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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 861x395, forbes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6048224 No.6048224 [Reply] [Original]

>people who treat getting smart as an exercise
>people who want to read because they feel like they ought to
>people who think that well educated people are happy because of their educations and not because they make more money
>people who made a new year's resolution to watch at least one TED talk a day
>people who feel pride in not clicking on buzzfeed articles
>people who actually feel proud that they read something on Vox or Slate
>people who make life decisions based on pop science concepts they heard on RadioLab
>people who take This American Life seriously
>people who feel pride because they get the New Yorker cartoons
>people who read quotes
>people who listen to jazz

Pic related, the saddest example of this phenomenon (the thought of the day, not the actual quote)

>> No.6048234

does vocal jazz count as jazz

>> No.6048236

>people who listen to jazz after it started to suck

Do you still listen to metal?

>> No.6048238

>>people who want to read because they feel like they ought to
I do this but I end up continuing to read out of genuine enjoyment.

>> No.6048241

I like jazz. Most jazz is good. You've probably been exposed to the less fun side of jazz.

>> No.6048243

i never listened to metal. wait you think swing was good?

>> No.6048244
File: 93 KB, 620x330, 35345 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who live lifestyles that I don't like

>> No.6048257

free jazz?

>> No.6048259

what do you have against jazz

>> No.6048261

i know a person who actually put the daily ted talk on a pre-milestone birthday bucket list

>> No.6048266

smooth jazz
aka waiting-room jazz

>> No.6048267

I just feel sorry for people like that.
Not even in a pretentious way.
Just why, what the fuck actually compels someone to do that.

>> No.6048269

>people who make life decisions based on pop science concepts they heard on RadioLab

For some reason, this line made me laugh.

4chan often seems like nothing more than a depository for feeble complaints about how other people are doing things the author doesn't like.

>> No.6048272


Hey man, free jazz is cool as fuck.

>> No.6048275

There's more outright spastics on my facebook to direct my hatred at than pop-academics. I know how they can be annoying (Everytime I see a link liked from I Fucking Love Science or a Car Sagan joke tee shirt I nearly puke) but my friend's girlfriend just liked a 'one like one prayer' post.

>> No.6048286

Stop. Reading. Forbes.

>> No.6048308

Forbes is garbage. Slate is garbage. Vox is garbage. 538 is garbage. TIME is garbage.

>> No.6048310

People are doing good things. Why they do it doesn't matter.

>> No.6048316



>> No.6048337

nobody gonna watch that

>> No.6048352

If you don't indulge in all genres of music you are a pleb. There is no way around it.

>> No.6048354

>If you don't indulge in all genres of music you are a pleb.
Crunkcore exists, here's a reminder.

>> No.6048360

I'm on my phone and can't listen to it, but it doesn't matter what you posted, because maybe thats a shitty example of the genre, but there is someone out there that can make it beautiful.

>> No.6048362

>listening to music

I have always considered music to be the most entry-level of the arts. It can be appreciated by a 6 year old, provided he or she is not deaf. The experiences of Proper Literature do not come so easily. One does not simply understand a man as cryptic as Ahab or Raskolnikov. Yet, anyone can play a little Mozart or Bach in the background as they eat their Spaghettios. Music hardly requires attention. It demands virtually nothing of one's cognitive abilities. Such cannot be said for the rewards offered by Finnegan's Wake or Borges' Ficciones.

>> No.6048363
File: 211 KB, 300x395, 1415699397185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but there is someone out there that can make it beautiful.
afraid not
get some standards

>> No.6048364


you write like a high school English student

step up

>> No.6048366

Why do people pride themselves on reading books that are clearly thick as fuck? Are books better the more difficult they are to read? Why don't you make it a real challenge and switch the font to wingdings

>> No.6048367

saved :^)

>> No.6048368

That's hilarious and although it sounds like noise to me I love the idea that some 14-year-old actually enjoys this and plays it to chill

>> No.6048370

is this copypasta or merely future copypasta?

>> No.6048372

>reading literatture
i seriously hope you guys aren't serious

>> No.6048375

copypasta. it was originally the caption to a facebook picture, some guy was posing with infinite jest and other "2deep4u" books. im not kidding

>> No.6048394

You are a nasty little pleb who is too scared to form or acknowledge your own opinions, and you should probably stop talking about art if you don't have anything to say.

>> No.6048401

I agree with everything you posted but the first line:
>people who treat getting smart as an exercise
If by getting smart you mean indulging in cerebral activities, then treating it as an exercise is the only way to approach it if you aren't a lazy slob. Rigor, routine, effort and a progressive evolution in dificulty are all beneficial to those who want to excel at something.

>> No.6048410

I read because I enjoy knowledge, it's the most effective means to an ends, with the advent of MOOCs and quality videos freely available there is another efficient way to learn things, however, reading is still king currently. It's like bodybuilders lift weights because they like looking a certain way and weights are the best means to that end.

What are you pissed of about OP? People trying to strive for bettering themselves and enjoying a higher pleasures. Sure TED talks and other pop-sci bullshit isn't the best material, at least it is a gateway.

>> No.6048420

I was about to write a long, angry, pedantic post about how you're an idiot.
Almost baited/10. Not bad.

>> No.6048443

Gateway to what? I'm pretty sure none of the people who treat pop shit seriously are going to be cracking open a textbook soon or doing any other serious learning about anything

>> No.6048444

It's a meme you dip

>> No.6048446

There is nothing wrong with doing things for self improvement. But you shouldn't think it is something that will happen because you do X and X. Just do things because you love them.

>> No.6048453

i actually indulge in all genres of all things just out of pure interest for the media as a whole. the one thing i don't do this with is religion because only Christ is Lord

>> No.6048456

finnegan is my favourite author

>> No.6048485

true. However, the best jazz comes with a fatal price

>> No.6048492

>after it started to suck
there was shit jazz and good jazz before Frank Sinatra and etc. and there was shit jazz and good jazz afterwards.

>> No.6048502
File: 89 KB, 1185x622, cQf7hx1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6048503

He was making fun of /lit./ He was even making the Harold Bloom face.

>> No.6048505

which is?

>> No.6048507

pretty much this, if it doesn't have clarinets or it's not big band, it's not worth your time

>> No.6048513
File: 151 KB, 964x1388, I'll punch you in the kant m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone wants to have a word with you

>> No.6048516

Is this taken from a facebook post that went around cringe threads on /b/?
I think it is. I saw it before.

>> No.6048517

Big band is literally the most pleb form of jazz besides Kenny G pseudo jazz.

Bebop, Modal Jazz, Hard Bop, Jazz Fusion, 'Free' Jazz and Contemporary all have works worthy of a patrician.

>> No.6048526

>big band
Fedora as fuck, the single most fedora style of jazz. Jesus, that's one step short of listening to electro-swing.

>> No.6048560


>big band
>jazz clarinet

>not this

>> No.6048563

well he kant

>> No.6048564

>free jazz
>best jazz comes wuth price

>> No.6048565


Holy lord, when I was a child I heard about Time on the simpsons and assumed it was some highbrow stuff. As an old teenager / young adult it took me like two seconds to realose that its trash.

Strangely, despite never reading an actual playboy, I've read lots of great stuff that was originally in it

>> No.6050700

>I asked the future leader what I asked all interns as a matter of form, “Eddie, is your hate pure?”

>The man who first asked me that question was the late Jim Goode, editor of Penthouse.

>Like Playboy, Penthouse would pay good money for long articles about the corruption of America, thus giving the pointyheads an excuse to thumb through the pinups. Goode, tall and cadaverous, was gay, clad in black leather as he crouched on the floor of his office, gazing morosely at hundreds of photos of bare-breasted women.

>As I entered with some screed about corporate and political evil, he’d snarl, “Alex, is your hate pure?” “Yes, Jim, my hate is pure.”

>It was a good way of assaying interns. The feisty ones would respond excitedly, “Yes, my hate is pure.” I put the question to Eddie Miliband. He gaped at me in shock like Gussie Fink-Nottle watching one of his newts vanish down the plug hole in his bath. “I . . . I . . . don’t hate anyone, Alex,” he stammered.

>It’s all you need to know.

>> No.6052855



You have never truly had the pleasure of listening to Caravan Palace my friend.

>> No.6052943

>Frank Sinatra

Lounge is jazz?

>> No.6052950

Fuck I cringed so hard my face is locked in a grimace help I can't speak anymore help

>> No.6052951

>people who feel pride in not clicking on buzzfeed articles

are you a butthurt buzzefeed journo that is mad no one is reading your click bait top 10 list on why white men must be castrated?

>> No.6052980

person this threads about ^

>> No.6052983

lmfao u area fedora

>> No.6053017

Faux-intellectuals aren't dangerous.

The new Hipster Homesteaders are the real issue.

>Hitler Youth haircut, thrift store workwear, beards
>owns a bandsaw, banjo, and hewing axe, can't use any of them
>drinks bad whiskey and cowboy coffee, considers themselves a connoisseur of both
>camps in a canvas tent
>cursory interest in modern Baptist church
>only reads Transcendentalist literature
>actually lives in a studio apartment, works in an office, drives a Honda
>posts every item/event from above on their "Simple Country Living" Tumblr

>> No.6053049

what year is this? fuck you. also, articulate your problem with Hipster Homesteaders besides putting their habits into easily mockable soundbytes. This is how easy it is to make fun of anybody.

>Interested in something
>Uses social media
>Expresses inconsistencies in ideology and reality
>Is young
>Has a not atypical appearance

Just fuck you. This poison lodges itself into my mind when I get on this board and its hard to shake because I know these prejudices are within myself, and while they are there, I know they are despicable, dehumanizing, against beauty, against understanding. I've had a bit to drink, yes, but still fuck you. I can put a label on anything and mock it. Tell me what's wrong with the person you're describing, why it concerns you, and how you are different in the way you live your life and I'll listen.

>> No.6053059

You fail to bridge your argument. You say they're the "real issue", yet refrain from (or can't) actually forming an argument about how any of the items you listed are alarming.

>> No.6053075

Flannel-wearing, mandolin-owning home distillers detected.

>> No.6053083

jazz is the opposite of all the other shit youre talking about

>> No.6053094

the finest in anti-rhetoric

>> No.6053105

Literal clowns who should be treated as such, if they even exist. I've never seen such a person in real life. What is it with you people and hipsters? They're just rich kids who appropriate lower-class clothing and customs to feel cool and dangerous. Been happening since the 17th century, at least.

>> No.6053106

you are shit

>> No.6053117

see >>6053094

>> No.6053122
File: 86 KB, 377x566, carhartt-heritage-2012-fall-winter-lookbook-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mountain air can cure depression.
>I'd kill a deer if I had to.
>Fuck, I forgot to pack my Japanese lava masque in my gunny sack.
>Emily, did you make this citronella candle in a mason jar? You should post the step-by-step on your blog.
>Use a sepia filter on that coffee pot picture, Wade. I've been making these frames out of scrap cedar and I can totally put some pyrography designs on it. It would look great next to your fiddle.

>> No.6053133

>actually giving a shit

>> No.6053179

>I'd kill a deer if I had to

I was gonna call you a shithead but that's just too funny

>> No.6053216

i tip my fedora to you, kind gentleman.

>> No.6053219


>> No.6053222

I'm with this guy. Hipster Homesteaders may rustle my jimmies from time to time, but that's my own problem.

>> No.6053235
File: 3.58 MB, 2880x1920, 37_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it

>> No.6055303


I don't understand how people believe a 10-20 minute TED talk (which is probably <5 pages if you write it down) is a good way to educate yourself.

>> No.6055348


>people who treat getting smart as an exercise
It is, anon.
>people who want to read because they feel like they ought to
People ought to read. Being well-read isn't an achievement in itself, but the consequences of reading are beneficial for everyone. Well read individuals are smarter, more empathetic and creative (for the most part).
>people who think that well educated people are happy because of their educations and not because they make more money
Education doesn't invariably dictate wealth.
>people who made a new year's resolution to watch at least one TED talk a day
People do this?
>people who feel pride in not clicking on buzzfeed articles
Idk what to say to this. Never know that feel.
>people who actually feel proud that they read something on Vox or Slate
I have no idea what either of these are.
>people who make life decisions based on pop science concepts they heard on RadioLab
As oppose to making life decisions based on philosophy articles on wikipedia?
>people who take This American Life seriously
>people who feel pride because they get the New Yorker cartoons
Are there people who don't?
>people who read quotes
"Everything's a quote" - Me
>people who listen to jazz
Your favorite indie post-rock band or Autechere-mock outfit will always be melodically and rythmnically inferior to even the most uneventful jazz composition.

Pic related, the saddest example of this phenomenon (the thought of the day, not the actual quote)

>> No.6055354

>Pic related, the saddest example of this phenomenon (the thought of the day, not the actual quote)

Forgot to delete this.

>> No.6055392

>Your favorite indie post-rock band or Autechere-mock outfit will always be melodically and rythmnically inferior to even the most uneventful jazz composition.

That's a good rule of thumb for things like classical or jazz in comparison to more modern music. Yet that's not always true. Furthermore, theoretical structure and form alone don't account for whether a piece is good. It's all about feeling and deliverance when it comes down to it. Not what notes you play, but how you play it. Some of the simplest music is the best, especially for something like jazz, when played with the right understanding.

>> No.6055615

lmao jesus

>> No.6055715

>people who label everything and categorize everyone into funny stereotypes
>there are actually people so disturbed they will mock any possible interest you may have or clothes you may wear as fitting into some stereotype while thinking themselves above it

I hate you so much

>> No.6055723


They're waiting for you.

>> No.6055754

>>people who want to read because they feel like they ought to
>People ought to read. Being well-read isn't an achievement in itself, but the consequences of reading are beneficial for everyone. Well read individuals are smarter, more empathetic and creative (for the most part).
You're not better than anyone for reading Infinite Jest.
>>people who think that well educated people are happy because of their educations and not because they make more money
>Education doesn't invariably dictate wealth.
No, but being born rich means you'll probably go to school and will probably be wealthy. Wealth makes people happy.
>>people who made a new year's resolution to watch at least one TED talk a day
>People do this?
>>people who feel pride in not clicking on buzzfeed articles
>Idk what to say to this. Never know that feel.
People do.
>>people who actually feel proud that they read something on Vox or Slate
>I have no idea what either of these are.
Wait you've never heard of Slate.com or Vox?
>>people who make life decisions based on pop science concepts they heard on RadioLab
>As oppose to making life decisions based on philosophy articles on wikipedia?
Seriously you've never read Slate?
>>people who take This American Life seriously
Are you telling me that if you googled it right now you wouldn't recognize motherfucking Slate?
>>people who feel pride because they get the New Yorker cartoons
>Are there people who don't?
Not many, but that's the joke
>>people who read quotes
>"Everything's a quote" - Me
But seriously, you don't know that fucking website?
>>people who listen to jazz
>Your favorite indie post-rock band or Autechere-mock outfit will always be melodically and rythmnically inferior to even the most uneventful jazz composition.
Jazz has shit lyrics. Listen to hip hop

>> No.6055768


>Mountain air can cure depression.
is genius

>> No.6055788

I like you

>> No.6055856

He didn't say 'better', just smarter, more empathetic and more creative.

I'm with you on hip-hop, it's an incredible genre if you delve into it even slightly (but that applies to most genres).

>> No.6055891
File: 479 KB, 1920x800, LOTR Fellowship of the Ring 210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One does not simply

>> No.6055903

If you think that DFW branded door stop makes you smarter, more empathetic and more creative, you've got more problems than I can help with.

>dat oxford comma

>> No.6055996

I'm a jazz lover myself. Miles, Coltrane, the list could go on.

>> No.6056009

>lists two of the biggest names in jazz
>the list goes on

>> No.6056047
File: 459 KB, 3427x2282, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best post in the thread.

>> No.6056063

But anon, if you don't like my weirdly specific prejudices then you must be one of them!

>> No.6056200

an actual patrician would've hated jazz

>> No.6056206


The soundtrack of WWII. A man who can't enjoy pop is highly suspicious.

>> No.6056262

>being new

>> No.6056269

>not patrician

>> No.6056302

they did not live in ancient rome and belong to the higher classes, no

>> No.6056323

I'm sure this is too last minute for your consideration but the term changed its meaning a couple of times, getting the regular "4chan use" from the 2nd to the 11th centuries. You know, modern stuff.

>> No.6056372
File: 75 KB, 460x465, 1391611513051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people who listen to jazz

op confirmed forsubhuman plebeian scum

>> No.6056389

i'm not talking about the term, but the class of romans in antiquity. i don't think a patrician from roman times would like jazz. there's no shame in having misunderstood.

>> No.6056606

>he goes to /mu/

>> No.6056678
File: 137 KB, 1200x803, ente002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great /lit/ thread OP.
>103 replies

>> No.6056744


No, idk what Slate is nor do I care.

Also, Hip Hop is great and it's far more relevant to modern sentiment. But no hip hop composition has reached the levels of the sublime like the best jazz records.
source: Scaruffi

>> No.6056761

>acting superior
>with memes

>> No.6056855

It was all filler so I could make fun of Forbes

>> No.6056866

How old are you? Could you google it and at least tell me if it looks familiar?

Do you read articles on the net at all?

>> No.6056939


No, I don't have to unless they're asigned by my professors.

>> No.6056967

If you don't read because you feel like you ought to, chances are you don't read any nonfiction at all, which effectively makes you a waste of a human being

>> No.6057091

I like nonfiction. I read it cuz I like to

>> No.6057471

>tfw you don't do any of these things


>> No.6057480


So? Can people not like to improve themselves?

>> No.6057487

Great post

>> No.6057538

>>people who treat getting smart as an exercise
becoming more knowledgeable can be seen as an exercise in learning
>people who want to read because they feel like they ought to
everyone should have the inclination to read
>people who think that well educated people are happy because of their educations and not because they make more money
no one thinks this
>people who made a new year's resolution to watch at least one TED talk a day
this one i can agree is pitiful
>people who feel pride in not clicking on buzzfeed articles
people should feel pride in not taking them as anything more than entertainment
reading them is fine as long as you have the correct stance
>people who actually feel proud that they read something on Vox or Slate
ive vaguely heard of these but have no real idea what they are or what they are about
>people who make life decisions based on pop science concepts they heard on RadioLab
people make life decisions on a lot worse
>people who take This American Life seriously
never heard of it
>people who feel pride because they get the New Yorker cartoons
some people like to feel their knowledge is relevant on numerous levels, is that a problem?
>people who read quotes
everyone reads quotes
>people who listen to jazz
people who listen to rock
people who listen to classical
people who listen to electronic

>> No.6057540

>this thread
>people actually give a shit

>> No.6057584

Smooth jazz is so fucking trash.
Free improv is good, though

>> No.6057591


this is wat patricians listen to

>> No.6057602

what even is smooth jazz? i thought jazz was inherently 'not-smooth'

>> No.6057621

Typical spiteful cultural cringe from a disconnected middle-class prat.

>> No.6057630

No smooth jazz is smooth as fuck.
It's seinfeld bar music.

>> No.6057818

His poetry should have a place here.

>> No.6058076
File: 170 KB, 668x1005, Lee-e1421028479110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who thinks reading is to compliment your appearance,look, outfit, or whatever retarded similar superficial concept
>tfw this is how the mexican government promotes reading in young adults

>> No.6058529

Can you translate

>> No.6058563

>all these newfriends
Boy, I sure love snow days.

>> No.6058569

>calls others newfriends
>fails to recognize the pasta
>will probably retort that they knew all along

>> No.6058596

I was saying all the people responding to it seriously were newfriends for not recognizing the pasta.

>> No.6058600

>kids are so illiterate these days the gov needs to make a fucking campaign with pop culture references

oh fucking wow

>> No.6058606


>> No.6058607

Upper left: a piercing suits you, reading too.
Upper right: some glasses give you style, reading gives (you) culture
Storm trooper: a suit of armor protects you, reading too
Girl with soulless eyes: cameras turn you into a star, reading brings you to reach them (that's a literal translate, I prefer "brings you to their reach")
Ugly boxes on the right: what's important is in your head
Unibrow guy: your look shows who you are, reading can bring you to who you could be (hard to translate this one)
Harry Potter: a costume makes you look like a character, reading makes you give it life

>> No.6059192

I like how you started describing the ads geographically, then halfway through started saying what you hate about them

>> No.6059848

what about improv jazz?

>> No.6059855

not him, but I like it

>> No.6059858

can you recommend me some? I tried it out once and the genre never appealed to me.

>> No.6059869


>> No.6059873

that isn't bad

>> No.6059907

Why not? You learn a lot.

>> No.6060304


>> No.6060371


End yourself

>> No.6061610

guess I cant win
so I will have to do what I want I suppose

>> No.6061769

Wow /lit/ has gotten a lot worse. Into the trash with you cucks.

>> No.6062394

not him, but this is a pretty good place to start with free jazz


>> No.6062425

props on posting the best 50 track, you are a true patrician

>> No.6062632

does anyone have the sequel?

i want to know what the books are

>> No.6062662

delve into it even slightly?

lmao lets be honest, the most critically acclaimed albums coming out are still popular as fuck - my 14 year old sister would recognize most of the names you would drop and she listens to fucking taylor swift

>> No.6062666

>soulless eyes

I had to laugh at that one