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/lit/ - Literature

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6066761 No.6066761 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books women will never understand

>> No.6066764

I think you mean Storm of Steel, OP. The one you posted was written by a little girl.

>> No.6066777
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>war is good!

>> No.6066786
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Lot of men won't understand it either, but it explains why people are the way they are

>> No.6066827

it made my shudder like a little faggot.

>> No.6066948

How many trench wars have you fought in OP?

>> No.6066966

>"Let the months and the years come, they can take nothing from me, they can take nothing more. I am so alone, and so without hope that I can confront them without fear."
so le edgy xd

>> No.6067606

Women will never be able to understand any literature because they're incapable of empathy.

>> No.6067607 [DELETED] 


>> No.6067655

Cant /lit/ be nice? What is this obsession with separating men as some sort of superior being? Need to feel important and special? Want to feel like you belong to a special club?
Grow up.
I am a woman and I loved this book.

>> No.6067658 [DELETED] 

Tits or gtfo

>> No.6067666 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6067667

Traps don't count

Got pretentious and sounded like rambling after a while, maybe that proves the point, but if he saw what happened to Germany after WW2 I'm damn sure he would have wanted people to fight harder

>> No.6067672

Satan pls

>> No.6067673

>tfw no gf
>and no self worth or anything to feel good about so you compare yourself to a made up idea of women and drown in your own circular illogic (replace women with other minorities, as applicable) etc., same story

>> No.6067675

Lol it has a watermark

>> No.6067679

>I can understand what war is even though I have never fought in one, because I hab a benis

>> No.6067681


>> No.6067686

>no timestamp
>are you even trying, anon?

>> No.6067689

Oh you want my tits? Should have specified that.
I only post tits once a day.

>> No.6067690

They really suck sometimes.
Blue board though. Best delete.
Srsly. 666 get too.

>> No.6067727

>Got pretentious

>> No.6067730
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>waaa war is bad, peace guise, we can lib together

>> No.6067734

underrated post

>> No.6067749
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>thinks Storm of Steel is the best WWI novel


>> No.6067754
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>> No.6067761

This is why no one likes women

>> No.6067765
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>book only 4chaners will understand

>> No.6067769
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>war is good

>> No.6067776

>war is good
said the blowed up real good guy

>> No.6067787
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>shitposting is good

>> No.6067795


>Sense of self-importance that is undeserved
>Unreasonably defensive

Yep that's a woman

>> No.6068677

Did your feelings get hurt?

>> No.6068691
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>> No.6068692

There is no war or peace anymore. Only suicide by drone.

>> No.6068711

I'm a woman too, loved this book too. Just ignore them. /lit/ is nice 70% of the time.

>> No.6068737
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>> No.6068763

Is your name Katie, by any chance?

>> No.6068771

Sorry to hear she wouldn't help you with your book report, OP.

>> No.6068787


lol nice

>> No.6068790

Perchance thine resideth within fine Llundain, m'lady?

>> No.6068799

neither will men

>> No.6068802

>Perchance thine resideth

Jesus, that is just so fucking wrong. Don't bother trying if you're shit at it m8.

>> No.6068943


>> No.6068966

Did you fight in World War I? Have you seen combat before?

>> No.6069504

Hello /lit/,

just bought pic related, what should I expect?
Should I read "Storm of Steel"?

What are some good books written by soldiers from WW1 and 2?

>> No.6069641

Careful with Storm of Steel's edition, it was significantly edited/revised in several editions, changing the tone altogether in some cases

>> No.6069765

Just read Storm of Steel wikipedia page. Turns out Remarque didn't actually see any combat. How do you guys feel about it.

>> No.6069775

edgemaster 5000

>> No.6069777

Anything by golden age literature Russians

In fact just about anything outside of genre fiction.

>> No.6069808

...that's really dumb. Brothers K is hilariously female centric, Raskolnikov starts looking for redemption through Sofia, and Leo Tolstoy shows far more appreciation for Anna Karenina than he does any of the gentlemen in the book.

>> No.6070023

Is OP's edition good?

>> No.6070203

False. I've jacked off to tons of the pictures in the voynich manuscript. It's a pornographic encyclopedia.

The penis knows all.

>> No.6070210
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