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604372 No.604372 [Reply] [Original]

Aww shiiiit, it's another e-reader thread.

I'm going to be buying one soon in preparation for a long ass trip I'll be taking in May, and I'm having difficulty picking between the Kindle and the nook. Both seem to have their pluses and minuses, but it's kind of difficult for me to pick one right now.
Which is why I want to ask /lit/: Which one has the bigger selection of books available? Both seem to be touting that they have more than the other, so I really have no fucking idea. And which one has better, ahem, free e-book support? Do both work well with PDFs?

>> No.604407
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>>Breaking Dawn

>> No.604415
File: 85 KB, 800x510, Horse-Buggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Automobiles are the death of driving.

All the hubbub we've heard about these horseless-buggies, and not a single person talks about what matters: the buggies themselves. Do people really think they need a thousand horses in their engines so they can save some time? You can't drive that fast, and if you do drive that fast I doubt you're able to comprehend it. Buggies are more than getting around on the same level as bicycles (which is what the majority of you treat them as). I know this is hard for you to understand. Buggies are the most reliable transportation we will ever have. We're all searching for good transportation; that buggy he will come back to again and again, that buggy that you can spend your entire life driving. It's funny when I see people list their favorite destinations and they list pages-worth of places, as if it quantity is all that matters. These people are more shallow than people than people who never leave home. At least people who never leave home know that the less number of favorite destinations you have, the better. You can't have two favorite desitnations, in the end. You're going to have to decide which is the best among them. So, what good is a horseless buggy? To save room in your stable? There are boarding stables for that. To visit friends anywhere in the world? Again, there are post offices and telegraph stations all over the world to send messages to your friend from. To waste your time? Yeah, I guess it's good for that. You could save your money and buy yourself a silly new electric telephone, which is as good an investment.

>> No.604421

get an ipad

>> No.604422

both will be outdated as fuck before christmas this year, get an ipad

>> No.604427

Aren't Kindles like 300 bucks?

Just get an ipad faggot.

>> No.604434
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>> No.604436


>purchase ipad for ebooks
>no e-ink
>go blind from eye strain
>curse the gods for making you such a dumbass

>> No.604454


I agree. The horseless carriage has contributed to thousands or deaths and environmental degradation, as well as creating a much faster and impersonal world, and life would be better if we still all rode horses.

>> No.604457

Cry about eye-strain while spending hours everyday on an internet messageboard.

>> No.604463


Bitch, please. You should see my hairy palms.

>> No.604480

ipads are like 500 dollars.
and terrible e readers

>> No.604539
File: 8 KB, 264x243, MischeviousClarkKent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They think the iPad is worth buying..

>> No.604655

So, trolling aside, anyone able to help me out?

>> No.604710

Get the nook. at the very least, you can buy new books right then and there, as long as there is an internet connection. Fuck the minuses. Unless, of course, battery life is one of them.

>> No.604726

get an ipad

>> No.604732



The Kindle 2 and Kindle DX work with PDFs, as does the nook... but in general, PDF pages are much larger than ebooks, so you'll end up reading them in widescreen a half-page at a time. I've only ever used the Kindle DX. Both work with unencrypted ebooks if you feel like transferring them over USB, so long as the format is compatible. (You can use something like Calibre for conversion.)

To be perfectly honest, the difference is one of preference, unless you have something weird you need to do with it. Go try and test-drive both models and see which one you like. You're going to spend a great deal of time interacting with these devices; make sure you actually like using it.

>> No.604746

ipads read way better than these shitty little devices that cost almost as much. The books actually look like books, and pages can be flipped like real book pages. Not to mention pdf and internets.

These little readers suck ballz

>> No.604760

In short, reading on an e-ink device is like reading a book; reading on an iThing is like reading on a computer monitor. If you don't mind reading all of your books on a monitor, it's really not a problem. Of course, a lot of people do mind.

>> No.604761


I smell a samefag.

Or a bunch of rich hipsters.

Either way stop sucking the applecock.

>> No.604830

The Nook looks a lot better IMO. FWIW the Sony PRS300 has a 200dpi screen, though it's only 5".

For dealing with PDFs: I'd recommend converting them to another format if your reader is unwilling to mess with the PDF layout. Mine will redo the layout properly if it mistakes the PDF for a DjVu file (I'm not sure wtf is going on there... it supposedly doesn't support DjVu.) Speaking of DjVu - it's a great format. If your reader supports it, give it a try. They're small and they preserve graphics.

>> No.606649

I just wish we had really, really good typesetting of HTML (ePub) or plain-text files on e-readers. I generally stick with PDFs because they tend to present better.

There was something in TUGboat 30:2 by Kaveh Bazargan about using TeX for ebook layout on the iPhone... but it's not going to be freely available until October, so I can't actually read it.

>> No.606961

Kobo $149.00 CDN.


>> No.606972

Has anyone here read an ebook on an ipad? They look great and read great. Very little eye strain. I don't know why everyone hates apple so much.

>> No.607049

The Nook is really easy on the eyes. Battery life isn't great, but at least my eyes aren't falling out of my head after a few hours.

Also, lots of free books.