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/lit/ - Literature

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606339 No.606339 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ needs moar OC.

You have two sentences. Share a thought, mood, or story. Or all three, if you're good enough.

>> No.606348

there is nothing i miss more
than the fixated glazed eye

>> No.606345

I stay up all night unemployed.
Tomorrow I'm supposed to enlist in the Air Force.

>> No.606351

Yesterday I leafleted for a political party.
After that I was in a car crash.

>> No.606354

"Eating my first dick," wondered the parson to himself.
"Thai or Mexican?"

>> No.606356

Perhaps working in a kitchen 42 hours a week is not the best way to live your life.
I'd much rather drive my scooter into the deserts, stop on the side of the road, and starve to death.

>> No.606359 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 500x694, YCOTISL-IAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Some motherfuckers always trying to iceskate up hill" said Ice Cube as he crushed General Zao's head between his palms. As he flew over the burning ships towards Compton in his jet black harrier, he thought not of his wound or his soon to be received medal of honor. All he thought of was returning to his greatest passion, playing dominoes with his close friends.

His wounds are fatal, his death is the plane ride, and playing dominoes is the afterlife.

>> No.606365

"Some motherfuckers always trying to iceskate up hill" said Ice Cube as he crushed General Zao's head between his palms. As he flew over the burning ships towards Compton in his jet black harrier, he thought not of his wound or his soon to be received medal of honor. All he thought of was returning to his greatest passion, playing dominoes with his close friends.
His wounds are fatal, his death is the plane ride, and playing dominoes is the afterlife.

>> No.606366

just walked home from the midnight shift
everyone was sleeping; all I could hear were bugs, birds, and the echoes of my footsteps

>> No.606369

early morning, should have slept more last night.
need a job, at least Murakami's slacker heroes are a minor comfort.

>> No.606373

Spending money I don't have on food that I don't like.
Off to bed, to repeat the cycle.

>> No.606462


>> No.606474


Well, not many people write because they're happy. I'm sure /lit/ is okay with these experiences as they'll mine them for inspiration.

>> No.606485

It's 8:12 and I'm sleepy.
"Why the hell did I stay up all night when I have a quiz in an hour?"

>> No.606486

WOOOOOOOOOOO! God I love wave runners! Fuck taxes!

>> No.606490

Good point.

>> No.606492


Yet another day of familiar fluctuations, the eddies and currents of solitude reminding me that the eventual arrival of companionship is a bitter thing. Like some wakened beast, I send an unspoken declaration of annoyance at intrusion before grudgingly moving to sniff at the traces of a day otherwise lived.

>> No.606520


>> No.606548

Walk past the kitchen and overhear a flatmate mentioning my name to a friend.
We exist even when we are absent.

>> No.606567

wake up, browse /lit/, see OC and like it. My morning is a little better now.

>> No.606580

Color me stupid but I will have to ask, what do you guys mean by OC ?

>> No.606589

i thought what i'd do was, i'd pretend i was one of those deaf-mutes.

>> No.606592

An untainted soul. You've obviously never been to /b/, good...

OC = original content.

>> No.606606

The man commited suicide by burying himself alive.

>> No.606616



>> No.606619

Robot apocalypse up in this bitch.
Too bad it was caused by humans treating them like shit.

>> No.606653

'I'm Doctor Kashmir' said Doctor Kashmir.
And then Doctor Kashmir was the aliens.

>> No.606656

I wake, slowly, in orbit. Beneath my feet, the sky awaits my return.

>> No.606657

I count the hours of hunger stretching before me. The soup kitchen won't be open until morning.

>> No.606679

My dick, is like, Supersize; your dick looks like two fries. My dick is large like the Chargers, the whole team; your shit looks like you're fourteen.

>> No.606695

The end is a crumbling crayon, the colored chips cosmic debris.
When god unmakes us all, we will be nothing but free.

>> No.606729

My headache makes me laugh

If you're moving out to west, then you'd better learn how to surf haha

>> No.606846

I delete and destroy everything I write, 4chan will do that for me soon enough. If I had something to say I would say "I hate this life", and I would describe the forests, plains and rivers of a more beautiful existence as well I would describe what a more genuine 'love' is like, between both friends and lovers and you would all see what I had written and perhaps smile.

>> No.606855

The thick leather, wet with perspiration, stuck to my skin. I could never have imagined how hot it would be in the suit.

>> No.606881

Keep Posting

>> No.606900
File: 63 KB, 500x363, deviantart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ needs moar OC.

No. Take your OC to deviant art, you fuck wit.

>> No.606933

said the faggot as he shifted his gut uncomfortably around in his XXL Gamer Chair. Wheezing, he removed his fedora to slick back his hair "Heh, DeviantArt" he mused as he peered over at his book collection of homemade pokemon novels and JK Rowlings "Harry Potter".

>> No.606937
File: 92 KB, 679x516, you asshat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.606943

Someone's a little ass pained. Seriously though, deviant art is a place where you're encouraged to post your creative "writing" and get feedback. I think everyone in this thread would fit in there.

>> No.606952

Has anyone ever considered the possibility that they were born in the wrong time frame? Perhaps some huge mistake made by the universe sent them hurtling(sp?) to a birth a thousand years after they were supposed to. I tend to dwell on this thought quite a bit

>> No.606960

People always say you never miss something until it's gone. They were right.

>> No.606962

i wish that
i was born a thousand years ago
i wish that
i'd sail the darkened seas
on a
great big clipper ship
going from this land into that
i'd put on a sailor's shoreline cap
going from the big city where a man can not be free

>> No.606963

Nah, it just sounds really shitty and trite.

>> No.606965

It's my life
And it's my wife

>> No.606966

cuz i main it into my veins
leads to a center in my head
you know i'm better off than dead

>> No.606967

i love you let's get it on.

>> No.606969

"He used to surgery, for girls in the 80's. But gravity always wins."

>> No.606986
