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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 224 KB, 575x540, modern art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6069886 No.6069886 [Reply] [Original]

I know /lit/ loves to defend modern art because obviously realism is total pleb tier nowadays.
But the folks visiting the galleries have no fucking clue what all this conceptual bullshit is supposed to mean, yet try to pretend they do.
That's why people hate modern art, instead of a fucking urinal being on display.

>> No.6069906

>/lit/ loves to defend modern art

>> No.6069914
File: 473 KB, 2580x1116, Hitler art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Last thread everyone came to the defense of painters using excrement as paint.

>> No.6069921

Ah well postmodernism breaking bounds blah blah ect.

>> No.6069924

I don't see the problem with that.

I do see a problem with people who think art = good; I also see a problem with people who think they're the arbiter of what is/isn't art due to emotional reasoning.

>> No.6069929
File: 644 KB, 427x1024, First-Year-Art-Students-by-Alexandra-Dal-427x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6069937

Really tho, why use excrement as paint when some artificial brown chunky substance could do?

>> No.6069939


I wish people could at least have something more to offer in modern art's defense than: STOP DISLIKING WHAT I LIKE PLEB!THIS IS OBVIOUSLY PATRICIAN TIER BECAUSE ME AND MY PEERS DIG IT.

>> No.6069947

Do you know why anyone who disagrees with you falls into a big bin labeled "liberal"?

>> No.6069949


Nice tits.

>> No.6069951

Yeah, me too, man. They're all just sheeple.

>> No.6069955

I like that she chooses to literally pucker her asshole in front of everyone.

>> No.6069956

hahaha, mixed semen and a new york city map!
would buy/10

>> No.6069958


This is obviously an interpretation of Georges Bataille's Story of the Eye.
Am I right? Was my reference fancy enough?

>> No.6069961

oh my god stop posting so much you faggots

>> No.6069968
File: 143 KB, 960x639, MiloMoire_0180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god damn dat body tho

>> No.6069970

I remember that thread being fairly balanced, are you butthurt because Hitler was a bad painter?

>> No.6069976
File: 957 KB, 500x418, 1413762085865.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know what to make of that

>> No.6069978


Hitler being a shitty painter doesn't help modern art, Kevin LeBleu.

>> No.6069979
File: 404 KB, 631x627, 1355434237631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art is now a medium of expressing edgy opinions rather than something of value in itself

>> No.6069982

would fuck

>> No.6069984

that bitch tall

>> No.6069985
File: 41 KB, 620x264, mm_the_script_system-cover-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit, she is hot. No wonder people pay to see her eggs.

>> No.6069989


Do you know why anyone who disagrees with you falls into a big bin labeled "pleb"?

>> No.6069990

edgy attention seeking at its finest

>> No.6069995
File: 41 KB, 424x500, 17_bildduss-424x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6069996

More abstract art can be interesting, but great art is something incredibly appealing to the senses.

>> No.6069999
File: 1.51 MB, 1200x1000, Rachel Jeantel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern literature isn't much better tho

>> No.6070003
File: 427 KB, 640x481, 1422227049589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.6070004

I don't care, I'm not defending anything. This is /lit/ - literature., having said that, Wikipedia says modern art is "Modern art includes artistic works produced during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s", so I'm going to presume that your opinion is at least as uneducated as mine.

>> No.6070010
File: 1.87 MB, 2480x1395, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's with modern artists and using peepee (parts) and poopoo (holes)?

>> No.6070011

Because they tend to be very liberal with the term "art"

>> No.6070013

Why did the camera man pull away just as she was pissing beans out of her jean hole?
Does he know this is RE-ALERT?

>> No.6070017

I don't understand the one girl.
She's so out of place.

>> No.6070022

This is so 1970s
Ever heard of COUM Transmissions?

>> No.6070036
File: 28 KB, 286x435, art school asian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no art school Asian gf

>> No.6070040
File: 128 KB, 375x476, 1402591461889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw her parents are probably paying tens of thousands of dollars for her to see that

>> No.6070044
File: 2.64 MB, 320x240, not impressed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people actually take this shit seriously

>> No.6070045


>those conversations at the end of the video

Are you Americans always so fake in your enthusiasm?

>> No.6070097
File: 18 KB, 526x606, 1420915455486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you Americans always so fake in your enthusiasm?
I know what you mean, but not always. I believe it stems from the youth's desire to adhere to change--whatever change that may be.


kinda reminds me of memes. pic related.

>> No.6070112
File: 32 KB, 132x164, bjk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf with daddy issues

>> No.6070158

>instead of a fucking urinal being on display
but that is modern art

>> No.6070178

>my 6 year old could do that
why is that a bad thing?

>> No.6070183

A 6 year old can paint a canvas a solid color, a 6 year old cannot paint the Mona Lisa. A 6 year old can bang on a piano and call it 'atonalism,' a 6 year old could not write Mozart's 41st symphony.

>> No.6070189

>the Mona Lisa.
It's always a pleb giveaway when someone mentions the Mona Lisa during an art discussion.

>> No.6070191

I like how artists have become these faux philosophers trying to launch an idea they probably read elsewhere and turn into a bullshit performance act.

>> No.6070194

>writing 41 symphonies
what a derivative hack

>> No.6070198

you clearly know absolutely nothing of CONTEMPORARY art.
and it's all subjective, so why do they need to have something to offer?
all they need to do is explain their feelings, but they don't really have to do that either.

>> No.6070204

That's actually anti-art, by his own admission. He wanted to mock how inane art had become, so he paid to have the urinal exhibited.

>> No.6070206

and why is that so bad?
i'm pretty sure a 6 year old child wouldn't have too much trouble creating a completely tonal piece.

>> No.6070207

>a 6 year old could not write Mozart's 41st symphony
or maybe he could. Mozy wrote his first one when he was eight

>> No.6070212

>He wanted to mock how inane art had become
are you fucking retarded? making art inane was what he wanted to do.

>> No.6070213

His point is, it lacks refinement.

We all know what a 5 year old's paintings look like; we've seen our own. These unrefined works derive their value from the fact that they occupy a gallery space, a 'yes a 6 year old could do this, but would a 6 year old think to put it here, in this space?' Whereas it used to be the case that the gallery got its worth from the quality of artwork displayed, the role has been reversed.

>> No.6070217


I know enough about because social psychology to see that you faggots your "taste" is largely determined by your shitty librul peers.

If say 95% of your sophisticated friends hated it, you wouldn't defend it, faggot.

>> No.6070219

>exerts no effort
>no bother of aesthetics
>lol it doesn't have to its relart see?

>> No.6070221

>If say 95% of your sophisticated friends hated it, you wouldn't defend it, faggot.
doubt it, i dislike and like a lot of things my peers don't.

>> No.6070223


>I'm an edgy faggot who lives in a world without shared meaning, so a dude exhibiting his shit stained toilet paper is the next best thing 4 me and 2deep4u

>> No.6070224

>exerts no effort
>no bother of aesthetics

>> No.6070226

Contemporary art is really too big of a field to dismiss or defend together.

If you want landscapes or naked women, people still do those abundantly, it's just they've been done to death as subjects so they've become rather banal and uninspired forms of expression, at least as something created today.

>> No.6070231

You missed my point entirely.

>> No.6070232

You don't have to be talented.
It doesn't have to look or sound good.

>> No.6070235

That's actually not true at all. You can't really begin to understand how stupid art looked at the time, in the middle of a World War while the rich were staying back and still chatting about quaint tea time art and calling it "sublime". Duchamp was expressing his disgust.

>> No.6070244

you are fucking retarded

>It doesn't have to look or sound good.
no, it doesn't, where did you get this notion that it has to look or sound good?
and isn't 'good' completely subjective?

i bet you wouldn't like this, but someone else sure would.

>> No.6070246


You and other honestly admit that modern art is like this because art as we have known it has become "banal".
You might as well sound like a teenage girl with your "soooo boring, let's do something fun yaaahh :D"

>> No.6070248

[citation needed]
Duchamp was a big fan of dadaism and cubism.

>> No.6070251

le dfw face

>> No.6070253

>you are fucking retarded
no u
>get this notion that it has to look or sound good?
Right, clearly making fart noises into my mic and pissing on a canvas will captivate millions.

>> No.6070254

>soooo boring, let's do something fun yaaahh :D
and that is not reason enough because?

>> No.6070255
File: 110 KB, 287x318, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070260


>I need to be entertained

You're so above the plebs, you really are.

>> No.6070261

>pissing on a canvas will captivate millions
it would and it has.
you're a little late, though.

>> No.6070264

Who cares about popularity? Could you define "art"?

>> No.6070269

who has said anything about being entertained?
and no one is acting as if they're above anyone.

it's literally only the 'plebs' who can't stand contemporary art who think they're above anyone.

>> No.6070272

That was the whole point of Dada, it was a movement in reaction to the war and the nauseating dichotomy between the war world and the art world. Sometimes it was simply about how absurd it is, other times it was overtly political. Millions of people were dying and the art admired by the upper classes was mostly the same, they were being more emotionally affected by a picture of flowers than millions of deaths.

>> No.6070274
File: 3.32 MB, 250x257, 1412383238015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070278

oh, you're talking about him hating "good" art, not experimental art?
we're agreeing then.

>> No.6070284
File: 2.08 MB, 400x300, 1345460809417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're behind the girl

>> No.6070286

Right, I forgot who I'm dealing with.
Hopefully in a thousand years those piss-stained canvases will be remembered and lauded with the likes of Dante and Monet.

>> No.6070289
File: 3 KB, 404x404, 1414058327892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chosen, for all their great contributions in the various fields of science, have with a few exceptions always sucked in the arts, be it music, literature or painting.

>> No.6070291

>hates everything that is not pop-culture
>hates unconventional art
>monet is fine though

>> No.6070294



>> No.6070303

This shit makes me want to post on /pol/
I mean, I won't, but seriously. What the fuck is this?

>> No.6070306
File: 251 KB, 800x562, Monet,_Claude_-_View_At_Rouelles,_Le_Havre_(1858).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monet was cool though.
Would take this over urinal and vagina eggs any day.

>> No.6070307

it's the art equivalent of "oh-so-quirky-indie-girls"

>> No.6070310

so would i, doesn't mean he wasn't "degenerate" at some point in time.

>> No.6070313
File: 1.40 MB, 193x135, bertwtf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070319

>I mean, I won't
Why not?
Are you afraid of discovering that /pol/ was right all along?

>> No.6070320
File: 300 KB, 800x777, 800px-Water-Lilies-and-Japanese-Bridge-(1897-1899)-Monet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he was a degenerate who tried.

>> No.6070325

the moment you stop and realise that there was never a point in time where people just suddenly stopped trying, you'll appreciate more art.

>> No.6070329
File: 4 KB, 664x646, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah gee, amazing modern art, surely someone will find this beautiful.

>> No.6070333

>surely someone will find this beautiful.
why wouldn't they?

>> No.6070340

I didn't try.

>> No.6070341

Fuck, I cried. Reminded me of the beauty of death.

>> No.6070342

why is trying so important to you?
and how would i know if you tried or not if you didn't tell me just now?

>> No.6070360

Alright, I get it, everyone's an artist, practice is useless. But you can't possibly believe the same applies to literature.

>> No.6070366

arm tat looks like a swastika in one of the versions. Just me?

>> No.6070368

>But you can't possibly believe the same applies to literature
i've never said anything like that. and who's saying practice is useless?
didn't kafka write the metamorphosis in a night?

>> No.6070375

Nah, but I sure found equal depth in that pissed canvas.

>> No.6070376

just you, seen that logo before, no idea where it's from.
music related i'm sure. (not the black flag one)

>> No.6070377
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1010953[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read pic related
>starts by covering the revolutionary works of Rodin, Cezanne, Matisse, Picasso, etc
>move through interesting coverage of cubism, futurism, dada, german expressionism, abstract expressionism, minimalism
>articles get gradually more negative after the 80s, exorbitant prices for Basquiat, Schnabel, and Jeff Koons
>fizzles out in 2010 with giant bland installation pieces

Even historians of modern art think contemporary art is shit, you can read Claire Bishop's Artificial Hells where she points out that the trend for 'participatory art' is feel-good neoliberal bullshit.

>> No.6070379


>> No.6070387

No, I went there once, and I felt like I was on reddit. So many obstinate kids throwing around ridiculous statements based on some widely regarded misconception. It felt completely hopeless, like trying to tell a football hooligan it's just a brand he's kicking people's heads in for, you know you can say whatever you want, he's just going to nod a few times, turn around and shout:

>> No.6070396


why can't I hold all this mental illness?

>> No.6070400

>I went there once
I bet you read a few posts, got triggered, and started crying.

But more seriously, saying that you felt like you were on reddit clear shows that you didn't spend enough time there. If you had, you would have learned how to sift through the epic maymays and find the good stuff.

>> No.6070402
File: 2.15 MB, 700x1422, yodawg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will art ever be taken seriously again?

>> No.6070404
File: 163 KB, 1839x410, 1416449454082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people posting bad performance art and pretending that all contemporary art is like that
>people referring to contemporary art as "modern art"
>people still struggling to accept abstract expressionism

i bet you faggots can't even name 5 notable living artists. try leaving your parents house and visiting an actual museum. pic related

>> No.6070413

Is this shit supposed to be art?, holy fuck, where are those god damn retards shitting on classical works?, how can you defend bullshit like shit?.

Jeezus mother fucking christ, I am trigerred

I have never felt as disgusted as I am right now, beheadings and headshots don't even come close to this "pseudo-art".

>> No.6070414
File: 94 KB, 1435x478, ²³²³²³.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070415

based you, you're too late though

>> No.6070418
File: 37 KB, 444x589, dali--anteater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>5 notable living artists

there isn't even one

Dali would spit on these charlatans if he were alive today

>> No.6070423


Is this shit supposed to be art?, holy fuck, where are those god damn retards shitting on classical works?, how can you defend bullshit like shit?.

Jeezus mother fucking christ, I am trigerred

I have never felt as disgusted as I am right now, beheadings and headshots don't even come close to this "pseudo-art".

>> No.6070427

why use margarine when you could use butter

>> No.6070430

>there isn't even one
and that's why you will stay ignorant

>> No.6070433

there we, go, only british artists too

>> No.6070436

I felt disgusted at that too, holy fuck shit, where are the fucking standards?. Porn movies have more depth than that fucking song/video.

>> No.6070437
File: 270 KB, 1024x633, 1024px-Entrega_de_las_llaves_a_San_Pedro_(Perugino).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haven't heard of a single one

post something that I can tell apart from schoolchildren scribbling

>> No.6070439


and for some reason this is a masterpiece :)

>> No.6070440

>I bet you read a few posts, got triggered, and started crying.

I just described what I felt, but alright.

>saying that you felt like you were on reddit clear shows that you didn't spend enough time there.

It's funny, though, because your first post was:
>Are you afraid of discovering that /pol/ was right all along?
Which already implies some sort of uniform ideology of the board. When I say it reminds me of reddit I mean that there are just echoes of unchangable opinions being forced down your throat. I don't care whether it's liberal, John Green loving, Marxist, Islamic, humanitarian, vegan or whatever, as soon as I get the feeling there is obstinacy in a misconception (the misconception being the whatever the idea causing the obstinacy is) I don't even want to waste my time with it.

From what I could tell, /pol/ was exactly like reddit. The same shit gets the most replies, the same opinions are held by a large ammount of the users, and there is no room for questions, because good goyim, I wonder who's behind this post, JIDF pls go, degenerate, etc.

People who suppose they hold some infallable truth are obnoxious, and unless I am forced to deal with them, I'd rather refrain from being in their company. But then I'm not a /pol/ veteran, so who knows, I could even be wrong in my idea of /pol/, and if you enjoy it there, I probably will be in your eyes.

>> No.6070443

>haven't heard of a single one
i'm so surprised by that! :)

>> No.6070445

Lol, jews are some of the best at music.

>> No.6070446

only interesting one is kapoor and maaaybe hockney

banksy lmao

>> No.6070449

This is a fucking masterpiece.


>> No.6070451

Tracy emin anticipated the narcissism of social media.

>> No.6070452
File: 133 KB, 1536x1518, hockney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hasn't heard of david hockney
>hasn't heard of Damien hirst
>hasn't heard of tracey emin
>hasn't heard of banksy
>hasn't heard of anish kapoor

>> No.6070454
File: 107 KB, 800x559, Hockney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe hockney? Pleb detected

>> No.6070462

>post classical music
>fucking vivaldi


>> No.6070463


Actually now that you mention it, I have heard of Banksy

He does the dollar bills, right? Seems like a cool dude

>> No.6070466

fucken dying over here m8

>> No.6070467
File: 111 KB, 730x600, ivan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean this is definitely art, I'm just not sure it's very good

>> No.6070468

Post the superior youtube version you cunt:


>> No.6070472

and that is your opinion, which is completely fine.

>> No.6070473

>if i don't like it, it's not art

No, if you don't like it then it means you don't like it AND THAT'S FINE

You are using rejection and dismissal in place of criticism because you think you're not smart enough to criticise but you are. just say how you feel. You're already doing it but you don't have to be fundamentalist about it

>> No.6070479

Fuck you, Winter>Summer>Rest.

Also, what is wrong with classical music?. And, what is wrong with Vivaldi?. I could have posted something from Bach, Chopin, Schubert, Beethoven, Mozart or Albinoni and the point would be the same.

>> No.6070485

i was about to say Summer=Winter>Rest, but can't decide

>> No.6070486

Yeah, they are both great to be honest.

I am sorry m8, I like more the version I posted.

What makes you say that the version you posted is superior?

>> No.6070488


In other words: pure ideology.

>> No.6070491

i didn't post that one, and i prefere yours.
i feel the other ones are infinitely more nihilistic and the 'flat' aesthetic is very nice.

>> No.6070492

stop this.

>> No.6070499

I am sorry, I meant
He is stating that the version he posted is superior. Which is why I used that word.

>> No.6070501

The Four Seasons is fine but it's overplayed movieclassical, like Carmina Burana and Adagio for Strings.

>> No.6070502

Why bother focusing on this retarded crap when there's still a ton of high quality art being produced in the world?

>> No.6070509

that's kind of what we're trying to say, but they literally don't believe us.

>> No.6070530

Standing at a swedish festival

>> No.6070536

"Literally" post quality stuff then, and try to prove your point. You know, the website is supposed to be about "discussions", not just about shitposting.
It is funny, the only movie I've heard The Four Seasons is The fault in our star, which made me facepalm. Having a girlfriend has its downsides

>> No.6070539

that thing has two heads?

>> No.6070546
File: 43 KB, 682x1024, 1385831468057[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally no good art being created any more thanks to cultural marxism.

>> No.6070556
File: 53 KB, 500x581, 1404205841267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern art is an act against capitalism, the creation of something that cant be bought.

>> No.6070560
File: 153 KB, 706x783, gerhard+richter+self+portrait+tate+godsavedadaism[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070566
File: 297 KB, 1024x1723, Specter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specter - Darren Waterston

>> No.6070567

Movies are the biggest industry out there, with the exception of video games, so I'd say art is doing fine. Painting, not so much, but painting is for decoration and people who've been living under a rock.

>> No.6070571

I always think the opposite. Anyone who dismisses the Mona Lisa is trying too hard. How do you think it got popular in the first place? Do you think it was a smash hit like "Cats" that took the world by storm? Literally the only problem hipsters like you have with the Mona Lisa is that it's very famous.

>> No.6070572

what? paintings and sculptures are still going strong

>> No.6070574

is DFW the only person you know who used the word "banal"?

>> No.6070578

>How do you think it got popular in the first place?

>> No.6070583

Looks like something you'd see on a t-shirt in a Kansas Wal-Mart.

>> No.6070584
File: 932 KB, 1244x636, eTyfghN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah sure.

>> No.6070587

a 6 year old won't paint a canvas a solid colour though


>> No.6070589

are you really trying to say that the one to the left isn't infinitely more interesting and pleasing to look at than the right?

>> No.6070592

You see, that is quality stuff.

>> No.6070596

>taste is determined by other people

holy shit you just blew the art world open

>> No.6070597


>> No.6070598
File: 23 KB, 269x311, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you trying to devalue my experience?

>> No.6070601

>not knowing what atonal music is

>> No.6070602


>> No.6070605


>but I'm so above the masses tho, dumb plebs, haha, dey dont even read, dumbasses, fucking dumbasses with their retard fox news, god people are so dumb, cant even imagine how dumb consumer culture is, urgh, the proletariat must rise

>> No.6070609
File: 73 KB, 360x496, tylerthompson-howlingwolves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070610

>living legend vs nobody
i wonder who will sell best.

>> No.6070613
File: 500 KB, 1000x1566, 7082_6-shahzia_sikander_8759_Sinxay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try harder faggot

Sinxay - Shahzia Sikander

>> No.6070614

I can't believe 'Liverpool Docks #63' was bought for only $300k, what a bargain!

>> No.6070616

you just assume that since no good art has been introduced to you in your limited experiences of the world, that it's just not being produced.

>surely if it was great someone would have posted an image of it on 4chan for me to save and repost

>> No.6070618

What do you consider video games then?

>> No.6070619


ITT: modern art is good because a cultural elite likes ( muh friends too hehe, so special ) it and all is subjective kek

You faggots make me wanna shoot a flame thrower on one of your menstrual blood performance art pieces.

>> No.6070621

>modern art is bad -- here are some cherry-picked examples that involve excrement because poopy is gross

qualifies as shitposting. literally

>> No.6070624

>Massacre Of The Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens
>Sold for 76.7 million US dollars at Sotheby's in London in July 2002

>> No.6070625

>>6070619 see >>6070097
>I believe it stems from the youth's desire to adhere to change--whatever change that may be.

>> No.6070627

>ITT: _____ art is good because a cultural elite likes

has this ever not been the case with art?

>> No.6070633

fucking pathetic

>> No.6070636

>>but I'm so above the masses tho

this is the anti-modernist view

i like art in general and i'm not dismissing the last 100 or so years of it because muh poopy

>> No.6070637


>I'm an artist in the year of our lord 2015
>let me break some boundaries by flinging poopoo

Don't these shitfags realize how stereotypical this is?
Do they seriously think like a bunch of goth kids that everyone on the street will be 'shocked' to see their dark attire and be scared?
Most people see this nonsense and click away. Only you striped shirt big Adam's apple underweight faglords think this is kicking down society's mores.

>> No.6070639

>that pic

I cringed so hard because its true

>> No.6070643

lol why are you defending cherry-picked examples? shit on canvas isn't representative of modern art. it's not even representative of popular modern art or contemporary tastes. it's a strawman

>> No.6070644

Christo Yachev
One of rare alive artists I have respect for

>> No.6070646


My grandmother worked in a factory all her life and she sees a work by Caravaggio and she'll be blown away, really enter another form of consciousness.
Some edgelord with shit in a can, she'll get the idea after you explain it to her, but that'll be it and she'll move on.

>> No.6070647
File: 45 KB, 240x320, 1354650433492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070650

literally all these people have to do is google "best contemporary artists" and they're guaranteed to find someone they'll like, but no.

>> No.6070652

i don't know how this addresses what i said

>> No.6070653

One of my chinese cartoon YA genre fiction books had a passing jab at modern art
>When I was in elementary school, a picture I drew was used as the cover of a book, and that book went on to become a best seller.

There was another sentence that was more blatant, but I can't find it.

>> No.6070655
File: 55 KB, 720x385, iQFjaYu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070658

i bet there were a lot of bad artists back in the day, too :)

>> No.6070661
File: 416 KB, 1200x812, 1385806445937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banksy is good.

Here is a painting he did that is absolutely beyond your comprehension.

>> No.6070662


>art school faggot cannot into reading

What else is new?
Maybe I was trying to say that even a total prole can appreciate "high art" and it doesn't need to be this circle jerk fest that is art nowadays?

>> No.6070664

I have seen plenty of shitty of "modern art" to make up my mind about that kind of artists. Most of the time it is "2 deep for you" shit, like it or not, that is how things are.

It is not my fault that the only things they produce is non sense. Most of the time it involves Art colleges, I just hope that is not considered as "good".

>> No.6070669


All his other shit is just lame stencil graffiti jokes.

>> No.6070670
File: 40 KB, 200x200, c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070673

ok. now please respond to this post:


>> No.6070678





>> No.6070682
File: 374 KB, 1299x1185, chris[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh elephant dung painting

It's also a brilliant adaptation of medieval icon painting and a recognition of the erotic nature of depictions of the Virgin Mary, from a committed Catholic artist.

>> No.6070687

you can't even use the term 'modern art' correctly lmao

>> No.6070689

His "provocateur" street art is also, far beyond your comprehension.


>> No.6070692

>implying people itt can see through poop

>> No.6070694

>dirt is all around us
>everything is shit
>we apply meaning, value and worth to the shit surrounding us
>we live by this meaning and by our words
>we live by our worth and apply value
>but everything is shit

so deep

>> No.6070696

Ayy lmao :^). I bet they miss you over at /tv/, brother

>> No.6070700

>"Literally" post quality stuff then, and try to prove your point
Well, if you look at websites like artstation.com you'll find hundreds of illustrators and digital painters still around who are exceptionally skilled and very creative. There's still like 10 or so movies coming out every month and at least one of them turns out really good on average. You have video games, a relatively new medium which combines ALL other creative mediums and then adds a brand new layer onto it, interactivity, making exceptional video games more or less the Gesamtkunstwerk of art in this point in history. And then take into consideration the amount of effort, creative skill and insight, and passion required to make all these things, and the number of people behind them working together... it's not much different from the thousands of master craftsmen that were alive in ancient Greece making sculptures and whatnot.

>> No.6070701


Why are you not getting the point?
Have you ever sat down with your average factory worker in a bar? I have. Maybe you champions of the proletariat haven't, but these dudes laugh their ass off with "art". They are in no way shocked or moved by your dancing on butter or laying eggs from your minge.

The art of olden days, even stuff like fauvism they'll dig, proles will dig too.
So your idea of "art is good because an elite likes it" wasn't the case before. It is now. If it wasn't for suicidal white special snowflakes this shit wouldn't appeal to anyone.

>> No.6070705

Don't forget most of contemporary cinema and literature

>> No.6070708
File: 25 KB, 530x500, merchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>painting the theotokos as a nigger

>> No.6070714

not really
it's a ugly hack painting

>> No.6070717

when the person you're arguing with resorts to green text and memes to refute, you know you've one

>> No.6070719
File: 57 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n48agrBgLs1qz6f4bo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6070720


I know better graffiti artists than him really.

I can't believe /lit/ actually thinks Bansky is a legit artist..

>> No.6070732

man I knew that terrible fucking spaghettio video was gonna show up

>> No.6070734

>Video games.
I am sorry, but they are mostly dead. AAA are shit and the indie industry is going no where, especially with kickstarter.

I believe one of the last games I really enjoyed was Bastion.

>> No.6070735


I think most here defending this art form have failed noticing OP's pic and how this "cultured elite" acts beyond retarded.

>> No.6070736

>“ Modern art is a disaster area. Never in the field of human history has so much been used by so many to say so little.”

Get the fuck out TTKM

>> No.6070739

>I believe one of the last games I really enjoyed was Bastion.
Your opinion is worth nothing then.

>> No.6070740

shock value in attempt to hide that what they're doing is completely stupid and lacks depth

>> No.6070741

Holy fuck, how much is that worth?.

>> No.6070744

>cultured elite

>> No.6070746

>Have you ever sat down with your average factory worker in a bar?

i was a factory worker. then i went to university. there i studied art history, where i could see a wide variety of art and art forms from an informed, non-biased (cf 'modern art is literally just performance art') perspective. you know what i learned there? that the cultural elite determines what art is and isn't

>So your idea of "art is good because an elite likes it" wasn't the case before

lol it's not my idea. it's art history

you're not proving me wrong by saying "people now look at art from ages ago and like it". demonstrate how what you're claiming as modern art is even 20% of art produced from around the start of the 20th c

>> No.6070751
File: 98 KB, 400x442, Ethiopian%20Theotokos[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6070754


How are you enjoying your unemployment now?

>> No.6070755


>> No.6070757

What was the most recent game you enjoyed?.

Inb4 Dwarf Fortress, Dark Souls, or some japanese bullshit

>> No.6070760

>Dark Souls, or some japanese bullshit
jesus dude

>> No.6070761


What's it with you leftists wanting all religious figures to be niggers? Even fucking Heimdall has to be a nigger?

But oh shit if a white dude plays a character that wasn't white in the book and so forth.

>> No.6070767
File: 635 KB, 160x114, 6p01aa_th.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070768

take that, modern art!

>> No.6070772

Pleb minds just havent caught up with postmodernism yet.
So they see modern art and even if they like it, the dont understand it. They end up wanting to replicate quality art but end up saturating the art world with mediocre shit.

>> No.6070773
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1421869569332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070775

AC4 Black Flag, which I started playing this month, and Wolfenstein TNO which I beat last month.

>> No.6070776

There's something pathological about art the last couple of decades.

>> No.6070778

>But oh shit if a white dude plays a character that wasn't white in the book and so forth.

you'll say that black and white people aren't equal but you're quick to compare race-swapping like they are

>> No.6070779

i think making Heimdall is pretty funny, cause he was called "the whitest of the gods" and he had golden teeth.

>> No.6070780

So, what is your answer?.

Don't get me wrong, Dark Soul is a good game. On the other hand, I don't see the appeal to "moe" video games.

>> No.6070782

>all japanese games are "moe"
jesus dude

>> No.6070784
File: 92 KB, 947x717, dav_oath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new rebellion is to conform to the idealism of the Greco-Roman/renaissance/enlightenment.

Eat shit and die jew scum.

>> No.6070785


If more than half the population can't even understand a simple art piece anymore, we're having a serious class division. More serious than anything before.
Something you Marxist shitbags should worry about.

>> No.6070788
File: 928 KB, 1800x1793, 1406937050070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hence this beauty right here.

>INB4 quasi realist/impressionst=/= classical standards of beauty

Fuck off jew.

>> No.6070789

the fact that you think that every contemporary artwork is super conceptual, or conceptual at all shows how ignorant you are.

>> No.6070792

no, you cro magnon, it's not.
Just because you have failed to evolve your mind to appreciate nature and therefore the works of mankind in any form.

>> No.6070793
File: 50 KB, 837x461, Sloterdijk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Expect a future with Dugin/Junger/Spengler/Evola/Guenon and other thinkers to set the tone and an art to mirror that.

The 21st century is going to be increasingly conservative/reactionary, so prepare your clenched identity politics asshole.

>> No.6070796

>So, what is your answer?.
My answer is right here >>6070775

>> No.6070797

>More serious than anything before.

apart from when art featured the most esoteric greco-roman myths that only the literate educated class could understand (and commission)

please keep demonstrating your ignorance of the subject



>> No.6070802


There is good and bad contemporary art. Saying it's "all subjective" is lazy, and claiming that technique is irrelevant is ignorant. Simple things can be good, but some things can be good because they are not simple.

>> No.6070804

Of course not, but I meant those "moe games" by "japanese games". I worded it wrong.

>> No.6070805
File: 24 KB, 500x375, 1419597845990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, shut the fuck up you shit eating jew.

>> No.6070806

dark souls is a japanese game

>> No.6070809

The empty white space represents the etheral unconscious mind in which we all inhabit. The artist utilizes the negative space in this way to exemplify the unseen aspect of our deepest inner thoughts. The singular and downward sloping line represents the individual in society. He believes he stands alone in an empty and cold world. The downward slope is indicative of our declining culture and our generations loss of hope in the future.
Fucking genius. Thank you

>> No.6070814

why are you so mad'
Does the color white offend you?
triggered m8?

>> No.6070816



>> No.6070819

Where is that image/quote from?

>> No.6070820


I'm pretty sure an illiterate peasant in medieval and early modern times pretty much knew what was happening on paintings of a Saint or Biblical scenes.

We're talking about Western civilization, not classical (inb4 'dose r deh same', no they're not)

It's nice you pick Late Antiquity as an example of that civilization, its terminus with esoteric babble, just like ours now.

>> No.6070821


At least go to the herpes kissing both or something you immature and unfunny fool.

>> No.6070822


>> No.6070825

>doesn't appreciate the extreme minimalism that is nothing
>doesn't GET the void
>doesn't appreciate this as a piece that redefines what art is
i bet you hate cage, too

>> No.6070827

i could draw a better line than that!

>> No.6070828



I was mostly shitposting there.
But he makes a good point.
Zizek suspects shit and hopes we'll "my god, shtart thienkieng", but Sloterdijk is much more sober and poignant.

>> No.6070831

>that is nothing
but there's a white canvas on a white wall there

>> No.6070832

>implying your reason matters
you might aswell be dead.

>> No.6070838
File: 78 KB, 600x800, 1418566226068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern art is the very definition of pleb. It democratized art. It made the production and consumption of art available and appealing to plebs.

Modern art requires only a message and no specific skill, which opens the production of it up to any untrained plebeian.

And at the same time, the meaning of modern artworks is either incredibly obvious (5th grade statements like "war is bad" or "fuck consumerism") or so subjective that formal training of any kind in the arts is unnecessary (all you need is imagination of some kind). You're not required to do any analysis, just simply vomit how you "feel."

I don't know why any self-respecting person could advocate such degenerate peasant art.

>> No.6070841

totally worth it

>> No.6070843
File: 129 KB, 1024x684, CarracciHercules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm pretty sure an illiterate peasant in medieval and early modern times pretty much knew what was happening on paintings of a Saint or Biblical scenes.

so you're complaining that people can't understand art now because there's no widespread religion literally giving them the answers to all the art?

>We're talking about Western civilization, not classical


good lord read a book on art history sometime

>> No.6070844



I kinda hate artists really.
I like what they produce, but talking with them and how they come to such works is always moved by this childish attention-seeking bullshit.

>> No.6070847

we're talking about contemporary art here, bozo

>> No.6070848


>> No.6070850
File: 111 KB, 650x431, 1343776663001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TTKM pls go.

>> No.6070852

complete nonsense. People in cities no longer even have a concept of what actual conservatism is, and no connection to it. If you mean pretending to be conservative online and posturing about traditionalist authors, then sure, why not.

>> No.6070853

You are aware that the painter of that piece drew that from a camera obscura and just mindlessly and obstinately filled in the blanks for months and months, right?

I mean it's admirable,, the sheer amount of work, but it's really not artistic talent, and all that shit was made obsolete the second photography was invented anyways.

>> No.6070854

so, do you hate cage?
and contemporary artists, especially the famous ones are way more laid back than ever before, you should appreciate it.

>> No.6070856


Goes for writers too, especially poets and short story writers, not just visual artists.

>> No.6070864

He just stuck the Nazi on a bench.

>> No.6070867


I'm not 'complaining', merely stating shit you missed about art and its function and purpose centuries ago ( which, in part, was about educating the masses, hence Catholic nations brought forth bulks of it ).
I think it's pretty obvious that with religion departing as a shared horizon of meaning, it has caused art to become fragmented as well, almost inaccesible.

And we differ in opinion about what classifies as 'western' faggot, not about absolute truths. Debate is ongoing about that in historiography.
You aren't the genius in this thread you think you are. Someone should give you a nutsack kick to get you out of that ivory tower your art history years have brought you in.

>> No.6070868
File: 80 KB, 800x776, untitled_____one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6070869
File: 27 KB, 488x328, roman fuck off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgive me for thinking a thread beginning with a screencap of MoMA and specifically mentioning "modern art" is about modern art.

I guess this thread is all up to your own subjective interpretation.

>> No.6070870

Aaaaayyy lmao
You can't compare music by Stravinsky or Stockhausen to someone taking a shit in a blender and making a milkshake and then calling it art.

>> No.6070875


>implying this "faux conservativism" won't have a bigger effect than your Judith Butler crap

It matters jack shit if it's "actual" or not, it's its new form and it will set the tone.

>> No.6070878
File: 108 KB, 600x354, Nick-Drake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You absolute TTKM dumb fuck.

>> No.6070882

i really thought /lit/ would be more open-minded and intelligent than this.

>> No.6070883

>there are people who think banksy is good
you're going to be so embarrassed when you randomly remember this thread in a few years

>> No.6070885

i'm guessing the placement of the nazi questions our idea about of beauty: how can the nazi harbour those ideas and appreciate the landscape like we do? are his ideas coming from the (beauty of the) landscape? could we get those ideas from the landscape? does (as many think) art make us better people or not? etc

>> No.6070890

except it doesn't provoke any of those thoughts at all because it's so on the nose. it provokes an eye-roll and a dismissive tut.

>> No.6070894

Are you seriously trying to pass that as the pinnacle of renaissance art?

that is a really simple composition with a really straight forward perspective and simple geometrical architecture

Really most of these renaissance religious paintings were purely utilitarian, to tell stories and convert people, and the painters were more artisans than artists.

>> No.6070895
File: 45 KB, 500x382, 1422119386364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6070896

i'm not condoning/dismissing it. only trying to say what i think it wants to say. obviously it also wants to shock.

>> No.6070901

oh these are pretty funny, post the "my 6 year old could make this" one

>> No.6070904

carracci isn't western? news to me

>> No.6070905

Bible wasn't readable to the masses until Luthor radicalized the Roman catholic Church and had the RCC translate it from Latin.

>> No.6070911

they knew the mythology inside out though

>> No.6070916

the bile wasn't read but preached. see>>6070911

>> No.6070918


It's more pleasing for plebs because interpreting a city scene requires formal knowledge.

"Interpreting" random colors requires only an imagination.

You are no different from a pleb who reads books for the plot.

>> No.6070927

You're such a dumb fucken TTKM kid.

>> No.6070931

alright but if you need to draw a fucking nazi to make your art provoke a reaction then you're a faggot.

>> No.6070934

>blah blah pleb
story is an important part of literature. whole branches of university are dedicated to studying it. your worldview comes from an asiatic semaphore school. how does that feel?

>> No.6070935

lol you're soooooOOOOooooo fucken dumb TTKM

>> No.6070941
File: 22 KB, 300x290, 1422179707786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you guys. let me have this.

>> No.6070944

what is ttkm and what is your interpretation? (i feel really threatened btw, keep it up).

i was tiptoeing before but i might as well just come out and say i agree. it is lazy.

>> No.6070951

literally what is ttkm

>> No.6070957

>what is ttkm and what is your interpretation?
I'll tell you my interpretation of it if you admit you're a faggoty little bitch who doesn't know nothing about anything, and is willing to be the receptacle of my orgasmic wisdom.

Your begging has gotta be good, or I ain't gonna do shit but insult you.

>> No.6070960

Her shoes don't match the rest of her outfit.

>> No.6070965

i'll take the insulting

>> No.6070967

And classical art was only ever created because the rich elites, or churches, wanted pretty pictures to denote status.

But what is special or unique about a realistic portrait of yourself of your family when a local starving illustrator who went for 3 years to art college, will paint you the most realistic portrait for a few hundred dollars, or even cheaper just a god damn photograph?

Nah, if you wan't to be the trendiest heeb around you gotta have something nobody else can have, and that isn't just pretty pictures

>> No.6070968

You're a gay little TTKM, have fun being an absolute jew/jew enabler.

>> No.6070972

oh, he's trying to do a meme.

>> No.6070974

>a local starving illustrator who went for 3 years to art college, will paint you the most realistic portrait for a few hundred dollars

Why do you think making up shit will make you appear smarter? Not all of us are TTKM gullible little closet cases as you appear to assume.

>> No.6070975

i was expecting a little more. at least call me an insecure pleb or something. i mean jeez.

>> No.6070977


Great. There's nothing wrong with story, but without form in equal measure, it's shit art.

Plot is superficial and requires no knowledge of literature to appreciate.

>> No.6070978

Because he was a classical master, works of the classical markets are never seen on the markets today, while Grimshaw while not being a nobody, produced too much work for any of his paintings to be worth that much

>> No.6070982

Calling you what you are is the greatest insult I can bestow upon you.

>> No.6070985

>Plot is superficial and requires no knowledge of literature to appreciate.

Ugh. The TTKM posters are so obvious it hurts.

>> No.6070989


It will never be a meme, kiddo.

>> No.6070997


>> No.6071000

didn't picasso produce over 10.000 works?

>> No.6071003

Don't argue with the TTKM, he's enjoying himself too much in parroting his professor-- don't spoil his good time.

>> No.6071012


The guy who captions is writing too German is.

>> No.6071022

>i'll force this meme on by the power of my sheer intellect!
*tips chastity belt*

>> No.6071025

this has nothing to do with the page, but i don't feel it needs it's own.

how do you know if you got a good copy of the book?
like, i've heard there are many different versions of Ulysses, some good, some terrible. is this the case for all books? for greeks and pre-1900 too?

>> No.6071041

The copy is no good unless the muses sing to you. Until then, keep looking.

>> No.6071044

>le Xzibit maymay in the background

>> No.6071049

there's most likely been some discussion on the different versions of whatever book you want, assuming it's not too obscure.

mostly they'll be exactly the same though.

>> No.6071083
File: 101 KB, 801x1036, orange-and-yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like looking at stuff like this but I don't think it is worth millions of dollars.

>pic is like seven feet tall in person

>> No.6071099

is this the /lit/ archive?
i'm new here.

>> No.6071124

I saw something like it on Mad Men. Do you have any idea if it is the same as the one you posted?

>> No.6071125

yeah. keep it under your hat though.

>> No.6071165
File: 19 KB, 400x229, madmenrothko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen that show but I'm gonna guess they are making fun of it.

The artist is Mark Rothko.

>> No.6071173

>show about rich guys in suits
>making fun of rothko
i highly doubt it

>> No.6071273

Do you go to McMaster? Because I know that girl and she seems 100% tumblrcore autistic.

>> No.6071277

But Hitler was a bad painter.
He was a homeless fuck who painted postcards for christsakes.

>> No.6071289


No, I got it from here, I think.

>> No.6071601
File: 1.96 MB, 3030x1830, Louis_Edouard_Fournier_-_The_Funeral_of_Shelley_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The Mona Lisa is a wack ass painting. It sucks.

Now this an interesting painting

>> No.6071619


This is the worst art ever made, same with Pollock. Absolute worst.

>> No.6071633

>The artist is Mark Rothko.

How the fuck can he be called an artist.

>> No.6071975

Exactly that, I am going with satire.

>> No.6072086

Basically like us.

If moot had given a fuck back then and set up 4chan, he'd have been preventing ww2.