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/lit/ - Literature

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6060631 No.6060631 [Reply] [Original]

What I learned about /lit/ over the past week:
>/lit/ is mostly comprised of kissless males
>/lit/ is extremely conformist to academic authority
>/lit/ hates objectivity, logic, and facts
>/lit/ doesn't read the books it constantly meme spams (i.e. joyce, dfw, pynchon)
>Most of /lit/ posters, post from their phones
>Most /lit/izens are 18-20 years old
>/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions

It all finally makes sense, /lit/= latch-key kid hipsters.

>> No.6060643

>my blog
>I could only get the idiots to talk to me all week

>> No.6060647

I don't even read. I just come here to find books to put on my "to read" list

>> No.6060653

Says the kissless male who accompanies his shitpost with a Chinese cartoon image

>> No.6060670

Except for "/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions," everything you said is false.

>> No.6060727

>if you are kissless you are inferior
Not only you are revealing the ideology you are so submissive of, you are also begging the question. Also, claiming something, isn't, in and of itself, a demonstration of the evidence that supports your claim.

>extremely conformist to academic authority
But you're not being specific enough. Being conformist in respect to global warming is justified by probable means. Being conformist to post-structural obscurantist gymnastics is an altogether a different case. Again, claiming something isn't, in and of itself, a demonstration of the evidence that supports your claim.

I won't bother with the rest of your unadulterated rubbish.

>> No.6060732

>/lit/ is mostly comprised of kissless males
yeah ;_;
>/lit/ is extremely conformist to academic authority
>/lit/ hates objectivity, logic, and facts
i don't think i hate objectivity, but maybe a case could be made
>/lit/ doesn't read the books it constantly meme spams (i.e. joyce, dfw, pynchon)
i don't spam books, and don't follow the culture here closely enough to know the "meme books"
>Most of /lit/ posters, post from their phones
>Most /lit/izens are 18-20 years old
>/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions

/lit/'s alright though

>> No.6060749

>/lit/ is mostly comprised of kissless males
>/lit/ is extremely conformist to academic authority
Perhaps indirectly, but on the other hand I have some controversial opinions about certain so-called "great" authors
>/lit/ hates objectivity, logic, and facts
lol wat?
>/lit/ doesn't read the books it constantly meme spams (i.e. joyce, dfw, pynchon)
Nope I do actually read those.
>Most of /lit/ posters, post from their phones
Flip phone master race.
>Most /lit/izens are 18-20 years old
Once again, no.
>/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions
le epick may may.

>> No.6060794

Yep, it's all true. It finally explains everything.

>> No.6060818

>confusing a scientific explanation with baseless claims on a Chinese image board.

>> No.6060825

You actually nailed it pretty good.

>> No.6060864

I am 24 and a lady. What now?

>> No.6060914

At last I truly see.

>> No.6060937

Oh, this turned into a poll thread, let's do this.

>>/lit/ is mostly comprised of kissless males
false on both accounts
>>/lit/ is extremely conformist to academic authority
depending on your definition of authority, if it's something I'd respect then yeah. I've disliked many professors with high academic achievements.
>>/lit/ hates objectivity, logic, and facts
that would refer more to your OP
>>/lit/ doesn't read the books it constantly meme spams (i.e. joyce, dfw, pynchon)
I've read very little /lit/core, but I don't lurk those threads.
>>Most of /lit/ posters, post from their phones
>>Most /lit/izens are 18-20 years old
24 here, you should had said "twenty somethings"
>>/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions
that would refer more to your OP

>> No.6060942
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Wanna /u/?

>> No.6060950

>if you are kissless, you are inferior
if you are kissless, you are inferior.

>> No.6060953

>What I learned about /lit/ over the past week:
>>/lit/ is mostly comprised of kissless males

Yeah ;.;
>>/lit/ is extremely conformist to academic authority
Not sure what you mean here
>>/lit/ hates objectivity, logic, and facts
I'm the local platonist so I refer to ultimate forms for trying to discover what is objective and true
>>/lit/ doesn't read the books it constantly meme spams (i.e. joyce, dfw, pynchon)

I only spam Gene Wolfe and never talk about the Trinity
>>Most of /lit/ posters, post from their phones

>>Most /lit/izens are 18-20 years old

>>/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions
Why almost?
>It all finally makes sense, /lit/= latch-key kid hipsters.
What would a hipster be?

>> No.6060961

That is your ideology, with conforms the general thinking of the masses but based on flawed premises concerning animal behaviour and humans.

See Sex at Dawn.

>> No.6060969

how about instead of referring me to a book, you present an argument right fucking now you fucking gamma

>> No.6061076
File: 231 KB, 803x688, suomi well maymay'd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no textual examples to back their opinions
This is the worst part, my fellow OP. The lack of textual examples means the downfall of this board.

>> No.6061186

>/lit/ is mostly comprised of kissless males
no, i'm a minority here

>/lit/ is extremely conformist to academic authority
perhaps western, though, everyone is still highly opinionated on this board

>/lit/ hates objectivity, logic, and facts
more like everyone has their own interpretations for the same thing

>/lit/ doesn't read the books it constantly meme spams (i.e. joyce, dfw, pynchon)
you reduced them to mere 'memes' and are surprised to learn they go unread?
they aren't, but it shouldn't be surprising if you actually believe that.

>Most of /lit/ posters, post from their phones
if true, so what?

>Most /lit/izens are 18-20 years old
i'm certain the average age is 20+, based off the regular blog threads

>/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions
you already know opinions can be subjective

>> No.6061214

>>/lit/ is mostly comprised of kissless males
I've kissed.
>>/lit/ is extremely conformist to academic authority
Mildly. I respect academic authority, but my taste largely deviates from it.
>>/lit/ hates objectivity, logic, and facts
I don't believe in objectivity in art. But I am a positivist by preference, so I highly respect math and science while still finding value in the most free-form and "continental" thinking.
>>/lit/ doesn't read the books it constantly meme spams (i.e. joyce, dfw, pynchon)
I've read Dubliners, V., Vineland, and Inherent Vice
>>Most of /lit/ posters, post from their phones
I do almost exclusively.
>>Most /lit/izens are 18-20 years old
>>/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions
You take this board too seriously.

>> No.6061227

>if you haven't x, you are inferior
>if you haven't touched a chimpanzee's penis, you are inferior
Makes sense.

>> No.6061258

if you've touched a chimpanzee's penis, you're probably superior. you've got resources for travel, you're brave and adventurous, with a sense of humour. or you're a pervert, in which case you're probably better than the other perverts who haven't touched a chimpanzee's penis because you have the balls to go out and make your dreams a reality.

>> No.6061277
File: 6 KB, 390x470, Oh-You-Make-Me-Cry-Laughing-Meme-Rage-Face-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6061278


"Mother, I have a dream" Leonard said.
"Oh, what is it son?"
"I'm not sure I can tell...."
"It can wait! You're only 12", his mother said, smiling with her warm, motherly smile.
"But I need to tell you now!", he jumped up from his chair, and rushed to her to be closer: "It's been keeping me up all night!"
"OK then tell me! What is your dream?"
His face turned red, he started a few times: "I... I... I..." and finally, after taking a deep breath, with a voice louder than his mother had ever heard: "I WANT TO TOUCH A CHIMPANZEE'S PENIS"

And that's how I came to live with my uncle at age 12.

>> No.6061314

But didn't you want textual examples? Caught in your own web there.

>> No.6061331

>you fucking gamma
Why do you even waste your time with writing this out? How pathetic are you exactly?

>> No.6061335

>/lit/ is mostly comprised of kissless males
Lol, no.
>/lit/ is extremely conformist to academic authority
Intellectual authority is the only form of authority worthy of respect, which may or may not coincide with a respected position in academia.
>/lit/ hates objectivity, logic, and facts
Nothing against those things, but a lot against people who constantly invoke them for their dubious ideological concepts as if saying those words was fucking magic.
>/lit/ doesn't read the books it constantly meme spams (i.e. joyce, dfw, pynchon)
Currently trying to soldier through Ulysses, but I normally read stuff like Kafka, Brecht, or philosophical sci-fi (PKD, Lem, Zamyatin). Also, lots of critical theory stuff.
>Most of /lit/ posters, post from their phones
From a tablet, does that count?
>Most /lit/izens are 18-20 years old
27. Damn, I fell old now, fuck you.
>/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions
This isn't necessary among well-read people. Also, when answering to multiple anons at a time, who wants to go through his books and type some shit down, especially if those books aren't even in english. Damn, I come here to procrastinate, not to work.

>> No.6061355

>/lit/ is mostly comprised of kissless males
I'm married
>/lit/ is extremely conformist to academic authority
I'm an academic in normal science, academia for the arts (literary, movie etc.) is usually complete bullshit
>/lit/ hates objectivity, logic, and facts
love dem facts
>/lit/ doesn't read the books it constantly meme spams (i.e. joyce, dfw, pynchon)
I never participate in that, but I have read half of Pynchon, the essays by DFW, and Dubliners
>Most of /lit/ posters, post from their phones
My phone sucks, I'm on my laptop
>Most /lit/izens are 18-20 years old
>/lit/ almost never posts textual examples to back up their opinions
Go away textual example guy

>> No.6061419
File: 19 KB, 198x223, 1412228759221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are incorrect sir.

Also nice blog btw