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/lit/ - Literature

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6062018 No.6062018 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, who here keeps a journal?
I know I do. Tell us about your journals.

>> No.6062031
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I do. Usually I write about how superior I am to all the people I'm around during the day, and at night get fucked up on ambien or xanax and write in it.

The entry from last night isn't even readable as I tried to describe the snowy cul de sac last night and a few of my sexual encounters.

>> No.6062039

writing on xanax... sounds amusing... and challenging.

>> No.6062041
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>Degenerates thinking they are better than anyone

>> No.6062047

It's had some good entries. Handwriting gets a little sloppy and I tend to ramble, but it's fun. Normally I'll get drunk on wine before hand as well for maximum effect.
>Taking them only after hours and hadn't impacted my work or real life

>> No.6062053

I usually write when I'm moody, or before i sleep. But I write in it daily just to make to do lists.

>> No.6062076

I take one with me almost everywhere. I use it to write down how somethings make me feel, I write how I want to improve myself and occasionally I write poetry. I really love it and I think everyone should keep one.

>> No.6062089

Did Hitler keep a journal? What do you think he wrote in it?
captcha: Maybo

>> No.6062107

I started my current journal trying to write a short story, but got tired of it, so now I just write poetry/prose shit and words that I encounter during my day that I like.

>> No.6062137

I don't know but I am sure it would be an interesting read. Especially if he had started one when he was a child and kept writing until near his death. Maybe we could learn even more about the roots of his evil and how he felt about the morals of what he was doing with Germany.

>> No.6062202


>> No.6062214


>> No.6062323

Mine is more of a commonplace book. I like that format better because, instead of trying to wring something out of yourself, an outside work gives you a starting point to elucidate your thoughts.

>> No.6062419
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17/02/2012 – Working out at the Gym

I was working out the other day at the gym.. making all my muscles look all manly and flexing my butt.. this woman was eyeing me from across the room so I walked over to her..’ What’s up?’ she asked me.. ‘Why?’ I replied ‘ you got a fucking problem bitch?! Cuz if you do I bet I can beat the shit out of you! What are you doing working out in a gym anyway, you some kind of dyke?’ She just gave me a freaked out look and ran away.. but we all know what she was thinking.. ‘damn that guy sure knows how to run things, what a manly man’. Oh yeah, I also flexed my butt once more before she left.. she’ll be back.. no one can withstand the freddy butt flex.. not even an asshole dyke.

>> No.6062457

I haven't kept a journal since high school. I used to write dumb shit in it and letters to girls that I never sent them.

Every now and then I go back through it and read what I wrote. It's pretty cringey but brings back good memories.

>> No.6062491

I write down random one page stories on it. Sometimes I'll write down my thoughts. If anything it's an exercise on actually having a story that's one page long.

>> No.6062619

I've been meaning to start one. I've got an empty notebook right here but my days are uneventful and not worth writing about.

>> No.6062773

Mine has poems, day to day ramblings, and funny things my Mexican friend on campus says.