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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 96 KB, 570x905, o-TFIOS-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6052632 No.6052632 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think about tfios?

>> No.6052641

beta general

>> No.6052661

its for beta cucks

>> No.6053064

I don't think about it

>> No.6053072

I don't think

>> No.6053079

im in a creative writing class at my CC.
on the first day of class this girl says something like "books are my life"
the teacher says "so what do you read? please dont say the fault in our stars or twlight."
shes like "umm..."

dumb bitch BTFO by professor, hilarious

>> No.6053087

lol saucy

>> No.6053099

literally reddit; the book

>> No.6053116

You're in a creative writing class in a community college. Don't you think, regardless of what you read, your arrogance is a little out of place?

I mean, as disturbing as it is to encounter an adult who exclusively reads YA, it's ten times worse to see a tard admitted to the tardfarm who looks around and goes, "lol dumb bitches".

>> No.6053121

What exactly did the professor say?

>> No.6053125

this is good perspective. don't feel bad about being a snob but don't think it somehow existentially validates you over anybody else.

>> No.6053148

It's not a professor. Professors don't teach at community college.

>A professor is a highly accomplished and recognized academic. In most Commonwealth nations, as well as northern Europe, professor is reserved only for the highest academic rank at a university. In the United States and Canada, the title of professor is granted to a larger percentage, about a quarter,[3] of scholars with doctorate degrees (typically Ph.Ds) or equivalent qualifications who teach in four-year colleges and universities, and is used in the titles assistant professor and associate professor,[4] which are not considered professor-level positions in many other countries, as well as for full professors.

>> No.6053159

So you're saying that everyone that goes to a community college is a dumbass?

lol. probably tru anon. probably tru.

>> No.6053169

So you only get to be a snob when you're surrounded by people who are better than you? I don't get it

>> No.6053170

Actually, I go to a community college and there are some very smart people there who have just fallen behind in there education due to unforeseen issues.

I'm not one of them, though.

>> No.6053199

Don't most community colleges have programs where you can transfer out to 4 year universities?

Or is that just where I live?

>> No.6053212

What do you fucking call them?, teachers?

>> No.6053220

>there education

>> No.6053228

Some community colleges are a foot in the door to a better uni. Why the fuck would I go straight to uni when my associates can be gotten anywhere? Fuck you and your unwarranted elitism

>> No.6053234

wow he told that dumb cunt for reading the wrong books!!!!! epic op, absolutely epic

>> No.6053251

What's a "very smart" person? You admit you're not one of them, so doesn't that make your judgment faulty, at best?

A weasel looks enormous to an ant.

>So you only get to be a snob when you're surrounded by people who are better than you? I don't get it

You don't get to wallow in shit and call yourself presentable, yeah. That's how it works.

>So you're saying that everyone that goes to a community college is a dumbass?

No. Going to community college is one thing, berating your classmate for being "dumb bitch" is another. Believe it or not, I don't care if the slob goes to community college or not and would not have posted a thing if his attitude wasn't one of such pompous arrogance. As I stated, it is OUT OF PLACE at a community college.

Or instructors, yes.

>> No.6053271

This book comes up so often, I'm assuming that John Green comes here and makes the posts himself.

>> No.6053284

John Green is going to slowly take over /lit/ until we're like this poor fag.


>> No.6053289



>> No.6053297

because those of us who matter look down on that bullshit. Which is why you find yourself justifying that choice on a regular basis

>> No.6053301

>Not going to CC for two years on the cheap and knocking your transferrable cores out of the way to transfer into an actual university for the exact same degree at half the cost or less

Dumb fucks, why do you think the government took such an interest in the costs of CC? You think they were trying to help people get a good education for less money?

>> No.6053302

I said this 6 months ago and got made fun of ;_;

>> No.6053322

Many go this route, and it's probably preferable, but you don't talk shit while you're at a community college. You talk shit AFTER you've been accepted to a college that's worth a shit.

Is this difficult to understand?

>> No.6053325

>transferrable cores

I believe the initial post said the course was "creative writing". Not exactly a "transferrable core", is it?

>> No.6053329
File: 42 KB, 649x638, 1422215063748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I stop laughing?

The world's gone to hell and we're going down with it, /lit/. It didn't have to be this way.

>> No.6053332

What did you find funny about it?

>> No.6053346

I don't know, anon. It's just how sincere he is. It's like people who laugh at car crashes because if they didn't they would have constant nightmares. It's the only way for me to stay sane in this fucked up world in which we live in.

>> No.6053393

>he thinks he matters
Opinion discarded

>> No.6053401

>why aren't people in real life like this
i think this gets to the essence of why ya is not aesthetically valuable

>> No.6053434
File: 741 KB, 664x999, Tfios maymay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An English teacher of mine recommended Looking for Alaska, which I thought was pretty great. Later I picked up TFiOS, and I haven't read much YA from that point forward. It seemed rehashed from Looking for Alaska and it felt kinda dumbed down. I didn't hate it though.

Same teacher started bringing me up into some more /lit/ tier books, and I got into better reading habits and started doing a bit of creative writing myself. TFiOS is kinda shitty in hindsight, but YA helped get me where I am.

Vlogbrothers on the other hand, is utter garbage.

>> No.6053446

>because those of us who matter look down on that bullshit.
jesus christ man

>> No.6053578
File: 48 KB, 499x499, 1422042959136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those of us who matter

>> No.6053596

I watched the movie, it was bretty gud


If I ever get a chance, I'm punching him in the face I don't care if I go to jail. I've never seen a motherfucker that needs one more.

>> No.6053678

Read both the novel and watched the film. I preferred the film.

It's infinitely better than other current trend shitter books ala Divergent, Fifty Shades of Grey, etc.

>> No.6053743

It's a light book for teenage girls. I'm not going to judge it as anything more than that.

>> No.6053797


>Same teacher started bringing me up into some more /lit/ tier books, and I got into better reading habits and started doing a bit of creative writing myself. TFiOS is kinda shitty in hindsight, but YA helped get me where I am.

This guy gets it. /lit/ treats YA as cancer, so l'd like to apologize on behalf of myself and anyone else who has ever read it for not coming out of our mothers' wombs with Lolita in one hand and Ulysses in the other.

I also agree with thw first part of your post. John Green's wtiting is almost as forumlaic as Dan Brown's. Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns were decent, but TFiOS was kind of a drag.

>> No.6053872
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>because those of us who matter look down on that bullshit.

Is this what keeps you going through life? Thinking you matter?
Poor Anon.

>> No.6055195
File: 116 KB, 700x700, ooooooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6055221

who is this semen demon

>> No.6055228

"my thoughts are predictions for increases in industrial output I can not fathom into five year plans"

John Green, The Fault in Our Stalin

>> No.6055318

Been living under a rock I see.

>> No.6055349

I think I'm going to read this shit now just because /lit/ hates it so much.

>> No.6055359

god damn what a qt

>> No.6055402

John green is a dirty commie trying to brainwash impressionable kids. Stay away from his books.

>> No.6055773

See, you put the class enemy the gulag, but you don't give it give it the power, to destroy communism. It's a metaphor.

>> No.6055897

I fell in love with you the way the Kulaks where liquidated as a class, slowly then all at once.

>> No.6056354
File: 2.59 MB, 1728x1776, lebooksxDDDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It belongs in the pantheon of the best literature of all time, of course.

Here at /lit/ we are all booknerds xD!

>> No.6056360

it's for teenage girls.

don't get used to anger, it's not good for you.

>> No.6056365

I personally think it is poorly written YA shit for impressionable teenagers and (of course) young adults. However, I am not autistic enough to have an elitist attitude or belittle people for reading and enjoying it, along with any other YA novel.

>> No.6056380


these retards are fuckign hilarious

>> No.6056402

I think I may be worse cancer than most of those redditors.
I "ironically" read those books, laughing my ass of the whole time with the shitty prose.

I willingly consume shit

>> No.6056431

>you're not educated so you're dumb
yes anon that's typically how these things work. would you like your applesauce now?

>> No.6056433

That explains why are you here

>> No.6056437


This image really needs some more words about extolling the virtues of these works of art, not only the pinnacles of the written word, but also probably the best possible combination of the words used in these novels. Also, no Harry Potter? That was the book series that started it all when it comes to literature :(

>> No.6056440

I don't always consume shit.
But shit sometimes tastes just as good.

>> No.6056441

why the fuck do you even have a name? Are you retarded or something? And how are you smarter?

>> No.6056468

I can't tell you how many teenage girls have a cancer fetish now.

>> No.6057410


Wait Divergent is supposed to be inspired by BNW? How? The two seem almost nothing alike. That might be because of the relative skills of the author though...

>> No.6057428

i am the anon who made the original "dumb bitch" comment and i have to admit it was a bit harsh. It was mostly for comedic effect, i dont actually think her that way as a i dont even actually know her. Also thank you for putting things in perspective.

>> No.6057434


I'm not sure why but this picture makes me laugh every time I see it

>> No.6057693

Yea YA shit is great for you know the actual YA audience, fucking teenagers. Anyone over the age of 18 running around reading that shit and acting like they're reading anything of importance should kill themselves.

>> No.6058099


That's right. TRUE intellectuals study Memeology on le 4chan.

>> No.6058106
File: 117 KB, 320x263, 1407217767347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because those of us who matter look down on that bullshit.

>> No.6058126
File: 556 KB, 1257x657, please pray .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Back you go.

>> No.6058952

Just remember that some infinities are bigger than others.

>> No.6058960

This post is underrated

>> No.6059027
File: 18 KB, 363x353, 1395462002497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6059046

sentimental wit aimed at YA girls. it's good for what it is.
i love seeing the anal devastation it causes here.

>> No.6059053
File: 16 KB, 128x195, content.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His movies are dog shit, but his books sound interesting. My friend is hyping his upcoming Scarlet Gospels book, should I check it out?

>> No.6059068

>this absolutely low-quality garbage isn't even fit for swine
>but, I don't judge, if people like they like it, I'm a nice guy :)

>> No.6059071

Do you understand the simple fact that there is actually great literature to read when you are a teenager that isn't YA?

>> No.6059073

So what's the fault in their stars?

>> No.6059085

>why aren't people in real life like this
>stop breaking my heart you perfect fictional characters

I suppose it's understandable since it's a book aimed at teenagers, but treating fictional characters like this strikes me as so limiting.

>> No.6059087


>> No.6059089

You know he's gay, right?

>> No.6059090


>> No.6059092


>> No.6059101

that place looks really pleasant and full of good vibes to be honest.

>> No.6059103

I guessed as much, would plunder that boipussy and hope he moves on to reading other things.

>> No.6059971

How many millions of books has the teacher sold by publishing tripe for teenage girls? :^)
Not saying popularity means they're good, but I'd swap places with Green or Meyer pretty fucking quick-sharp. So much money, man. So much.