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6090535 No.6090535 [Reply] [Original]

What is up with Marxists/SJWs and Hegel? Everyone I know who is into Marxist ideology, has a massive erection for Hegel, extolling him as the end all be all of philosophy; yet none of these people actually have a real knowledge of philosophical writings or history.

>> No.6090550

He came up with labor alienation. First rigorous theory of historical progress.

>> No.6090565

You should caps History there, mate.

>> No.6090610 [DELETED] 

really? Hegel sounds like a cuck

>> No.6090617

Yeah Marxists have this weird fixation an Hegelian dialectics it's almost like that's the basis of their theory.

>> No.6092130

I get that, but they seem willing to dismiss every other philosophy without any understanding of said philosophy.

>> No.6092148

what do you mean "everyone I know"

do you mean "people you know on /lit/, tumblr, the internet" or "people I know in person"

>> No.6092172


The Dialectic of Master and Slave is GOAT

>> No.6092190

That History is the History of Freedom can be articulated a number of ways. by advancing freedom, Marxist (or in their politically active role "SJWs") are gaining a sense of participating in history by doing just that.

>> No.6092193

What is real knowledge of philosophical writings or history?

>> No.6092200




pick one

SJWs run on activism, not academia.

>> No.6092225

Never met a leftist IRL (and certainly no one that could be called an SJW) that has even read Hegel. If only.

>> No.6092235

have you ever met a person who has read hegl

>> No.6092236

Yes (phil major)

>> No.6092262

If they read Hegel, they'd hate him, since an orthodox reading of him is basically fascism. Also SJWs like Nietzche, not Hegel, since they take their lineage from Foucault and Rawls/Rorty.

>> No.6092275

>yet none of these people actually have a real knowledge of philosophical writings or history.

As it usually is with pseudo-intellectuals.

Marxism is literally philosophy for plebs, and it shows.

>> No.6092293

>Also SJWs like Nietzche, not Hegel, since they take their lineage from Foucault and Rawls/Rorty.

Never understood that. You would think someone who said that the modern sense of justice is just slave morality wouldn't get along too well with a movement that is ressentiment defined.

>> No.6092314

>Marxist (or in their politically active role "SJWs")

SJWs are Capitalist shills.

>> No.6092471

> since an orthodox reading of him is basically fascism
Philosophy of Right? Yes. Aesthetics, Phenomenology and Logic of Science? Its a bit more nyanced. Even though he had quasi-fascist views, Marxist views can be developed from there as well.

>> No.6092520

>If they read Hegel, they'd hate him, since an orthodox reading of him is basically fascism
what? the dude talks about freedom all the time

>> No.6092530

It's the first thing they teach you in phylosophy class in HS these days, so it's likely he's the only philosopher they learned about before enrolling in a woman's right major.

>> No.6092551

There is no other philosophy.

>> No.6092554

Idealistic Freedom.
Remember that the origin of fascist philosophy comes from the Right Hegelians.

>> No.6092557

I have a friend who's fixated on Hegel, of course he's a Marxist and feminist

>> No.6092585


so he's a horrible person?

>> No.6092599

That sounds like a very feminist way to criticize someone for beliefs.

>> No.6092606

Nah. But all these Marxists around me are starting to annoy me.

>> No.6092641

Freedom is only part of the lower tier of abstract living that is the economical reality. Basically it's a sham and only a slave to the volkgeist and it's Sittlichkeit or whatever it was called.

>> No.6092655

>Remember that the origin of fascist philosophy comes from the Right Hegelians.
like who? croce?

the original right hegelians were all but forgotten almost immediately

>> No.6092665


Giovanni Gentile was an absolute idealist, although not inspired by THE right Hegelians, I think.

>> No.6092666

From what I know, Hegels work supports collectivism, hence the affinity he receives from the left.

>> No.6092734

What about Hegel himself. He is the philosopher of Nationalism. There's a reason he was liked by every eastern europe country.

>> No.6092778

He was an actual idealist. He was majorly influenced by Hegel, but there are some key differences. Gentile doesn't sees Spirit as something created an maintained by a people (including the Spirit of people). National Spirit can be made any number of forms, and by any arbitrary group of people. Gentile stresses conscious crafting of National Spirit by the people so that it serves the people rather than the other way around. Gentile was very concerned with individual subjectivity, and he disagreed with Hegel's idea of subjectivity of the larger Spirit just using the people, or at least didn't consider it a good things; fascism is an attempt to reconcile individual subjectivity with Spirit.

>> No.6092784

>Gentile sees Spirit as something created and maintained

>> No.6093731

this idea is overstated and not representative of hegel

>> No.6093762

Like the origin of communism comes from the Left Hegelians

>> No.6093797


Hegel has a very interesting analysis of the place of the poor in society.

He argues that the poor (or the rabble, as he calls them), has had a moral wrong committed to them, as their position is the product of society.

However, redressing this wrong is essentially impossible; if the state just gives them money, they still lack the essential dignity of participation in civil society, and hence are still an underclass. If the state attempts to provide jobs, this will again exacerbate the issue as their position was originally the product of overproduction in the economy.

The rabble, despite having legitimate concerns, is essentially stuck in its position, and yet also poses a threat to the state, and hence must be kept down. The key difference is Marx held for the possibility of a self conscious historical change, i.e. one that could liberate the rabble from its position, though this would require the destruction of the social institutions that produced them.

>> No.6093857

The Geist is working through the SJWs. They are History's slave of our era.

>> No.6093899

>Marxist in any form

They take his image and appropriate (hehe I used a trigger word) it for themselves. They are too intellectually deficient to perform an actual reading of Marx.

>> No.6094771

As in everyone I know who is a self proclaimed Marxist college types, tumblr included. A lot of scholarly journals I've read have a boner for Hegel, but there ideas are a lot more developed.
As in a basis of knowledge in classic greek, medieval, rationalist, empiricist, existentialist, logic, phenomenology, epistemology, ontology, teleology, metaphysics, etc. People whose only grasp of philosophy, is attempting to read the wiki and a few pages of his scattered work and flock to a philosopher who requires a substantial amount of prior philosophical
What are you even to trying to say, there are several different schools of philosophy.

>> No.6094791

>claims knowledge of philosophy
>there are several different schools of philosophy
m80 there is only one philosophy

>> No.6094794
File: 117 KB, 751x923, equality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And if they read Nietzsche they would get btfo because Nietzsche was the anti-SJW par excellence

>> No.6094796
File: 13 KB, 204x118, reported for pollocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is up with Marxists/SJWs

>> No.6094801

Oh my god kill yourself

>> No.6094812

Pretty sure you are incorrect in your statement. I'm getting a minor in philosophy, I know a little bit about the subject mate.
Not a /pol/ "fascist", I would say I'm more of a classical liberal. I think the Marxist/SJW types are really the problem with the modern left.

>> No.6094826


>> No.6094838

>Fedoras trying to promote anti-liberal views on a university campus inside the original welfare nanny state

top cuck. what did you expect to happen?

>> No.6094849

all this proves is that the type of people who sincerely use the term "SJW" don't know how to read, Nietzsche or otherwise

>> No.6094851

I know a few SJWs and none have ever used the word dialectic.

>> No.6094855

I just thought it was relevant

>> No.6095410

I used to flat with a guy who had a hard on for judith butler and hegel. yeah, leftists...

>> No.6095758
File: 15 KB, 500x366, hidin' homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think Marxism is the problem with the modern left
a ha ha hoo hoo hee hee ho ho

>> No.6096250

>I'm getting a minor in philosophy
>links wiki

lmao, revealed all your cards kiddo

>> No.6096262

Is it just me does the "SJW" moniker sound unacceptable as a qualifiable name.

Is there an actual equivalent academic term for it?

>> No.6096266


>> No.6096273


lel sjw are literally the opposite of marxism.
They think every problem is fundamentally social in nature rather than economical.

>> No.6096276
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>> No.6096287

Nietzche btfo SJWs back in the 1800s dude was based as fuck

>> No.6096306


Not really since >muh patriarchy.

>> No.6096310


Critical Activism?

>> No.6096315

This is true, it's an ideology that can only flourish in late capitalism. It's the result of a society atomized by capitalism.

>> No.6096533

Nietzsche was best friends with a SJW. He was a SJW.

>> No.6097149

I proved >>6094791 wrong by linking that wiki page. I honestly don't care if you believe me about getting a minor in philosophy or not, it doesn't effect me in any way at all.
I never said they were the same group, but they are the two most prominent fringe left groups. And they've both equally hurt the left. I don't really have problem with Marxism, but the people who it is supposed to effect the most, the proletariat, are completely against this system created by bourgeois intellectuals who don't understand the plight of the working class, because they have never been the working class.
SJWs are just as obsessed with class as any Marxist, their ideas really aren't that far apart.

>> No.6097177

So its the difference between believing Jews control the world or the Illuminati. What a distinction.

You do realize those aren't even mutually exclusive?

>> No.6097225

>you'll never be a young russian boy writing to his mother about meeting Hegel in person, as if you were getting married

After reading such a letter, I just can't take Schoppy and his bitching seriously.

>> No.6097877
File: 89 KB, 600x589, Philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English majors. They like the challenge of Hegel's obtuse prose. Like reading Joyce. Prose is why /lit/ likes most philosophers.

Stirner is very daring and affirming. Nietzsche uses a lot of references to older works, which gives an excuse for reading too much, same reason people like Shakespeare. Zizek is Tao Lin or Family Guy, references to modern culture. Marx, they just like his conclusions, not how he got to them, like Ayn Rand and libertarians.

These people don't understand what they're reading, and even if they did, they wouldn't care. English majors are the script kiddies of the philosophy world.

>> No.6097882

The furby shirt is a nice touch.