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/lit/ - Literature

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6058628 No.6058628 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/ approved films?

>> No.6058633



>> No.6058635

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men :)

>> No.6058640


>> No.6058667

film is a inferior medium, you are free to ask for patrician vidya.

>> No.6058684


>> No.6058693
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The Holy Mountain, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Her, anything that's directed by Stanley Kubrick, Some Wes Anderson shit is good.

I'm basically just naming the main shit because you didn't give me a genre or anything to go off of.

>> No.6058703

Jacobs ladder, the machinist, abre Los Ojos, Barton fink

>> No.6058705


mein gott... the plebeian presents

>> No.6058721
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I'd like to also mention Hausu, because it's quite the experience.

>> No.6058757

>A tripfag telling people to leave

Seriously though, film threads have nothing to do on /lit/, so OP can fuck off. These threads only attract the lowest scum of /lit/ anyways, so no recommendations here are worth jackshit.

>> No.6058796
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>> No.6058806

>These threads only attract the lowest scum of /lit/ anyways

The only claim made in your post that your post proves.

>> No.6058807


>> No.6058820

why would you add kubrick to the end of that

>> No.6058822

>no Von Trier

>> No.6058826
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Plebian confirmed

>> No.6058880
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Guardians of the Galaxy, Spiderman 2, The Hangover part 2, The Amazing Spiderman, The Dark Knight, Taken 2, Annie 2, The Color Purple 2, The Expendables 2, Spy Kids 2, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Mean Girls 2, and Home Alone 4.

>> No.6058892
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>> No.6058947

The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, & Her Lover

>> No.6058949

>no Tommy Wiseau

>> No.6058967
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>> No.6058979
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>> No.6058984
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Silly thread

>> No.6059494

Сталкер (Stalker)
Das Boot
Runaway Train
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
座頭市血煙り街道 (Zatoichi Challenged: retitled)
Anything by with Akira Kurosawa's name on it.

>> No.6059498

Barry Lyndon, the most booklike film ever made.

>> No.6059504

Of Mice and Men

>> No.6059525

Godard's films might interest you,
Another good french film is I Stand Alone - all very "book-like"

>> No.6059802

The Master (2012). Has that V.-ish vibe.

>> No.6059816


>> No.6059831

>What are some

>> No.6059834

Whenever we have a movie thread it usually looks something like this. Go with the classics.
I would personally add Teshigahara to that list.

>> No.6059884

I love Ghost in the Shell

>> No.6059904

plebbin' hard, my son

>> No.6059908

Ophüls, Renoir, Ford, Dreyer, Lang, Mizoguchi, Parajanov, Powell & Pressburger, Ray...
The classics

>> No.6059914

Life is Beautiful

>> No.6059915

Postal is literally Ulysses the movie.

>> No.6059916

>/lit/ - Literature
you're not even trying

>> No.6059931

Movies are for manchildren with no attention spans

>> No.6059933

lonely hipster talks to computer, the movie

>> No.6059948

Black Narcissus, 1947
Dr. No, 1962
Now, Voyager (1942)
Fort Apache (1948)
He Ran All the Way (1951)
I Walked with a Zombie (1943)
Ghidrah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964)
Roman Holiday (1953)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Vertigo (1958)
The Big Bounce (1969)
Champion (1949)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946)
A Summer Place [1959]
The Sea Wolf (1941)
Little Miss Broadway (1938)

>> No.6060065

10/10 post.

Also Griffith, Murnau, Stroheim, Chaplin, Rossellini, Godard, Visconti, Pialat, Fassbinder, Buñuel, Fuller, Cassavetes.

>> No.6060620
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Gonna rec Anthony Asquith. He's probably the most underrated English director there was.

>> No.6060622

Spy Kids

>> No.6060652

I failed a couple of guys last night, but I could stream some french movies tonight if you guys are into it. I'll make a thread around 9 east.

>> No.6060922

Modern Romance

>> No.6061306

Léolo is a marvelous poetic film.

Withnail & I is fucking hilarious and deals with the topic of mediocrity and drugs, so you will feel identified.

The Long Goodbye if you want something /lit/ related.

Il Gatopardo for that reactionary aesthetic that is gaining traction.

Man Bites Dog so you know how to be edgy and meaningful.

Wake in Fright, this movie is like The Man Who Was Thursday but without the catholicism and more strayans and beer and torrid heat.

Viridiana and Belle du Jour by Buñuel. Just watch them and thank me later.

Herzog and Peckinpah are awesome too.

>> No.6061350

As much as I love Leones Man with No Name Trilogy. His Once Upon a Time...films (In the West, The Revolution, In America) are so much more thoughtful about their subject matter.

One of my favourite scenes in film

>> No.6061357

>not once upon a time in the west
Stay pleb.

>> No.6061380


>> No.6061388
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>Stanley Kubrick

>> No.6061392

ehh fuck yoooooou

>> No.6061395

by Kenji Misumi?

>> No.6061401

inherent vice

>> No.6061403

>no Terry Gilliam

>> No.6061410

>all those GOATS + kubrick

>> No.6061411

>No Svankmajer

>> No.6061424



>> No.6061429
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>no harmony

>> No.6061430


>> No.6061484

8 ½
400 Blows, The
2001: A Space Odyssey
Aguirre: The Wrath of God
All Quiet on the Western Front
Andrei Rublev
Apocalypse Now
Battleship Potemkin
Bicycle Thieves
Come and See
Dead Man’s Letters
Escape From New York
Evil Dead 2
Eyes Without a Face
Fabulous World of Jules Verne, The
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, The
Holy Mountain, The
It’s a Wonderful Life
La Jetee
Lawrence of Arabia
Lessons of Darkness
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
Meshes of the Afternoon
Mickey One
Rosemary’s Baby
Seventh Seal, The
Straw Dogs
Sunset Boulevard
Tabu: A Story of the South Seas
Three Colors: Blue
Tokyo Gore Police
Tokyo Story
Touki Bouki
Vanishing, The (1988)

>> No.6061498

what the fuck

>> No.6061506



>> No.6061507

and for good reason

>> No.6061511

Spring Breakers
It's Pat

>> No.6061512

kind of silly to pretend at this point that kubrick wasn't a genius, anon

>> No.6061513


>> No.6061519

Over rated

>> No.6061521

he was shit

>> No.6061522

Oh jesus christ, kill me.

>> No.6061523

Pretty sure nobody's impressed by this list

>> No.6061529


kill yourself

watch more

>> No.6061530

id really be curious to hear how anyone could call Kubrick "shit"
regardless of what you think he was a master.
you might be dumb.

>> No.6061548

Ernst Lubitsch
Carl Theodor Dreyer
Buster Keaton
Fritz Lang
Erich von Stroheim (greatest filmmaker ever!!)
F. W. Murnau
Sergei Eisenstein
Josef von Sternberg

>> No.6061555

Is it weird that I dont mind pretentious books
but pretentious films really irk me for some reason?
I'm using pretentious loosely here.

>> No.6061569

It means you're easily influenced by what your dumb ass pleb friends think

>> No.6061574
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>not recognizing American golden age as the apex of filmmaking

>> No.6061582

Ford, Hawks and Welles are some of the best directors of all time

>> No.6061586
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/lit/ is such a cesspool.

>> No.6061592

Lol who the fuck put that there, was it the all caps pedo

>> No.6061594

And yet whenever we talk about serious film, everyone name-drops mostly foreign and art-house directors.

I'm not saying that foreign, art-house, or contemporary cinema lack their own masterworks. It's just that the American (and British) film industry of the golden age had such massive advantages in its capital, talent, and cultural dominance that it easily stands head-and-shoulders above the filmmaking of other periods and places.

>> No.6061606

I'm not surprised to see that /lit/ has better taste in film than /tv/.

>> No.6061613

how the fuck can you have time to see movies and read books?

>> No.6061615
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here are some i have lying around:

Being John Malkovich
Du Levande
Faust (svankmajer)
I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK
King of Hearts
Le Cite Des Enfants Perdus
Lost In Translation
Moonrise Kingdom
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (the film is even better than the play)
Songs From the Second Floor
Starry Starry Night
Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance
The Fisher King
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Time Bandits


seconding Kurosawa

i'm taking your word for it and giving this a try, butters

there haven't been any good GITS movies; they all turn into graphics porn, faux depth, and nostalgia. SAC the series is pretty good, though

yes to Terry Gilliam

>> No.6061623


>> No.6061624
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>Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (the film is even better than the play

>> No.6061630

Yeah, even the so called "art-house" (a very stupid word) filmmakers will say this, but it's something that everyone secretly knows

>> No.6061641

it's not true, though. good films are rare and come from all over the place. if anything, a big budget gets in the way of a good writer and director putting together something worth seeing (though it does still happen sometimes)

>> No.6061650

Hey, I know that this might sound crazy, but what if not everybody here is American or British?

>> No.6061659

I suppose I was being presumptuous. But one would think that, in the world of film at least, non-Anglophones would understand that their film industry is considered "foreign" by Americans since America still dominates world cinema

>> No.6061660

We're talking about 40s and 50s Hollywood, the most creatively fecund era of cinema, where films were made that influenced practically everything that came after. What I and the other Anon said is true

>> No.6061663

Thread's lacking Jean Renoir.

Also, The man who loved women by Truffaut is the most book-like movie I know. It's also a masterpiece.

>> No.6061669

America still dominates blockbuster-tier cinema, but does it really dominate good/serious cinema?

>> No.6061671

Experimental visual shit, like Stan Brakhage. Film will never be as good as literature for telling stories, so the only good films are the ones that know their place and use the formal elements of the medium.

>> No.6061677
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>> No.6061684

Only one mention though.

>> No.6061685

That's hard to say. Certainly nowhere near the extent to which it did in the past

>> No.6061686

i know what you're saying. the bottom line of quality tended to be higher in the US during that period, but the really good stuff has always been spread around everywhere films are made

>> No.6061689

If you are not going to add anything new is it necessary to namedrop him?

>> No.6061692

>it's quite the experience.
thats the only way to put it. this is one of those movies you cant rank, just like 120 days of sodom

>> No.6061701

I'm not really aware of what's going on right now in cinema, but I suppose that it will become more democratic with the Internet, cheap cameras, the possibility of watching virtually any film you want as many times as you want etc.

>> No.6061712

Technology may change the way we consume film, but I doubt it will somehow improve the quality of what's made.

>> No.6061727


mein faggot. . .

One of the best films ever.

>> No.6061730

Jean Cocteau you mongs
Not only he was director but a writer, a poet.
Great personality
+ Beauty and The Beast of his is beautiful

>> No.6061735

There's nothing pretentious about silent masters. There isn't a hint of pretension in their films. That's a pretty basic entry level list. I mean, it has Lubitsch and Keaton on it. Both excellent directors but they made popular entertainment while they were alive,

>> No.6061736

>America still dominates world cinema
America makes movies. They can't into cinema.

>> No.6061741

Not the quality, I mean that now you won't need the money and luck you needed 30 or 40 years ago to make a film.

>> No.6061746
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>> No.6061751

>Tokyo Gore Police

10/10 movie

>> No.6061758

I just saw Leviathan, and damned if it isn't one of the best films of the last decade. It's an adaptation of the story of Job set in a small Russian town with a tyrannical mayor. Fucking brilliant in all regards, plus the credit music is a Philip Glass composition.

Orson Welles' adaptation of The Trial is pretty good. He thought it was better than Citizen Kane, but I don't.

Paul Schrader's Mishima biopic is stellar.

And a nice gesamtkunstwerk is 32 short films about Glenn Gould.

Since I'm reading The Ark Sakura by Kobo Abe, you might try the adaptation of his novel Woman in the Dunes.

>> No.6061764

>Paul Schrader's Mishima biopic is stellar.
Oh yes, that soundtrack killed me
I need to rewatch it

>> No.6061766
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This protagonist is basically /lit/ the character

>> No.6061835


Like Someone in Love, Abbas Kiarostami (2012)
The story is nice and the characters are interesting.
There are no moving angles and the stillness of the camera creates an eerie calm in the viewer.
There is no music being played either, which further contributes to the calm.
It not only challenges common conceptions about how to shoot scenes, it creates a meta effect where it plays the viewer himself.

Turin Horse, Béla Tarr (2011)
The plot is great, and it's challenging not to empathize with the characters and their struggle as the movie develops.
The sound is composed of the main musical score, the characters and narrators voices, and constant wind.
Every day depicted shows the same habits in scenes shot from a different perspective.
The film is great in all the ways a film can be evaluated.

Elena, Andrey Zvyagintsev (2011)
It has a cool Philip Glass score in the soundtrack, it shows the contrast between rich and poor areas of Russia, the color work is very good, the characters surprise us and the story is gripping.

Lore, Cate Shortland (2012)
What can I say, other than the black forest is beautiful and it doesn't pay off being anti-semitic? Set after Germany loses the war.

Rebelle/War Witch, Kim Nguyen (2012)
A little girl is kidnapped into an army, and we see her try to survive.

Ida, Pawel Pawlikowski
Great chance to notice that people approach the ones different from them by questioning them on those differences; so the nun is asked for blessings, told she's judgmental and inquired on her sexual urges.
The story develops nicely, and the aesthetics are handsome.

R100, Hitoshi Matsumoto (2013)
Good for sadists, causes laughter all the way.

Barbara, Christian Petzold (2012)
Communist Germany! A lady trying to fuck her way out of it into the west! What can go wrong?

Faust, Aleksandr Sokurov (2011)
Great plot, naturally, although I found the movie character Faust more likeable than the one on the book, where I liked Mephistopheles more.
It has long scenes shot continuously, the color work is awesome, Isolda is angelical, and it feels like a dream.

Blue is the Warmest Color, Abdellatif Kechiche (2013)
Great aesthetics, nice character development, and lesbian sex.

>> No.6061859

>not Duck You Sucker!

criteron core dweeb

>> No.6061869


>Turin Horse, Béla Tarr (2011)
>The plot is great


>> No.6061885

fucking gummo blew my mind, made me cry, made me look on wide eyed at the insane amazing beauty of his work....

but fuck kids. i didnt like kids.

>> No.6061903

Read Knockemstiff if you liked gummo. Have you watched any other Korine movies? I liked Julien more than spring breakers and gummo.

>> No.6061912

>The Coen Brothers
>Robert Downey Sr

>> No.6061915

turin horse doesnt have a plot but its one of the most amazing movies ive ever seen

>> No.6061926
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Anything by this God.

>> No.6061943

no ive wanted to see julien and the michael jackson one. seen part of spring breakers, liked what i saw in terms of excitingly alternative cinema that was advertized to a mass market who got foold.

seen some of his short film work and i love it, but gummo was just the big cheese for me. maybe too long, but like when i read reviews that literally said "korine doesn't need special effects, he just used genuinely filthy sets" meant in a negative way i just shook my head. there were no sets. there were basements and people's backyards in the middle of the south. its like a movie without any artistic pretensions whatever. he just goes there and makes the thing. its inspiring.

>> No.6061952

>liked what i saw in terms of excitingly alternative cinema that was advertized to a mass market who got foold.

Yep, and James fucking Franco being a terrible actor honestly was great. I haven't seen Mr Lonely, but yeah for Gummo I remember reading his philosophy was like "if an actor smokes crack, let him smoke it and throw his microwave out a window before the shoot." And his crew worse hazmat suits for gummo

>> No.6061963

What's everyone got against Kubrick?

>> No.6061964

Gummo > Spring Breakers > Trash Humpers = Julien Donkey-Boy > Lotus Community Workshop > Mr. Lonely

>> No.6061965

He's popular therefore he must be pleb trash

>> No.6061969


>> No.6061970
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>> No.6061973

Hmm I am not sure why people are turning against Kubrick. Most of his films are highly enjoyable.

>> No.6061976

Fuck off.

>> No.6061991

>posting any Hollywood stuff at all

c'mon anons

>> No.6061995


Not even that dude, but Lynch is the greatest living American director

>> No.6061998
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>tfw nobody ever mentions Guy Maddin

>> No.6062001

>thinking that a Hollywood movie is automatically pleb
really anon?

>> No.6062004
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No one?

>> No.6062008

>all these faux-intellectuals hating on Kubrick for cheap patrician 4chin points
I was gonna say I'm enjoying your shit, but I'm really not. Fuck off.

>> No.6062010

Anything that's specifically made to appeal to a wide audience at the expense of quality is probably going to be very pleb, yes.

>> No.6062014


>specifically made to appeal to a wide audience at the expense of quality

that is not what a Hollywood film is
most of the greatest films ever made came from Hollywood

>> No.6062017

A lot of great films appeal to a wide audience while maintaining a high standard of quality

>> No.6062023

>watching only inaccessible art films
>being this much of an elitist faggot

>> No.6062025

you are really wondering why? it's the eternal struggle of teenage fags on lit to be extremely "patrician". kubrick's work is highly acknowledged in general and that's why he is complete shit on this board.

i think a lot of the users here spend days just wiki searching through categories in order to find super unknown authors. i don't want to denounce those though, that really have a great knowledge in literature.

>> No.6062029

>that is not what a Hollywood film is
It is exactly what a Hollywood film is. Hollywood is a cultural industry. If a movie is not expected to make money, it doesn't get funded. If a movie has some aspect that might prevent it from being commercially successful, most of the time that aspect is cut out.

>> No.6062030

Anything by Todd Solondz.

>> No.6062037

In contrast, foreign film is not a cultural industry at all!

>> No.6062038


Hollywood films are not necessarily made at the expense of quality, dipshit

Money isn't negatively correlated with merit

>> No.6062042

A film can be high-quality and still be extremely pleb.

Nice assumptions, dumbass. "Inaccessible art film" is such an ignorant stereotype. I bet you only watch American movies.

>> No.6062043


>> No.6062044

I know you think you can read people's minds but you can't. I didn't imply that, not even remotely. And not all American cinema is Hollywood.

>Money isn't negatively correlated with merit
Again, I didn't say it was. Do you people even know how to read?

>> No.6062049

I loved Faust even if I found it a bit difficult to follow as a non-German speaker and had to sacrifice some attention to dialogue for visual. That sort of juxtaposition of rapid changing dialogue with and an slow observant camera is fantastic and I love his obsession with filters and distortions.

>> No.6062050

a film can also be great and a hollywood movie, at this point you can admit that you're just trying to be edgy.

also define high quality

>> No.6062052

lit is just pretentious. Kubrick was a genius and quite recognized. There is nothing the tao lin faggots here hate more.

>> No.6062056

At this point, you're probably just baiting

>> No.6062057

>a film can also be great and a hollywood movie
I pretty much admitted that in my previous post. Jesus Christ, you're an idiot.

Quick, rank Kubrick's films. I have a theory I'd like to test out.

>> No.6062058

Not one of those two guys, but it's true.
I mean, who else would you say is the greatest living American director? Scorsese?

>> No.6062059

What have you got against him?

>> No.6062063

>Not one of those two guys, but it's true.

>> No.6062066

>I didn't say it was
yeah you did:
>Anything that's specifically made to appeal to a wide audience at the expense of quality

>> No.6062068

Confirmed for not having seen Werckmeister Harmonies.

>> No.6062069

2001 > A Clockwork Orange > Barry Lyndon > Dr. Strangelove > Paths of Glory > The Shining > Eyes Wide Shut > Killers Kiss > Lolita > Full Metal Jacket > the rest

>> No.6062070

my husbando

>> No.6062077

2.Clockwork orange
4.Ful metal jacket
5. The Shining
6.Barry Lyndon
7. Paths of Glory
8. Lolita
9. Eyes wide shut
I have not seen the others.

>> No.6062078

Not the guy, but I'll provide mine
1. 2001
2. The Shining
3. Paths of Glory
4. Dr. Strangelove
5. A Clockwork Orange
6. Eyes Wide Shut
7. Full Metal Jacket
8. Lolita
9. The Killing
Haven't watched Fear and Desire, Killer's Kiss or Spartacus yet.

>> No.6062080

"At the expense of quality" being an obviously important factor. Sharpen up your trolling, anon. You just quoted that bit, surely you don't expect me to believe you didn't actually read it?

>> No.6062081


Dat depth of clarity and psychoanalytic vision. The pork pie underbelly of America in neon lights. Dat look at the American Woman as phantasm, mystification. The unspeakable in sexuality, in image, the impossibility of space

>> No.6062083

not him, but clockwork, the killing, 2001, spartacus, paths if glory, strangelove, fmj

fmj still being very good

>> No.6062085

>Full Metal Jacket that high

>> No.6062088

Don't really feel like writing you an essay since it's 2 am where I live. Do you have another director that you think is the greatest? Legitimate question.

>> No.6062090

2001 > Dr. Strangelove > Clockwork Orange = The Shining = Full Metal Jacket = Eyes Wide Shut = Paths of Glory > Barry Lyndon > irrelevant shit films

>> No.6062091

Now rank Tarkovsky, please.

>> No.6062093


from GOAT to worst:

Full Metal Jacket
Barry Lyndon
The Shining
Eyes Wide Shut
A Clockwork Orange
Paths of Glory
The Killing
Killer's Kiss

>> No.6062094

I don't see the problem?

>> No.6062097


You're saying that Hollywood makes films for money at the expense of quality. I'm saying that quality isn't necessarily forfeit just because a film is funded and accessible

>> No.6062099

I have only seen the mirror and solaris.
Both terrible.

>> No.6062103

1. Offret
2. Stalker
3. Andrei Rublev
4. The Mirror
5. Nostalghia
6. Solaris

>> No.6062104

solaris, nostalgia, mirror
didn't like/watch the others

>> No.6062106

1. Andrei Rublev
2. The Mirror
3. Solaris
4. Stalker
5. Nostalghia
6. Ivans Childhood
7. The Sacrifice

>> No.6062112


Andrei Rublev
Ivan's childhood
The Sacrifice

>> No.6062114

I don't see a contradiction between those two points of view.

>> No.6062121


Your initial post implied a film's being marketed to a wide audience necessarily involved a lack of quality as a cost

>> No.6062122

so that means you imply there are good, funded, accessible movies not from hollywood, would you introduce me to a bunch of those?

>> No.6062124

Barry Lyndon and Eyes Wide Shut are his best

>> No.6062131

Eraserhead > Mulholland Drive > Inland Empire > Elephant Man > Lost Highway = Blue Vevet > Straight Story >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dune/FireWalk/wild at heart

>> No.6062133

also, what happened to your experiment, assburger?

>> No.6062134

Only if the quality is sacrificed to maintain acessibility.

Were you seriously under the impression that only in America was there a film industry that made good, funded, accessible movies?

>> No.6062142

It's still going on, titpizza.

>> No.6062148

No, but America has an advantage in the sheer number of films it puts out

>> No.6062159
File: 46 KB, 800x536, WU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like The Thing.

>> No.6062161

American films are mass produced, they may have some of the best but they have the worst too

>> No.6062167

1. Eraserhead
2. Blue Velvet
3. Lost Highway
4. Fire Walk With Me
5. Wild At Heart
6. Mulholland Drive
7. The Elephant Man
8. Dune
Absolute borefest: Short Films

>> No.6062169

Oh you are one of those postmodern faggots, carry on then.

>> No.6062174
File: 426 KB, 719x395, A-Woman-Under-the-Influence-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American films are mass produced

>> No.6062177

Which does not make its industry the better industry. Not that any of this is relevant, anyway.

>> No.6062184

that's right

love that film

>> No.6062185

>them schizophrenic feet

>> No.6062193

Top 10 forgotten masterpieces.

1. Limite
2. A Page of Madness
3. Pastoral: To Die in the Country
4. The Saragossa Manuscript
5. Burying Old Alive
6. The Hunters
7. Electra, My Love
8. The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
9. The Tree of Wooden Clogs
10. Mother Joan of the Angels

>> No.6062205
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>Here's tae the King, sir; you ken wha' I mean, sir.
>Aye, and e'ry honest man that'll dae it again.

>> No.6062206

both of ari folmans movies have been great
im really looking forward to his version of dune

>> No.6062208

>The Mirror
Kill yourself, there's no washing that kind of pleb off.

>> No.6062219


>3. Pastoral: To Die in the Country
>8. The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
>9. The Tree of Wooden Clogs

nice taste

>> No.6062221
File: 29 KB, 550x355, Cure (1997).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of genius. I've literally never heard anyone say anything bad about it (except some fat woman on Youtube who thought it was made in Korea and spent 90% of the review saying she doesn't have time for movies because she has a kid).

>> No.6062227

yo where the fuck do I find this? I've wanted to watch it for ages.

>> No.6062230

paris texas

>> No.6062232

Sorry I lack your refined patrician tastes.

>> No.6062240
File: 668 KB, 2141x1455, 1397785044124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On a related note, "Chasing the Deer" sits in an uncanny valley of being genuinely enjoyable for someone with an interest in Jacobitism while staying in a tier only just above acting of the same caliber as "The Room".

Case in point is Brian Blessed.

You'll laugh, and if you have a heart, you'll Feel.

>> No.6062244

terminator 2

>> No.6062246

It's not that you lack patrician taste, it's that you lack any taste whatsoever.

>> No.6062247

I guess it's a good rip, but that's not the one I watched.

>> No.6062265

I take it back, the mirror is a work of genius. Can I have taste now?

>> No.6062270
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>> No.6062281

Thanks friend. I'll add more to the list.

11. Entranced Earth
12. The Counterfeit Coin
13. The Valley of the Bees
14. Topos (http://vimeo.com/66060241))
15. Children in the Wind
16. Sinbad
17. Les hautes solitudes
18. Diamonds of the Night
19. The Sun in a Net
20. Sound of the Mountain

>> No.6062411

Thanks for the post. I always appreciate it when people actually give their input rather than just name-drop.

>> No.6062497

You've already condemned yourself. Please go.

>> No.6063112

>No Ophuls
>No Welles
>No Mizoguchi
>No Hitchcock
>No Lang
>No Preminger
>No Hawks

Pleb confirmed

>> No.6063148


My favorite director. It's disappointing how little he's mentioned.

>> No.6063158
File: 91 KB, 400x400, Hypno_Hermes-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6063179

My guess would be that people find it annoying how often he's mentioned.

>> No.6063190

i love reading lists of 10 random canonized films or directors over and over, great thread

>> No.6063205

this and he's the number one favorite aUt0r of dudes who are trying to act like bonduck saints wasn't their favorite movie as of 5 months ago

>> No.6063211

Bergman is the greatest filmmaker of all time, and one of the most profound artists of the 20th century.

>> No.6063225

Haven't seen Sacrifice yet.

>> No.6063236

it's really crazy to think how much genius has been created in and through movies and that film is barely a century old

>> No.6063309

wow faggot i actually have seen it, turin horse was more realized but werckmeister was more beautiful. also. satantango. ive seen only 5 hours of it kek

>> No.6063319 [DELETED] 

Movie blows

>> No.6063323 [DELETED] 

Ghost busters

>> No.6063384

godspeed you black emperor is not a movie, its a band you coward

>> No.6063662


>> No.6063674
File: 151 KB, 1269x787, Barry Lyndon Fullscreen capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His films tend blow.
I'm not sure which one is his best though.There Will Be Blood or Master?

>> No.6063684

He is not actually a hipster, if you at the way everyone else is dressed in that movie you can tell that he is actually just dressing fashionably.

>> No.6063761
File: 538 KB, 1279x690, Mishima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapter is probably the most /lit/ film I've ever seen.
It's a biographical film depicting the life of the famous Japanese author Yukio Mishima, thematically and cinematically combining real life events with characters and events from his novels, mixing them in a film that is enjoyable on multiple levels. It's got a very distinct, vibrant style that is augmented by the music of Phillip Glass, made especially for the film.
Here's the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b50vS55sFYU

>> No.6063766

It's a movie, too, you crackhead.

>> No.6063774
File: 18 KB, 200x268, 1419192551743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the awesome Stage Blood is Not Enough montage of that story with the song playing over it disappeared from youtube for no good reason

>> No.6063789

while eraserhead is probably a better film, i prefer mulholland drive.

>> No.6063877


Games are not and cannot be art.
They do include art in them.
You can make beautiful chess pieces, but the essence of what makes a game is not artistic. It is a system, an assortment of algorithms that achieve some goals, they do not provide any message or emotion.

Movies on the other hand can be art and sometimes high art.
They can be contemplative and are inherently different than literature.
they convey visual and audio experiences no literature can convey.
Denying yourself the experience of good movies is limiting yourself.

>> No.6063884

the great beauty
Tree of life

Something i was personally impressed with is Leaventurra, L'eclisse and other Antonioni films.
be warned, this is not for plebs.

Something that popped into my mind just now: woman in the dunes.

>> No.6063888


You obviously know nothing about the art and process of making movies.

>> No.6063892

Why do people forget documentaries?
One of the best movies iv ever seen: Shoah.
Of course the one about macnamara..Dont remember the name and Herzog's docs.

>> No.6063895

They dont have any experience or education in film making.

>> No.6063899

Negro the best Leviathan movie is the one by George P. Cosmatos.
Not even kidding