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/lit/ - Literature

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6048859 No.6048859[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys ever think "well i'm doing alright, i'm confident in the future" and all...and then you see a pic like the one attached, and you get real emotional thoughts like "i just want her to hold me...i...i just want some rest" and then you realise you're in a bigger mess than you thought?

Or am i over-reacting?

>> No.6048880

you're really over-reacting

were you raised w/ a single mom or something

(btw, this isn't too /lit/ m10-2)

>> No.6048892

I was, actually.

It isn't purely /lit/ but it's still an area where people can discuss in a more intelligent manner. I thought about posting it in /s/ but there might just be wankers, going "yeah of course! it's emma watson, dude!"

>> No.6048895

Pathetic beta male
>raised by single mother

No connection at all.

>> No.6048903

who is pathetic?

>> No.6048907


>> No.6048941

hey OP, >>6048880 here
Don't get trolled by le ubermensch of /lit/, getting some paranoia/neurosis once in a while doesn't equal being pathetic/beta(not to mention they're buzzwords)

I was just curious cause that kind of stuff is typical for people with tough psychological context.

Anyway, there is quite some comfy literature out there, it might help.

>> No.6048950

OP here: well i wanted to analyze and have a bit of distance with what i thought when i saw this picture. Does that make me pathetic? I don't think so.
Now i see it's over-reacting...it's just a fucking picture and i project my anxieties on it, as if it could respond anything.

>> No.6048953
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>inb4 so edgy.

It's the pictures which show people with a great connection to each other and the situation they are in which kill me inside. I am so highly strung and uptight I wish it wasn't this way I can't connect with people I'm just a little out of time with everyone.

I see a couple embrace each other at a concert when their favorite song is on and it just eats me up because nothing else matters to them, and I want something like that so much. I have a close family, have a partner and have friends and yet I feel as if I could be on top of a mountain by my self.

Perhaps I'm around the wrong people, but more than likely it's just me.

>> No.6048963

Thanx, i would have been surprised if my genuine question wasn't ridiculed, or that i'd be called a faggot lol i don't really care for that though

What do you mean by tough psychological context?

>> No.6048981

OP: I used to have that heart pinch when i saw couples, but that was really when i was in my 20's.
Since then, i've had a few relationships and got my heart stepped upon so the lovey-dovey couples in public, i don't care, i've been them and you can tell the difference when it's just the high of the first times, or when it's a deeper connection.

>> No.6049002

I never really got the love for Emma Watson. At most, she appears intelligent and well-read based on her accent and the roles she plays in movies, but is more than likely as stupid as every other celebrity.

>> No.6049005

The forementioned single mother, being a war veteran, major poverty, all these things

People r9k(I know, I know) calls 'normies' don't get half that emotional over anything, ever

>> No.6049007

OP: It's not about her. It's the actual expression, head position she has that did something to me when i first looked at it.

>> No.6049013

People who live in the moment, only do so because they can't comprehend everything around them. The remedy for your paranoia and neuroses, is becoming less intelligent, which - short of brain damage - you can't really do all that effectively.

Congratulations, it's a bitter-sweet state of existence.

>> No.6049015

>Do you guys ever think "well i'm doing alright, i'm confident in the future"

Fuck no, I'm smart enough to know it's all downhill from here.

>> No.6049018

You probably have some degree of autism. Not trying to b8 you or anything, though. I'm a high-functioning autist myself.

>> No.6049025

Care to elaborate? What exactly the pic made you feel and think?

>> No.6049031
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>high-functioning autist
I thought that experts agreed that there isn't such a thing?

>> No.6049037

The new DSM removed Assburgers for "autism spectrum" to encompass all kinds of autism under that umbrella term, so you can have high-functioning

but "high-functioning" implies IQ over 70, so Chris-Chan don't count yo

>> No.6049046

What's his IQ? Do we know for certain?

>> No.6049047

It's not contemplated by the DSM-V, but people still use the term to refer to all autism-related conditions that do not imply a cognitive handicap.

>> No.6049049

>Implies IQ over 70
How the fuck can a human being score lower than 70, on an IQ test?

>> No.6049050


Whether or not it's real, the vast majority (and the people in this thread) are actually just describing perfectly normal social anxiety, which in the 21st century is often compounded by the fact that people have a reduced circle of "real" social acquaintances, instead having multiple acquaintances on the internet/social media.

What you're describing isn't autism, it's being a bit awkward or shy, which is perfectly normal amongst younger people and used to be remedied by your mum saying "just go to the party, anon, you'll enjoy it when you get there".

If even half the people who claim autism to explain social problems they have were actually ill, then about 70%of the population is ill.

I'm not having a pop at anyone, but feeling a bit squee in society is pretty normal, despite the echo-chamber of the internet trying to spin it into sickness.

tl;dr your doctor gets golf trips and junketst to Vegas for prescribing autism medicine.

>> No.6049051


The worst part is self-improvement is only band-aid fixes that do nothing. Even if you got and accomplished everything you wanted right this second, you probably wouldn't be sated for long.

I lift, compete in triathlons, fuck most girls with little effort, play cello, viola, guitar, write, ride motorcycles... All in some vain attempt to improve my standard of living, or thinking surmounting a goal will give me some sense of happiness. but a crippling sense of loneliness is still present that drives me further down the rabbit hole of improvement.

I alienated the person I loved with my cynicism, and drove her into the arms of some Bazinga-tier normal. But despite longing for her, would it be so much better if we were together?

>> No.6049065


>> No.6049075


Mentally handicapped are a thing, you know.

>> No.6049133
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Grow the fuck up man

>> No.6049186

you're a momma's boy. grow some balls and stop being so needy.

>> No.6049240

>fucks most girls with little effort
Does not follow. How can you be lonely when you can fuck most girls with little effort?

I am genuinely curious. If I were in your position I wouldn't give a shit. Do you have a learning disability or something?

>> No.6049250
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>How can you be lonely when you can fuck most girls with little effort?

Not him, but I am always lonely m8. Even when I'm with other people.

>> No.6049263

No effort means less attachment to the girls you fuck. It might also be that the girls sleep with him only for his dick and don't care about him. Thus you have two people using each other for sex with no emotional connection and no idea of what the other really wants. Lonely as fuck. I was never in that situation, but I suspect that after a while it stops feeling much better that no sex at all.

>> No.6049267

Sounds fucking awful, poor guy. Where do you sign up?

>> No.6049273


Actually, sexual promiscuity really doesn't lead to company.

I'm not him, but I've never had any problem picking up women and it's amazing how fast you can go from being inside a woman to lying next to her feeling miserable and alone. Usually about 10 seconds after orgasam and you're lying there thinking "i'll never see this bitch again, what am I doing? I wish she'd just go".

>> No.6049281

Don't be so cynical, m8. Even though alpha males have objectively more rich social lifes, they can still feel as miserable as betas.

>> No.6049286

My main thought would be "I'm never going to have a gf like that, and I'm never going to be a doctor because I'm a fuck up who ruined a golden opportunity handed to him on a plate" But then i convince myself there is still time to rectify my situation and become a doctor and if I start lifting and sort out acne maybe I will get a gf like that

>> No.6049293

This has happened to me recently with a girl I've known for some time.

I've fucked chicks just for the hell of it, and I dun goofed. I mean, I knew it wasn't leading anywhere, and I didn't make this clear enough for them beforehand.

With this girl I know, things were slightly different. We had a somewhat intellectual connection, but always found her wayyy too post-modern for my tastes. What do I mean with this? It means, and I shit you not, that being writers, both of us, her texts NEVER meant anything, and when they did (usually "booohooo, I feel alone but I know it's my fault" the texts became self-aware and negated any kind of meaning.

She was also incapable of saying anything. Everytime she said something mildly interesting, she added "my curves" (really, that kind of girl) or "meh", as if she were incapable to commiting to the basic forms of meaning.

That's why I dumped her. I'd rather feel alone being alone than feel alone being with somebody.

>> No.6049298 [SPOILER] 
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Yes, I do.

The worst part is that I can never even acquire a qt because my fetishes do not exist in real life.

>> No.6049304



>> No.6049306

You could try banging furries.

>> No.6049308

I am not being cynical, I am being empathetic.
I am willing to shoulder some of that heavy burden, they don't need to carry that weight alone.

>> No.6049310 [SPOILER] 
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Absolutely disgusting. I'd rather die or live alone forever.

>> No.6049330

You don't have to limit your sexual life to one single fetish, then. Why don't you find a qt and keep your anthropomorfic animals shit as a hobby?

>> No.6049335

Become a furry faggot. I mean, become a FULLY-FLEDGED, NO HOLDS-BARRED FAGGOT FURRY.

Go to conventions and shit and meet some other depraved beings like yourself. But forget about cute girls. Cute girls are way too socially accepted and acceptable to ever indulge in those sick fantasies.

Enjoy your death.

>> No.6049349 [SPOILER] 
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pls no

>You don't have to limit your sexual life to one single fetish, then.
Naturally, but it's like being permanently stuck at 70% of what you want. I guess most people are like that in some respect (not necessarily sexual), but at least they have hope.

I guess maturity is simply a measurement of being content with what you have.

>> No.6049355
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>I've fucked chicks just for the hell of it
>turns out to be fat chicks

What the fuck is wrong with people on this board...

>> No.6049369

top lel

>> No.6049375

>What the fuck is wrong with people on this board...
Said the tripshit...

>> No.6049382
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>> No.6049392

Aw, did the big bad trip hurt your little feelings?

>> No.6049393

Pretty much everyone in my immediate family is a high function addict of some description. Mum is an alcoholic pot head, dad is an alcoholic who smokes pot and drops acid any chance he can get, sister is an alcoholic who drops acid any chance she gets. Yet all hold down successful careers. I think it's how they dial themselves down.

>> No.6049395

blonde on the right looks impressed.

>> No.6049407

You need a girlfriend, lol. Isn't that obvious? You can see this for yourself, can't you?

>> No.6049416

You must be the alcoholic that smokes pot then.

>> No.6049506

"'Kathy, I'm lost,' I said though I knew she was sleeping
I'm empty and aching and I don't know why"

>> No.6049580

emma is stunning

>> No.6049722
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i'm not confident in the future. unless something completely changes, i have no future other than aging and decaying while living with my family. i'll never get a job and don't really want to get a job. i don't care for romance or sex, have no desire to marry or start a family. no worldly ambitions. i've become disillusioned with everything in life. when i see emma watson i just think, here is another organism sentenced to death, who has to go through these daily rituals of eating, pissing, shitting, grooming...

i've come to believe in some kind of rebirth as in buddhism. so in a way my outlook is even more bleak, considering that we can't escape this life by dying, the consciousness energy will attach to another organism, stuck in another life cycle going through all the same miseries and fleeting happiness for nothing. unless, of course, one attains liberation.

i see no other way of living. what is the point in trying to move up in the world? there is no permanence there, you maintain it as long as you're useful. then what? maybe a comfortable old age if you have money. but money can't stop the pain of aging, decaying, dying. a wife can't solve the problem of death, only provide a nice distraction to lull you into ignorance. kids won't help, they move on with their own lives. hobbies, interests... all are distractions, mere entertainments to hide from the frightening reality of death and rebirth.

the only thing left to do is... become a buddha, or die trying.

>> No.6049755
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>> No.6049806

>You will never taste Emma's piss
Just bury me alive in my sleep already