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6072492 No.6072492 [Reply] [Original]

>There are actually people on this board who don't think the society and government depicted in Starship Troopers is pretty much a perfect world
>There are people in this web zone who wouldn't want to be part of the Terran Federation

>> No.6072496

take it to /pol/

>> No.6072498

but it's full of racists

>> No.6072522

>Wanting to live in a society where the heads of state are more than willing to go to war to save one person even if it means the deaths of thousands


>> No.6072527

>there are OPs who are manchildren

but that was known before

>> No.6072540

Being a fascist, it's fairly in line with my politics, but you're an imbecile if you think fiction is a good exploration of a hypothetical political system. The system has to be rigorously discussed and examined, if you adore it you will miss tremendous flaws that only others would see, and fiction is fiction is purely superficial in an exploration of such a system.

>> No.6072545

I kind of like two of the ideas from that book:

The mandatory 'History and Moral Philosophy' classes taught in school. If I was suddenly propelled to head of state I'd institute a mandatory high school ethics class.

Rights of citizenship not being inherent, and needing to be earned via national service. Although this is much harder to institute.

>> No.6072546

It has nothing to do with fascism. The government in ST is very liberal.
Countries would be less willing to take your people prisoner wouldn't they

>> No.6072547

>The government in ST is very liberal.
not sure how u got that out of the book lol

>> No.6072548

>It has nothing to do with fascism. The government in ST is very liberal.
Social liberalism isn't incompatible with fascism.

>> No.6072550

>Countries would be less willing to take your people prisoner wouldn't they

You're starting to toe the M.A.D. side of international politics.

You really want to do that?

>> No.6072555

>Government stays out of business
>Taxes are kept low
>Laws are kept simple
>Freedom of speech and expression
>Easy immigration
>Very multicultural

Seems pretty liberal to me

>> No.6072561

If we threatened nuclear war every time one of our own was imprisoned for political reasons, and everyone knew we were serious, I don't think people would be very willing to take our citizens prisoner

>> No.6072564

Yes, well of course a lot of this is ridiculous and wouldn't work, such as low taxes in such a militaristic state, but insofar as social liberalism is realistically compatible with the state's designs.

>> No.6072566


And what happens when you've got a rogue NGO that starts taking your people hostage and beheading them?

>> No.6072570

You attack them, like we would even today.

>> No.6072575

I don't think you understand how fanatics think

"Restraint? Why are you so concerned with saving their lives? The whole idea is to kill the bastards. At the end of the war if there are two Americans and one Russian left alive, we win!"
- General Thomas S. Powell, Commander in Chief of Strategic Air Command

>> No.6072619
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>tfw Americans don't have Ethics classes in high school
>tfw Germany

>> No.6072625

Is it just hourly sessions of: "Chill out, our country's already pretty big." and "Killing racial minorities is wrong" ?

>> No.6072731

I liked the idea of floging and publicizing juvenile delinquents and their fathers. I'm pretty sure it would completly solve juvenile delinquentcy.

>> No.6073758


>retarded boomer fantasies
>perfect world

>more than a couple dozen brain cells

good book though

>> No.6073764


But how do they deal with wealth inequality and the inevitable like 50% unemployed homeless they would have?

>> No.6073776

What? Wait, sarcasm?

>> No.6073778

They don't, Heinlein just likes to create strawmen for his "awesome ideas". Like the fact that the libertarians living on the moon in The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress would get their asses kicked without the all-mighty God-like AI on their side (which has no real reason to be on their side in the first place)

>> No.6073805


A stranger is even worse m8...

All the delusional old man fantasy crammed into one book.

Made me fuken angry m8 tbh.

>> No.6073824

Time Enough For Love was even worse, "old guy travels through time and fucks everything, every gender, every age, his own clones, everything"

>so visionary
>not just horny old fuck publishing his wank fantasies

>> No.6073826
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Do you have what it takes to be a citizen.