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/lit/ - Literature

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6068590 No.6068590 [Reply] [Original]

We all know that murder is justifiable, but is rape ever justifiable? Is there ever a scenario where "rape" is the correct answer?

>> No.6068594

>murder is the same thing as the death penalty, killing in self-defense, and all other forms of killing

>> No.6068595

Murder is by definition unjustifiable.

>> No.6068602

lol ok, since you guys are autistic, let's just use the term "kill".

Killing is totally justifiable.
Is rape ever though?

>> No.6068607

>start a thread about rape on a site almost entirely populated by angry hate-filled teenage boys

what could possibly go wrong

>> No.6068608

From a utilitarian standpoint, yes.

>> No.6068610

No, it is the excess of sex, as murder is to killing.

>> No.6068614

depends on what ethical system you subscribe to. With utilitarianism, you could imagine a convoluted set of circumstances which might justify rape - say, if you knew for a fact that it is the only torture that would succeed in getting the terrorist to tell you where the bomb is, or whatever. However, unlike murder, there are almost no instances in which rape might be justifiable outside of the world of contrived thought experiments (unless you're an MRA, in which case rape is ok if she puts you in the friendzone)

>> No.6068623

If somebody said "Rape this bitch of I'll nuke your city", then sure.

But there aren't really situations where it would solve a real problem, like killing would. So I don't see how it could be without some ridiculous situation.

>> No.6068626

Rape's only purpose is to satisfy the carnal urges of an individual, in a way similar to murder but usually much less complicated. Justified killing has a purpose that is ultimately beneficial for society, but I cannot think of a situation in which rape would do anything more than satisfy the want of one.

>> No.6068633

A forced conception.

>> No.6068637

>rape is ok if she puts you in the friendzone
Oh, that makes perfect logical sense. Thanks Anon! Long live patriarchy!

>> No.6068640

Was the virgin mary asking for it though?

>> No.6068649

Basically this

>> No.6068651

>I can't into choosing the right basic word so I'm going to deflect blame
Any potential justification of rape would get so deep into casuistry and extreme edge cases (e.g., only one woman is alive to propagate the species and she's not in the mood) as to be an utterly pointless discussion.

>> No.6068664
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>only one woman is alive to propagate the species and she's not in the mood
Now that's what I'm talkin 'bout!

>> No.6068670

What if like, you're on a fuckin island or something, and it's anal intercourse....

You're pretty much injecting protein into her butt via sperm being absorbed through the large intestine.

What if your partner was too weak to eat, and the only way to save them was to cum in their butt, what about it eh?

>> No.6068682

In this extreme scenario perhaps:

Lets say that every woman in the world suddenly decided not to have children. Do you let every single women have their way and let humanity come to an end, or do you force some women to get pregnant, even if that means rape?

This scenario will never happen, so no, rape is not justifiable

>> No.6068722

sweet, thank's for the homework help every body!

>> No.6068739

What could it possibly result in that's beneficial? I suppose in a heavily patriarchal society in conflict or under immense stress you could morbidly argue that for the sake of civil stability the sexual needs of tyrannical men needs to be satisfied, or something. But then you can't justify the society in itself, so it would just be a virtus dormitiva of something that can only be justified in a situation that's unjustifiable.
>women aren't part of the population
Congo or Rwanda?

>> No.6068747

Why not.
Of course it can be.
In what way is rape worse than physical punishment?

>> No.6068748

What if you were the last man on earth on an island with 100 defenseless women, but at the same time you were hideously ugly, but in order to secure mankinds survival you would have to rape them all. I'd say it is justifiable.

>> No.6068750


>> No.6068752

If you are forced to rape, are you being raped?

>> No.6068755

What if a woman is a lesbian, is it ok to rape her to "correct" her defunct sexual preference?

It's called "corrective-rape" and they do it all the time in south-africa, to spectacularly successful results--100% of lesbians that undergo corrective rape, become straight afterwards.

>> No.6068758

Do all men ultimately wish they could rape without consequence?

>> No.6068759

>women aren't part of the population

Do you even know what utilitarian means? There are scenarios where the harm of raping someone would be outweighed by the benefits, though most of them are unrealistic, as has been mentioned in this thread already. Also, this thread is about rape in general, not just rape of women. You're seeing phantoms.

>> No.6068764

Yes. Good thing Ayn Rand has shown that all women secretly want to be raped.

>> No.6068767

>We all know that murder is justifiable
Actually killing is never justifiable

>> No.6068770


Well if some philosopher said it it must be true.
>inb4 ayn rand philosopher.

Let me make fun of philosophers.

>> No.6068772

>women aren't part of the population
That's some really nice sexism you piece of shit

>> No.6068773

Terrorist has placed a hydrogen bomb in the middle of a city. He tells you to kill your neighbour or he'll detonate it. You know for a fact that he's telling the truth. Millions will die if the bomb goes off. Still not justified?

>> No.6068775

What about self preservation?
We cannot deny our innate biological/psychological desire to live. its as good a reason you will ever get and which we all accept by going on living anyway.

>> No.6068777


>> No.6068781

>women aren't part of the population

its not even funny anymore.

>> No.6068782

yea, those who lied that they were raped so that they shame, imprison someone who did them wrong, and make their lives 10000x harder
i mean, why not? she already cried rape, might as well make it true

>> No.6068789


>> No.6068793

Oh, grow up will you.

>> No.6068820

Am I being double trolled or something?
To the benefit of most is what I've been taught, or as the wikipedia says:
Utilitarianism is a theory in normative ethics holding that the proper course of action is the one that maximizes utility, usually defined as maximizing total benefit and reducing suffering or the negatives.

So, best for the population? Best for a person? To say raping someone out of utilitarian motives is stupid, though, because it automatically implies that the person suffering is lesser than the person inflicting the suffering, unless you want to start the classic bullshit ''what if he enjoys rape more than she hates it''

>Also, this thread is about rape in general, not just rape of women. You're seeing phantoms.

Yeah, the only possible thing you could imagine as a pro argument is reproduction, but that doesn't work with men. There is no point in raping men except pleasure/sexual release, so I don't even take it into consideration when posed with this question.

>> No.6068828


well there's the 'rape this person or nuclear holocaust' scenario presented above

>> No.6068830

>Am I being double trolled or something?
Go fuck yourself

>> No.6068832

>So, best for the population? Best for a person?

Best in the sense of the optimised aggregate sum of happiness minus suffering.

>To say raping someone out of utilitarian motives is stupid, though, because it automatically implies that the person suffering is lesser than the person inflicting the suffering,

Your focus is too narrow. See above; this is about the collective sum of happiness, not individuals.

>Yeah, the only possible thing you could imagine as a pro argument is reproduction

Have you even read the thread? The example of torture alone proves you wrong. The scenarios are unlikely, but not impossible.

>> No.6068851

Why do all your examples automatically assume men raping women? Isn't this proof of /lit/'s inherent sexism?

>> No.6068852

This thread is so fucking disgusting! Jesus fucking christ, how could you guys make light of such a serious fucking crime? Did you for one second consider that some of us have experienced LITERAL RAPE!? FUCK MEN!


>> No.6068869

>help every body

>> No.6068875

Someone needed further proof? Pretty sure everyone have already acknowledged /that lit/ constantly exhibits sexist tendencies.

>> No.6068879

When you demand the surrender of a city and it is unanswered, the next logical step is to kill the men, rape the women, and take the children into slavery.

It is the way of men.

>> No.6068880

/lit/ is 4chan's white knight central

>> No.6068882


bedtime, Ghenghis

>> No.6068886

>self defence is not justifiable

You have managed to be horrifically immoral by trying to be moral, well done genius.

>> No.6068887

"What is best in life?"...

>> No.6068901

Rape tends to be seen as a pretry horrible thing, that makes it a good deterrent. After you rape and pillage a couple of towns the rest will leave you alone.
Also in most wars supported on ethnicity, even to this day in Africa and the Middle East, raping people of the other clan means more of yours and less of theirs in a long term plan.

That would imply that we do it in front of women to impress them, not around each other to exhibit common sense.

>> No.6068909

Terrorist has placed a hydrogen bomb in the middle of a city. He tells you to rape your neighbour or he'll detonate it. You know for a fact that he's telling the truth. Millions will die if the bomb goes off. Still not justified?

>> No.6068924
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justifiable/unjustifiable is the false dichotomy of plebeians.

might is right.

>> No.6068927

>everyone hear is a loser sexually repressed creep hurr durr amirite
>I'm the only cool one

>> No.6068930

Probably. I never said it wouldn't be, if that's what you're implying.

>> No.6068952
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I like....where this is going.

>> No.6068953

You could say that same thing about anythig
>Terrorist has placed a hydrogen bomb in the middle of a city. He tells you to kill every person in the world except Australians or he'll detonate it. You know for a fact that he's telling the truth. Every person in the world will die if the bomb goes off. Still not justified?

>> No.6068954

>might is right
how is highschool traetin ya?

>> No.6068957

But, you're using "might" as a justification...

>> No.6068960

u sure bout that? Sounds to me, compadre, that he is using might to exact his will, regardless of its "justifiedness"

>> No.6068970


>> No.6069009


>> No.6069068

I can never watch these fully. They always annoy me. They're so loud and not rhyming, but it's still called poetry. I don't know...

>> No.6069073


>> No.6069075

I'm not saying might makes right, I'm saying might is right. As in, there is no right besides might.

>muh ideals and values, realism is for children
How's college treating you?

>> No.6069079

No, it's proof of /lit/ being predominately male populated, so that when a question is raised, we project it onto ourselves, and since most of us aren't gay either, when rape or sex is mentioned, it will most likely be with the opposite sex.

>> No.6069084

According to the literature I've read on the subject, OP is a fag

>> No.6069092

way to miss the point AND make yourself look like an idiot

>> No.6069108


>> No.6069114
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I like you.

>> No.6069120

>>everyone hear is a loser sexually repressed creep hurr durr amirite

>impblying the majority aren't

>> No.6069121

No. The thought of making someone else more miserable, even unintentionally, makes me want to die.

>> No.6069126

well you being a faggot makes me miserable so kill yourself

>> No.6069134

Sorry, I wasn't clear, by "someone" I meant human beings.

>> No.6069194

I sense ya, come to me Proserpina. ^^

>> No.6069201
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>"My aren't we forward? *takes a velvety inhale* You know, it's been a while since the likes of you hot and bothered the likes of me"

>> No.6069210
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>> No.6069231

heart broken sigh*

>> No.6069279

This is a thread about ladies who rape apes, right?

>> No.6069313

Yes, about ladies who rape primitive men !!!!

>> No.6069324
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fiery discussion in this thread

>> No.6069328
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>> No.6069333

underrated post

>> No.6069350

>ladies who rape primitive men
I'm not into homo-sexuals.

>> No.6069364

Don't bully me, I'm not a native speaker :(

>> No.6069369

lel, Me neither, but I fancy lesbians.

>> No.6069374

Lesbians who rape early hominids aren't okay either. Either rape an ape or get out.

>> No.6069488
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OK, dumping what I got.

>> No.6069489
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>> No.6069512
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>> No.6069516

>murder is justifiable

By definition, it isn't. If you killed someone and it can be justified, its manslaughter, not murder.

>> No.6069518
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Ok, I think that's all the pulp fiction covers I got.

>> No.6069524

It's less that 'might is right' and more that right is subjective and debatable but there's not much to debate when the question is "which gun is bigger, mine or yours?"

>> No.6069534

You know it'll be good.

>> No.6069580

Just because murder isn't legally justifiable doesn't mean it's not ethically justifiable, uncle tom ass nigga.

>> No.6069644

Actual rape is only justifiable in very exceptional circumstances.

But there are plenty of situations feminists claim are rape which are not only not rape, but are justified, such as "spouse rape" and "date rape".

>> No.6069740
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slightly NSFW for Americans

>> No.6069769

Do you have a link to the documentary/film? I've really only read about it.

>> No.6069771

If the pleasure I get is greater than the pain felt by the victim, then yes, it is morally justified.

>> No.6069774

Nevermind, I forgot google image search was a thing.

>> No.6069778

Post back if you find the title, can't find it anywhere.

>> No.6069789

I really hate inter racial porn

>> No.6069799


gross, interracial cuck porn

>> No.6069801

white manlet in fear of BBC detected

>> No.6069804


hive mind

>> No.6069822

Is this post talking about itself?

>> No.6069826
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>> No.6069831

>being this pleb

>> No.6069860

>To crush your enemy, have them driven before you, hear the lamentations of their women.
The riddle of steel?

>> No.6069865

She has such a hate fuck face.

>> No.6069878
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what happened to subtlety? don't yell in my face pls crazy poem woman.

>> No.6069883

Isn't it supposed to be more informal in style to be more immediate? I don't know much about poetry, but I thought that was the idea. Some of it still sometimes has a sense of flow to it.

>> No.6069904

So what happened next?

>> No.6069931
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we've been over this

>> No.6069946

I want to fuck her face while she tries to recite poetry.

>> No.6069954
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>> No.6069983


>> No.6070006

>using first generation internet memes

>> No.6070016

>still using >2015

>> No.6070020
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>first generation

>> No.6070037


>> No.6070038


get out

>> No.6070051

this thread is now about old memes


>> No.6070054


>> No.6070059

This is the link I found
I can't seem to find the full video, if there is one, though. There's plenty of others like it, it seems.

>> No.6070062

No. and murder is also just murder. Reasons don't erase a fact.

>> No.6070117

>come with me if you want to live

>> No.6070225

if it's good for me and mine, it's good.

>> No.6070263


>> No.6070280

He fixes the cable.

>> No.6070308


>> No.6070388


>> No.6071943


I once wrote a short story in which a woman wakes up from a crashed colony ship on a habitable world after earth has been destroyed by the expansion of the sun. All other crew members are dead because their minds were not properly restored to their bodies, but their bodies have been kept alive on life support. She decides that the only way for the species to remain viable is to get the sperm out of the guy's balls and inseminate the women's bodies with it, since the living body will carry the fetus near enough to term that it can be c-sectioned out and become healthy.

After I wrote it, it wasn't clear to me whether it was rape or not, though I thought it was justified if it was. Obviously it's not sex or sexual, just insemination, and obviously she can't be doing it against their will - they are as dead as a coma patient. But then again we assign rights to coma patients, and we hold necrophilia to abominable. That made it seem like considering it rape was the less horrific way to consider the situation, lol...

>> No.6071967

I think it is very sexist to think that rape is such a terrible thing. It is assuming the only value a woman has is her vagina and that she must be protected and is of lesser stature due to her biology.

Rape is honestly not the worst thing. Murder is much worse, torture is much worse, theft can be worse.

As much as SJW are into wanting to be not defined by their gender and be equal, it is disturbing that they cling to their biological make up to impose rules on society.

>> No.6072039

last man in the earth + last woman in the earth
you have to continue the humankind and th woman won't tohave sex

>> No.6072046

hm, hm, yes.

>> No.6072055

>It is assuming the only value a woman has is her vagina and that she must be protected and is of lesser stature due to her biology.

lost me there

>> No.6072061

>I think it is very sexist to think that rape is such a terrible thing. It is assuming the only value a woman..

In the US, rates of male rape are higher than female because of our prison system. OP didn't mention gender, you were the one to start talking about women. That is sexism, and you need to check your privilege.

>> No.6072104

I want to know the source. Or at least the name of that actress.

>> No.6072586

Not enough protein in sperm to make a difference, and if you can spare protein it's available as a food source and then you can just have her eat instead.

>> No.6072594

First you need to explain how the propagation of humanity is important enough to warrant the complete disregard of the rights of half its population.

>> No.6072981

from a strictly utilitarian standpoint, it is very reasonable to assume that you can great more happiness by propagating the species as much as possible than by trying to cram as much happiness into the finite set of women who are currently living.

I will grant you that this is in its own way sort of damning for utilitarianism as a philosophy, but if you're into it, it would be a pretty unavoidable conclusion.

I think a more compelling argument that doesn't get religious (since all that will do is bring down the wrath of internet athiests on me) would be that it's natural for humankind to procreate; that it is the telos of all species to propagate, and that by interrupting that natural process, it is the females which would have committed the true injustice and thereby lost some of their rights, including, presumably, the right to not be raped.

>> No.6073915

Not justified asAustralians have negative utility

>> No.6075706
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the only situation I can think of in which rape MIGHT be permissable is if you want to have sex with someone and they dont consent

>> No.6075718

Any situation extreme enough wherein sexual intercourse absolutely must occur between two people with no possibility of it being anyone else is one where it won't be rape. If it's dire enough that you must be convinced to fuck someone, then the fuckee will certainly be convincable as well.

Like, "rape this bitch or I'll nuke your city?" Pretty much a situation where you can explain what is happening to the woman.

Everyone seems to be treating it as if the woman is some object that is either to be defiled or not defiled, with no possibility of reasoning with her.

>We all know that murder is justifiable
[Citation needed]

>> No.6075728

> It is assuming the only value a woman has is her vagina and that she must be protected and is of lesser stature due to her biology.

Yeah no, that is what the rapist is assuming. You've completely switched around cause and effect here.

>> No.6075771

Women all secretly want to be raped so you're just allowing them to realize their innermost desires.

>> No.6075777

explain how "spouse rape" and "date rape" are justified? rape is rape

>> No.6075785

just try to ignore it and focus on the story i guess. i understand though. i justify the goofiness of delivery with all of them with the fact that the person feels very strongly about it, so the least i can do is push my frustration with the format aside to listen

>> No.6075792
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>Please look at my opinions: rhyming edition
Poetry in the 21st century, people.

>> No.6075803

>Is it okay to make some women live a horribly traumatizing event that'll disturb her to a point where even her sexuality is affected?
you sound like a psychopath

>> No.6076134
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Maybe with objectivism
Pic related

>> No.6076151

The purpose of every species is to stay alive and breed

>> No.6076153

No, rape is always amoral or immoral unless your morality is pure ressentiment. You might, at the most, rape a woman who pretty much deserves it (we'll say she did some awful, awful things), but torture as punishment is extremely petty and not morally dignified.

>> No.6076367


>> No.6077468

poetically she pouts on stage night after night, day after day, even when it was slow, crowded or sparsely populated. Even during a freak storm with water torrents that soaked everything of which made the trek to the theater both treacherous and tedious-- she would come. her words scribbled on paper, napkins, note pad sheets and receipts; her obsession and madness intertwined into cool cat coffee infused mania bebop scat fusion mad hatter autist: obviously non-tactful and painfully non-hip---the convoluted maniac that remains a forever flower; delicate and impressionable. A SJW and nemeses of all things men related be they the guile or not. Unable she is to see her madness or smell the stink of irony that held to the victim who cries foul at the oppression of the patriarchy while herself being a hammer that struck recklessly. On the night, the desperate heat of Arizona was splashed with snow in what only could be called a freak storm of the century. Of clash of impossibilities, yet She arrives like always and goes to the stage, the theater owner never locks the doors of the place because every night is poetry night and donations left behind are almost more than enough to keep the bills going. The auditorium is dimly lit but due to the no lock door policy the walls are covered in graffiti. Cunts some of the graffiti says, others says pussy bleeders will be raped, while some says men are pigs and even others still, repent for the end is near, with one saying, shut the fuck up and make me a sandwich you nagging whore. With one written in colorful letters that says, Feminist Nazis cunts will be raped, horribly. And that's how the night began; she's onstage talking to no one like a mad person imagining the claps and the joy of having an audience clap for her twirling through her mind as if it were a reality. dressed provocatively she's literally begging to be raped--dressed like a whore still not asking, says her shirt in bright letters. then a shadow appeared and ran towards her impossibly fast, tackling her to the ground and rip away the tight mini skirt and the shirt revealing her g string underwear which is hurriedly bunched around her ankle(s): with a grunt and a thrust he's nine inches into her and she almost passes out due to the pain and suddenness. Overcome, her teeth buries into his flesh as do her nails, desperate for the cock to finish and go limp; methodically it resist her wishes so in and out it goes hunger, greedy, desperate for friction wild hoping to attain the release that eludes the rapist. Her hate and chagrin melts away into a horrible uneasiness; she dribbles from the anger, the fear and an uneasy mesh of both sadness and horror; "don't be sick don't make me pregnant," she begs, she pleads, she hopes as the cock smashes against her womb canal that sits six inches deep inside her secret place causing her agony and discomfort. "You're hurting me sir, please, stop." (cont...)

>> No.6077542

He doesn't of course and he, easily thrice her size,and being built like a hulk doesn't even flinch when she pushes against him. even her bites and scraps only draws but the smallest amounts of blood. his body is intimidatingly huge being both muscular and thick. Undeterred she continued her assault, her fingers had scraped his back and arms and around his neck and face, and she increased this but, he seemed not to notice and didn't slow or stop his thrust; she continued to bite and grab him to some how lessen the discomfort and pain, the endless miles of chafe that was done to her under bits in but a few strokes of his massive cock. "Oh God!" she cries out like a follower of a god. An atheist she was since college, since her professors convinced her that God is nothing more than a tool used by the Patriarchy to subjugate women thereby preventing them from ever attaining their full potential. Even as she cries out to God again, and again, the brute unceasingly beats her pussy mercilessly, her mind in shock returns to a poem she had spoken just a few days before; 'if there's a god it's a she because males can't create life, we do, so fuck men; all you mean can kindly leave your semen in a tube where i can impregnate myself---and i won't, not until we can choose the gender of our children, goddess knows there's enough pigs in the world.' the women cheered loudly as did the socially castrated men in the audience, and she felt empowered. infused she was with potentiality that was potent enough to tide her over for a long time, all of which was by this point gone as the rapist plowed mercilessly into her special place. He stopped aburtly and stood up over her, his massive cock almost as thick as her wrist and covered in blood. She tried to look up at him but he was impossible tall. The thick dick hung before her twitching ever slightly, seemingly growing in size and murderous intent. "Please Jesus, I'll be good, I'll be good." she moans desperately, crying because of pain, fear and horror of what will happen next." She tried to look up at the man but could only make out his eyes, his bright mad eyes.
"Suck my cock!" He says to her. And she shakes her head. For even this was too much, and was against all she stood for and believed in. In pain and shock, she shakes her head no.
"Hmmmpphh." he says, "Guess I"m going in dry."
"Wuh, What?" Realization dawns on her and she tries to grab his cock to suck it but it is too late and he effortless lifts her up and splashes her onto her belly knocking the wind out of her. He pushes her face down and pulls up her ass to meet his cock. She's screaming now knowing what comes next, wishing she had lubed up his cock with her spit. At this rate, he would rip our ass apart, maybe even dislodge her sphincter causing a prolapse. She cries out, "Mercy, please Mercy!" He pushes it into her ass and she in utter agony passes out.
(to be concluded)

>> No.6077846

She was found on the stage she loved with blood pouring from her pussy and ass; bits of shit was all about her as she had obviously shat herself immediately after her rapist pulled out. Her ass suffered the most damage and would require future surgeries. But for now, she would have to wear a colonoscopy bag until the damage done to her could be repaired. Her uterus was busted up pretty bad as well so they reasoned she'd never be able to have another child. Then they told her she was pregnant. All of her feminist friends, even an ex girlfriend suggested she kill it. But she was in shock for so long that she didn't say much of anything or even knew what to do next By that time she was closer to her old self, albeit mentally, she began to feel the life inside her move and she took a pen and pad and wrote feverishly. she poured out her heart on that paper about not only her rape, but also what people had suggested she do to her baby, and she ended it with her feelings on the growing life inside her. A local reporter who was asking for an interview for several week was given the pad that was almost filled completely with her feelings and misgivings. She ended the essay thanking the man for not killing her. Six months later the baby was born, two months immature but was otherwise a healthy boy. And she immediately was taken by hm and so much so, that she called him Miracle, and decided to return to poet mike night, for the last time. On her chest Miracle was strapped and the audience was ten times what it was on its best night. Many feminist and butt hurt lesbians looked on disapprovingly, but she continued regardless. "He was huge monster so hullking and thick. with arms so strong to me the stick, he kept me breathing and allowed me life, and I took it all suffering his strife, eight months later and we have a son, the brightest light from those dark deeds done. ya'll hate me now and call me hysterical, but i love my son my precious Miracle. So on our way we go, be it wrong or right, I beg you don't be found here tonight for the thing that had me was the devil, alright?" She left the stage and walked the aisle toward the exit without a smile. The audience shouted cunt some snickered 'you whore'; Unhindered She walked on through the door. they closed the door and locked it fast but a fire erupted like a blast. To the door they crowded just as fast, the heat eating them like food as it cooked their ass. But the devil appeared and held fast the door and waved good bye as the fire roared,"they are mine as were you for this is my joint, but that baby there is a part of my point; I am also the baby for i am divine. and when he's old enough and with his cock, I'll rape you some more and never stop." her flesh suddenly cured and her mind appeased, invisible she was to all as she pleased; onlookers came to do what they could, but the door was held fast, and they could do no good. She walked on into the night, the baby's eyes sparkling light

>> No.6077926

if a person in 1938 had deliberately raped Hitler in an attempt to disturb his confidence as he sought power, I see it the same as stealing his wallet ethically

>> No.6077999
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>come to /lit/ for first time
>see this thread
>exactly my thoughts while opening it: >>6068607
>check actual replies
> >>6068610, >>6068614, >>6068623, >>6068626
>actually sensible replies

GIF related depicts my feelings.

Not sure if I should read the rest of the thread. I have a bad feeling.

>> No.6078087

fug... rebortin in
found it


We'd also be remiss in not mentioning Link, a >1986 horror film starring Elizabeth Shue and Terence Stamp, about an orangutan butler (stay with us!) who goes apes*** over a hot, young animal researcher's assistant (Shue).

>> No.6078096


>> No.6078105

What a horrid woman.

>> No.6078123

If you've got a terminal disease and she's super, super hot.

>> No.6078131 [DELETED] 


>> No.6078144

last man and woman on earth scenario

>> No.6078202
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What am I supposed to see here?

>> No.6078215
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You mean the act of fucking someone as a means of preserving ones integrity or safety... no. This does not exist.

>> No.6078251
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Legend of the galactic heroes, obviously.

>> No.6080298

>everyone hear

I'm listening...

>> No.6082099

Justice depends on your perspective. Some guy with a raging boner who can't get any to the point of becoming neurotically obsessed over it meanwhile was raised by a household of abusive bitchy women may find rape a form of well-needed justice.

>> No.6082924


>> No.6082948


>> No.6083018

Is forcing victims of virgin bullying sodomize the abusers redistributive justice?

Is someone who is forced to rape a rapist?

>> No.6083157

Sophistry is superior to philosophy when you look at the Greeks. Less bullshiting going on, ironically.

>> No.6083905

For some reason, everyone I ask insists that rape is worse than murder. I find this fucking crazy. Am I fucking crazy?

>> No.6083953

there was a thread like that already

rape in both senses sometimes was the only means of procreation for some groups of people and it was enough for them to justify it, not sure if it's enough for you. also bride kidnapping still exists as a ritualized custom (where it's made by consent and therefore isn't a rape in any sense) and even as a practice

that's not even an ideal lex talionis (and lex talionis is generally ridiculous) because if you want to 'sodomize' a male rapist you would force him to engage into 'unnatural' sex which probably doesn't fit his preferences, to which his body is less suited, which is perceived as shameful even when it's made by consent and which therefore would commit him a greater moral and physical sufferings than he committed to his victim so it's not really just

>> No.6084342

no, you're not crazy. i've been raped. i went crazy for a while and i guess i'm still more alienated or something, but my life has gone on, and i don't even have any kind of sexual dysfunction. people need to get some perspective.

>> No.6084541

>tfw people who got raped always have more problems than people who got murdered

must be something to it though

>> No.6084577

If you don't think being dead is its own problem then just kill yourself. I don't mean that in a hostile way.

>> No.6084589
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>> No.6084594

i forget where i was reading this but it cited a study that only like 10% of sexual abuse victims "feel traumatized" by it later in their lives.

it's definitely a bad thing, but most people are able to just look past it as something shitty that happened to them when they were younger.

>> No.6084856

There has to be some reason. If someone rapes, than someone justifies rape.

>> No.6084868

"felt good"

>> No.6085141

Rape is to sex as murder is to killing.

If it's justifiable it's not rape anymore.

>> No.6085168

the purpose of the "rape" here is to de-activate the bomb, not to have intercourse with someone against their will. this happens in this scenario, but it is a means, not an end

doesn't seem like this would be rape, just an assisted transfer of fluid from one biological system to another for a specific, non-sexual purpose

>> No.6085232


>> No.6085311

According to utilitarianism, it can!

Meet Bob. Bob is a rapist. Not only does he enjoy raping, it brings him to the greatest heights of mystical euphoria. In fact, Bob's enjoyment of rape is enough to make the the potential suffering of any victims look insignificant. so, if we wish to maximize happiness, we are morally obliged to let Bob rape.

>> No.6085827

Stop changing the definition of rape, we are trying to have a discussion.

The question is, is non-consensual sex ever justifiable?

>> No.6085909

>thinking you're clever because utility monsters
high school

>> No.6086446

He was criticizing someone else's implied sexism, which you misinterpreted as him being sexist. Read the original post next time, Mr. Angry Pants.

>> No.6086491
File: 110 KB, 246x386, 2015-01-11 21.04.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a rape survivor, I have friends who have said to my face that they'd rather be murdered than raped, knowing full well who they're talking to. If I could recollect myself and find that life has meaning beyond one horrific experience, couldn't they as well? Also, it's pretty fucked up to say to someone who's been raped it's better to be dead than raped.

>> No.6086497

But did you come?

>> No.6086501

I wish :'(

>> No.6086674

if it were necessary.

Unless you have some elaborate bomb in your balls that will go off if you dont, or if she was the last woman alive and unwilling to breed, then no.

>> No.6086709

Do you think your friends were ignorant of what they were saying or that they just didn't care?

>> No.6086744

Being murdered is completely unproblematic to the 'victim' though.

>> No.6086826

The former, I think. It seems most people don't synthesize their thoughts with others' experience.
But hey, we all have different brain chemistry, maybe it's different for them.
After the fact, if you believe nothing happens after death (likely). I consider life to have enough value that I'd still prefer to keep living it even if something equally terrible as rape happened to me again as opposed to it ending.

>> No.6088541

Spouse and date rape don't even exist.

You can't rape your spouse any more than you can steal your own car.
If you've paid for the date you can't call fucking her rape any more than a shopkeeper can accuse you of stealing something after you've paid him for it.

>> No.6088596

Except marriage is not a sex contract and you're paying for the date, not for the sex.

>> No.6088618

What were you wearing? Were you drunk? Did you lead the guy on?
Did you report the incident to the police?

>> No.6088626

What counts as rape between married couples? If the wife says no because she is tired but the husband does it anyway, is that rape?

>> No.6088630

I think so

>> No.6088637

The same things that would normally be rape I guess? Rape is rape. The only qualification "spousal" adds is the rapee being your spouse.

>> No.6088642

>"Place this man under arrest, his wife had a headache"
You liberals are fucking hilarious.

>> No.6088647

well it depends on the specificity

like, does she say no and then be like "well, fine, whatever", or does she say "no" and then he's like "too bad, here comes the fuck train"

>> No.6088659

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6088671

In a marriage the wife is supposed to obey the husband, including when he wants to have sex. If you're going to refuse sex don't get married you stupid cunt.

When a man pays for a date he does it in the expectation of having sex afterwards. If you went to a shop and asked for a packet of cigarettes and the shopkeeper took your money and didn't give you the cigarettes but claimed he thought your money was just you being nice, are you telling me you would accept that? Should you be prosecuted for just taking the cigarettes? Its the same with "date rape".

>> No.6088678

You are beyond redemption and you couldn't see yourself for what you are if it was injected into your brain matrix style. I feel so sorry for the women in your life that you encounter, and most of then men too.

>> No.6088691

I'm not the one who has been brainwashed by feminists into believing that marital disobedience and date fraud constitutes acceptable behaviour.

>> No.6088694

>beyond redemption
To be fair, if he is a Christian, the bible does state this.

>> No.6088695

Sociopath detected

>> No.6088698

I wonder who did your brainwashing. Please tell me its not the bible, that would be too easy.

>> No.6088709

If a woman says she does not want to have sex with you and then you put your penis in her vagina, that is rape, regardless of whether that woman is your wife, your girlfriend, or someone you hardly know.

>> No.6088711

I was turning eight, I think I was wearing pajamas, I wasn't drunk, the guy was around seventeen. And for purposes of clarification, I'm a guy.
My parents at the time didn't report it because they were friends with his family. They told me he was just "wrestling". I knew what happened.
Life goes on.

>> No.6088714

The standards of rape in marriage are different to those in casual sex.

>> No.6088722

>all these SJWs getting buttmad because a real man put them in their place

>> No.6088731

Oh come on.
If she is your wife, she is not going to be traumatised, at worst she will feel inconvenienced.

>> No.6088742

That is fucked up. You have my commiserations. I thought you may have been one of these SJW who consider a bad hookup as rape.

>> No.6088755

>I thought you may have been one of these SJW who consider a bad hookup as rape.

I still think that.

>> No.6088787

it's ok, anon. not all of us are rapists

>> No.6088806

This is bait, but I do agree that the idea that you can rape your wife is absurd. Take for example the scenario of a couple drinking during their anniversary date or something. If the man takes his wife home and has sex with her, without explicit consent because the wife was very drunk, would that constitute rape? Would it be rape if the next morning she gave her consent after the fact? On what grounds could she justify waking up and claiming that she did not want her husband to be sexual with her?

>> No.6088816

Hey, thanks man. I try not to invalidate people, but it's pretty jarring to hear some of the things people call rape.

>> No.6088825

Why are these marriage issues? They don't seem to be particularly related to the state of being married at all

>> No.6088843

How so? The sexual relations between married couples are obviously different from those of two strangers. If I grab my wife's keys from her purse without her knowledge to drive her car, is it theft? Do you believe it should be theft?

>> No.6088845

I do consider date rape legitimate, and I think rape can occur between married couples, depending on the circumstances. But the extremes it's pushed to are outright ridiculous.
I may have a biased opinion though.

>> No.6088857

but in the issues you raised, I don't see how the marriage dynamic changed anything. As far as I can tell, those particular issues could just as easily be raised outside of marriage and would be just as valid.

>> No.6088885

I understood the topic I was responding to the particular post.

>> No.6088919

If the two individuals were on a first date, the scenario would almost certainly be considered rape, as we have seen from recent news. I am wondering if the exact scenario with a married couple would be different. I think so, but you seem to be suggesting that getting drunk with your wife and having sex constitutes rape the same as a man getting a stranger drunk and having sex. We know that a woman could claim rape in the latter case, but should a wife be able to claim her husband raped her in this example?

>> No.6088929

I wouldn't consider it rape.
But that's just me.

>> No.6088943

>that's just me
Your opinion is more important to me than anything else in this world, love.

>> No.6088964

Thanks stranger, you seem like someone I'd get along with.

>> No.6088979

>expecting obedience from a wife is sociopathy
>expecting sex within a marriage is sociopathy

It's the normal position in most of the world, anon.

>> No.6088987

I haven't suggested anything other than that the issues described were not specifically marriage related. It seems me that the difference you are trying to highlight is more the difference between a couple and strangers than it is two spouses and a couple. I was just trying to point out that the problems you have described could just easily exist outside of marriage.

In the case you describe, I believe a wife should, simply because it is possible that he raped her. Any given person, I believe, should always be allowed to claim whatever they want. And if there can be imagined a feasible reality in which the claim is true, the possibility should logically be considered...well, possible.

Is your question whether or not rape is possible in a marriage? I don't see why it would not be, as a woman is just as capable of refusing to have sex in marriage, just as a man is just as capable of forcing himself anyway.

>> No.6089006


its >>6088987
Forgot to respond to one of your question specifically - In this case I think common sense really prevails. Technically it is rape, and some people might feel violated in that they were unable to consent to sex at the time. Others might not give a shit. Technically I think it would be rape, but I think we can use our common sense here, much in the same way that a match is technically an explosion, but you won't get the bomb squad called on you for lighting up.

>> No.6089016

Just to clarify, if a woman gets real drunk and consents, I do believe that counts as consent. I'm talking unable-to-stand-or-speak drunk

>> No.6089059
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>see unable-to-stand-or-speak drunk woman lying in her own vomit in an alley and bring her to the ER
>arrested for kidnapping

>> No.6089170

Did that happen to you?

>> No.6089175

nah man. isn't it better to err on the side of love?

>> No.6089218

No, I don't taunt the gods by interfering in matters.

>> No.6091170

Why can a murderer, whose crime is the greatest, be amiable and charming, while the rapist, having committed a lesser crime, never be anything more than repellent to us?

>> No.6091192

clearly we only value those who refrain from half-measures

>> No.6091350

Yes :^)

>> No.6091391

I think rape is overrated. After all, the whole act gives pleasure to both parties to the point where to complain about it shows nothing but a lack of strength from the rapee to embrace the hedonism by turning an unexpected event into a blissful communion with the Other taking the form of the Unknown.
Only a true hedonist can understand that the sex is best when unexpected, unpredictable.

>> No.6091402

Remember that, for women, rape is all right when it comes from Chads.

>> No.6091495

>if I walk into your yard and ask if you mind and you deliriously shake your head, it's consent
>I can go into your house and take all of your stuff and so long as you deliriously shake your head, it's not theft