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/lit/ - Literature

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6089287 No.6089287 [Reply] [Original]

What's your writer's fuel /lit/?

I often stick to scotch, and after a brief stint of beers -cheap stuff-, I'm finding wine (specially white) plenty suiting.

>> No.6089305


Anything other than stimulants is pleb-trash.

>> No.6089314
File: 40 KB, 640x606, farnese-hercules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true patrician does not poison his body with such substances.

>> No.6089321

Stop enforcing the cliche that writers drink.

>> No.6089336

*le str8 edge fedora tip*

>> No.6089347
File: 127 KB, 640x1261, dionysos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you know, pleb?

>> No.6089362

I read Hegel whenever I'm in need of a 'pick me up'

>> No.6089365

>tfw straight edge

>> No.6089370


what psychedelics have you tried

>> No.6089465
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Some intellectual fuel

>> No.6089511

All of the ones worth taking short of mescaline and aMT. Most recently I took AL-LAD. Now that's a top-tier drug. Definitely the best research chemical to hit market in the last few years other than maybe MXE.

Psychedelics are utterly useless for writing though, at least for me. The last time I used mushrooms I couldn't even finish a sentence, let alone try and write. Even on other psychedelics, any attempts at writing have yielded either nothing at all or what amounts to useless gibberish. But I guess it's what you take away from the trip that could have influence on your artistic abilities, right?

2C-D could have promising results as a psychedelic drug for writing. There have been a lot of positive accounts of it being used as a nootropic. It's pretty impossible to find nowadays unfortunately.

>> No.6089596

50 beans per cup?

>> No.6089622

of courshe

>> No.6090064

Graphite, anon, graphite...

>> No.6090075
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Coca Cola
black coffee

>> No.6090092

black coffee
green tea
ice water
malt liquor sometimes

>> No.6090098

>tfw ugly Hollywood degenerates have had her and you never will even come close :'(

>> No.6090111

Do you really find her that attractive?.

>> No.6090113
File: 226 KB, 411x395, 1422735169808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to fuck Lana Del Rey
>calling others degenerates

>> No.6090119

good. disgusting manface garbage music

water, op. water and only water.

>> No.6090120


>Lana will never put on a little red party dress for you, winking as she takes a Parliament drag, kissing the air and whispering sweet nothings to your ear beneath the palm trees

>> No.6090133


Gabapentin (very good)
Black coffee
Black tea

>> No.6090141


get some taste, plebs
kill thyselves, lana is goat

>> No.6090158

Are you fucking kidding me?

Well, to be clear I mean her younger self
You can't say her little gesture at the end there isn't adorable

>> No.6090161

looks like a goat alright

>> No.6090162

i love ldr but i would never fuck her more just sit there in awe

>> No.6090168



>> No.6090173

Hahaha hahaha oh my god tripfag that joke is so funny! Omg im dying!

>> No.6090179


good to know tasteless saps are still out there, more for me

>> No.6090188

you are waifu is shit, deal with it. literal tumblr tier pleb shit. get some taste you philistine

>> No.6090199

shit dubs

>> No.6090204
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fuck off tripshit

>> No.6090207


>> No.6090213

do you even know what a trip is

god she looks some sort of personified muppet. like someone went frankenstein on a sesame street puppet and turned it into an abomination of a human

>> No.6090216


it was good enough for Joyce

>> No.6090221
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do you ever leave the house? are your standards defined by the internet or are you just in dire need of an aesthetic sensibility?

>> No.6090224

He's actually the greatest poet alive, apparently. He hasn't posted any of his poetry though.

>> No.6090231

>defending a muppet on the internet
>a muppet that you will never meet
>obsessing over a muppet
>a muppet you will never have chance with
>having a folder full of pictures of your muppet waifu
and you ask me if I ever go outside? lol

>> No.6090237

omg why are you posting

>> No.6090252

to let you know you have shit m u p p e t taste and that your poetry sucks

>> No.6090253
File: 31 KB, 400x408, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a huge lana del rey, along with many other artists in many other media, and the situation being as such that I frequent an imageboard, I happen to have a large number of quality images used to raise the general quality of the imageboard environment. you should take some queues

>> No.6090258

>posting human muppets
>on the literature board
yeah real quality stuff my man

>> No.6090260

im not the guy who you were talking to but like can u not find constructive use of ur time

>> No.6090269

I know coffee and tea can make you feel sophisticated and literary, but caffeine is actually bad for creativity and contributes to writer's block.

Drink water.

>> No.6090273


back the fuck off zadie "/lit/eral goddess " smith
give me an example of a woman who doesn't look like a muppet to you

>> No.6090298

H.Q.S.S.G has been outed as Tao Lin, do not respond to his shitposts.

>> No.6090305

>I'm a huge lana del rey,

>> No.6090308


newfriend found

>> No.6090318

Tao lin isn't half the writer I am, nor a fraction the shitposter

>> No.6090320
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>> No.6090321

>calling beautiful women muppets
>namefag confirmed for actual fag, also, tasteless

>> No.6090323

epic :^) luv ur work man

>> No.6090340

in any case i'd rather be a fag than a muppet fucker.
I mean let's be honest, you might as well be fucking a guy anyways if you fuck lana "frankenmuppet" del rey

>> No.6090359

Have you had any success getting modafinil without a script?

>> No.6090365
File: 806 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2015-02-02-21-29-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lana Del Rey is a shit muppet. You pleb wouldn't know beauty if it came on your face

>> No.6090372

Greatest poet of our generation :')

>> No.6090374

nice try, I don't even know who that thing is

>> No.6090383

nice try, I don't even know who that thing is

>> No.6090389

nice try, I don't even know who that thing is

>> No.6090391

lol i'm going to bed
enjoy your muppets dweeb

>> No.6090393

nice try, I don't even know who that thing is

>> No.6090397

Y'all can suck on a lemon. Sleep with your muppet masters. im going to sleep. Have fun sleeping alone, suckers. I've got my Japanese meth pillow

>> No.6090765

No. My doctor is a hack who believes in shit like tea tree oils and what not over modern medicine. I have no idea how she has a medical license.

She wouldn't give me anything for my daytime fatigue, which is silly since modafinil is basically harmless and isn't abused.

Luckily, adrafinil is unscheduled and available without prescription. It's a prodrug and your liver metabolizes it into modafinil. It's essentially the same exact thing, it just takes a little longer to kick in because it has to get metabolized. Also, it raises your liver enzyme count so it's not recommended to drink on it, but I only take stimulants nowadays anyways, so it's a nonissue for me.

>> No.6090800


ayy, a dolan thread

>> No.6091260

solid gold information, wouldn't have even known to look for that!! THANKS

>> No.6091265

You seem like a smart individual, what other nootropics do you take? Everything I've tried so far has been absolutely horse-shit with the exception of nicotine (tried a bunch of racetams)

>> No.6091375

Glad to help. Adrafinil is my daily stimulant and I feel like it's helped me a lot.

If you're looking for a source, I'd suggest checking out NewStarNootropics.com, they're really kind and have great service.

I feel like the nootropic community is filled with a lot of pseudointellectuals who talk up their placebo effect because they feel obligated to feel something after dropping hundreds of dollars on the most random chemicals. It's hard to trust any of the claims made there.

If I had a lot more disposable income I would maybe putz around with making some sort of stack, but for now I spend all the cash that I'm willing to spend on chemicals/supplements on >>6089305, and those aren't cheap. L-theanine synergizes with caffeine really well, but I haven't bothered since switching on over to adrafinil.

I guess I take melatonin if you could consider it a nootropic. I suffer from daytime fatigue and melatonin alleviates some of the mental fog, but it's not a nootropic in the traditional sense.

>> No.6091462

A queue is a line.

CUE is what you were going for here.

>> No.6091481

i take gotu kola, it helps with concentration, and fish oil, for brain fuel.

>> No.6091490

Once or twice a year, I'll take extremely large doses of mushrooms to explore the boundaries of my self.

>> No.6091492

Beer or wine
Sometimes Joints or amphetamine

I was tried writing while tripping on some weak acid. Next day when i cut out incoherent parts it came out pretty good.
Can't do it again do because everyone i know sells some super strong acid that makes me unable to grap a fucking anything.

>> No.6091498

Cut the tab in half?

>> No.6091514

Haven't thought about it.
I am still kind of aware tho, This shit is real heavy acid.

>> No.6091518

so do you write in the evening or night then? Or do you start the day with a scotch and see from there?

>> No.6093365

bump for nootropic regimens!