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File: 151 KB, 817x1000, descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
604989 No.604989 [Reply] [Original]

-Proved his own existance
-Proved the existance of God
-Paved the way to the age of enlightment
-Was happy with himself and not bitter about anything.

Is there anything Descartes can't do?

>> No.604996

Invent the lightbulb

>> No.604994

spell existence

>> No.605022

Get a haircut.

>> No.605025

Prove the existence of God

>> No.605020

Resurrect his mother

>> No.605030

>proved his own existence
>proved existence of god
>paved way
>was happy
not sure

>> No.605043

this. He was not able to prove his own existence, nor was he able to prove the existence of god.

>> No.605051

not be cockeyed

>> No.605052

Prove causation

>> No.605054

How did he not proved his on existence?

Cogito ego sum. Show me a better argument than that.

>> No.605055

Not die.

>> No.605064

Instantiation principle.

>> No.605068

circular arguments bro

>> No.605073

Not a circular argument, but okay, show me someone who did it better.

>> No.605075

The cogito is a profound insight, but his proof of God's existence is essentially Anselm's ontological argument and suffers from the same critiques (e.g., Kant's "existence is not a predicate" critique).

>> No.605090
File: 60 KB, 417x500, portrait_schopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Dual knowledge which we are only privy to with our own bodies and consciousness. Everything else is only known from one side.

>> No.605395
File: 70 KB, 600x431, KantLecturing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descartes is cool, but Kant is the best philosopher of all time.

Right on Metaphysics.
Right on Epistemology.
Right on Ethics.

>> No.605404


As House says in response to the ontological as proof argument, "Watch out for those Minotaurs on your drive home."

>> No.605451

what did Kant do? Not criticize him I just don't know.

>> No.605459

He can't go before a horse

>> No.605468

Ended the Empiricist/Rationalist Debate by proposing an epistemology that takes sense experience and a priori reason into account.
Suggested that there is a world beyond human experience and one with human experience; essentially, it is almost impossible for us to know the Noumenal World, paving the way for Existentialism and Pragmatism.
Invented Deonotological Ethics.

>> No.605474

Ehhh, some of Kant's arguments on morality are just... The whole idea that its better to do the just thing out of respect for morality, even if you're bitter and butthurt about it, than it is to do the just thing because it makes you feel good (woman helping at an orphanage because it warms her heart to help children). If people do good things because it gives them the warm fuzzies, so what? Isn't the bitter, law-abiding citizen also acting on his own personal interest... To uphold his own moral standard and achieve pride? There is nothing intrinsically valuable, not even morality.

>> No.605482

so proving there is no such thing as a selfless deed?

>> No.605483
File: 34 KB, 500x606, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.605595

Does anyone else likes to imagine Descartes as one of Dumas' three Musketeers?
He'd make an awesome Aramis.

>> No.605602
File: 12 KB, 300x203, d'Artagnan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or d'Artagnan, whatever works for you.

>> No.605604

Yeah, invent calculus.

>> No.605838

not be french

>> No.606300


He didn't "pave the way to the age of enlightenment" either. He was one of the people that appeared to lay the groundwork of thought that was used or expanded upon in the 18th century, but he was only one of many.

>> No.606302
File: 22 KB, 343x400, magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can has wizard too?

>> No.606333

survive in cold weather

>> No.606334
File: 70 KB, 420x610, 1265903545254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proved his own existance


>Cogito ego sum. Show me a better argument than that.

>circular arguments bro

>okay, show me someone who did it better.
I fucking lolled

>> No.606749

Can't rest in peace *his bones moved throughout all of Europe! read Descartes Bones It is a very interesting read! Plus he was a very sickly man FYI!

>> No.606751


>> No.606754

Too bad I disagree with all but the first one. Granted, he didn't prove his existence. He proved mine.

>> No.606762

Doubting you exist is impossible because you have to exist to do the doubting. How much simpler could it be?

>> No.606767

Get out of bed before noon.

>> No.606773

People who read philosophy are naturally inferior, most intelligent humans can imagine philosophical answers to all of life's questions themselves - with the exception of idiotic religious folk like descartes or kant etc.

>> No.606776

Bring Ed's mom back to life.

>> No.606795

I don't know about Descartes being religious, I'm left under the impression that he wrote religion into his philosophy just to keep selling books and being invited to parties. It's not like trolling with atheism was an option at that time.

>> No.606805

Proved his own existence, yes. Proved the existence of God? Not so sure. Rest of it's alright though.

>> No.606806

He was a devout Roman Catholic Like I said before READ "Descartes Bones"

>> No.606812
File: 23 KB, 583x600, vst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, he also invented the Cartesian plane, making it possible to use algebra to describe Euclidean geometry.

>> No.606816

YOu are now aware that Descartes was afraid almost his entire life about almost everything.
An odd mind-set for a former soldier, though.

>> No.606824

He also refused to get up before 11 and did most of his thinking while sitting inside a stove. More evidence that genius and insanity are one and the same.

>> No.606827

>intelligent humans


>> No.606856

actually, it was really cold outside, so he kept his tent really hot, and called it his stove. just saying.

>> No.606859

Ayn Rand

-Kant was evil

what the fuck

>> No.606872

Still an odd way of puting it. But then again, I'm not French, so it might be some kind of obscure humour that only works in that language. Like a pun or something.