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File: 351 KB, 2024x1489, William_Blake_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6044108 No.6044108 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Satan?

>> No.6044111 [DELETED] 

Not much of it

>> No.6044114

If he's responsible for Led Zeppelin, he's done a great job.

>> No.6044115

DON'T mention that name on this site

>> No.6044120

Satan is a pretty cool guy. Eh brings childrens presents and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.6044153
File: 308 KB, 959x1210, Paradise_Lost_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like him as a rebel angel.
He's a good antagonist, has a good, defiant character.

Mostly I just like imagery of him getting beat the fuck out though.

>> No.6044159

I never got how he was considered the ruler of hell, but was punished by it at the same time

>> No.6044165

Well isn't he just a 'prince' of hell?

>> No.6044168


because it's an awful place
like being a manager at a mcdonalds your billionaire dad owns

>> No.6044181

>implying led zeppelin can hold a candle to black sabbath

>> No.6044185

spooky as fuck

>> No.6044267

It is the personification of the rebel innate progressive instinct in the human nature. Villainized by catholics to banish any critical capacity on their dogma.

Also the modern satanism didn't get him well neither

>> No.6044304

Swell dude.

>> No.6044315

Same as Hades. Three brothers pick straws on what to rule over, one brother gets the heavens and sky, the other gets the ocean, both sweet as fuck, get to send bulls out of the water and rape everyone you want to all the time

The other get's Tartaros, some dark shithole where dead souls wander about.

Which do you prefer?

>> No.6044320

A rather less heroic Prometheus, if you mean Milton's Lucifer.

A boogeyman to be read onto a Roman emperor, if you mean the Beast from revelations.

God's professional tester of faith, basically an explanation for shitty things happening to us, if you mean what Satan originally was to the Jews.

>> No.6044330

He makes Catholics rage. That's pretty good.

>> No.6044333

Gtfo William Blake

>> No.6044336

Satan has never actually been to hell, but he is slowly falling there, and if he's going to be miserable in hell then he wants as many humans as possible to suffer as well

After the tribulation and the return of Christ is when Satan will be cast down into hell.

>> No.6044338
File: 10 KB, 276x356, 120725-brown-hmed-5p.380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satan has never actually been to hell

>> No.6044366

he hasn't. read revelation

>> No.6044492

Satan is a pathetic loser. Has a lot of fancy rhetoric but gets his ass kicked every single time. For all Satan's pride and 'badassery' he gets his head caved in by a cherub during the War in Heaven. The Romantics were complete retards to admire him so much.

>> No.6044625

Both he and God are bastards.

>> No.6045039

Really wish he'd buy my soul so I can get published.

>> No.6045047

Hold the fucking phone. You can't be serious.

>> No.6045058

Black Sabbath is 10 times better than LZ

>> No.6045059

positively Zoroastrian.

>> No.6045064

Both are overrated
Led Zeppelin is more

>> No.6045071

Quit memeing me.

>> No.6045091

The Biblical figure? Seems like a sniveling little douchebag.

The character in Paradise Lost? Sympathetic, interesting character.

The guy from DBZ? Mildly entertaining.

>> No.6045225

He always seems like a cool guy at first, but turns out to be a real douchebag once you get to know him better.

>> No.6045230

He was probably the best trip this board had.

>> No.6045358
File: 271 KB, 1000x855, gnosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Judeo-Christian God is a tyrannical demiurge who wanted to keep humanity captive and ignorant, Satan is a Prometheus figure, stealing the light of knowledge and giving it to the humans so they can discover the ultimate truth that is divine knowledge so that they may escape from the grasp of the demiurge and set their souls free from the material plane and transcend towards pure light.

>> No.6045364

Think of prison gangs, anon.

>> No.6046303

do you mean lucifer?

>> No.6046463

Ebin meme.

>> No.6046465

The one that gave us the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil

>> No.6046470
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, le 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he is an official wizard

>> No.6046473

Satan and the serpent are different.

>> No.6046523

wat movie is this from

>> No.6046535

Newfag detected.

>> No.6046600

And Lucifer is different from both of them.

>> No.6046619

is there like a devil trinity or something

>> No.6046628

No they're just being autistic because they believe in nonsense

>> No.6046657

No, just a lot of misunderstandings based on translations, people not understanding metaphors, and what basically amounts to ancient fanfiction.

>> No.6046687

>Which do you prefer
the sky actually, although controling water sounds infinitely cooler.

>> No.6046692

Boris has good taste

>> No.6046821

>'light' of knowledge better than the light of life

thank you satan for giving us death. you have freed us truly

>> No.6046908

Just accept Captain Beefheart and Brian Wilson as the best artists in rock and you're set

>> No.6047103

You cannot know something without accepting a piece of it into yourself (your mind, to be specific). So by teaching us of what was outside the garden, for in the garden was everything good, we learned of the bad and it became a part of us and we became, not divine, but the flawed humans that we are now.

Knowledge was not a good, we would have been better w/o it.

>> No.6047167

Wrong. God made the world for Man to live in, and made Man soul and flesh so that he could partake of God's dual nature as spirit (by worshiping and loving) and as body (by creating and working the earth).

Read Hermes Trismegistus' speech to Asclepius sometime, pleb.

>> No.6047195
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>> No.6047216

Satan or Lucifer first and foremost?

Satan? Ass hole prick.
Lucifer? Hero who saw the corruption of a selfish God.

>> No.6047837

>Has a lot of fancy rhetoric but gets his ass kicked every single time.
basically this
nigga shapeshifts or grows bigger to save his ass every time it needs saving

>> No.6047927

The guy from DBZ is god-mode hilarious.

>> No.6047960

I fully agree with this anon.

>> No.6048006

Classic case of daddy issues.

Revelation 2:7 "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God."

>> No.6048053
File: 273 KB, 975x1210, Gustave Dore Paradise Lost Satan takes his throne in Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between Divine comedy and Paradise lost, which is what anyone who talks about satan will prob reference.

He was the fairest of all the angels in heaven before he rebelled.

He led the rebellion and all the other angels that followed his lead.

bc of this lead role and his position/ power he was punished most severely by god.

when he got to hell [or where he landed at the time] all the other rebel angels who followed him basiclly looked at him like 'da fuk we do now?'

and then satan was all like 'aite dig this, since we in a constant state of comic depression from having lost all grace, we gun do to humanity what god did to us. He all bout that good grace and charity shit, so we got to be about the exact opposite.'

and all the other rebel angels were like 'well fuck, might as well I guess'
Basically satan god punished for questioning God so he decided if hes gonna get punished for eternity for being a trouble maker he might as well be the biggest trouble maker possible.

>> No.6048069
File: 550 KB, 3200x1600, 1415620256229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that entire post.

damn I need to go get some rest, that shit makes no sense.

>> No.6048409

>likes to break some moves down by the beach
>flies around pouring shit on everyone
>has a micropenis

what's not to like

>> No.6048424
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1360477634072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28th layer of hell
>Mohammed Ali

>> No.6049682

Planet of the Apes, Taylor get the shits when he sees one of his compatriots planting a eeny weeny flag in the ground, since it's evident they're in shit street with no way home.

>> No.6049740

because hell is primarily a psychological state

>> No.6049864

mr. satan is pretty much the only thing that made it watch/readable after frieza

>> No.6049901

Not much. It is just one of his names and it is as abstract as Jesus & God are.

>> No.6050776

I remember when I was 15.

>> No.6050802

Why is Yahweh such an edgelord