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/lit/ - Literature

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6089758 No.6089758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should I convert to Christianity?

>> No.6089759

This is a literature board.

>> No.6089775
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Christianity is pleb tier
Catholicism is the only non pleb religion

>> No.6089776
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>> No.6089781

Catholicism is Christianity, bubbo.

>> No.6089782

What I meant.

>> No.6089795

the bible is the foundational text of christianity
it is also a book of fiction
therefore such a discussion is well within the rules of the board

>> No.6089796

Except Christianity is for plebs m8
Just accept it
>not constantly self abasing your self in search for divinity and salvation

>> No.6089845
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You should follow truth. If you believe Jesus is not just true, but THE truth, then you should follow him as the way. If you do not, then God bless you anyway.

>> No.6089846

I don't get how I'm supposed to be able to talk to Jesus or God. Is praying just some sort of metaphorical shit?

>> No.6089849

This, pretty much

>> No.6089852


>> No.6089880

You need to vocalize it, be humble, be in privacy (don't pray to be seen - bible says to go into your room and then into your closet), or be with one other person, or certain other situations

I found the following sermon helpful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKaYPvlPfLc

God wants us to ask for things. It's literally a commandment. But there are guidelines of course

>> No.6089893

What sort of a stupid question is that? if you're asking 4chan whether or not you should, you clearly don't care enough to ever be anything more than a poser.

Catholicism is fucking terrible, pretty every Christian shitposter on this board is Catholic, Tallis included, and their main argument for Catholicism is appeal to LARP. Who the fuck cares of the Catholic Church patronized artists in the Renaissance? a lot of the Popes then barely even believed in God, and unless you're going to Mass in the Vatican, it's not like you have any better access to it than anyone else for being Catholic.

>> No.6089905

>if you're asking 4chan whether or not you should, you clearly don't care enough to ever be anything more than a poser.
Looking for Christians on the internet to tell me more about their religion will make me never me more than a poser? Uh huh...

>> No.6089911
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>> No.6089916

If you wanted to do that, you'd make a thread asking about the theology and philosophy of various denominations, not a retarded thread asking "should I covert?" Because when you ask moronic questions like that, you get moronic answers, like from that shitposting Catholic.

>> No.6089921

tru christian spotted

>> No.6089924

>every Christian shitposter on this board is Catholic, Tallis included
Tallis is catholic?

>> No.6089928
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Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy

>Understanding the Terms

>The Essentials of Christian Doctrine

>Orthodox and Roman Catholic Differences -Part 1

>Orthodox and Roman Catholic Differences -Part 2

>The Classical Reformation - Part 1: Sola Scriptura

>The Classical Reformation - Part 2: The Remaining Solas

>The Classical Reformation - Part 3: Specific Denominations

>The Radical Reformation - Part 1

>The Radical Reformation - Part 2

>Revivalism - Part 1

>Revivalism - Part 2

>Revivalism - Part 3

>The Non-Christian Religions - Part 1

>The Non-Christian Religions - Part 2

>Non-Mainstream Christians - Part 1

>Non-Mainstream Christians - Part 2

>Final Thoughts


>> No.6089929

There's no way Tallis is catholic

>> No.6089930

ask jesus

>> No.6089931

"The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays." —Kierkegaard

>> No.6089936 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6089944

Who's she?

>> No.6089956

>then you should follow him
>then you should follow him
Was that intentional, bro?

>> No.6089969
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>> No.6089974


>being a literal christain

>> No.6089979


>> No.6089984
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Friendly reminder.

>> No.6089991


>being a christ stain

>> No.6090000
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fuck.ing. g.old.

>> No.6090001

Does "Christianity" populary refers to just protestantism, in the US too? also, sorry for engrish

>> No.6090007

hell na nigga u seriously wat the fuck of the m8

>> No.6090008

Is there anything more edgy than satanism

>> No.6090011

damn dawg nice numbers

>> No.6090016

worshipping the illuminati and the reptilian overlords

>> No.6090019

No, sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. But since you bring it up, Hebrew and Syriac have no capital letters. The original Greek NT was written in ALL caps. To focus on the particulars of English translations and grammar has elevated a relatively historically recent convention to a "oversight" capable of causing offense or making a some kind of statement with a simple change of grammar--a little silly imo.

>> No.6090024
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>> No.6090025


basically the same thing but it blends satan into the occult as far as i understand

>> No.6090026


>postmodern sex worship

based tier

>> No.6090035

Thanks, man. Interesting!
Where can I learn more about the composition of the Bible and the Bible in general?

>> No.6090038

Although I think 95% of Satanists are that, just trying to get more attention.

>> No.6090039
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>mfw those quads

>> No.6090041

If you want to convert, I can recommend some Christian literature.

Stick with the Catholic contemplatives. You've got the Rhineland mystics, notably Meister Eckhart (namesake of new age author Eckhart Tolle). The Spanish mystics are also worth checking out, especially St. John of the Cross. His "Ascent of Mount Carmel" is worth a read. "The Cloud of Unknowing" is another medieval contemplative text that's essential to the tradition.

Modern authors like Thomas Keating and Thomas Merton are good resources, Keating for his insight into centering prayer (Christian meditation), and Merton for his insight into all aspects of faith (as well as his writing style.)

Protestants worth checking out include Thomas a Kempis ("Imitation of Christ), and Soren Kierkegaard.

If you'd rather look at the Bible through the lens of textual criticism, I'd recommend John Dominic Crossan's "The Historical Jesus: Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant" and John Day's "Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan."

>> No.6090044
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>nice numbers
>n is the eleventh number

>> No.6090056

There's theistic Satanism and atheistic Satanism

>> No.6090070

as far as scripture goes, obviously the Gospels and Pauline Epistles are worth reading, as they represent some of the earliest writings of the faith. Some people also give the gnostic Gospel of Thomas an early date, it is at any rate a sayings gospel (like the hypothetical Q source), and has a lot of parallels with the gospels as well as wisdom of its own, stripped most of the magical narrative stuff.

As for the Old testament, Genesis, Exodus, and Judges are worth reading for their epic narrative tales, as is Sampson's account in Judges. My personal favorite is Ecclesiastes, which is an existential lament with an honest assessment of mortality and the meaning in life.

>> No.6090088


>> No.6090100

I kind of want to be Christian but it would be kind of embarrassing because I was raised Christian but told my fundie parents I didn't believe anymore when I was younger and edgier. I'm going look so dumb saying lol actually I am Christian. I should've just stayed in the closet like everyone else

>> No.6090101
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I was told to post this here.

>> No.6090105

you should switch to Love

>> No.6090117
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>n is the eleventh number

>> No.6090121


>> No.6090126

Everyone has a rebellious phase, anon. Even C.S. Lewis was angsty for a time.

>> No.6090132

I doubt the intellectual integrity of the believer who hasn't shed the ridiculous views of fundamentalism. Sometimes you have to have a trial by fire and return to a more sensible for of belief that holds up to scrutiny.

>> No.6090149
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>>n is the eleventh number

>> No.6090156

Good thing you're not on /sci/

>> No.6090166
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This short article/analysis came to mind as something I read a while back while I was doing a little research: http://www.saintjonah.org/articles/translations.htm

It doesn't really go into deep history, but it is meant to be a practical examination of available English translations from the Orthodox perspective, which is what I am most familiar with. Just know that the Syriac (Aramaic) and Greek versions are the only one's held as official by Orthodox jurisdictions--to give you a sense of perspective.

I would actually familiarize myself with the early history of the Church generally, and not just the history of the Holy Writings. Afterall, Christianity is ultimately a historical phenomenon involving real people and events. Also keep sight of the fact that the core foundation is the religion is based on a belief in and interpretation of a single historical event that is thought to have happened (the Resurrection). So, a general historical understanding of the early apostolic age makes sense.

Pretty much every early writing--canonical, apocryphal, heretical, and otherwise--can be found here: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/

Again, my main library is Orthodox, so forgive the sources if it's not your thing, but pic related is common recommended introductory reading to not just Orthodoxy, but Christianity broadly.

If you are in the mood for a video, here's an old one with Frank Schaeffer (a conflicted personality these days), who did offer rather lucid historical analysis as a protestant convert back then.

"That's pride, you gotta fight through that shit" - Marcellus Wallace

>> No.6090172

Okay let me rephrase it
Anything that isn't catholicism is pleb tier

>> No.6090182
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>> No.6090194

I don't think the core is the Resurrection, it's the ministry, namely the message of the Kingdom of God. Mark doesn't even include the Resurrection. But the Kingdom of God is present even in the gnostic Gospel of Thomas, a sayings gospels, and the parables about the Kingdom likely represent some of the oldest parts of the oral tradition. Still, I agree with you that reading the earliest documents is best.

>> No.6090217

I'm thinking about it. Part of what makes Christianity so god damn undeniable is Christ. What a strange man. He preaches things he knows could get him killed, doesn't do anything wrong, hangs around all of the weakest, has this insane amount of wisdom, allows himself to be put to death, forgives all of those that persecute him, and all of that. It makes it difficult to NOT believe him when he says he is the son of God. He does all of this stuff that grants him no personal gain, grants the government no gain, nothing selfish. He gives himself entirely to the people- his time, his wisdom, and eventually his life. If this man is not the son of God then there never has been, and never shall be one.

Should I finally read the New Testament?

>> No.6090227


>> No.6090229

Christianity makes sense until they start talking about all of this weird Resurrection and afterlife stuff. A lot of the other things are vague and up for study and research- mainly what God is. I've heard that one online catholic priest say that God essentially is unconditional love and the being that began all being. But when it comes to the afterlife, it seems to be pretty clear cut that we're going to live with Jesus or something like that, or that one day we'll repopulate the earth or something. It just seems like such a strange thing after all of this very reasonable and developed theology.

>> No.6090234

Nigga you should have been read the Bible

>> No.6090239

Thomas a Kempis, Soren Kierkegaard, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, C.S. Lewis...

>> No.6090240

There is certainly much more relevant theology that is fundamental to *understanding* the Ressurection. The point was that Christianity's mere existence depended on Resurrection having happened. Remember, for those three days, the Apostles thought it was over, they thought Jesus had failed as the messiah, they were wrong, prophesy shmophesy, all was lost, game over maaan. The Resurrection changed everything, and no one, not even those closest to Jesus saw it coming--not in their wildest dreams, as it contradicted everything people thought they knew about God and nature of Judaism. Hell, they were even terrified when they first saw him, thinking he was some ghost specter. Blew. Their. Minds.

>> No.6090245

Has anybody here ever read the Summa Theologica? I've read some funny Amazon reviews, with fellow fedora-tippers writing that they began to doubt their tipping ways after getting into the work.

I've been reading material by humanist friar Bartolomé de las Casas recently and I've got to say, the logical framework from which Las Casas, an ardent Catholic, operates, is pretty neat.

Makes me want to read Aquinas, sort of.

>> No.6090250

Read a few cherry-picked parts of it a friend rec'd to me.

>> No.6090255

Are you a Catholic?

>> No.6090265


>Jesus is portrayed as the son of God by people who believe that he's the son of God. This is compelling evidence that he's the son of God.

Jesus Christ...

>> No.6090266

On top of that, his Apostles and their disciples follow suit and travel to the edges of the known world to spread his message. They didn't use their knowledge or experiences for financial gain, they seek gold or fame. They were persecuted often, and they went to their graves swearing to what they had witnessed.

A lot to go through if it was all just a lie.

>> No.6090270

Judging by
Probably not

>> No.6090275

How can I follow Jesus?
I'm being completely serious, what texts should I take in so that I may better understand him, and his teachings?

The new testament is a given, but which translation in english will give me his or as close to his word as possible, plus any other texts that might help?

Thank you in advance
Not the anon you're replying to, but thank you for the advice

>> No.6090277

Jesus rose in Mark's gospel. The women go to an empty tomb. Even if you take the scholarly opinion that the last 12 verses of Mark were a very early addition Jesus still rises. The resurrection is paramount to the Christian faith. Jesus uses lots of metaphor about the temple being rebuilt in three days meaning him. He emphasizes the ressurection in his prophecies and must fulfill it

>> No.6090292

The message of Jesus was the Kingdom of God

The message of the early Christian church was the sacrifice and resurrection, as Jesus dying on the cross. blew. their. minds.

They didn't expect his death, and though the earliest accounts don't mention the apparition of Jesus, only an empty tomb, they do develop a resurrection narrative.

>> No.6090299

Thomas was Catholic, Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy were Orthodox which is literally identical to Catholicism, and Tolkien tried to show Lewis the way but he was too pleb to see it.

>> No.6090301

Treat others as you would like to be treated

>> No.6090311

Follow the New Commandment

>> No.6090314
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>Orthodox which is literally identical to Catholicism

>> No.6090316
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>> No.6090319

Still, his own life was centered around spreading the message of the Kingdom of God. The resurrection was invented by the early church to explain his unexpected death to dumbfounded followers who had greater expectations for Jesus.

>> No.6090328

>orthodoxy literally same as Catholicism
Clearly you haven't read any Orthodox theology or understand their church or history

>> No.6090330

Is the Kingdom of God the communist society?

>> No.6090333

Don't forget based Chesterton

>> No.6090334

Catholic Church doesn't even care about filioque anymore. In Eastern Catholic churches where they say the Creed in Greek, they leave it out.

>> No.6090339


>> No.6090342

>Orthodox which is literally identical to Catholicism
it literally isn't. Fair point about Thomas, though he did have a huge influence on protestants.

>> No.6090348

There's a /christian/ board on the chan that shall not be named, if you guys care.

>> No.6090349

There's actually theological differences. See differences in Atonement theory for example

>> No.6090354

I know. I've met tons of Protestants and Orthodox who think Chesterton is a profound writer though. I think he's great

>> No.6090356
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We're not that bad once you get to know us. God bless.

>> No.6090357

/sci/ here, grad student in physics/astronomy

Are there really that many religious people on /lit/? Pretty much everyone I've met in the astronomy community is an atheist. I know a couple religious people in physics but not that many.

>> No.6090363

There's no dogmatic Catholic atonement theory. The two churches are literally theologically identical. The only difference is Orthodox bread is leavened and their priests have beards.

>> No.6090364

There was a strawpoll here a few weeks ago, I think 66% of /lit/ is atheist

>> No.6090369
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>astronomy community
C'mon dude, Godel literally proved the existence of God.

>> No.6090371

>Three elements of BEing a Christian


>> No.6090379

>Are there really that many religious people on /lit/?

Yes, and the worst of them are worse than any atheist. 'Edgy Christians' are one of /lit/'s noisiest and most disgusting minorities.

t. religious person

>> No.6090386
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Found the thread

>> No.6090388

I guess you can't timestamp embedded videos. Go to 43:09

>> No.6090396

>John 6:28-29Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
>Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.


>Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

>> No.6090399


Also 'Hellenists,' but they don't really count since most of them are still trolls.

Troll long enough, however, and you'll eventually find yourself outnumbered by sincere believers in the dumb shit that you troll with.

>> No.6090404

This is simply untrue. not to mention their authority structure differs considerably.

>> No.6090406

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not.
Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me.

>> No.6090407

interesting. I should do a similar thing for /sci/.

>> No.6090415


>> No.6090419

this isn't literature you giant faggot, go have your crisis elsewhere

>> No.6090422

The only structural difference is they don't acknowledge the primacy of the Bishop of Rome.
If you can find any dogmatic source on atonement theory, please cite it. All I can find is Miserentissimus Redemptor, which hardly addresses it.

>> No.6090429

>The two churches are literally theologically identical.
I shiggidty. They have a very different conception of faith.

>Faith (pistis) in Eastern Christianity is an activity of the nous or spirit. Faith being characteristic of the noesis or noetic experience of the nous or spirit. Faith here being defined as intuitive truth meaning as a gift from God, faith is one of God's uncreated energies (Grace too is another of God's uncreated energies and gifts).[12] The God in Trinity is uncreated or incomprehensible in nature, being or essence.[13] Therefore in Eastern Christianity, unlike in Western Christianity (see Actus et potentia), God's essence or incomprehisibility is distinguished from his uncreated energies. This is clarified in the Essence-Energies distinction of Gregory Palamas.[14] Faith here beyond simply a belief in something. Faith here as an activity or operation of God working in and through mankind. Faith being a critical aspect to the relationship between man and the God, this relationship or process is called Theosis. Faith as an operation in contemplating of an object for understanding. Mankind's analysis of an objects properties: enables us to form concepts. But this analysis can in no case exhaust the content of the object of perception. There will always remain an "irrational residue" which escapes analysis and which can not be expressed in concepts: it is this unknowable depth of things, that which constitutes their true, indefinable essence that also reflects the origin of things in God.

>> No.6090436

Is Anglicanism a decent denomination, despite its origins?

>> No.6090442

My understanding is that the Satisfaction theory was developed by Anselm and refined by Aquinas. orthodox theologians uphold the ransom theory. There's also a larger weight given to mystery in Orthodox Church. They don't engage in legalistic systematic theology to the extent catholic and Protestant theologians do. I believe they don't regard Augustine as highly as Catholics theologically if I recall correctly (double check that)

>> No.6090446

Literally dicta. Since Orthodoxy is autocephalous it takes an ecumenical council to establish anything as dogmatic.
Just because Anselm or even Aquinas said it doesn't make it official. Find it in the Catechism is it isn't canon.

>> No.6090451


If its American branch (the Episcopal Church) is representative of the whole, it's basically Diet Catholicism. No pope, more liberal, far less pomp and ostentation.

>> No.6090471

I grew up in a traditional conservative Anglo-catholic parish. Unfortunately the episcopal and main Church of England have become corrupted by liberal political correctness. We split from the episcopal church eventually. It was a small parish. A few hundred people. I'd say about 50 percent of the adults had PHDs in science history or philosophy. There was always post church lectures on a lot of different subjects. Really enjoyed it. Very intellectual crowd.

>> No.6090475
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The afterlife is to be eternally in the presence of God, the pillar of eternal fire and unapproachable light--power so immense and infinite that it would destroy that which looked upon it. Christianity teaches the possibility of unity with this unconscionably ineffable thing we call God, because God extended his hand to us in the literal unification of Man and God in Jesus, God the Son, the Logos, God in the flesh.

We are ALL in the presence of God when we die (he is everywhere and in all things). "Hell" is to be in the presence of divine love and to hate it. To hate truth and love but to be in the undeniable presence of it is the real fire of hell--the divine fire of God experienced by those who cannot accept his love. For those who unify themselves with love and truth, the presence of God is experienced as eternal joy.

The whole bit about getting our bodies back refers to the existence that comes after the end of this world, this universe of material existence inevitably ends for every individual and ultimately for everything, and is replaced by a new existence at the end of time. Jesus' preternatural form after the Resurrection is a glimpse of that new existence unconstrained by time and space. Don't let pagan holdovers warp your view of the afterlife as described by the Church Fathers.

>> No.6090476

yes. I'd be Episcopal/Anglican if I were to join a denomination, but I'm still a bit too liberal for that. They tend to be a pretty open-minded group though.

>> No.6090492

Hah, autocorrect. Meant to say 'inconceivably'. Though, if you find God unconscionable, eternity could be quite painful.

>> No.6090528

You're thinking of Interstellar.

>> No.6090542
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>> No.6090563

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.

>> No.6090568

>>6090388 (Thanks for the heads up, was a bit lost when I first started watching; I'm liking what this man has to say)

I would like to thank each and everyone of you for helping me to better understand the teachings of Jesus.
I have a lot to absorb with this great info.
This is a very powerful passage

>> No.6090697

Many stories in the Bible are just metaphors, is it so crazy to think that the resurrection is one also, or Jesus himself. Don't ask me what he represents because I'm not smart enough to know but with enough thought I'm sure someone could find out

>> No.6090719
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Edgy Christians' are one of /lit/'s noisiest and most disgusting minorities.
Well i guess the sharing of ideas is not looked favorably upon on a site dedicated for discussion

>> No.6090724
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Yes, but only if you really feel it is for you.

>> No.6090729

I think he means the Christians that do nothing but post images of fedoras

>> No.6090778

That's like every 4chan user

>> No.6090804

If you reject orthodoxy I suppose you could follow this reasoning. The incarnation is essential. If one rejects his birth ministry death and resurrection they certainly aren't Christians.

>> No.6090815

You must not have read all the parts where Jesus said He'd rise again.
You're cherry picking what he said instead of looking at the entire biblical narrative

>> No.6090964

added by the gospel writers so his death was an intentional event with meaning rather than an execution that caught them off guard. the number of references Jesus made to the Kingdom of God dwarf the number of times he alluded to his resurrection, there's a reason the Kingdom is the theme of his parables, not the resurrection. It was the core of his original teachings, not part of a narrative structure added by the early church when they made gospels out of the sayings documents and oral tradition.

>> No.6090971

ripped from theopedia, to show the extent of the concept and how it is central even in the verses about the resurrection and return of Christ:

The presence and coming of the Kingdom of God was the central message of Jesus. For example, "his teaching was designed to show men how they might enter the Kingdom of God (Matt. 5:20; 7:21). His mighty works were intended to prove that the Kingdom of God had come upon them (Matt. 12: 28). His parables illustrated to His disciples the truth about the Kingdom of God (Matt. 13:11). And when He taught His followers to pray, at the heart of their petition were the words, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10). On the eve of His death, He assured His disciples that He would yet share with them the happiness and the fellowship of the Kingdom (Luke 22:22-30). And He promised that He would appear again. on the earth in glory to bring the blessedness of the Kingdom to those for whom it was prepared (Matt. 25:31, 34)."

The term "Kingdom of God" occurs four times in Matthew (12:28; 19:24; 21:31; 21:43), fourteen times in Mark, thirty-two times in Luke, twice in the Gospel of John (3:3, 5), six times in Acts, eight times in Paul, and once in Revelation (12:10). Matthew actually prefers the term "Kingdom of heaven" which he uses over 20 times in his gospel.

>> No.6090976

Literal projection

>> No.6091022

Its probably the most common insult
You can go to any thread and see someone called a neckbeard or a fedora

>> No.6091076
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Same exact thing happened to me friend. Also sick digits.

>> No.6091107

Why, I would be more ashamed to have the same ideas throughout life.
It would also probably be a relief to your mother. She probably worries about her babies ever lasting soul. You don't need to go outright and say " hey mom and dad I believe in god again"
Just ask to go to church with them

>> No.6091113
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>> No.6091119
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>> No.6091122
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> Anon! dont be rude! Our magical lord told us to be tolerant with eachother. Now, forgive him.

>> No.6091127

Well he started it

>> No.6091129

Become Hindu because ghandi did most of that and there's photographic evidence of it

>> No.6091133

That's not what Jesus would said. Besides, it was the guy who said Satanism was edgy, being he a christian.

>> No.6091147
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Well shucks mister I sure do apologize for being so hotblooded
I hope you kin find it in ya ta forgive me

>> No.6091154

Poor man
All he wanted to do was help India but he probably caused more damage to it than the British ever did

>> No.6091177

I rather not have my Christianity mixed with Nazi ideology and hatred

>> No.6091197
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Does anybody else here work at a Church? I work at an Episcopal Church as a communications/IT guy.

>> No.6091475


>> No.6091488
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