. You don't have to be Christian to believe this.
>Da joos are behind the dank fedora meme
Guess who owns the media.

>> No.6093800

>Commie manifesto
Lol nope

>> No.6093865

1. KJV Bible
2. Pope's.Homer
3. Dialogues of Plato
4. Aristotle's Complete Works
5. Shakespeare's Complete Works
6. Montaigne's Essays
7. Descartes' Meditations

>> No.6093885


>> No.6093897

>every intelligent person should read

>> No.6093971

yfw you realize that not every intelligent person reads

>> No.6094029
File: 46 KB, 600x450, PICT8496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one is forcing you to care, but you should at least respect the work, if for nothing else than for the discipline and teamwork such endeavours require.

>> No.6094035

wow, that definitely isn't predictable and generic at all.

>> No.6094040

>7. Some commentary on Marxism (I'm recommending a commentary here because Marx's ideas were spread out over a lot of works and you can't really "get" Marxism by reading just one).
Meh. The Art of War was ok but whatever.
>8. Hobbes, Leviathan.
I'd keep The Prince and exchange it for Teh Holy Bible.

Why do you care that much about The Origin of Species? And the genealogy isn't even that groundbreaking (not saying it's not very good). At least list Beyon Good and Evil.

>> No.6094046
File: 29 KB, 555x644, 5001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Schiller's Die Räuber
>just some shit no-one has read but everyone agrees that it's super important

>> No.6094137

I'm honestly not sure what to make of Tyson, I can't tell if he's an absolute twat or a cool guy.

>> No.6094158

I don't watch Dr. Who so I don't know or care who Neil deGrasse Tyson is.

>> No.6094275

I hate how people always post this same argument over and over again. Please take your racism back to /pol/. Do you even read books???

>> No.6094289

>read the KJV is was written by Shakespear
It wasn't

>> No.6094296

Yeah, like, fuck space, man. Who cares about exploration, and progress of the human race, right?.

>> No.6094306

I'm not that dude but this whining doesn't negate that he is pretty much right. You have just been told to feel badly when it's brought up, by the media which is owned by jews. My favorite author is gaddis, a degenerate alcoholic who got kicked out of harvard and married a jewess.

>> No.6094310

You are pretty much saying, "You must be a theist, otherwise you are retarded". I love this rational thinking

>> No.6094319
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>the art of war

>> No.6094324
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source please? not doubting, just curious

>> No.6094327
File: 80 KB, 272x199, hilarious turtle meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art of War

>> No.6094337

rambling much, why not just come out and say the jews run the world and rig the nobel prize selections so they win all the time.

>> No.6094353

>implying the IAU didn't make this decision behind closed doors without consulting the astronomical community
>implying there aren't astronomers who think this call is bullshit

>radius of 736 miles
hey fatty, stop eating continent-sized hot pockets

>> No.6094391


Bible is only relevant if you're living in a nation with Christian tradition. The Art of War is one of the most overrated books there is. Really I feel this way about all eastern philosophy. It feels like eastern philosophers wrote shit like statecraft and tactics that now have no practical use (so now we hold up shit like art of war as philosophy and metaphor and people use it for business and inane shit like that) or they wrote self-help shit that people later turned into religions.

>> No.6095517

there's nothing wrong with reading laozi or something, but sun tzu is wayy overrated

>> No.6095538

This even more shit than Tyson's list.
>hurr muh philosophy and sum greeks

>> No.6096318

So the jews are morally degenerate, yet brilliant and artistic but at the same time their endevours are hated by their own media which they control..
Is this some complex tactic to confuse the goyim?
If you are serious, if are truly honest when expressing these views than you need to go out and socialize with non retarded internet dwellers.
You have crossed the line of autism and walked too far.

>> No.6096357
File: 32 KB, 225x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Principia Mathematica
2. Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
3. Naming and Necessity
4. An Open Society and its Enemies
5. Two Dogmas of Empiricism
6. Philosophical Investigations
7. The Foundations of Arithmetic

>> No.6096373
File: 72 KB, 363x364, 1378918540191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually a pretty good list coming from a scientist, I'd mostly expect him to poop out a list of books about analytic philosophy and science.

>> No.6096379

[autism intensifies]

>> No.6096425

You're actually from tumblr, aren't you?
There are things called jokes. I'm not even him, but it's obvious.

>> No.6096429

really, well that's because your perceptions are based on a total distortion and you spend your days only viewing a fraction of the world, so you understand virtually nothing because you're a moron fuckhead.

>> No.6096434
File: 245 KB, 400x271, start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 forgotten classics that will help you survive and succeed in today's tough business world

>> No.6096447

>really, well that's because your perceptions are based on a total distortion and you spend your days only viewing a fraction of the world, so you understand virtually nothing because you're a moron fuckhead.

They aren't really. It's not a stretch to imagine a scientist being biased about the world as much as anyone else is, and thus will spread knowledge that is conducive to his worldview, which is why I said it's fun to see that he has actually read things outside of his field.

No reason to get upset fag.

>> No.6096453

you have never interacted with a single scientist in your entire life

>> No.6096466
File: 472 KB, 707x1000, tumblr_mmdruc3FCk1qz7x00o1_1280_zpsfd242994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem angered, friend.

>> No.6096470

>you have never interacted with a single scientist in your entire life

Actually I have you asspained faggot. One of my oldest friends is a master's student in theoretical physics, so the jokes on you.

>> No.6096472

There's never been a consistent definition of what a planet is.


>> No.6096476
File: 547 KB, 256x256, john green 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o i am laffin

>> No.6096487
File: 169 KB, 760x797, 1397763417198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real joke is that you actually tried to prove on the internet that you're right lmao

>> No.6096493

Yes, I have slightly more self-respect than a shitposter like you.

Keep crying though.

>> No.6096526

yeah but if you have more respect then why'd you get lassoed by my insane antics and insist on sperging autistic cum all over everything i write in an effort to prove yourself to me? because no one else in the thread cares

if you're seeking my attention and i'm worthless.. well.. you should dwell on such things, faggotron

>> No.6097134


The ego and its own what?

>> No.6097236

>ATOMS.. that were in STARS.. are in me.. And I think that's the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing. Just imagine, you, and I, and all of us here, we're all made of stars. Made of stars. Stars made the elements that are in us today. You and I, here, right now, this whole room, this VERY CHAIR is made from a star. And I think that's the most amazing thing.
my sides
This is literally the most accurate description of the "Cosmos", you don't even need to watch it

>> No.6097264

What is that caricature of Christianity?
> God exists and this fact must be respected
*tips cross*

>> No.6097276
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>> No.6097496

who are you to decide what 'progress of the human race' entails, plebeian

>> No.6097734

>Why are you people so sentimentally attached to Pluto being a planet?

This is /lit/, and pluto sounds a lot like plato
He started with the greeks and doesn't want scientists to finish with them

>> No.6097740


>> No.6097756
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont remember but doesn't his reason for the negative outlook on The Art of War amount to a sad case of "missing the point entirely"?

Regardless I think he's a total fucking fag. Telling people to consume a work of art or a piece of information or anything for that matter after interjecting your own fucktarded bias is about as low as it gets.

"Read this book so you can see how shit X is XDDD" and "Read this book so you can learn the true word of God heathen XDDD" are two sides of the same coin. So congrats le black reddit science man, you just sank down to the level of an evangelical.

>> No.6099521


I'm sorry but the guy has a Phd in astrophysics, he's intelligent. Perhaps with a dash of assburgers cologne but he's still a smart motherfucker.

>> No.6099545

>tfw Ashkenazi jew

>> No.6099577

>all philosophy
>no empirical science no physics
>no mathematics beyond outdated foundations
kek good job anon

>> No.6099588
File: 14 KB, 400x313, image-service.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a book I recommend to this egomaniac.



>> No.6099595

>"The Art of War," by Sun Tzu, "to learn that the act of killing fellow humans can be raised to an art."
What exactly is he trying to say here?

>> No.6099606

>Tyson thinks AoW is a manual on killing people

Is he really that dumb or did he just not read it?

>> No.6099609
File: 83 KB, 1200x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why not both?

>> No.6100709

This shit is so last month.