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/lit/ - Literature

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6090061 No.6090061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has a female ever written a book of literary merit?

>> No.6090072


>> No.6090079

Now that that's settled, has a genderqueer ever written a book of literary merit?

>> No.6090084


I'm unconvinced. What objective proof do you have?

>> No.6090087

Have you not heard of Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, or Willa Cather?

>> No.6090093

Flannery O'connor is a better author than most men I've read

>> No.6090097


Yes, your former pupil Camille Paglia, for one. You blurbed her book.

>> No.6090103


>> No.6090104

yes. Once and future king by TH White and all of Shakespeare's work.

>> No.6090108

Harry Pothead is pretty swell

>> No.6090109

Good thing we have an objective criteria for literary merit

>> No.6090127

No one in their right mind would say Dan Brown has more literary merit than Shakespeare.
Therefore there must exist some kind of objective criteria for literary merit, right?

>> No.6090129
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>Everything is like subjective, man. What if like your green is my red, dude???? Whoa.

>> No.6090145


color is subjective, friend

>> No.6090150

good thing you'll never be in a position in which your opinion is worth anything whatsoever because that would have negative consequences

>> No.6090151

>he thinks redtexting is an argument

>> No.6090152


scathing retort
which male authors do you find more worthy than O'connor?

>> No.6090164

nigga you havent read much

>> No.6090186


>abusing the tripcode function to create an identity on an anonymous imageboard

you haven't lurked much, faggot

>> No.6090191

>not naming names

>> No.6090205

I found this, by googling "female writers".


Come on dude. You aren't even trying here.

>> No.6090219

ive been memein the chans for so long this shit fade

>> No.6090222


how do we destroy 3rd wave feminism?

>> No.6090238

underrated post.

>> No.6090248

>They sound like they are being raped.
sides = gone

>> No.6090257
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top cuck

>> No.6090281
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Based Flannery

>> No.6090285

He hasn't read anything beside wikipedia in his life.

>> No.6090304


>> No.6090377
File: 29 KB, 500x377, Brett Holmes - go away now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ending capitalism, of course.
"Third wave" is just weak stupid liberal crap.

No. They don't.

>> No.6091214


>> No.6091218

>3rd wave
>implying all wasn't lost with the 2nd wave move from essentialism

>> No.6091222

top chuckle

>> No.6091229

you are weak stupid liberal crap

>> No.6091233
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You could argue that To Kill a Mockingbird has literary merit (I think it does). Frankenstein as well. I'm not sold on Wuthering Heights having literary value despite being considered a 'classic'; it's almost unreadable.

captcha: losed

>> No.6091240

>Ending capitalism
neoteny, everybody

>> No.6091287

>an objective criteria
>a criteria

>> No.6091292

Bloom thought so. Just a few, and that none had been overlooked due to discrimination.

>> No.6091304

jesus christ this vlogger is twice as annoying as the bad music