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6081633 No.6081633 [Reply] [Original]

Kant managed to reconcile rationalism with empiricism.

Can idealism and materialism be similarly reconciled?

>> No.6081637

rand doesn't fit?

>> No.6081654

Yes. It's called dualism.

>> No.6081658

>Kant managed to reconcile rationalism with empiricism.
The British seem to have managed reconciling nationalism with empire.

Have we really advanced?

>> No.6081660

Sure, but why?

What would science gain from such a framework?

>> No.6081663

No, Rand didn't reconcile them, she just wrote fiction.

Do you think idealism is limited to subjective idealism?

>> No.6081666

It's more important for philosophy than science, since science doesn't study things like the effects of culture upon civilization.

>> No.6081672

> Can idealism and materialism be similarly reconciled?
This is what Hegel and Marx both attempt.

>> No.6081677

Hegel's dialectic is idea-material, but Marx's is just material-material, isn't it?

>> No.6081682

> Marx's is just material-material
Dialectical materialism can't really be considered to be a purely materialist system due to its reliance of History as an acting force.

>> No.6081687

But what if history is material? Which for Marx it is or mostly is, end of his history is the end of material dialectics.

>> No.6081724

Isn't history basically time?

>> No.6082221
File: 12 KB, 162x227, Bergson-Nobel-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can idealism and materialism be similarly reconciled?

>> No.6082298

Until we have a working scientific theory of history, one that requires or prefers an idealist position, idealism fails to explain history's acting force as much as materialism does. Anyone preferring one or the other is merely huffing and puffing until STEM is done with it.

>> No.6082320

>Dialectical materialism can't really be considered to be a purely materialist system due to its reliance of History as an acting force.

Eh. Marx only considers history an acting force because of material conditions that force it to change.

It's called dialectical materialism for a reason, not dialectical historicism.

>> No.6082925

Its called historical materialism for a reason. Because the noumena cannot be shown to behave in dialectical manners: only humans behave dialectically in a demonstrable way.

Get back in your tank, go back to where you once belonged.

>> No.6082946

>Can idealism and materialism be similarly reconciled?
only time will tell, but any solution will probably involve an explanation of consciousness in material terms

>> No.6083220

Firstly I commend your repeating numbers.
Secondly, between linguistics, anthropology and sociology, studying the effects of culture upon civilization may yet be the province of science.

>> No.6084518

Implying a scientific theory of history is even possible. You can't empirically experiment on the past bro.

>> No.6084567

They are antithetical
Materialism proclaims one
Dualism proclaims two. All idealism is dualism. All materialism is materialism, but Hegel is the best bet for a cross between them

>> No.6084684

I mean natural sciences. If you're including non-STEM stuff, that's another matter, but those disciplines often overlap and cross with philosophy.

>> No.6084690

>All idealism is dualism
What about subjective idealism?

>> No.6084720

>Materialism proclaims one
>Dualism proclaims two.

Can you elaborate on that?

>> No.6084728

Hegel thinks the idea interfaces in a dialectic with the material, Marx thinks the material interfaces in a dialectic with the material.

>> No.6084912

>Kant managed to reconcile rationalism with empiricism.
Obviously you haven't read Quine's famous critique.

>> No.6084962

If you claim there is a fundamental distinction between subject and object you are still a dualist

>> No.6084972

Materialism: one substance or material. Mind and world are constituted together

>> No.6085172


>> No.6085615
File: 35 KB, 350x433, hegel-things-in-themselves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All idealism is dualism.

>> No.6085642

Subjective idealism doesn't claim any such distinction.

>> No.6085702


Are you shitting me?

Kant managed transcendental idealism by representing the noumenal and the phenomena and showing how the noumenal is constituted by the phenomenal. His apperception thesis only holds by declaring two worlds. He did not avoid dualism, he just ignored his own bias

>> No.6085717

The image is about Hegel overcoming Kant's dualism.
Things in themselves Kant hide from Hegel, get it?

>> No.6085747

These idiots keep talking about the same shit, writing tons of books but what remains of all their work is usually a sentence or two.
Such useless crap.